What do we think of Marquis de Sade?

What do we think of Marquis de Sade?

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The real aristocratic anarchist

Time to add another flag

One of the first radical leftists. Of course we love him!


Not entirely sure. Despooking sure is good, but I think he was just a contrarian bourg with a tragic story.

Dude freaks me the fuck out

Only a sick freak could ever think 120 Days of Sodom was hot.

Does this make BDSM bourgeois?

I'm hard into BDSM, but I couldn't get more than a third of the way through 120 Days. It was mostly scat, which is disgusting.

Call me spooked but excessive sexuality, like all decadence, seems to carry fash aura imho.. See Nick Land being taken up by the alt right.. I wouldn't class him among tantrics like Crowley, there's no higher aim. Or am I missing something?

Nah you're wrong. Fascists are all about suppressing sexuality so they can control their people. That's why all the sexually frustrated cucks at Holla Forums are nazis.

Apparently Marquis hated property and was fiercely oppose to the bourgeoisie and the crown because of their oppression of the then-emerging proletariat.

Two sides of the same coin tbh they both have a worldview structured around bourgeois notions of sexuality and propriety. Sure, the sex freaks reject all the sappy bourgeois moralism about the topic but they merely invert the moral system while embracing liberalism in upholding veiled market ethics in sexuality.

The sexually frustrated are driven by a sense of famine amidst plenty, that some have the ability and resources to pursue sexual decadence to their hearts content and they can't, they can't even get a stable regular monogamous relationship, let alone something much wilder.

There is a kind of horseshoe theory here because those who thrive on a predatory excessive market approach to sexuality are just as threatened to a challenge to the class system and its sexual mores as the repressed "cuck" if not far more so imo.

Not at all. It's about free love rather than the fierce frustration of sexual competition

that's not how biology or sexual selection unrestrained by culture works at all user. You can't meme hot chicks into fucking Beta boys.

this is probably the most succinct description of why the free sex movement is porky and dangerous as fuck for us to attach to and why our unthinking embrace of it is not productive

Tbh fam if you can make them laugh at your jokes instead of at you, you can make them do anything. Just add absinthe.

What if we do away with gender roles, making male submission and female domination more acceptable? Ever think of that, huh?

Unless that's not what's meant by "beta". I've never understood that.

Is this 2011? By now there's troves of reaction pics that has the same function/messages

Idk anonymous, I'm kinda with..

Both promiscuity and celibacy can be forced by skilled brainwashers. Charlie Manson made his family go for free love.. It all depends on what reality you want to have control over.
That's why I say de Sade is more fash, because he doesn't have any particular awareness or aim, just hedonistic.

Sure maybe promiscuity can be used to brainwash, but fascists wouldn't be fans of de Sade. He's way too much of what they'd call a "degenerate."


yep, he's /ourguy/

Fuck off Holla Forumsyp

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