Black Lives Matter banned white people from joining their movement
hi Holla Forums
I may not be the biggest fan of BLM but
Good decision honestly. I mean have you seen these people?
BLM isn't like BPP. Decisions are made based on group to group. Which is why it isn't as effective. The source is sus, but if it's true it's just that location
I feel like BLM could be radicalized more than any other active lib movement. They're willingness to hate and distrust the police put them miles ahead of other libs. We need some black comrades to unite and radicalize BLM. And holy shit purge retards and grifters like Deray.
The reason why I know this is bullshit isn't the fact that it's from the daily fucking wire, it's that it treats BLM like it's an actual group with a specific organizational structure and membership. It's literally a hashtag that people rally around you twat, it can't "ban" white people from joining because it has no membership structure of any kind.
They are literally funded by porkies like the Ford Foundation, if we tried to make inroads into the group then their idpol radlib leaders would just purge all the actual leftists so they could keep sucking at that sweet sweet bourgeois titty.
blm is bourgeois and liberal anyways. also super super into selling out white leftists anyways, so fuck them
It's just a way for black liberals to identify each other
People really have to stop confusing liberal minorities with leftists. It only leads to things like the 50+ year failed infiltration of the Democratic party.
Even if it is Holla Forums, this should make you take note. BLM is not a leftist movement. It's idpol bullshit and you should have called it out when you saw it.
The blacks are also liberals.
I wouldn't want the kind of white that would go to a BLM meeting at my meeting either, smart move by BLM.
Literally all they're banned from is going to meetings. They can join in with protests as much as they want. Frankly I wouldn't want white people coming to meetings, they can't contribute shit to discussion of black issues.
they were until the fucking democrats and soros started bankrolling them. they literally backwards radicalized.
pooling people from BLM into Black Autonomy Federation is a better option at this point
Idk why you would ever expect white people to support a movement they are banned from. Also people of all races experience police brutality.
Its not just white people its all non-blacks. I expect you to rapidly backtrack now.
this is the problem with BLM
what about latinos and native americans who suffered at police brutality? what about asians?
I totally understand why they want to have a movement focused on Black people from an emotional point of view, but strategically they are just sabotaging their own movement.
this, if they were introduced to huey newton and fred hampton they could really be comrades
whats your problem asshole?
The problem with BOM is that they are disorganized and one chapter of BOM has no actual support or backing from any other chapter of BOM so city A can have a BLM organization that is totally reasonable and addresses the issue of police brutality and city B can have a bunch of what amount to black Nazis but they are both blm.
BLM should just ask for police to never enter black neighborhoods. Don't respond to any calls to the police, no patrols, nothing. Either they will figure out a form of community policing or they will all kill each other.
When the police back off you get Chicago.
Balkanization is inevitable.
Multiculturalism is a Jewish meme.
Yes, and? Just make sure the boundaries to black neighborhoods are well-guarded so that crime is contained, and let them do their thing. Give them what they want. All the dangerous ones will kill each other off.
Welp, this is what happens when you go full idpol while claiming to fight idpol. In other words more of the usual autism from them.
Why does BLM get people so triggered?
Is it really the only racially specific social justice group out there?
And on the age old: Why is Black Power cool but White Power hateful?
Most groups in America are De Facto White Power groups. Stop with that the 'minorities' are picking on me routine.
I hope it implodes because of this and hopefully whatever splinter group forms in its'wake will be less idpol filth.
idk, he is a maoist.
and when the police enter a community you get crack cocaine.
More white people experienced police brutality last year than blacks, latinos, and indians combined.
must be a bad time to be mulatto
As a Balkanian balkanization is desired. You thought mics were bad? Just wait and see.
I'm starting to figure out why Tankies want secret police combing the streets.
You can tell the exact moment when the "leadership" of that chapter went to a black chick with purple dreads and Morpheus glasses.
The ultimate excluded in all this is death, your own death is the worst crime that you can commit in a society obsessed with productivity.
Where is a "death matters" movement? This triggers me greatly.
What does BLM have to to do with leftism?
lmao this is so weird. What's the black dude's angle?
Has BLM gone so full circle that they're now advocating for the South African style apartheid that Holla Forums wants?
Is this the final form of idpol?
No, this is
The final form of Idpol is Holla Forums where black people can also be white nationalists
You aren't doing shit. You aren't helping anyone. What are you going to do?
you rich little cucks aren't doing shit but peeking out of your bubble to judge the working class, you're hurting, not helping, and you don't speak for anyone but other muh muh privileged liberal white boys
we stand for our community, we speak for our community, you do not
we're probably going to kick your asses soon
you talk big but you're already backing down. I'm ready to throw whenever you are.
pussy ass nigga
I love how redundant the muh privilege filter is
So often we just put the muh before it ourselves and it doubles up. I've done it several times.
They are transracial, you sinner.
Can't even make fun of liberals, it really pisses me off. You are ruining my ironic masterpieces.
absolutely EBIN! XD