Get in here leftypol, this a Reddit thing where its a big canvas and everyone collectedly places tiles to make art and memes and shit. Towards the left and middle part are some Commie memes, particularly "bash the fash". The words are being defaced by liberals and I'm afraid we're going to lose in the end. We need manpower over here.
Other urls found in this thread:
Is everything a fucking popularity contest now? Fuck off.
I could care but your forgot to post a link to it now I will carry on with my life without making a contribution
who the fuck is "we"? Holla Forums is not some fucking subreddit.
Leftists have been under attack on Reddit recently, with site admins threatening to ban anyone that encourages violence against fascists. I see this as a rejection of that, and as us making a stand against the liberals that run the site.
"Bash the fash" is the most juvenile plebbit meme of all. Let is disappear like the embarrassment that is the Reddit "left" in general.
It took me a while to find the hammer and sickle but with a 5 minute waiting time this shit isn't going to get done
It was done before though, it got drawn on and ruined. Right now we can focus on rebuilding it, every pixel counts.
i blocked reddit lol, i cant open it.
I would prefer it if every single "leftist" subreddit were banned today. Who knows how many people who were curious about Leftism were turned away when they discovered that Socialism was apparently about thought-policing anyone who uses words such as "stupid" and declaring war on catgirls for hatred of women, both in between explaining how Stalin did nothing wrong? /r/socialism and co need to die now so they'll stop leading people astray and confirming Holla Forums's propaganda. If anything is reactionary, it's their continued existence.
if you insist on sitting on your fat ass, then at least go fucking read theory, because pretending you're somehow "contributing to the cause" by drawing some stupid shit on the internet is both pathetic and retarded
Like if theory is going to help you gain numbers
This is truth but not a thing that will happen soon
You sure are doing good work, leftypaul. Keep it up :^)
The proper way of gaining numbers is doing shit irl, even trots with their newspaper autism are higher than plebbitors pretending they are not doing most inane idiocy ever.
It's going pretty badly here, I'm trying my best to write out FULLCOMMUNISM, but they're still destroying the other shit.
Why would you want to write that when /r/FULLCOMMUNISM is a shithole filled with idpol obsessed ultra-tankies who ban you for criticizing Kim Jong Il? Just fuck off already.
I hope you or someone close to you actually dies in real life.
No, this is not a joke, or irony, or a "meme". I hope you hurt.
Yeah, I get it, the leftist communities on Reddit suck.I still think it's best to defend them against all the reaction though. Liberals have been just as bad as right wingers lately. They're banning leftists while at the same time letting The_Donald go on and incite violence against us.
No, seriously, get cancer.
I'm going to aid you with it but seems we won't make it.
the reddit mods are there just for the money, nazis are more profitable than leftists
Why would I defend them when they are my enemies?
/r/Socialism is the biggest leftist community on the internet. Look at it like a degenerated workers state, it needs fixing cause its pretty shit, but it's worth defending, cause it's all we got.
I love leftypol as much as the next guy but its niche as hell. The first thing people see when they google socialism is reddit. The best thing we can do is do our best to fix it, but no less importantly, defend it.
Not defending, taking over
Stay mad
The lets make a site that will crawl on google's first spot when you search socialism
you keep using that word but i don't think you know what it means
Using Trot flag and saying "we need to defend Stalin"
FYI it’s Holla Forums covering the ancom flag with green
they think it’s an “antifa” flag lol
Of course the ancaps are trying to coopt it just like everything else leftists do
TLDR: The USSR needed a political revolution to overthrow the bureaucracy, but at the same time needed to be defended from imperialism, as it was the closest thing we had to socialism.
I'll help
Holla Forums is always having fun while Holla Forums sage any fun to death
come to 14, 456 and help us writte fullcommunism
Complete anarchy dude. Comrade anarchy
They're out in full force, why aren't we stopping them?
the answer is simple:
they are underage faggots that use reddit, whereas most of us have never used reddit and are not underage
I'm helping lad
I've got two accounts up (I don't use them but I have them).
This is some spectacle at least.
Top Ten Most Intense Anime Fights
Why not just make throwaway accounts and just make a fucking Egoist flag?
Very new accounts can't post apparently. Some user on 4/pol/ said he found some Reddit logins through pastebin, maybe you could find some old accounts to use searching through there.
rip. At least plebbit admins were smart enough to not let new accounts do it
There is no use, I quit
The spectacle exists to be watched. Not participated in.
I give up as well :(
Participate, yugo friend. Shitposting is for fun and profit revolution!
only if someone makes a yugo flag
Why don't we?
Subs like /r/communalists and /r/leftwithoutedge are pretty ok though. The turn bad when people start larping/"circlejerking", when they get too big, and when the mods start enforcing official ideological lines.
Seems like it was an April Fool's thing only.
Never even had a reddit account, but just sitting down and watching people defend yellow from going onto the ancom flag and then vandalizing the No Step on Snek place was pretty funny for a bit
Even funnier to see how this thread everyone hates even hearing reddit, while on every other Holla Forums they were all trying to draw swastikas and MAGA shit together