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Debunk Titoism
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markets=production for exchange=capitalism
idk, the whole thing seem to fall apart when he died
perhaps if we could of made Tito immortal however… hmmm
So fucking rekt haha
titoist transhumanism?
Leftcoms on suicide watch.
Wasn't this at least partially due to us interference though
is it pronounced tee toe or tie toe?
Tee, if you want to be pedantic you could try saying it with short vowels.
actually laughed
Building Socialism =/= Socialism.
Unless you're Stalin and consider the revolution over.
It depends on who I’m talking to
If I talk to a Titoist I will probably say “tie toe” and emphasize the diphthongs to irritate them
very nice desu
satan please show source for your claim
-How will you abolish the law of value under market-soc?, it is still a exchange value>use value relation of commodities.
Capitalism = extraction of surplus value from the workers to benefit the owners
If there is no difference between the workers and the owners, there is no extraction of surplus value and thus no capitalism.
Nah, suicide would require them to do something.
If by partially you mean almost entirely, yes.
Read Rosa Luxemburg
Market reforms were handled shockingly poorly, and resulted in unemployment rates well over comfortable levels. Coops were heavily tied to bureaucracy and rarely allowed independent action, resulting in great inefficiency. Both of these resulted in huge and growing debt, increasing discontent, and worse. The way he set up his political system meant that it was almost certain it would collapse when he died or left politics, but that was not really ever completely in his control.
Tito was cool, but he also significantly fucked up, many times.
So, like Lenin, he set a good example, but we need to improve it.
It collapsed. That alone points to there being a flaw in their program.
Basically, this. Tito has laid out a good framework of do's do nots for market socialists, and they'd ought to study the shortcomings of Yugoslavia.
Good old "it's gonna work next time". Let's experiment on a state scale, no matter if it blows up and we ruin literal human lives.
Tito was incompetent drunkard coked 24/7. He was literally a peasant (if you believe the stories that was him), and only achievement was borrowing enough money from IMF to build the country, and dying before the money was to be paid back. It was a perverse version of American dream come true, something like Balkan Jordan Belfort, but everything ended nice rather than Ceaucescu way.
Guess what happened to the country? UDBA sold it in a preset Auction aka Yugoslav wars. Ta-da…
t. actual person from Kugoslavia
nigga pls, read some theory
it produced this guy
You do know he was a dissident and candidate for the liberal democratic party right?
Miss me with that low energy shit fam smh.
Probably shouldn't call it socialism if it's just "building socialism" (under a bourgeois-bureaucratic paradigm lol) then.
Yugoslavia redeemed.
It's the defining feature of capitalism.
I liked the pannekoek one, the bordiga ones aren't that funny
Hi shnitz
Do you seriously believe the workers owned the MoP? Sad.
Kek these are great man.
The defining feature of Capitalism is capital accumulation.
Read the post you fucking moron. He's not fucking talking about history he's talking about ideas and their practice. R E A D
I am as anti-Titoist as they come, but merely the thought of that pronunciation made my ears bleed
But Titoism only collapsed after Tito died, it wasn't real Titoism anymore. And everything eventually collapses anyway.
Yugo collapsed because the US didn't need them around anymore when the USSR collapsed. So they propped up the worst of the worst in the presidencies of the various Yugoslav states.
Then they churned out shitloads of ethnic cleansing agitprop on all sides and Voila! One massive clusterfuck that could be turned into capitalism.
Basically, he was good at leading a nation, but not an economy.
Revisionist and a one way path to capitalist restoration.