ITT: post Holla Forums cringe
ITT: post Holla Forums cringe
Other urls found in this thread:
do we really need another thread like this?
stop making us look like the liberal elitists Holla Forums thinks we are
You don't need a thread for this, they've already got a whole board (or dare I say site) for that purpose.
And this
For fucks sake you Nihilists never listen
Shit OP, you actually had to create strawmen for this thread?
And these are the people who are going to bring about the Fourth Reich.
How many times has the Earth ended by now?
Somebody needs to make a collection of Holla Forums coming out as a nazi
I swear they're just as bad as people telling their parents they're "bronies"
Implying they're not both
Wait they actually do this? Even the actual nazis were smart enough to pretend to be socialist
I used to lurk on Holla Forums back when they had commie and nazi threads at the same time.
Every other day you'd get a "I told my sister I'm a nazi" or a "My parents kicked me out after telling them I'm a Not Socialist" thread.
The first one is only another lie on the Internet right? I refuse to believe anyne could be THAT retarded.
during the september thing people actually quit their jobs and went into the woods
Some highlights:
can we not?
Hes playing 26D chekers
can someone post that cringey pic off a march where people wears pepe shirts?
Can someone link wich video this was from?
I heard that the kid even had his mom there
these can't be real
the leaf poster is probably a troll
Holy shit this is the best thing I've read in years!
It seems like the people here are a little upset that with each passing day Donald Trump is demonstrating that he is #6 of the Good Emperors.
1. Nerva
2. Trajan
3. Hadrian
4. Antoninus Pius
5. Marcus Aurelius
6. Donald Trump
Wow, a lot of hate here. All I can say is that as a proud Not Socialist, I'm thrilled to fully support the American president with the most Jewish family members in history.
t. Holla Forums
That has to be a troll. But funny none the less.
Funny enough, Holla Forums believes he will get a second term and they are fine with that.
>>>Holla Forums9700626
Don't these people realize that half the shit she predicted was wrong? She even said that Obama would be the last President.
If you had the Secret Decoder Ring that Holla Forums does, you would know that he is an absolute genius who has held firm on every campaign promise. By 2024, the United States will have passed a Constitutional amendment to make him King, while Ivanka becomes President.
That is: Mental gymnastics the post
I really wish I had saved more of the cringey OC that Holla Forums had made of Trump during the campaign.
All of Holla Forums is like that now. Disagree with the God Emperor narrative, and you'll get banned.
To add to this, what I think the moderators are allowing is anything against Jared Kushner & Ivanka. The narrative being that Trump really was going to #MAGA, but that wiley Jared conned him!
Out of all the people to cling onto and worship, why trump? Why would they pick the most transparently retarded fat fuck on the planet to put their cultish dedication behind?
I am banned from both Holla Forums and Holla Forums feels bad…
But I compleatly agree, I hate to use the term "sheep" but really… What else would you call that?
A lot of Holla Forums is now literally redditors and people from facebook/twitter or whatever so there is where the cancer starts. The thing about trump is he the result of a lot of anti-neoliberal sentiment, he was politcally incorrect in a time when people where fighting to be politically incorrect, he was also pretty much saying to do anything the neoliberals didn't want. Honestly there are people who supported him for reasons that aren't like this but as time went on those people were swallowed up by by an anti-neoliberal movement that just went out of hand until it basically became the thing they were trying to fight in the first place. Also Holla Forums and reddit combined to form a cancerous echo chamber that they all congregate at so that pretty much means they never allow anything that thinks differently from. They do this until they brainwashed themselves into thinking anything to the contrary of their beliefs isn't wrong and it's a conspiracy or it's all going as planned.
Please don't take this as me making excuses for the people of Holla Forums, but it is also the mods. IMHO, there is an attempt on the part of the current admin team to destroy the community and lead them by the nose through more and more ridiculous narratives.
They ended all of the literature/film/art threads, as well as the religion threads.
They went after another far right group, TRS. If you disagreed, instant ban.
They embraced Donald Trump without hesitation. If you disagreed, they would shout down the threads and anchor them. As unhappiness with Trump began to build, they turned to bans and post deletion, often deleting all of a person's posts.
Of course the userbase could have created new boards, but they didn't.
It's because they want someone to relate to user.
Yeah but even people on other sites are supporting Trump like this.
It might just be a ruse to be all: "don't follow a leader blind" but I don't really know how to feel on this.
I'm not buying that tbh, I thin they're native Holla Forumslacks, though I agree with much of the rest of your post. I think the turning point for the Trump campaign was when he told Megyn Kelly at the first debate that America is dying from political correctness when she tried to corner him on some celeb bullshit. There was a huge roar from the audience, and I think middle America found its champion in that moment. Plus, Trump could be very funny and unpredictable, and completely different from canned politicians like Cruz. In 2015, he basically sounded like a paleoconservative with occasional libertarian leanings and a few batshit crazy man-in-the-street comments that people who liked him politely ignored and it was an effective combination as a candidate.
But back to Holla Forums. Their authoritarian worldview is going to make them more susceptible to charismatic leaders and father figures. In fairness, that is going to be true here as well for tankies and others. Libertarians & anarchists on both the left and the right would not have tolerated the shit from the mods or from Trump that Holla Forums put up with or ignored.
thats true but Holla Forums was the "politcally incorrect" place so when trump became popular for that reason it got a lot of traffic from everywhere, and it still does. old/pol/ was pretty shit, and they'd latch on to a charismatic leader like trump but when places like reddit came in is when it really became a "no difference in opnion "allowed" kind of place. If you look back at Holla Forums years ago they had differences in opinion, and when 4/pol/ recently had an april fools joke that scared away the new Holla Forumsyps they pretty much all agreed that they think trump is an idiot. Sure people from old/pol/ would latch on to trump like you said but the reason behind their blatant worship of trump is because most of their users now are people from places and websites where difference in opinion isn't even allowed. I don't know if that is why their mods are doing that but it makes sense.
That's true, but one thing about 8/pol/ is they consider themselves the edgiest of the edgy. If you call them Alt Right, that's an insult, because Richard Spencer doesn't hate gays so he must be a fag, and the whole Alt Right are probably fags and Jews, and… You get the idea.
When you criticized Trump on Holla Forums, the most common response would be
as if that is what you actually wanted.
So, the most extreme of Not Socialists wind up supporting the most pro-Israel administration in American history.
The group who believe that non-whites need to be deported or killed fully embraced a man who once sent copies of Guess Who's Coming to Dinner to everyone on a town council to shame them for harassing his country club which had no restrictions on admission.
The "kill all the fags" contingent of Holla Forums loved a guy who was one of the most genuinely pro-LGBT Republican candidates in history who wanted Caitlyn Jenner to be a judge at his beauty pageants, and said she could use any bathroom she wanted at the Trump hotels.
So 8/pol/ supporting Trump is a bigger leap than most other conservative forums doing so.
I honestly think the Holla Forums mods are people who are ideologically opposed to it and attempting to destroy it from within. That used to really bother me, but I've kind of made peace with it. I realize that what Holla Forums became is completely different from how I sometimes like to think of it, which is not Holla Forums at all, but the early /new/ on the now defunct, which was like a smarter and funnier 4/pol/. Holla Forums has a similar open-minded vibe to it where you can simply have a conversation.
Maybe 8/pol/ needs to be destroyed, at least at this point, so something much, much better can rise from the ashes.
Idk I just hate all of it.
4chan had exponential growth on 2016, mainly concentrated on Holla Forums, by force almost everyone on Holla Forums nowadays has to be a newfag.
Many of those also bled to 8/pol/, it went from being behind Holla Forums to having the most users by a fair margin, even if I am sure Holla Forums lost a lot of users on these last years.
are you role playing as Milo Yiannopoulos?
8/pol/ has actually contracted in size over the past two years. They used to hover around 3000-3200 users, now it is about 2500-2700. Some of them might be completely new people from reddit or elsewhere, some of them might be oldfags from 4/pol/ or other imageboard veterans excited by the election, that's possible, but I think any influx has been slow and gradual. At the same time, they have lost a lot of people for a net loss.
Reddit is their bogeyman, and also the group that they will later blame for wrecking 8/pol/ along with the mods. It wasn't us posting about the God Emperor, I never liked the guy, it was Reddit! Never themselves or their servile authoritarian doctrine that was looking for a strong leader to step in. and again, authoritarian political followers here will be just as susceptible So you might be right on sources of any influx, but I don't think they were substantial, as the numbers don't bare it out.
During that same time period, Holla Forums more than doubled in terms of users.
no, just my trip name since 2011
8ch is overall a lot worse than 4chan to be honest.
I miss moot. ;_;
dang I kind of want that shirt, tbh.
i made a shirt w/ trump's face in a sniper crosshair, it's pretty sweet but i get a lot of death threats.
Why does garrison draw hillary so damn thicc? I assume it's supposed to make her look ugly but it's kinda hot in a gilf way tbh.
this can't be real
maybe he secretly wants to fuck her also
No matter how much I might disagree with his views, I do appreciate the fact that he draws Bernie in a sympathetic light. It gives me hope that the alt-right and their cohorts can someday be converted.
Damn Hillary THICC
can't trigger Holla Forums with that pic though because >dat nose
This is what Holla Forums ACTUALLY BELIEVES
REEEEEEE what a useless fucking cunt
Stopped reading 😂
In third pic, the buttons on her jacket are drawn as 666
Posts themselves are cringe, but I really like the retro-A E S T H E T I C color scheme on the first one.
I don't suppose you'd like to decode it for us
Why is Elagabalus not on that list? Stop erasing transpeople you sinner.
the dude in the top center looks like that one guy from power rangers
A Holla Forumsack posted a thread yesterday of him spray painting a shitty swastika on a Jewish community center. He was arrested and charged with two counts of felony destruction of property.
The original thread is still up:
>>>Holla Forums9700127
it is a mystery
wow he looks like a smug closetcase what a shocker
i would with her
Ouch her back probably hurts
Pretty girl regardless
If you breed with an asian woman you're more likely to be breeding with a carrier of the genes of Chengis Khan, the most alpha man in history.
Chekku meitou
I really, really hope realistic, high quality sex androids come soon. I don't even have any hate for women and do have a gf, but all the tears of liberal, hypocritical feminists would satisfy me deeply.
The people in that pic aren't feminists
holy fuck, it's actually real
what is their viewpoint on Asians? I mean they consider them smarter then pretty much everyone and they don't have a weird conspiracy with them like with the Jews. Shouldn't they be for an Asian master race?
Moot trying to kill Holla Forums was fucking beautiful
He was too good for us, and I only realize this now
They think of real life like a shitty rpg where you get different starting/max specs based on your starting class. They usually end up saying that white people are better at empathy/socialization that's important to human civilization (while ironically being sociopathic and autistic as hell themselves)
What did he do? I don't remember how he tried to kill 4/pol/
he put a stupid robot song on it, de-blacklisted Holla Forums so Holla Forums users would link to 8/pol/ in the chaos, and then just sat back and let every other board raid Holla Forums
it worked for a bit too he cut a big chunk out of the traffic and there was a big campaign for exodus in the weeks after, but it's hard to keep Holla Forumsacks away
there's not a substantial difference between feminists and nazi's though.
I thought they viewed that as a weakness, might makes right sort of thing. Then again, all their beliefs contradict themselves so I don't know.