How likely do you think it is that Syria will attack Israel in retaliation for the American strikes? My bets are high.
How likely do you think it is that Syria will attack Israel in retaliation for the American strikes? My bets are high
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that'd be fucking suicide
Low. That would antagonize the US again, and I doubt Russia would approve of it or defend them if Assad did it without their approval. I can only imagine an attack on Israel if an invasion were imminent. We aren't quite there yet.
For Israel, yes.
The Palestinians will use the opportunity to conduct an Arab Spring-like intifada and storm the Knesset. One democratic state.
I think unlikely, tbh. And it would also be foolish. Trump's actions resonated very unfavorably with much of his base voters and in the alternative media, it would be better to do nothing and not allow anyone to lose focus on what happened.
On another note, according to Michael Tracey of TYT Politics, Sanders and Elizabeth Warren won't condemn what Trump did to Syria.
Syria attacking a coutry with nukes
hmmm let me see
Bernie was always a Zionist.
I don't think the nukes are the limiting factor as much as geopolitics. If Israel nuked Syria, every country on Earth (minus possibly the US) would condemn them. They would become a pariah state.
BDS is making Israel a pariah state as it is. A full-scale war between Israel and Syria would be a huge benefit to the Palestinians.
It's idiotic
Only a retard would even ask a question like this
Hamas has kept resisting Israel despite being bombarded twice.
Well you're wrong, for example one of the reasons why we tolerate NK is because they might have nukes. Your thesis is wrong but I don't think you have the humility to admit it so you will move the goal post further. Bye.
You are delusional.
Explain. The Palestinians need an event to trigger a new massive intifada.
Palestinians are probably happy that Trump bombed Assad, they're very much pro rebel when it comes to Syria.
Anyway if Syria went for Israel they'd get BTFO very quickly
Sad but true.
They have a long way to go tbh. What really hurts is that the new crop of alternative media leftists barely touch upon Israel.
no ur wrong
Nearly all of them said they support the rebels.
At the very least the rebels have twice as much the support than Assad.
Israel and North Korea are significantly different cases. International opinion doesn't matter to North Korea, while it does to Israel.
You're correct that North Korea's existence is tolerated in part due to nuclear weapons, but it's also tolerated because China supports it as a bulwark against South Korea.
What are you talking about? I'm not the OP.
Those polls don't seem trustworthy. Every Arab I know is a hardcore anti-Zionist and cares more about the Palestinians than they do their own nation.
That I can believe.
That I very much doubt.
Are all the Arabs you know immigrants perhaps?
For fuck sake dude. Do you believe Syria in their current state fighting against the rebels and Jihadist would attack Israel?
That makes sense? No, it doesn't. Shit it is in the goddamn art of war, never fight more dudes then you can.
Second. Nuclear weapons are a geopolitical factor, because the reach and power of the military matters.
No. You're wrong and it's ok you're allow to be wrong.
This is a Palestinian perception of the Arab World. If you're Palestinian and your situation remains the same for decades, you'll probably start to think your Arab brethren aren't doing enough.
Won't happen in a million years.
The Palestinians have zero revolutionary leadership. A new "Intifada" (why can't you fuckers just say "uprising"?) would be a gigantic clusterfuck since the Palestinians are extremely divided, and would fall into sectarianism before anything is really won. Plus, any civil war between Israel and the Palestinians would come out an Israeli victory given how Israelis (including civilians) are armed to the teeth and would just shoot as many Palestinians on-sight as they could. Plus it would be used by Israel as a pretext to formally annex the settlements and conduct more large-scale ethnic cleansing.
I fucking wish.
Zionist don't have souls. Nothing of value would be lost.They probably won't tho.
To be fair, Americans don't either. Makes you wonder why anti-Zionists aren't as energetic about dismantling the American settler-colonial state as they are the Zionist-colonial state.
Because it's impossible. Israel is hanging by a thread right now.
No. I stated why in a different post at . It's really only imaginable as a last act of desperation in the case of an imminent US invasion. Even then, the likelihood is fairly low.
In what sense? You were talking about them as a military factor (in the sense that they would be used against Syria if Assad attacked them). I very much doubt that's the case for reasons listed earlier.
Palestinians can't do shit with their bottle rockets and lack of effective leadership. Syria is too tied up with other shit to subdue the jew. Even if Israel somehow finds them self backed into a corner they'll go full pantsshitting autistic rage and enact the Samsung Option.
*Samson Option
But Hitler, with most of the natives gone, that would leave it a barren continent with tons of immigrants to go back to God knows how many countries. Investigating where everybody in that mongrel country belongs would be an utter nightmare.
protip: the SAA is actually not very good, especially after like 6 years of war
Israel would make mince meat of them very fast
what will be more challenging for Israel will be their war with Hezbollah
How the FUCK do you carry out a long-scale People's War, or any guerrilla warfare for that matter, in the middle of a desert? In a forest or jungle you have the terrain and knowledge of the terrain on your side. If the Palestinians were to go full Mao they'd be easily killed by a drone as the desert provides no cover for them.
It's easy, lad. They all belong in the oven.
The same is true of Israel. Most Israelis are mixed Ashkenazi-Mizrahi with something like 65% of Israelis having at least one Mizrahi grandparent. Where the fuck does the Palestinian national bourgeoisie send me if I'm 1/4th Yemenite, 1/4th Ukrainian, 1/4th German, and 1/4th Moroccan?
Crown Heights.
Funny, but it still doesn't address the fuckery of a potential population removal. Consider how Israel pours in a ton of money for STEM and education and produces (with American aid mind you) some of the most advanced technology on earth. If there is a one democratic state of Palestine, the Palestinian leaders would be screwing their entire population over through brain drain if they created conditions unfavorable to Israeli scientists. They'd want to see their country develop after all so Jew-removal would hurt their aspirations the most.
Thanks, you're right. I checked a poll and the Palestinians like the FSA the best, which I think is naive, but that's their call.
Not much support for ISIS.
Spontaneous order isn't real kid.
Putin has made it clear he's anti-zionist.
Won't happen.
That doesn't mean Putin wants to be involved in a war with Israel. That'd require a greater commitment of manpower and personnel, and it'd very likely provoke war with the US. Russia would never approve of an attack on Israel for those reasons and would probably abandon Assad if he attacked Israel on his own.
Manpower and ordnance, not "manpower and personnel."
He's not. Russia and Israel have decent relations.
Russia could destroy Israel by giving the Palestinians more advanced weapons.
What is the Iron Dome?
I'm not anti-Jew or anything, but it should be obvious to people that USA is Israel's bitch when it comes to mideast politics. Or at least, sort of their bitch. Israel has a lot of influence on our foreign policy, and I think they would get America directly involved in that somehow, be it ground troops or air support. It would be suicideā¦
Something that has proven itself to be marginally effective against glorified fireworks.
It's the other way around. Israel serves western interests in the ME.
Honest question: why the FUCK should other Arabs prioritize Palestine when they have their own problems to deal with? Do the Palestinians vote for their leaders based on who has the best position on Syria or Yemen? At this point most Arabs are worried about shit like unemployment and poverty than about wiping out Israel.
I have a more complex answer.
It's a two-way parasitic relationship.
Israel relies on the constant threat of US intervention to prevent any escalation of conflict with its neighbors.
The US requires Israel to be a constant punching bag and casual destabilizing force in the region if anyone has any ideas of being a global power.
Both of these roles require their respective governments to show extreme deference to the other. This is why the US-Israel relationship even managed to work between two men who obviously despised each other (Obama and Netanyahu).
Seems accurate.
Israel is the cause of most problems in the Middle East. Remember it was the Zionists who created the Saudi Royal Family, false-flag attacked the Jews of Iraq and other Arab nations to entice them to leave, ethnically cleansed the Palestinians and are the reason why the entire region is a dump.
I feel like Clapistan intervention fucked shit up with the CIA helping to create the Al Qaeda and Bush
I'm very sure I'm missing a ton of shit in between and after these periods but my point stands
Except your entire post is a non-sequitur.
I, too, read Mondoweiss. Sorry but making Israel Palestine again isn't going to make the Saudis magically disappear or decrease their ideological influence in the mosques.
There are several reasons why Mizrahi Jews came to Palestine. You can find records of Yemenites coming to Palestine as early as 1908. Moroccan and Libya Jews faced pogroms and worsening conditions under European colonialism. Many Jews were under pressure during the time of Arab nationalism as they were viewed as "outsiders".
Either way, it doesn't change the fact that there are millions of Mizrahi Jews in Israel/Palestine TODAY who can't just "pack up and go". Not to mention, Mizrahi Jews tend to be extremely right-wing and in support of the settlements.
Let me guess: you're going to blame the entire European cutting up of the ME solely on "teh Zionists", right? Never mind the fact that said powers (British and French) had interest in the ME long before Zionism was a thing (just look at French colonialism in the Maghreb). Couple the after effects of colonialism with ongoing US intervention and you'll see why disaster in the ME can't be reduced to "teh joooz".
My point still stands: what the fuck have the Arabs truly done for the Palestinians in the past 20 years aside from holding "death to Israel" rallies and agreeing to BDS? It's not like the new government of Tunisia is giving guns to Palestinian militants, or the king of Morocco is providing Gaza with aid.
TIL the Saudis are Jews.
You know most Muslims are AGAINST Assad, right?
Most Syrians are FOR Assad.
I'm not gonna say that's absolutely wrong but I am pretty sure that's literally impossible to accurately track, given the treatment you're going to get for being visibly anti-assad in government territory
Think of it this way: Assadists can cry about imperialism and the rebels allegedly being "CIA" ll they want, but the rebels wouldn't be what they are without that popular support.
I doubt this poll is reliable.
What desert? The place is quite dry, but it's certainly not a desert, apart from the Negev in the south.
It's still not a jungle, and only a small part of Palestine is forest.