What does this image mean
What does this image mean
It means the DNC got a hold of one of our memes.
It means in every social strata there is a shithead that ruins it for everyone else.
"Not capitalism, crony capitalism!", etc.
can I get perspective from someone other than a nazi? if I wanted your opinion I would go to Holla Forums
The picture is saying capitalism isn't bad and amassing riches isn't bad either, the only bad thing is doing illegal things.
Nazbols aren't nazis you moron.
It means whatever you want it to mean. Its designed to be ambiguous so as to capture the largest possible audience.
It came from /liberty/, It's soft-fascism tbh.
What does being a nazi have to do with reading a graph?
literally fascism. 'protectors' are probably cops and military. 'Earners' and 'Enterpreneurs' are deliberately vague categories, which say nothing about who holds power and property and who doesn't. 'predators' are the lumpen criminal threat, the enemy at the gates. 'Cronies' are jews, idk
I think it's saying that only "some " capitalists are bad, not capitalism itself. In other words - liberal bullshit.
not illegal but "immoral", which is why the original picture had welfare leaches in it.
I saw one with usurers too.
That makes more sense.
Gotta admire the picture is just vague enough for any ideology to fit.
I'd fucking love a world without smartphones.
typical commie mindset
i for one don't enjoy getting spied on 24/7
basically: don't generalize the entirety of "the rich" as the bad guys nor the entirety of the "non-rich" as the good guys. Understand that there are malefactors of many different economic backgrounds and that the amount of many you have is not an accurate measure of how evil you are.
is right though. Who exactly the enemies are is vague by design. It's not made to tell you who your enemies are, but rather who they aren't.
Liberals out
who are you quoting
Did I say anything about what my own opinion was?
No, no I didn't. I was analyzing the meme.
Do you think a nazi, if asked to interpret the communist manifesto, would respond with "I'm pretty sure it means we should gas the kikes?"
i never said "if i cant have it i dont want it!!". i mean, i have a smartphone, i just hate government surveillance lol
maybe you should lurk some more and learn how quoting works and stop sperging out over things nobody said
It's already been explained though, but whatever
ps i also hate corporate surveillance
suck my dick google
All of the rich are the enemy. All of them.
What if a poor worker won the lottery one day before the revolution?
Me, very intelligent - 1
Dumb commies - 0
best analysis. so good it made me angry.
It means that some patricians aren't inherently evil, as you like to think they are
The idea is that the rich are not our enemy just for being rich. The enemies are those who are/got rich due to unscrupulous methods (AKA assholes who cause the economic bubbles through wild speculation), and the cronies who support them.
The system would be fine if we removed bad people
who cares what they are? only thing that matters is what they do
No, they're somehow even fucking stupider. I mean, at least the Nazis were serious about all their abhorrent dogshit ideology. Eduard Limonov was fucking joking and yet here you fucking retards are.
Good point, the world of course has nuance. Painting all rich people as evil is childish. But painting "crony-predators" as evil is also wrong for the same reason.
To a socialist the evils of the world are not independent of the system, and so the right enemy is anyone trying to keep the structure of the box from being reorganized in a way more beneficial to all. Since people are more adamant in defending what benefits them, the enemy is probably gone bee a top heavy section of the box.
okey, now here's the real deal. The irish run everything. Crony reefers to an old irish term "Comh-Roghna", it means "mutual-friends", It's used by the irish to signify their loyalty to the Hibernian world order.
Know your enemy, it's the irish -Sun Tzu
Literally just a pic pretending that there exists some form of "ethical capitalism"
No one thought of it yet? I am dissapointed comrades.
more like this
Actually there was an old pic almost exactly like that,but instead of Class system it said Capitalist system.
Correctomundo Engels time in this bitch
now make a political compass version