I hate the fact that porky is accelerating us towards climate catastrophe, I hate the fact that imperialists in the highest positions of power are willing to risk nuclear war just to stroke their egos. We could have been so much better than this, we as a species had so much potential, we could have been so free to create and explore and live. We just had to let these fuckers push us around and exploit us and now we're paying the price for our submissive behaviour. Why does it have to come down to this? Fuck fuck fuck i hate this so god damn much.

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Young fool… Only now at the end you understand

There's only one way to save humanity, user…


Don't worry, there will be no end to the human race, no apocalyptic event, no worldwide disaster, no dystopia.

Even if the worst climate disasters happen and the most advanced weapons are indeed used during a conflict, you'll still be working 9 to 5, dealing with transit and eavesdropping your stupid co-workers talking about how the US was right to drop the most deadly bomb available in some middle-east country because that guy was a dictator who could threaten the rest of the world. You'll see on the news about the thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of climate refugees, and then some pundit will tell you that opening the borders to them is economic suicide and that China or some other country should be the ones doing it. Shit, you might even read that a climate catastrophe is good because the government now needs to rebuild part of the destroyed edifices and relocate platforms of resource extraction, and that creates jobs.

The truly horrifying thing, user, is that the system as it is might carry on despite everything.

We made our bed, and now we're gonna lie in it.

We, collectively, had many chances to change the course. But we didn't.

This is what humanity, collectively, deserves.

The human race will not end. Tens of millions will survive. Most of you will probably die, if you can't hunt and grow food good luck fam 😂


All men have the capability to become porkies, as the seed of evil lies within every man. There is only one solution, a Final Solution To The Human Problem.

>he takes posting on the internet very seriously

Why not? Porky or not, humanity was an error.

if humans can't get their shit together and establish socialism/communism, then we probably don't deserve to exist

The question is how to completely and efficiently eradicate humanity in the most painless way.


I'm for human extinction because I'm an humanist and I don't want to see human suffering.

We need something to kickstart the dialectic. Shout communism as loud as you can. Nuclear war and ecological catastrophe will remove the chains of corruption on the first world proletariat. I new vanguard will form to remove the government. But only if we manage to remove the reactionaries.



You're fucking crazy if you think civilization can continue consuming at its current rate.

This. F off, TINA.

Also, when a cyclone runs over your town, who destroys it? It is man who destroys. Nature just changes. Don't build anything up and ascribe value to it, and nothing will be lost.


Always assume climate science has some grain of hyperbole in it. The more apocalyptic they are, the more funding and attention they get.

The link between the Permian Extinction and the methane burp the article described was extremely tenuous. We do not know what threshold of methane emission led to the Permian Extinction. The article cites another article that says there will be 60 trillion in damages, and then without any foundation calls such damages trivial because almost all life on Earth will die. The guy writing the article has no good reason to assume an identical Permian extinction event if exactly 50 gigatons of methane are released, and is being dishonest as hell.

Anyways, climate concerns are generally overstated. It is not unambiguously bad for weather to get warmer- it screws with ecosystems, but it's usually good for agriculture. Importantly, the relation from carbon emissions to global temperature is logarithmic, not linear.

Reposted from another thread.

that makes it even worse doesn't it?

not really, logarithmic rates of change are slower than a linear change.

No, it doesn't. Enter log(x) and scroll out.


Do enlighten us, great sage.

Who gives a shit about that particular article? The effects of, say, the desertification of the Sahara region and the Völkerwanderung that would ensue as a result would be catastrophic alone.

Why not?