This makes me depressed. Are we losing ground? Why is this allowed to happen? Can't we make legislation through the student body to ban fascists from the campus?
This makes me depressed. Are we losing ground? Why is this allowed to happen? Can't we make legislation through the student body to ban fascists from the campus?
hi Holla Forums
Who is we?
We aren't losing ground. Right wingers just pulled out all the LARPing stops this time. Also they were literal white supremacists this time. The civic nationalist (i.e. "based" stick man) got bashed and the spartan guy was almost killed. It wasn't as bad as r/socialism types make it out to be.
this is what will happen tbh
That actually sounds great m8. I was just making fun of leftcoms.
Antifa is pretty inconsequential tbh
Goddamn, Holla Forums. It's like you're allergic to reading or rational discussion. It's always funny to me, too, how you most of you are so bad at false flagging. It shows how out of reach these political concepts are from your understanding.
Also love how "devious & underhanded" lefties are according to you, but you have to keep making your own false flags to screencap & pretend are us. It's quite pathetic & I don't understand how you cannot realize the hypocrisy time & time again.
But this is literally what Boodega reader tellers say all the time. This mentality is exactly why Boodega decided to sit on his ass and let fascism take over instead of fighting it. And it is this shame armchair revolutionary attitude that I am making fun of here.
Don't like it? Get involved. Lets all leave our armchairs together and make these fashies and give these fashies an education they cannot refuse.
Nazis aren't even trying.
Those were both clearly straw man arguments.
Are you drunk?
Voting is boogeosie is not a strawman, it is what people say here every day. Similarly, being critical of "smashes" ( the use of this term is itself very telling) is also common fare, as is the accusation that they are mere LARPERS. Do not pretend that this board has not done its part in discouraging leftist agitation, activism or antifa participation.
Hell, do not pretend that this sheer laziness is not deeply ingrained into this board's culture.
How many theory threads do we have? Much fewer than the number of fun (ie SHIT) thread we have.
What is this indicative of? A lack of a serious attitude, an unwillingness to engage in real action, and a desire to just have someone else do stuff for you. This is why people claim to be "accelerationists" while accelerating nothing and why people say
whenever participating in democracy is brought up.
It is why you (likely) viciously condemn tripfags and e-celebs, since these people actually care about what they are doing and engage with the enemy in a meaningful way.
Or you could be the ACTUAL false flagger who is merely pretending to be an ass blasted nigger (you perform very well, perhaps you really are one) . But what would I know? I haven't read a single page of
Like this one?
And Holla Forums is not one person, you tarded false flagging shitposter. I am not going to waste my time with you when it's painfully obvious what's going on here.
It's also really funny that you're using a leftcom flag(don't pretend you're not OP, no one is buying it) to argue pro-activism.
Nowhere did user imply that in his post; he simply said that there is a lot of LARPing going on here.
Yes & he's totally serious & we should take him totally seriously.
It was certainly implied. Stop wasting time.
Tell me son, how many pages of
have you read? Since you clearly have your head up your ass, you clearly have ingested volumes upon volumes of
Surely, you are an exceptional individual, and I would like to know exactly what is going on in your head.
And you are arguing anti activism?
waow, so I, false flagging
poster was right all along!
Sure thing, CIA. I have better things to do, anyways.
I really have no words for this, lmao.
It worked so well for Obama
You realize actual political activism would be entryism inside the Democratic Party, or if you want to be a smashie, at least targeting porky in meaningful ways like oil terminals, military bases, and mansions? Getting into street thug LARP fights with your equal opposites in the form of inconsequential fashie LARPers, or harassing local businesses where proles do their work and get their essentials, accomplishes absolutely nothing of consequence.
kek, clueless faggot
go back to pol