What should we do about this?
Antifa Leadership Identified
What should we do about this?
I'm a happy man.
Where's my fucking shitpost flag when I need it, Hotwheels?
hi pol
(not to imply that the guy in the photo is doing anything wrong)
You already have it on, user
lol some autist CONNECTED THE DOTS and noticed that Berkely/Oakland antifa circles include common people
I'd say nothing. The only surprising thing here is that he didn't go through his porn collection trying to draw connections there
I'm just getting tired of seeing idiots misleading idiots misleading idiots
are you retarded?
I can't wait to see one of these faggots killed.
Did that cop die? Why doesn't his flag have any metal on the end?
He managed to identify the small asian woman who is obviously a spokeswomen and gave several TV interviews. What a genius.
And then he doesn't provide anything to show how there's a connection between this Shanta Driver and antifa.
The infamous antifa organisation.
Lol what a shitty video. most of the 'wealthy donors' in that video are union locals. And also, his entire premise is that the antifa members are people that didn't join because they wanted to, it must be the case that they're 'brainwashed' and have 'malleable minds' …
Typical "the right wing always knows what's good for you" mentality
lol'd a bit at "someone I don't agree with is a teacher"
The only thing I'll say about antifa, and this goes for all lefties and especially anarchos:
I really hate the obvious infiltration in these groups sometimes. The whole aura of militancy is annoying and only gets people thrown in jail. I wouldn't be surprised at ALL if some of the people featured in the video turned out to actually just be shitlibs employed by the government to infiltrate and co-opt the movements, bringing them away from class struggle.
Fucking hell
Back in the day, the IWW broke the bosses in the U.S. Northwest by kicking ass and getting thrown in jail.
Yeah, why can't they just go through the tried and true method of getting rich businesses and politicians to support them?
antifa is an affinity group
some people are so retarded I swear