Are we planning a coup d'etat against BO?
Are we planning a coup d'etat against BO?
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I'm planning a date with her.
BO is a girl?
She's a trap.
BO did nothing wrong.
wait… is BO Rebel?
It looks like it, can't wait to see the shit storm of a load of anons trying to assert that they are legitimate board users.
Kek, this would explain a lot.
BO = Erdogan
the leftypol masses = strong, handsome Gulenists
That is a filthy lie.
Hi BO!
No, some autistic tankie asked if BO was a girl and if BO was a girl would they be his gf.
So why would we have a coup against BO? The plan to shut down Holla Forums and go to Bunkerchan isn't still on the table, is it?
BO allows the Nazbols and anfems to do as they please
Where is Holla Forums to move according to BO?
an independent leftypol board hosted on bunkerchan
Holy fuck, really? I'm not going anywhere, fuck the BO. I'm going to make a new board if they try to shut this one down. Well, someone else will probably make it first. Point is, I'm staying. Holla Forums is my home, I enjoy Holla Forums, and I shitposted on other boards here long before I started coming to Holla Forums specifically.
I can't believe this tantrum has been going this long.
please stop bullying the BO
I'm really starting to think that BO is right and we should just leave all you retards behind.
Seriously? It's a really poor decision to split your community unless you absolutely have to.
BO will push for a migration to Bunkerchan.
A well amount of posters will refuse to go.
Some will decide to make their own leftist board.
In fact, several would be made.
Some of them will be made by Holla Forumsyps wishing to create honeypots and cripple us.
Others, Holla Forumsyps will try to become volunteers and sabotage any leftist discussion.
Divided we fall, and all that.
fucking trots
All the boards left on cripplechan will wither and die while the vanguard on bunkerchan thrives
I don't know how badly she's been trolled by the administration, but it would be a shame if she tried to force a migration. Many more people come to 8ch than any other altchan, and it's good advertising to be so high on 8ch's front page.
A ton of altchans have been made, and almost all of them die. If you try to shift Holla Forums's already modest traffic to a place where it will be split between five boards, you'll kill the community that migrates and weaken or splinter the community left on 8ch.
I hope BO thinks carefully about this.
That's my main concern with this migration idea. And there's actually a lot to be concerned about already being on 8ch, like the last sentence in for example.
But we're gonna lose potential audience, like all the disillusioned Holla Forumsacks that came after Trump's Sryia fuck up.
New leftist boards WILL be made, that's a given. And there WILL also be honeypots made by Holla Forumsyps, I've seen at least one made before trying to push people to be violent. Hopefully the genuine one will win out and Bunkerchan will be advertised on it.
I sure hope so. Ever since the board went back online the mods have been slacking. They used to be quick to bumplock Holla Forums threads, but now it seems like Holla Forums has free reign. Just look at that fucking ebonics thread that has gone on for 100+ posts without any intervention.
People who post on chans are reply junkies, so they go where there's traffic. One or the other is faster, and in all probability it won't be bunkerchan for very long. You survive if you offer something 4chan doesn't, and after that you survive if you offer something 8ch doesn't. Migration should be a last measure, and those privacy issues do not mean either that 8ch is facing existential risk or that Holla Forums will be removed soon.
We need to unite against BOs tyranny.
How do we stop BO from forcing a migration?
The BO's plan violates Holla Forums's rules against squatting. If they go through with it, the board will be given to someone by Codemonkey.
I suggest we give the board to hoochie
I would rather dig my eyes out with a spoon.
The mod team didn't even knew that before I pointed it out to them.All of you can now thank me for effectively saving the board. This is my second greatest achievement after forcing the 'Rebel is a monarchist' meme.
I can't believe the retards didn't know about it, even I knew about it and I get banned from everywhere for breaking rules.
I second this
polite sage
Thank you, comr8.
You are welcome, famrade. If push comes to shove, then it's not the mods or the tripfags that will save the day but us Anons.
Btw, have you already heard that Hoochie isn't actually a lesbian but a repressed bisexual?
That's pretty transphobic tbh. Also that pic could be a trap.
This is probably an accurate prediction.
You're implying Holla Forums rules apply to Holla Forums, and that somehow we're not getting the worse treatment of all active boards on here because jim is assmad a bunch of communist nerds might become the most defining feature of Holla Forums
Color me shocked
You weren't the only person who was telling them that, but I doubt it will stop them if they're dumb enough to do it in the first place.
Codemonkey has been acting impartially so far.
I don't care about Hoochie, I've had her filtered for months.
Cry me a river, fag.
And you're implying they don't, which makes you wrong.
But Jim is kinda wannabe Porky if not just Porky already no? I we're growing up to a certain number, he will slip his own personal distaste under the rug to not alienate the potential market.
But that depend which crowd between Holla Forums or Holla Forums is the most profitable. What proportion off Holla Forumsacks and Holla Forumsacks allow the ads of this website?
Petty as it is, making the 3rd/4th most active board wait till last for reactivation and lumping the board in with the furfags isn't very impartial.
Board Owner?
More like.
Body Odor.
Dude, I told a Vol and made him reply to my post saying that he had forwarded it to the BO. They really had no clue, haha.
It was probably just banter
What is this meme
Holla Forums buys adds, don't they?
It's a joke you autist.
Yes the BO really said she was going to lock the board and put up a thing redirecting to the new board. If she'd read the fucking FAQ she would know this.
It's a joke. And there's nothing inherently wrong with the term trap or tranny for that matter.
Sorry, I assumed you were retarded because of your tripcode
Are you saying that Jim will sell us the rope that we will use to hang him? :^)
I don't take chances with tripfags.
I guess I should make my jokes more obvious when I have a trip on then. Noted.