Why do I find myself agreeing more and more with anarchists?
Why do I find myself agreeing more and more with anarchists?
Because you're in a board of degenerates. You should leave for your own sake.
because we're correct
Google Malatesta
They make plenty of good points when they are not doing dumb shit. The disagreements between anarchists and communists entirely consist of how it is best to achieve the same goals.
Anarchy is the future, most people are too spooked in capitalist countries for Lenin, and in China, the government says they are already communist. The only way out is anarchy.
You're growing older, seeing the folly of your old ways, maturing.
Because Communism is anarchism.
But Anarkids forget that we need a transactionary period.
"Oooh! The state will never wither away! We told you so about the USSR! Bakhunin said it first!"
Ye, we know. So.. How do we get from capitalism, to communism without a socialist state?
"Ooooh, we'll make communes and little by little…"
I'm in the bottom left corner even though I'm a state socialist, it means nothing.
because you didn't read bordiga
Because their ideologically pure attempts got crushed by states rather than bourgeois ideological subversion.
That's what's fucked up about every political compass test. Mao's score would put him in the lower-left corner. There is no upper-left.
yeah, unless you are a raging homophobe who wants to but security cameras in people's bedrooms, the test scores you as a libertarian
leftypol has plenty of authoritarians going by that
At least our plans have a chance of leading to communism - yours lead to a huge bureaucracy stamping out all dissent while enriching the nomenklatura and making everyone poor through massive inefficiencies. No, thank you!
This is what triggers about FC ledditors making politicalcompass memes. It's complete bullshit to anyone not a socdem or to the right, and a few of them actually believe they're upper-left.
Because we're the least violent and most efficient way to achieve communism. ML fucked up every chance they had with slave labour and gulags, and when they got pissed that there were other sects doing better than they did, they got bitter and stabbed them in the back. Have MLs ever stopped to wonder; "maybe there are ways of convincing people to accept communism without shoving a gun in their face?" Apparently not.
"If I can't have communism MY way then neither can you!" - Typical ML
Here's a fun fact for you: There has never been a single genocide in history committed by anarchists. MLs be mad.
You people are Holla Forums with a red coat of paint. Go back and stay there >>>Holla Forums
Read Kropotkin you pleb
Yeah, so it can TRANSITION back into capitalism, you fucking faggot.
You're using that term wrong, plebbit faggot.
He renounced his title, dumbass.
You're are not answering the question "how are we to move forward all at once".
ML here. Not really. If an "anarchist" revolution happened I'd probably go with the flow. Do as the romans do.
And I might do the same in the case of an "ML" revolution.
You really seem to think you understand Marxism-Leninism but you really expose your ignorance by claiming ML's disagreements with anarchists can only be reduced to infantile tantrums.
In fact, in every "ML" revolution, anarchists did the same exact things you accuse ML's of. They betrayed "ML" revolutions on a number of fronts, if not actively avoided alliances with them and instead opting to side with shitlibs or imperialists. Now, this isn't to say ML's haven't done dirty shit, too.
I'm just tired of anarchists acting like they have a "moral" high ground. It's ridiculous for anyone that went through an anarchist phase and still sees the state as a necessary evil….
That's the thing: the nihilists have absolutely no plan for how to deal with a world that is still dominated by capital. Most of the other stripes of anarchists will at least say some stupid shit about durrilla warfare, but the nihilists have absolutely no plan whatsoever.
Fuck the state.
Not even once…
fuck gubmint and fuck state workers
Fun fact: there was a bureaucracy in Catalonia as well. With Makhno with don't know, because we don't know shit about his "communes," but it's safe to assume.
You are seriously deluded if you think that any transition can take place without heavy planning, coordination, administration, etc. You might not think like it is, but it do.
No such thing. Nothing is "pure" about the concrete world. If you think you just "apply" your ideas onto the world, you gonna have a bad time.
In Catalonia the anarchists entered the government. Makhno also took like 3 (leading) positions in the municipal government. With the latter's two separate and short lived alliance with the Bolsheviks it's not clear who betrayed who.
I wouldn't. ML is a historical artifact. Let it stay in the museums.
yeah there was bureaucracy in Catalonia after the fucking Soviets showed up and decollectivised the farms and gave power back to the middle class you dumb fuck
All of that, especially "administration" is hierarchical as all fuck. The point is to have a society without state or hierarchy.
Yes, the fucking staytists ruined all attempts at anarchism, we know. At least more and more Marxists are honest about their own failures.
If you aren't able to be critical about your own failures you will inevitably repeat the past. That's the creepiest thing about >muh kekalonia anarchists. If you ask them what do they want, they point to the past: "that!"
It's in no way different than tankie BS.
Yes, we all known what communism should look like. The question: how to get there? Administration, like democracy in this period is a necessary evil.
explain how the PCE was not the reason for the downfall of the CNT, and the re-implementation of bourgeoisie in Catalonia?
So in order to end the suffering that results from people holding artifial positions of power over you, (like a manager that makes your life a living hell, or a judge punishing you for not paying a fine for loitering, or a teacher telling you school is mandatory), We need to make sure it happens under state socialism, because then it'll eventually go away?
Explain how the CNT didn't create the very conditions into which the PCE intervened? Also, why do you assume that I'm here to defend the PCE?
Funny, that. The anarchist "collectivization" in Ukraine and in Catalonia were very liberal, in the sense that they left rich peasants (who before the fact preyed on the poor peasants) unfair amounts agricultural tools and wealth, going as far in Catalonia (in certain places, since, you know, anarchist chaos) to allow them to decide for themselves if they want the collectivization or not.
Who said anything about artificial positions, managers of workplaces, judges, teachers?
Just be straight about it and say that you oppose revolutions altogether. At least the anarchists in Catalonia had balls to terrorize the bourgeoisie.
Most Anarchists online tend to be nicer then Marxists IMO.
Yeah fully collectivized industry and farms operating at higher efficiency than before the revolution, the PCE was really making the right decision by giving the factory owners their jobs back
Nice monologue you havin' there.
I'm Anarchist ??
ITT: butthurt state capitalists
leftcoms are the only marxists who understand marx
Who have disdain for your types.
I've never understood why we can't have "respectfully disagree" be where the conversation stops, It always ends with Ancom and Tankies saying Fuck You to each other and signing off.
The only thing we disagree on is the method to achieve Ancom, it's the end goal. I want to defend against Capitalist Imperialist war hawks.
probably because anarchism is philosophically sound. All hierarchy will corrupt.
Whether it can actually be achieved is another question though. I oscillate between anarchism and state socialism.
Because that only serves as a refuge for intellectual cowards who want to disregard the failings of their own ideologies as nothing more than the opinions of others.
Because there's no respectfully disagreeing with brainless ideologues that will jail me for not blindly following their "intelligentsia" leaders
Vanguardism lives and dies by great men
In my case: stalinists being obnoxious cunts online thus ruining communism for everyone
Why is your ideology flag just the supermicro logo?
I agree a lot with anarchists as well, but remember always they are idealist scum.
because you're a misanthrope