Karl Radek Joke Thread

Some Tankie likely deleted the last Karl Radek joke thread so let's make this one permanent.

Three men are sitting in a cell in the (KGB headquarters) Dzerzhinsky Square. The first asks the second why he has been imprisoned, who replies, "Because I criticized Karl Radek." The first man responds, "But I am here because I spoke out in favor of Radek!" They turn to the third man who has been sitting quietly in the back, and ask him why he is in jail. He answers, "I'm Karl Radek."

Other urls found in this thread:


let me tell you a good joke too

OP was not a faggot today

Stalin took Karl Radek aside and told him: You know comrade Radek when I was the first secretary of the Central Committee, you could make jokes about me, but now that the XVIth Party and the Soviet people have finally accepted me as the Marxist theoretician that I am, your behavior has become intolerable. You have to stop it at once.

Radek retorted: You're a theoretician of marxism? I apologize, comrade Stalin, but I'm hearing this joke for the first time.

Stalin once summoned Karl Radek and told him - Listen, let's make an agreement. You'll stop making up all these jokes about me and I promise to hold off on the repression.

After the jokes didn't stop, Stalin asks Radek: - Why did you break our agreement?

Radek answers: - You broke it first! You put the entire 17th Congress of the Communist Party in jail!

Stalin once asked Karl Radek: Comrade, how do you think we could solve the unsanitary conditions in the military? How would you solve the problem of fleas and bedbugs?

Radek answered: It's easy, comrade Stalin, just collectivize all the pests into a kolkhoz, and soon enough they'll all run away on their own from hunger.

it may be gone now but it's archived



Holla Forums

Post YFW Radek was literally the father of Holla Forums




Lenin asks Stalin on his deathbed: "Losif, you can manipulate the secretariat into getting a majority cote from the party. But will the party follow you? That is the question."

Stalin answered the dying Lenin: "If they don't follow me, they'll follow you!"

During a celebratory dinner for Stalin's birthday, Radek told him: "We have already named all our kolhoz, streets, parks and planes after you… The only thing left is to name our lives after you."

Stop believing in stupid shit.

Stop being a tool.

I don't get it

His name means 'bitter'

You blew it.

No it doesn't. The original joke was about the author Maxim Gorky.

Stallin = /r/socialism
Karl Radek = Holla Forums

Карл Радек говорил: Моисей вывел евреев из Египта, а Сталин — из Политбюро!

Karl Radek (once) said "Moses brought the Jews out of Egypt, and Stalin - out of the Politburo!"

source: 1917.com/Gallery/Jokes/Radek.html

Man these totally original jokes are hilarious. The cold war era CIA sure had good writers for their propaganda.

Would be amazing to get decent translations for all of these. Anyone want to help anger tankies like ?