Nice strawman
Wanting my opinion not suppressed is not elevating it to sanctity.
Ban people for shitposting, not exposing points
Explain to me how is NazBol a thing, and opposing immigration not accepted?
Cont. below
The whole reason on the band was merely ">>>Holla Forums"
The other poster told me to "enjoy my ban"
What conclusion can I draw other than assume that he accepts the mod's word that my post was Holla Forums?
He thinks being called a Holla Forumsack serves me well, the mod and him implied I'm a better fit for Holla Forums than here. That was why I said that they implied it.
Don't be gratuitously belittleling, if you ask someone's opinion don't be so prejuidiced from the start
The problem with European immigration is people are fighting the wrong fight.
They don't give a fuck about about Africas real problems, and the way world powers are fucking Africa up. Pollution, arm deals, supporting dictatorship because muh cheap resources.
Letting economic migrants into Europe is just demographic charity, and like so many forms of charity only increases the problem.
Africa is a demographic mess, importing immigrants will only
You thought I was talking about whiteness or some shit? I mean numbers, tendencies, demographic projections.
Everywhere else in the world is turning into overpopulated shitholes. Even China saw that coming and started regulating the issue
You think automation is just a meme? All of this "Oh, but we need workers xDd" rethoric will cave in in less than ten years.
Don't you realise how the fourth industrial revolution will turn everything upside down?
I'm materialistic. There is no soul, there is no good or bad. There is only behaviour.
Africa is a demographic mess, and like it or not, demographic messes tend to solve themselves. Malthus was right.
Population preassure is a thing in all species, humans too. This is what conditions behaviour. You cannot get more materialistic than that.
This affects behaviour. very strongly.
Like it or not Africa's population is going to boom until it reaches carry capacity, like every other places, and all animals cut down on having children when carry capacity is met. So even if a billion people leave Africa, because of these population dynamics Africa will still hit carry capacity, with all the same war/hunger effects on Africa. The only difference is that with migration now other continents will be more overpopulated. More people in the world means worse conditions for everyone and for the environment.
Europe shouldn't be Africa's relief valve, not merely because "it's Europe's loss", but because the demographic problem Africa has will still hit it just as hard, that is how populations work. Populations always grow as much as they can, and by relieving it you only create more people. How the fuck is that sustainable?
You might not like my approach, but I believe this view is closer to actually solving their problems than just charity and importing what will only end up as a low caste worker class.
Pic related will explode on everybody's face, and political correctness will be the wick.
Could someone please explain to me in what way declining birthrates in Europe was a bad thing?
Can someone tell me how is anything of this not self-evident and reply to my post and not try to kill my IP?
Are you a newfag mod?
Dude, if my opinion is shit, just post as a normal user and debate me, or ignore me.
I'm not baiting, I'm not posting loli/gore/porn, I'm not shitposting, I was not even offtopic. The ban was undeserved.
I don't hold grudges. I will not attack this board I like.
But unless it's actual content that needs to be deleted, banning people online only antagonizes people, don't pick internet fights.
If you can't rangeban someone, why would you say it?
What else can come out of it other than make the other person angrier?
Learn to shut up. It's not easy being a mod, that's how m00t, like him or not, kept his sanity for +ten years. Don't antagonize people with too much time and little to loose.
I love you guys though