LMAO as if that would make any of your retarded ideologies any better
Leftypol desperately botting themselves to third place
t. Nervous polyp for the nth time this year.
Where's your proof?
Liberals: Russians! Bots! Hackers!
Holla Forums: CTR! Jews! Shills! Holla Forums uses bots!
There's no fucking difference between the two.
lol, it's you Holla Forumsyps who have been spamming our board all day
Indeed, maybe if they didn't come here the usercount wouldn't increase? Maybe? Just an idea though.
Or maybe people are disillusioned and want to come to Holla Forums after your God Emperor pretty much revealed himself to be another neo-con?
Just a thought.
thanks op i cum on cat she hiss at penis
All conjecture and no proof. You're just like Shillary supporters.
leftytardpol does things much like the libshit they champion so hard, bet on cheating as much as possible, then when they get eternally btfo, double down on same tactics hoping quantity will win for them.
ebin chicken meme
jelly Holla Forumstard detected
Ok, so you literally have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
Admit it lad, you're butthurt.
Shitty conspiracy as always, Holla Forums. What's next, you're going to say the jews are behind Holla Forums as well?
Go back to your cuckboard, /neopol/
Keep telling yourself that lad
why does this thread still exist?
Thanks to imkampfy and Trump Holla Forums will soon take over Holla Forums in it's entirety.
Why do tankies exist?
it's amazing just how easily this board dismantles them each time they pop in.