Do you hate muslims? Why? Why the fuck not?
Do you hate muslims? Why? Why the fuck not?
because its just a religion and as long they dont piss me off with that shit i dont really care.
You're doing it wrong
religion is a spook, and spooks need busting
Muslims can't be communis-
Religion is counterrevolutionary and must be crushed
I'd cum in a muslim girl.
Islam is worse than fascism, with a fascist one can argue and convince, a muslim merely states his faith and is done.
This is evidenced by there being frequent debates with fascists on this very board, while the few muslims that wander in only argue about what islam constitutes, they never give any arguments for islam itself.
I have a really cute hijab girl in my ML circle at Uni.
She wears the hijab for anti-imperialism but isn't actually religious. So no, Muslims are okay plus the fact they are at the bottom of the food chain makes them potentionally class conscious if you get rid of Muslim IdPol (one of the worst IdPols, sadly).
Actually laughed out loud. Pure lifestylism.
I hate every religion that advocates circumcision tbh
Oh buhu, poor muslims. Everybody hates their religion for no reason.
Oh shit! Where did you get those statistics?! This is my first time on the internet and I've never seen them before holy shit, so fresh
bet she has #FreePalestine and #HandsOffSyria in her twitter bio lmao
Covering your hair is a cultural thing. There is nothing in the Quran which explicitly states a rule for women to wear the Hijab.
Also it's kinda rich coming from a guy who probably runs arround in Darkthrone shirts and calls his peers a union of egoists.
USA bombs and eradicates mostly secular muslims. See Syria. If there are any muh privileged muslims out there, it's the extremists wahhabits.
you are waste of human seamen there are so many moslems who dont even give a shit about their religion
If you're pro-zionist or pro-intervention in syria you don't belong on the left
What's wrong with that? You gotta start somewhere if you want to fight global capital. And Arab nationalism is the fight against global capital as it is the fight against the petrodollar.
I'm not seeing an argument there, fam.
I was raised muslim and it doesn't make sense to hate anyone because you're bringing feelings into it
Why the hell should I hate muslims? They did nothing to me. Burgerland isn't "my side". I don't have stake in those wars
yes, πππglobal capitalπππ
It means you can wear the Hijab and don't be religious. My fucking great-grandma wore a headscarf.
Wearing a cross necklace is literally more religious than a Hijab and how many non-religious people wear that?
YPG are not fighting in the name of Islam nor is their political praxis rooted in any Islamic doctrine or theology.
Also this:
Maybe if you close your eyes, it goes away
Still not an argument, fam.
Those dastardly πππmicksπππ.
You specifically said that she was wearing the hijab, which is religious garb for, and I quote "anti-imperialism". This is lifestylism.
I know, what I don't know is how it turns mafia style dictators into fighters against global capital.
Was Hitler also an anti-imperialist anti-global capitalist then?
I don't approve of theocracy user, but ultimately quality of life comes all kinds of places. barbarism is defeated by progressive reforms everywhere, christiandom used to be the head-choppy backwards retards and now it's mostly the former golden caliphate of reason and learning that's head-choppy and backwards. if israel hadn't been zionist it probably wouldn't be that bad either.
No. If someone choses not to be sexualized it's not fucking religious garb. Are you getting offended everytime you see someone wearing a traditional outfit?
Millions of Muslims died in imperialist wars in the last decades. To wear a piece of clothing to show solidarity is totally okay especially when you originate yourself from there and have been lucky enough to live in the West.
Litmus test to determine if someone has read the Quran
Jesus Christ, can you have a conversation without resorting to Godwin's law?
That's because you don't understand geopolitics. Inform yourself about the petrodollar.
Friendly reminder that the Greeks started everything bad.
Are you shitposting right now, or are you actually serious?
You seem to be the only one getting offended here.
This is lifestylism. You show solidarity with actions, not with a fashion statement.
You weren't arround in the 60s and 70s.
Go to pornhub and type "hijab".
It's handy when someone actually believes that opposing the U.S means being anti-capitalist.
Being a competitor in capitalism is not anti-capitalism.
Islam is probably as bad as they come in regards to an organized religion.
Even putting aside the incalculable damage it has done historically.
In the modern world, Islam continues to be a very real and ever present threat.
While most other religions can be dealt with simply through education.
Islam has to be directly and violently destroyed in such a total manner that it can never again threaten our species.
Damnatio memoriae is literally the only option.
Sunni Islam when taken to its logical conclusions is a terrible genocidal ideology. People try hide their distaste for Sunni Islam behind buzzwords like salafi and wahhabi but it's just Sunnism.
Shia Islam doesn't desire a caliphate and has sympathy for the underdog woven into its thinking. It's still spooked but much better than Sunni Islam
Only revolutionary movement worth a damn if mostly muslims right now. The most prolific radical religious extremist of the 21st century was a christian.
Sufi or bust tbh
The fact that someone voluntarily chooses a piece of clothing so you can't stare at them seems to get to you.
A fashion statement IS an action.
When you blow up a stock exchange it doesn't destroy capitalism, it's a statement, just of bigger proportions.
Are philippine dwarves also sexualized for you then?
Muslims are good because they oppose America. In Syria I can't decide who to support though, both ISIS and Assad (via Russia) are against the petrodollar and thus global American capitalism.
Holla Forums was a mistake
Good thing most Muslims haven't read the Quran, then. They are not a Quran believing hivemind, you fool! Only people mostly directed and deceived by worldly leaders into false consciousness, just like the people in the west. Only their false consciousness is a bit more retro than ours.
Exactly, yes. Also "sexualization" is a retarded concept.
First off, I didn't say that. Second off, Hitler didn't give a shit about the USA. He even got money from American industrials to be a bulwark against the USSR. He wanted to have Lebensraum im Osten and couldn't care less about the Anglosphere.
Maybe not but once you can't force countries anymore to back up their currency in US-Dollar you are getting a massive accelerationist effect, the very foundations of global capital would crumble. The US wouldn't be able to keep the Dollar deflated.
How so? Are you rather getting a boner when a chick wears a tank top or when she wears a rain coat?
Getting real sick of shitheads like you holding Muslims to a higher standard than you do other religious groups. Like said, most people don't even read their religious texts, that especially includes Christians alongside Muslims.
Basically this, ending the petrodollar will create a huge economic crisis and bring about a revolutionary moment. Only the Arabs can defeat capitalism.
Religion doesn't work this way and it's hilarious that you think it does. Hell, the most common criticism of christians is that they clearly haven't read their book because they contradict it so much. So is your contention that Muslims overall are better read and/or understand their religion better? Why?
You contradict yourself in your next line as a "fashion statement" means you're specifically seeking out attention for your garb.
Wait, wait. Is it a magical gaze-repelling garb, or is it a fashion statement? Because a "fashion statement" means you're specifically seeking out attention with said garb. What it actually is, is lifestylism, and the fact that you're fighting this so hard is telling me that you're engaged in it as well. Tell me, how many Che shirts do you own?
Yes. I love me some delicious brown shortstacks.
Because for all Holla Forums likes to act like they're above idpol, they fall into idpol all the fucking time. The hatred for minority groups, whether it is religious or ethnic, is so obvious in a lot of posters here who claim to be against idpol. They're probably "converted" Holla Forumsyps.
The problem is most of Holla Forums are LARPing liberals who don't really want revolutionary momentum as this will be dirty.
They rather wait for the "global spontenous worker's uprising" which forms councils. As if that shit is ever going to happen. Might as well bury yourself in armchair.s
Hijabis are qts, that's the only good thing that Islam gave us tbh.
No, but it is the implication of your line of logic.
Capitalism is not the US.
There's not really much they can do aside from hope that based Putin can manage to turn enough Arab countries against the US
Islam is the ultimate idpol dude. Wtfβ¦
took you long enough to figure that one out
Wrong. All currencies are effectively backed by the USD which only retains value because the Arabs are forced to trade oil in it. If this arrangement were ended, capitalism would come crashing down, temporarily.
What do you expect? Most annil posters and egoists on this board are just as retarded as ancaps.
You don't fight idpol with more idpol my dude. The existence of SJWs doesn't make Richard Spencer right. It just makes him wrong on the opposite direction.
Neck yourself and free yourself from your spooks
This is a common misconception. The dollar is not backed by petrol. It is backed by what ensures that the petrol can always become available to the world market, namely the US armed forces. It's a force backed currency. The navydollar. The revolutionary potential will be limited by the ability of this imperial force to always come in, kill them, and install a more pliant puppet. Until Iran gets the bomb, Insha'Allah, then there is always the threat of nuking the oilfields.
No, I was pointing out that the Hijab is a cultural thing, not a religious one. She wears her Hijab for anti-imperialism which is another reason but that doesn't make it religious.
A Che shirt is commodified liberal garbage. A Hijab hasn't reached that level yet (even though we got that disgusting "sports Hijab" from Nike).
Dictionary defines lifestylism: "The appropriation of something as a lifestyle, without regard to its underlying tenets or meaning."
She is conscious about what the Hijab means. Wearing a Kufiya while being a Hipster would be lifestylism.
not really a minority group worldwide though are they, quite the opposite. this thread isn't "what do you think about Muslims in the west?". at the end of the day some coverted Holla Forumsyps, even if they still have Holla Forums tendencies, are absolutely harmless to minorities in the west. Whereas minorities in the Middle East face literal genocide and crushing oppression in a way in which western Muslims will never have to deal with.
but it is of course "not okay" to talk about these things
No, it actually is backed by petrol. If the US tries to back the USD purely by force, Russia can stop them by threatening nuclear war.
Hitler seems to constantly haunt you. We don't have Hitler arround anymore and I don't see a new one.
The USA is the global policeman of capitalism. You can't seize the means of production as long as the cops still overpower you.