Why do people defend the USA again? Why is this fucking shit allowed?
Remember assad is a le very ebil dictator he must be overthrown , be with your president :^)
Other urls found in this thread:
No one on this board defends the Great Satan, you fucking retard Muslim
because we don't live in a global sharia theocracy where we have thought police, burgers are allowed to be fags if they want to. Its the burger way to be a stupid fag, that's there culture, they've exported it everywhere and if it pleases them let them be fucking fags. Any sensible person knows that Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11 and that it was the Paki, Saudi, British, American and Israeli intelligence services who steered those idiot muslims to those planes and ultimately those two towers. The only people who still deny that the intelligence web had something to do with 9/11 are straight up hardcore normal fags who read nothing but NYT and WP
People are thick as fuck and will only care when they're starting to go hungry If the world had any sense of irony left in it it would starve them at rates the rest wouldn't give a shit at.
Ah, you've ruined your board by being a complete faggot and now want to come here to be a complete faggot? How about you stop being a complete faggot before posting.
How hard did Langley astroturf that poll?
you should go back /r/socialism you autist
back to Holla Forums kiddo
Well about that…
I would never post on pol i don't have a severe inferiority complex towards black porn stars
Not leftist.
I'm not implying that Islam is based. I'm saying that the majority of the fighters in the YPG and YPJ are Muslims and nothing like what you describe.
Also not all socialism in the middle east is Baathist.
U wot m8
The material and military conditions of the region, forced them to collectivize and turn over the means of production to the workers.
It might not be a world revolution, but it's a revolution.
flag checks out
Read a book. They are trying to form a heavily policed nation state. Not leftist.
No, just your post was fucking shit and reads like someone who has got bored of how shit Holla Forums is coming over here and offering their legendary insight. There's nothing even remotely relating to this board in your post, it just reads as a boring burger fuck rambling on as usual.
It's cannon fodder for US and Israeli interests supported by Fucking Drumpf funded by the US with US military instructors embedded in their command structure using American military equipment.
Just fucking watch if Assad actually deafeats Al-Qaeda and ISIS the media will shill for the SDF they will show the goyim all those pictures of cute Kurd women fighting ebil for DEMOCRACY and you faggots wil leat it up and support fucking Drumpf and Mattis
Just fuck off for life
not an argument
No i'm here because I don't like fascists and you are the only people who dislike them as much as I do
I said that no one on this board likes America, and that its perfectly fine if Burgers are fucking retards and want to believe that Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11 (and not the obvious influences that have been proven already with declassified documents available to the public).
NO you're assuming because i lashed out at Muslims being socialist that I'm a retard Burger because you're autistic and think in stereotypes which is a symptom of media indoctrination and group-think consensus-trance like the kind used by Liberal Educational facilities and the Liberal-Conservative Media machine to destroy critical thinking and socratic discourse.
You're the one who comes off like an ignorant idiot who doesn't belong here. Not me, I know that Leftism is not compatible with ethno-nationalism, with reactionary beliefs and with religious movement of any kind. I also know that Hamas, Hezbollah, the Kurdish retards and Iran are all reactionaries and my reason isn't "lol dumb mudslime sandniggers" its "these people are ethno-nationalist theists who want pseudo-democratic nation-states which are incompatible with the wishes of both communism and stirnerite individualist anarchism (the ideology on this board I sympathize the closest with besides An-coms and libertarian socialists)" So no you're being stupid and this post was a waste of my and your time, don't be stupid don't shill for reactionaries and don't denounce someone from a thread if you don't understand the string of statements that led to the one you're denouncing you fucking sperg
Fuck off, MTW-Che. You're a faggot.
Is this supposed to be an argument? You need to get a life kid, Rojava is in no way socialist and it's an easy litmus test to see who has read a fucking book.
yes, indeed.
All muslims are reactionaries they believe in a theistic god outside of material conditions and material reality that influences reality and will reward them in the afterlife. Including the BASED Kurds who are being ferried around by spooks and fighting the good fight against Intelligence Agency trained mercenaries from Central Asia and the Levant.
Socialism in the middle east:
Baathist psychopaths
Kibbutz's in Israel
what am I missing here? where are the secular, non-authoritarian socialists? I don't see any, because the region is plagued by Islam
Shame you're a faggot when it comes to saying anything worthwhile. The oil is in territory they've taken over and the cement factory and land owners are being squeezed out, you stupid fucking t-shirt.
I accept your concession, illiterate-kun. Start with Marx.
I said, that in America you're allowed to have stupid beliefs and the press often encourages them, knowing full well that they're stupid. Which is why in America you can believe that your leader was born in Kenya and not the Phillipines or Hawaii (or wherever). Whereas in Iran if you so much as breathed a word about the Ayatollah along those lines you will be reprimanded (not necessarily arrested, but there will be consequences). At no point did I say that Saddam Hussein is behind 9/11 because that's fucking retarded Nat Sec propoganda
Yes in America you have freedom of speech (to a limited degree and its very limited in regards to certain topics). In Iran you absolutely do not, nor do you in Indonesia or Pakistan or Egypt or Saudi Arabia. That doesn't mean I said that Burgerstan is a good country, I called them retards and said that it is literally the "burger way" to be an ignorant autist and force your ignorant autism onto the world
never said that you sperg
Never suggested that, there are other countries like Canada and the UK which have similar but not totally equivalent degrees of freedom of speech
you're just projecting/gaslighting I never made any references to geo-politics outside of Pakistan, Israel, UK/US, Saudis being involved in 9/11 which all documentation and investigation points to being true. If you want to argue about this we can make a new thread where we go over the roles of Saudi and Paki intel officers in 9/11 and the indirect role M16/Mossad/CIA had in it as well. It would be pointless because you're not being reasonable though
You proved me right with this shit post which I'm responding to right now
You responded with stereotypes and your initial post and the other posters who told me to back to Holla Forums responded with stereotypes, I'm not doing any work here, you're proving my point for me
this is just autistic screeching its not smug victory or any kind of higher ground of discourse you've absconded to, just the total destruction of discourse which as I mentioned is the goal of the liberal media machine.
100% of that was christianity 200 years ago.
Yes I know Christians are reactionaries and not compatible with Leftism at all. They need to be reeducated
The Baath government has been supporting the YPG since 2015.
You're talking about Rojava here.