What do you think about the effective altruism movement? Is it worth donating to effective non-profits if you're making a significant income? Should leftists encourage or support these movements?
Effective Altruism/Earning to Give
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typical socdem
Ignore my meme-flag. Can we work towards systemic change and also engage in altruism?
I prefer the term 'ethical egoism'.
I prefer Zizek's enlightened egoism.
I don't have a lot of income, but I give to non-profits that focus on educating children. Having poor children read books and be educated by idealists, couldn't hurt the long term chances of socialism.
But I don't think the left needs to support these programs, the liberals already do, and advocating systemic change must be nr.1 priority.
If you have the option of working for the Man less and working on the Revolution more, then that's better than donating money to the Revolution.
However, many jobs, especially high-paying professional ones, don't allow you to limit your hours like that. You either work 60 hours and meet your deadlines or else you don't work at all.
If this is the situation you find yourself in, then indeed, identify Revolutionary organizations to donate too. Ideally local ones so that even if you're too busy to actively participate in the organization, you can still be socially connected to the people on the front lines.
However, the most ethically effective donation you can make is NOT to a charity but to a Leftist political/educational organization.
Lynn Forester de Rothschild is really into it. Should tell you all you need to know.
I puked a little
My blood is boiling tbqh
Bro if it wasn't for capitalism there'd be no incentive to work and everyone would starve, just like in the USSR.
Do you even into history, faggot? Communism LOST. It's over. Deal with it!
Just a reminder that there are Holla Forumsyps and other like-minded morons that actually believe that Rothschilds, Soros, et al. are all communists.
That is so funny.
They're really just smart capitalists who realize that without a police/welfare state the masses would rise up and take their "property".
They realize that they have to offer carrots and sticks to prevent a rebellion.
The right-wing/supply guy people are so enamored with growth that they don't realize that the social stability that they rely upon to make profits is made possible by big government.
Donations? That's what taxes are for.
What about political donations?
not sure if socdem or right-winger thinking he can fit in
The other day on normiebook an alleged socialist was defending the Rothschilds because 'singling them out has long been an anti Semitic dog whistle.' what the eff.
I used to, still do, but I'd claim it is the most cynical category of activism. For now i'd say both donate to fix short term issues and educate yourself in different areas including political theory, math and neuroscience and then try to either to build a platform to inspire change to the system, like Chomsky/Zizek. It's not really your fault if it fucks up, just try your best and don't be too hard on yourself.
In some respect he's right, the issue isn't the Rothschilds, Soros, Koch Bros, Sheldon Adelson, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, or whatever other billionaire there is. The issue is capitalism itself, not individual bourgeois who benefit heavily from it. Singling out "bad capitalists" is a tactic of reactionaries or liberals who want to show off their "good capitalists" as the ideal and proof the system is ok. In the end they eiter give up their shit or get the gulag.
But tbe guy probably was a liberal faggot who doesn't have the stomach for socialist revolution.
Yeah, but the people you mention are actively working to maintain the Capitalist system.