Socially awkward capitalism stories
ChaRRREEEEEty is really degrading for some reason. I really wanted that ice cream but my pride told me I couldn't accept that 5 euro gift. Fuck charity and fuck my pride
Uhh, any similar stories, please respond
Socially awkward capitalism stories
ChaRRREEEEEty is really degrading for some reason. I really wanted that ice cream but my pride told me I couldn't accept that 5 euro gift. Fuck charity and fuck my pride
Uhh, any similar stories, please respond
Basically please respond
holy fuck you're an embarrassment for doing that and an even bigger one for making this thread
You should have taken the ice cream.
Nur per komuna afableco, ia maldekstra socio povus ekkomenci.
well nothing that awkward but I die a little every time I have to press the "no" on the suggested donation at grocery stores.
Don't feel bad. When you donate to charity through the grocery store or any other business, you're just paying the company's taxes for them.
One time I went to the gas station and I didn't see anyone there so I knocked on the counter and this fat sassy black lady came out from behind the wall and was like "did you just knock on the counter when I was on my way?"
Why do dogs have black lips? Even the white ones.
Yeah I know, but I still hate the judgey tone from not hesitating to press no, and I'm socially capable enough to know to not exacerbate the situation by doing anything other than ignore it, but the whole thing just leaves a bad taste in my mind
While I'm at it I can tell another dumb fucking story
Yeah, I guess, fancy quote
that's not encouraging at all
That's a success win story, are all other lefties normies??
Gotta let em know you want that pussy user then they give you free goo goo clusters.
Not really capitalist but I thought I'd share
I'm pretty sure they follow my Social Media and shit now.
Boomer burgers are cancer.
that's very funny, you are retarded and what country
You should have mixed in and stole state secrets for Cuba user
What country?
Muista äänestää sitten maakuntavaaleissa hieman kokeneemmin toveri hyvä.
Silti melko huutonaurut autismillesi.
I will never understand these people.
you did the right thing
That's nice but I don't speak Tuvan.
its a mcdonald clerk he's annoyed at every customer
Mikä on sun asenne autismi kysymykseen?
This one is just me being autistic
I remember when my social anxiety was that bad. Shit's completely unbearable.
You just discovered the flip side of your porky programming. Live your fucking life and eat the fucking ice cream. That cute girl was going to enjoy something, and you denied her that pleasure.
Props to you for making this thread though. These are rarely explored depths. That chick taught you a lot, now take that lesson, level up, and next time she blow you. No really, few months back some chick made me a root beer float, and then sucked my dick. Makes no goddam sense, but that's the world we live in, and it's great. Girls wanna buy you ice cream and suck your dick. Girls are awesome. You need to be more of a feminist.
cute asf story tbh comrade
It wasn't even a good movie
Is this the vanished-State FALC I have heard so much about?
Girls are weird, man.
And that neckbeard was Albert Einstein.
That's possibly the most autistic thing in this thread yet.
Alright, that does it. I must know the name of this wonderland you live in with its revolutionary Food For Jizz program.
learn to be socially awkward better, scrub!
Anyway, just remember noone remembers you anyway. You are not important to them. You are just another person they have to get through, till the day ends.
Sometimes girls just take a liking to you mang. Don't fuck it up.
Carbcucks pls go
its called laughing at yourself faggot, you should learn how to do it, life is absurd, everyone is a goofy nigger some are just better at hiding it.
you should always be willing to laugh at yourself unless you are being unjustly or cruelly mocked in which case you should become irate and violent
BJ float combo does sound pretty tight
this is actually retarded
Lil tip for ya: when people do things for you (not work), it makes them like you more.
Want to get on someone's good side? Give them an opportunity to help you, or let them if it already naturally presented itself.
I hope autistic shit like this actually happens in burgerstan.
In a post full of bullshit, this is the most bullshit.
Should have asked him not to violate NAP
How's being thirteen
Wish I could be 13 again
Could you imagine this story from a Holla Forums perspective?
This is the best thread /leftypol / has seen in a while
Toppem kekkum gurran laggan
This is the second time I read this and I still can't believe how unbelievable it is.
this is always embarrassing
Not exactly capitalism story, but might as well
>Just as I'm getting started a black chick appears holding a purple dress and correctly clocks me as a fag
Tell me I didn't get four certificates in computer science and programming for this shit.
It's simple. People who have crippling society anxiety like that can't stand being put on the spot. It fucks with them mentally since they know others are waiting for them to correctly say something without fucking it up like stuttering or speaking softly. They have gone through it enough times to know that they will not accomplish speaking to them without fucking up, so the better option for them is to leave and end the conversation.
Can confirm.
You deserved every bit of that
Why did you think throwing money would be a good idea?
Why did you think this would be a good idea? Maybe it's just my autism, but I don't really like to touch anyone except people I know really well, except for social pleasantries, shaking hands, etc.
Were you high at the time?
Are you high right now?
I'm not quite on your level
Hope you feel better now OP
No, offering a hug to someone you just met is fucking weird, especially if you're separated by a counter, so they'd have to overcome obstacles to get to you, and your prior interaction has been awkward and tense.
Yeah but how do you tell the difference?
It only works if the person doesn't already have a motivation for doing the thing for you (guilt, wanting to make others lives better, being polite, hoping you'll return the favour, etc.), because it works on the concept of cognitive dissonance, where if a person does something for you, and they have no other motivation, they'll think it must be because they like you that they did stuff for you.
And also beware of this yourself, basically do good, but don't be helpful. If someone is suffering help them, if someone wants you to do stuff they can do their self tell them to fuck off.
Whatever, a lot of these are probably made up.
These stories aren't cool, this thread is for sharing our pain so that we can release it, it's catharsis.
Be glad nothing like this has ever happened to you.
Most of these stories aren't that farfetched.
I wasn't referring to this thread but to greentext stories in general. It just baffles me that this type of shit happens even to other social autist, mainly I have my pains too but it's the kind of stuff you don't think it's interesting to tell
Solidarity. I got an Electrical Engineering BEng and all I got was my buttcheek squeezed by a big fat guy. And I'm not even a fag.