Okay which one of you Tankies doxed Rebel Absurdity?

Okay which one of you Tankies doxed Rebel Absurdity?
Do you not understand that doing that is a appeal to force fallacy
Wow just wow
RIP Rebel

He literally doxxed himself.

nobody cares

Why do you care about this monarchist reactionary?

He's a monarchist?

I think this is just a meme. I've never heard him say anything even vaguely pro-monarchy

I think the reason people think this is because someone also figured out the password to his tripcode and started posting as him

inb4 >him

I did find out that he has a new twitter he calls himself nasu noctorne now. His tweets are protected I tried to follow him but I got rejected.

he was a child, good riddance

I followed him before he privatized

He was shilling monarchy in IRC and Mumble channels last year.

what? proof

Such is the just deserts of tripfaggotry.

which of course means i have access to his twitter

are there more trap pics im interested

He has anonymous sex in car parks now apparently

Is that a common thing for Brits?

he hasn't posted any new trap pics

I challenged him to a fight irl as a joke because we were both shitposting drunk and he gave me his address.

What will I fap to now.





judging by their high rates of STI's I would say so, wonder how long it will be until he gets something nasty.

Is there any leftist channel that's nearly as good as Rebel's was? None of them have the voice or the humor or the reading from what I've seen

Jesus Crist on a stick I thought Rebel was a christian some of these are a little over the top.

Sargon obviousy


That picture is smaller than sargons dick

he doxd himself when an ancom from the board asked him to give his address so he could fight him IRL. Not even joking.