Is leftism the blue or the red pill? How do I know what ideology matches reality the best?
Is leftism the blue or the red pill? How do I know what ideology matches reality the best?
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It's the redpill as it actually requires knowledge. What matches reslity best will be up to you to decide what you think
It's the red pill, obviously. Holla Forumslacks project the world's problems on an imaginary Jewish globalist Legion of Doom, demonizing the fuck out of this absolute spook to justify themselves in all the horrid fascist shit they do to supposedly counter it.
Holla Forums understands the bigger picture, who the real mastermind of human misery is, and what said mastermind's tool of exploitation and oppression is… The mastermind is Porky, and his tool is capitalism.
Both must be destroyed to truly free all of humanity.
Considering Nazis and Holla Forumsyps believe in debunked conspiracy, I'd say socialism is the ultimate RED pill.
But what if you're wrong
commies = red
so obviously it's the red pill
Considering your board notoriously denies the holocaust and gets BTFO you're in no position to argue.
Considering the fact that Holla Forums supported Donald Trump because they believed he would be an isolationist, only to have him turn into another neo-con you're in no position to call anyone wrong.
Holla Forums is always right, but they're most often wrong.
There's a problem with your reasoning. "Porky and capitalism" is impersonal, you might as well call it "evil greedy people, who keep me down, and their system". Who is the mastermind of human misery? Name some people. "The system" is not your problem, the people who created it and keep it running are. Might as well put a face on the problem. By pure coincidence large portion of these people happen to be jewish. Central banking and debt based economy is purely jewish creation, which keeps bleeding the population by creating money out of thin air and devaluing the existing money.
If you're referring to holocaust, it's a debunked jewish conspiracy, that they keep using for leverage. Your tricks don't work here, JIDF.
I realize I could be wrong though, I know that possibility exists. Do you think the same about your own position? I just want to seek the truth
Also I don't represent Holla Forums
Jews actually represent a very small percentage of the entire bourgeoisie elite. And I have yet to see any legitimate proof from you Holla Forumslacks proving that capitalism has any Jewish roots whatsoever.
But see, this guy's position makes more sense. The idea that there's an invisible system that is making every shitty is really far fetched imo. Maybe there is, but the name of that system is reality
The idea that there's a cabal of 🍀🍀🍀people🍀🍀🍀 who puts the populace down makes more sense on every level, even if you want to call those people "greedy assholes"
Literally everyone always declares their ideology to be the one that matches reality the best.
If they thought otherwise guess what it wouldn't be their ideology.
The system isn't invisible. It is very, very, VERY visible.
The greedy assholes didn't create the system, the system created the greedy assholes. The greedy assholes aren't keeping it running, EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US is keeping it running through our participation in the system.
idpol at its finest. If you don't change the economic system but only remove the people you don't like, others will take their place. The nature of capital and the commodity fetishism it brings will always creates exploiters and exploited.
A British man invented central banking, an italian family invented banking cartels, Anglos pioneered mercantilism and capitalism. The Netherlands, Germany and the UK are the source of investment banking. Bretton-Woods and the Fed were anglo-american ideas. The largest banks on Earth: Barclays, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of New York Mellon aren't owned by jews.
You want the ultimate redpill? Capital is controlled by……………… wait for it………………………….. capitalists.
Class consciousness is the ultimate red pill. I wish I could go back and take the whole bottle of blue pills.
Leftism is based in the material. It is the only thing that is visible.
No fucking regrets. Smoke weed, make shit.
The real redpill is the techpill, which is neither right nor left. Ok, maybe it's a bit right because Plato but still, Technocracy is the future. It even sounds futuristic and correct. For too long the worker and capitalist exploiter has mistreated the scientist and engineer. What is the proletariat? Bullies and thugs, always picking on their intellectual betters even on the sacred ground of academia. What is the capitalist and bourgeois? A ruthless exploiter who does not see the greater good and goals in knowledge and invention outside profit. No, he or she would even go far as to suppress it if it made them a quick buck. The only real truth is found in science and technology, objectively so and those who carry its flame since the day man first harnessed fire. Death to the proletariat. Death to the bourgeois. All glory to the technocrats.
I'm right there with you, my dude. Loading up my pax and going to spend the rest of the night playing Nier.
Escapism is the only way to keep sane.
I just spent 0.3 seconds googling "central bank" and found the wikipedia article, which tells you right away central banking was a British creation from the 1600s:
Also, although the modern financial system is terrible in lots of ways, it is not "creating money out of thin air and devaluing the existing money". Credit card companies have vast amounts of money in the bank, and when you "buy" something from a local happy merchant using your credit card, the bank transfers some perfectly real money from the credit card company's account to the merchant's account, and then you owe the credit card company the same amount (and obviously they will charge you interest so the amount you owe increases if you don't pay them back right away). So it isn't creating money any more than if you agree to use some of your hard-earned dollars to pay for a new pair of assless chaps that your boyfriend has his heart set on, with the agreement that he'll pay you back the full amount later plus an extra dollar and a blowjob.
Banking doesn't create money either. Say there was no bank involved, and a few thousand people just got together and mutually agreed to put their money in a pool (getting IOUs showing how much they had put in), and their plan was to try to grow the amount of money in the pool by lending some of it out to other people who are supposed to pay them back with interest (the interest payments could then be divided among the people who had contributed to the pool). But the plan also said that would always leave a large chunk of money in the pool un-loaned, enough so that they were confident that anyone who wanted to get some or all of their money back could do so at any time, assuming they wouldn't all try to get it back simultaneously (like a 'run on the bank'). Would this plan be creating money from nothing? If not, the answer shouldn't really change if instead of the pool being managed by the people who contributed to it, it's being managed by a bunch of greedy bankers who get to keep a lot of the money from interest payments rather than giving it all back to the contributors.
I'm not the type of Holla Forumsak to keep graphs and articles neatly in folders, that's why I don't have anything at hand to show you. I'll just refer you to a recent article debunking that "white muh privilege" is 44% jewish. The jewish author didn't provide actual statistic for the percent of rich jews, he just said that the statistic is for 44% of jews earning more than 100k$, which can still qualify for the average of $465,626 to be top 1% or at least very close to it. Notice how he also attacks Marxism and campus intersectionality, while failing to debunk the flyers. He also starts kvetching about holocaust when touching the subject of campus criticism of Israel and its Palestinian genocide.
The fact is, out of any demographic, the jews do the best under capitalism. Not necessarily because they're the smartest or the most hard working, but because their social networking and "cunning".
This was honestly the ultimate black pill
Its not about how much you earn its your relationship the means of production. If you work for that 100k youre still being exploited. You should go back and try to understand the 1% and scale. These people could buy out your whole state and demolish it on a whim.
Isn't part of Holla Forumss meme that they currently are doing that to America?
White's and specifically NW Euros own most of the world's wealth, even Asians own more of it than Jews. They don't rule the world, WASP's invented Central Banking and Italians and Dutch pioneered all the evil lending practices and the stock market and existence of Trusts and Corporations and Corporate Capitalism. Besides, in America the Indian Americans and East Asian Americans earn the most on average per family and so Jews and Whites are obviously next. This is skewed because it mixes the large population of rich whites with the huge population of poor and middle class whites. Whites have generational enclaves of entrenched wealth that spread over large multi-family networks and business associations just like Jews, which they do not share with the middle and lower class whites. Jews have a smaller middle and bottom but also a smaller top than NW Euros in terms of wealth distribution. Which isn't to say rich Jews don't do fucked up shit to other ethnic groups for their own financial gain, they absolutely do and there is often an ethnic, religious and racial element to their malice (this is obvious if you've spent enough time around the really nefarious finance fuckers) BUT the exact same behavior can be found among WASP and British and German and Han Chinese and Hispanic and Italian and Japanese and Arab bankers/capitalists. Its a common behavior for the owner/investor classes to be clannish, ethnocentric, slimy, conniving, manipulative, divisive and under-handed and to try to influence culture and politics towards their interests. You're really just choosing to ignore how German and WASP bankers behave because its convenient, they were involved with the same evil shit Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns were. Its rotten all the way to the core, capitalism and banking. There is nothing redeemable about money or capital, its a curse on our species and should be broken for the sake of the entire biosphere's survival.
I wouldn't trust kikepedia too much, if I were you. It's under a tight grasp of JIDF and SJWs, all articles that could show jews in a negative light get immediately shoah'd. If you're gonna use wikipedia as proof, investigate all the sources, they often contradict what the article says or aren't reliable at all.
Usury and banking have jewish roots. Even according to jews!
UH OH! I thought Rothschilds weren't jewish (not).
Not aware of any such memes.
“Give me control over a nations currency, and I care not who makes its laws” – Baron M.A. Rothschild
Yes, he started as the personal banker to the richest man in Germany and was mentored by an elite Jewish banker, the patriarch of the Oppenheimer banking clan. Nepotism and Elitist hereditary wealth and power are something all successful aggressive ethnic groups practice, the only argument your'e demonstrating is that this isn't something that's just limited to Whites and Asians (which most economists and sociologists are aware of whether they advertise it or not) but is also common to Jews and Arabs. Which many people are in denial about, so thanks for proving that all Porkies are the same type of awful. It was news to me.
Germany got sold out by Germans for stock dividends.
Sorry m8
No, the problem is that capitalism (or rather it's contradictions that have grown over time) and it's tool is porky as well as the workers. Capital and it's necessity to reproduce enslaves everyone, it's just that the capitalists have a slightly better deal out of it.
funniest shit a right winger's ever been responsible for.
Nazis in this thread, let's do a nice meme: what would be necessary to falsify the jew theory? It seems that every try to oppose it, is structurally faulted, eg. "look up on Wikipedia" -> "Don't trust Kikepedia". So is there a way to prove the theory wrong, if not, we're just waisting our time.
Why do you need to debunk something that's obviously retarded, go on the Federal Reserve's website and read the exact description of the ownership structure and how they interact with other banking institutes and the Treasury Department. Its fucking retarded, straight up autistic willful lying to one'self about reality.
The problems which emerged with the advent of market dominance, commodity production and wage labour can be resolved only if you abolish the entire system. Whilst it's natural you have to also kill off those who have their objective interest in preserving them(ie. capitalists), merely replacing them will simply put other people in power who will also try to preserve the system due to their interest. You win nothing from replacing mr. Goldberd with mr. Klaus.
You stormfags are fucking pathetic. Kill yourself.
Oppenheimer Name Meaning German and Jewish (western Ashkenazic): habitational name for someone from Oppenheim
One group of jews making another group of jews richer. It was news to me. Inb4 "ashkenazis are European not jewish"
Except for the fact that i did post evidence, and you provided nothing.
I never stated it was a conspiracy, you did.
I never shifted the goal posts, you on the other hand are more fixated on blaming DA JOOS.
it is. It debunks holocaust denial statements.
Try to keep up.
So Whoopi Goldberg is a jew then?
I gotta admit, that meme is actually hilarious
Okay, jewboi, get on the holocoaster and prepare to get masturbated to death in a gas-chamber oven.
I'm not talking about debunking, that's not my point. I just want to show how any try to debunk it can be explained away in terms of the conspiracy, eg. in this case they'd say "of course they wouldn't write it on their website, it's a secret".
Here's more faggot.
Literally none of these questions debunks the Holocaust. I could ask the same 21 question about whether or not the 30 Year's War actually happened.
They were created by the US government, their boss is the US government. They are independent but they could be dissolved or audited by the US government. You have to be so deficient mentally to not understand how central banking and fractional reserve banking aren't Jewish in nature or some super secret scheme to defraud the government. They are the only reason we didn't have a second depression and the only reason we probably won't go to war because Trump can't fuck with our currency, which is what government's do when THEY are in charge and not monetary specialists who are never ruling class. The biggest military has the most rarified, elitist centralized banking system. That's not esoteric its just common sense, you need highly specialized and impartial specialists to manage the money supply of the most powerful military empire on Earth. Unless you want a literal Monarch in which case get ready for significant warfare, because all monarchs do is go to war with other uber powerful nations and destroy their countries slowly. Holla Forumsyps are so fucking stupid because they don't even understand that even the Nazis printed debt based currency, had private investment banking, had currency speculation, and a stock market with foreign investors participating in it. So fucking dumb, don't debunk anything just ignore or mock them relentlessly for being allergic to reading.
Why do people still insist on posting the second pic if it takes a few seconds to debunk it?
And that's Poland alone.
the questions are all retarded, literally all lies and arguments in bad faith and just made up nonsense conjectures.
Why didn't Churchill mention it? I don't know I haven't combed through all his memoirs to see if he does and if he didn't maybe it was because he didn't care?
Why did the Night fag survive? Because he was fit to work and was lucky, those unfit for work or unlucky died?
Why the camps? Because they thought they were subversives and hated them and they rounded up tons of people not just jews. The Germans were insane and on top of that a huge almost overwhelming number of jews were just straight up shot in forests and large clearings. Which if anyone who wasn't a part of the holocaust industry researched is the most plausible cause of death for most of the holocaust victims.
Why no soap? because it was made up by Soviets and capitalized upon by holocaust industry Jews, that doesn't mean it wasn't real
Why no German documents? there are tons of them you've never ever bothered to look them up or ask local universities and historians about them or e-mailed any holocaust historians. You just parrot Holla Forums shit and expect lay-men to defend history to you constantly despite basic deduction proving that what your presuppositions are based off off are false premises which should never have led to the conclusions all of these questions then presuppose.
Why all the Jews say Dr Mengele examine them? because they're dumb old people, that doesn't mean they weren't there.
Why the fake tests say the things? Because self interested electrical engineers and random """"geologists"""" say all kinds of shit for money and attention, that doesn't mean they were ever substantiated by peer-reviewed academic journals or credible third-parties.
Why do people say that a massive, industrial scale effort to exterminate 16 million Eastern Euros and Jews and Gays and Commies and Masons and Jehova's Witnesses was real? Because it was real. What's funny is a ton of you fags believe in shit that's much less plausible than the holocaust, like mass alien sighitngs (which I find plausible) but you believe in that shit but not that an authoritarian police state that wears the death's head on its elite guard's hats and worshiped in an annihilationist fire/death cult (Thule Society and Black Sun society) wouldn't exterminate massive numbers of its mortal enemies the Jews and Slavs and Commies. Seriously how fucking stupid do you have to be to not see A>B
So, B
dumbass fucking retard fascist
Do you expect our life's problems to appear behind our ennemies like some kind of stand?
Here, have some fresh OC. Also some facts about federal reserve:
Federal reserve is not part of the federal government, it's a private institution.
They print money out of thin air and lend to federal government with interest, which taxpayers have to pay back.
There's no limit to amount of money they can print.
According to an official government report, the Federal Reserve made 16.1 trillion dollars in secret loans to the big banks (NYSEARCA:XLF) during the last financial crisis. The following is a list of loan recipients that was taken directly from page 131 of the report
Citigroup – $2.513 trillion
Morgan Stanley – $2.041 trillion
Merrill Lynch – $1.949 trillion
Bank of America – $1.344 trillion
Barclays PLC – $868 billion
Bear Sterns – $853 billion
Goldman Sachs – $814 billion
Royal Bank of Scotland – $541 billion
JP Morgan Chase – $391 billion
Deutsche Bank – $354 billion
UBS – $287 billion
Credit Suisse – $262 billion
Lehman Brothers – $183 billion
Bank of Scotland – $181 billion
BNP Paribas – $175 billion
Wells Fargo – $159 billion
Dexia – $159 billion
Wachovia – $142 billion
Dresdner Bank – $135 billion
Societe Generale – $124 billion
“All Other Borrowers” – $2.639 trillion
If you believe that federal reserve somehow benefits the American people, you're mentally retarded and should kill yourself immediately.
Oh yeah, that's very likely to happen when they can pay off any politician with their funny money, you dumb fucking mongrel.
Am I on Holla Forums or /r/socialism, what's up with the capitalist apologism?
Oh that proves it, thanks for clearing it up, faggot.
Where have I heard it before? Fake holocaust survivor testimonies
Yes, goy, quote wikipedia, you're doing real research work. History wasn't written by the winners.
It's time to end it, user
Good, you've pointed out how capitalism and the American government is fucked. It's not like we don't already know this.
Either you, or one of your buddies gets BTFO here.
No ideology matches reality
the right is delusional on how their side is the best side, race/religion/culture whatever
the left is delusional on how their side is the worst side, white guilt men guilt and so on
Choose depending on what you want, to live in shame or pride, having no real reasons to do any of them
We're not liberals, user.
stop going on tumblr
That's what the comunists are doing in my country, tumblr is the spaniard comunist main force.
Good luck, rest of the world
There are images from that census in the article you retard, which is a stronger proof than
without any actual fucking citations from said encyclopedia.
Of course there's no possibility the encyclopedia was edited.
Want more holohoax debunking pictures?
We already debunked you here m8.
Be free to read this, which refute your bullshit claims
So you have no actual citations from the "World Jewish Encyclopedia" that prove that there were 2.4 Jews in all of German-occupied Europe as the second picture in claims?
Which ideology initially supported the development of the advanced medical technology that can help nigs and spics 'gracelessly' pass away without being in horrible pain? That would be your answer.
Give me the same funding JIDF gets to infiltrate wikipedia and your claims won't have citations either.
So it's just a conspiracy theory, is it?
Getting administrator position on wikipedia counts as a conspiracy to you?
If you're serious about protecting your physical well-being, let alone your sanity, I'd suggest avoiding all domination/discrimination based ideologies like the literal plague they are. There might not be symptoms at first, you might even feel you have impunity for a while, but there will come a day when the symptoms kick in suddenly and violently. The ideologies of domination aren't just a trap, it is a tracker.
No, but your assumptions and wild inferences about what people do with their administrator muh privileges do.
Just give the fucking citations form that "World Jewish Encyclopedia" about 2.4 million Jews in pre-war Europe, it's not fucking hard unless it is bullshit and you bought into because you're retard believing unsourced infographics from Holla Forums
You misunderstand both concepts. The red pill is the truth about the Jews, not a political ideology. The blue pill is just an Ambien to help you sleep. I don't recommend snorting the Ambien, please do take it orally.
Sir, would you be so kind as to provide some of these documents? Clearly you've taken the due diligence that the uninformed parrots on Holla Forums have not, so having this vast body of documents which you've found at my disposal when refuting them would be a great asset. I look forward to using the vast arsenal of documentation that you provide me with to disarm our opponents in logical debate!
I was responding to (was that you or another /pol visitor?) which specifically said CENTRAL BANKING is a "purely jewish creation", not banking in general–do you know the difference? The info I linked to showed central banks were a British creation. And if banking has Jewish roots in medieval Europe it's only because both Christians and Muslims had laws forbidding them from loaning money and asking for interest on the loans (usury), while the laws (written by the Christian and Muslim majority) didn't forbid Jews from doing that. And while it may be true that Jews were involved with the origin of banks in medieval Europe which are the "ancestors" of our own banking system, it's not like they were the first to ever invent banking, the Romans had their own banking system which did charge interest, and it was mostly done out of the religious temples of the time (Jewish temples did participate as shown by the story of Jesus and the moneylenders, but all the other 'pagan' temples did it too). In times of trouble Rome also had official public bankers appointed by the state. You can see info on this at
thats literally the nazi cycle though. i mean, just look at you faggot
you literally think some random lefties on a forum are part of a global zionist plot to rule the world and stop you from having sex with you sister, as if everyone here were part of the 1% kike banker elite, while we dont think youre part of any conspiracy and simple acknowledge that you're a reactionary retard who spend way too much time on the internet
whoops forgot to quote, i guess the kikes are to blame