Holla Forums is totally overrun with halfchan and reddit cancer, and its fucking up all Holla Forums
Sned these neocon banker-worshipping cucks to the gas chamber before this whole site is compromised
Holla Forums is totally overrun with halfchan and reddit cancer, and its fucking up all Holla Forums
Sned these neocon banker-worshipping cucks to the gas chamber before this whole site is compromised
Other urls found in this thread:
do they worship Trump, are overrun by reddit or halfchan cancer,
make up your mind
What the hell do you expect us to do? They ban anyone who doesn't agree with their circlejerk.
Why would we want to save our enemies?
They won't save us if we were dire need
It's funny because during the election we told you exactly that.
Now deal with the monster you have created.
Yeah, I've noticed. Holla Forums's trolling has dropped through the floor since the site came back up.
If the bans don't seize Holla Forums will eat itself and /polk/ will rise.
People had hope it would be different after the hack, but it's just the same shit all over again.
Okay guys, OP hasn't put the point across well (and maybe he doesn't even fully understand the depth of his own point, no offence OP) but he is making a very, very good point here.
Hear me out: so, Holla Forums has always been "anti-establishment". Obviously, to be anti-establishment without the quotation marks, you have to actually understand what the establishment is, in order to oppose it. But Holla Forums has always been a place pissed off with the status quo, the current order of things, the current powers that they perceive to be in power; and so it's always had therefore an "anti-establishment" set of politics.
They've seen a black president, the increasing acceptability of homosexuality, and they've said - well, the current powers are the liberals, I guess. The liberals are the enemy. They've seen that there are a lot of Jewish people in the media, and they intuitively understand the media to be powerful, so they think the Jews are the enemy. They oppose whatever they perceive to be the establishment, but they get it wrong all the time about what the real issue behind it all is.
So they backed Donald Trump because he appeared to go against the current trend of liberal, "sensible", centre-grounders. He appeared to be anti-establishment, to them. Clinton represented everything these "progressive" liberal capitalists are. They failed to understand, of course, that Trump is just another side of the same coin - another face of the ruling class, the real establishment.
Now that he is in power, his true colours are going to show. He will become - and is already becoming - the establishment in their minds. And they are already starting to recoil against him. The new guys - from reddit and halfchan - are not necessarily anti-establishment to their core. They could be suffering delusions in Trump for a lot longer, if not forever - if he genuinely suits their class interests (i.e. if they are rich). But a lot of these people are going to start to seek a new alternative, a new anti-establishment figure to rally around.
We can be there to influence that positively. We can be there to explain to them what the real establishment is; capitalism. We can be there to guide the ever growing number of disaffected ex-Trumpers, from both 8/pol/ and half/pol/ too, to some correct answers for once.
This could be a pivotal moment in the situation of class consciousness on the internet. Don't fuck it up.
What can we do? We can't reason them out of a position that they did not adopt by way of reason. They cannot admit to making a mistake in their choice of big daddies, so now Trump's most obvious failures and his clear denunciations of their positions can only be explained by being part of a diabolical master plan that he formulates in secret. It is a facade so hilariously thin that it is difficult to imagine that they actually believe it themselves, but they must maintain it or lose their entire world view. They are running on pure denial right now. All we can do is wait for the inevitable collapse.
And I'll look down, and whisper, "No".
I want to agree with you, but here are some counterpoints in no particular order:
Most of Holla Forumsyps are terrible people and I don't want to engage with them. Engaging with them takes gargantuan effort, to ignore and swat away all the reflexive shitposters and trolls. And at the drop of only a single word that even reeks of socialism, most will balk.
They are authoritarians so you won't draw them in sans a daddy-figure. The left lacks such a person at the moment.
Idpol remains an insurmountable hurdle. On the one hand, they are seeped in white-idpol, and on the other hand, "leftism" (as popularly conieved by Holla Forumsyps) is too saturated with idpol of the other varieties. If there is one thing that all Holla Forumsyps hate, it are the snowflakes, as they call them, and the left is too much associated with them at the moment (not entirely unfairly).
This ties in with the problem of leftism being associated in peoples minds with liberalism, which is justifiably hated by all. Not only do you have to point out the true enemy, capitalism, but you also have to explain why liberalism is not in fact liberalism. Most people have already tuned out by then.
And most importantly, I don't want to get out of my fucking chair.
Fuck those niggers
These are fair points, but I still think it's worth it, for the ones and twos now and the tens and hundreds later. People will start to see that things under Trump aren't so different to how they were under Obama. It will become easier and easier to engage them.
This is the future you chose. He is no different from any of the other Porkys.
I don't give a shit about Holla Forums.
If there is infighting, good.
We are far too few to seriously impact their discourse anyway. But we may liberate their colonies /a/ Holla Forums Holla Forums and so on.
No Holla Forums can go and fuck itself
First of all, stormfront propaganda isn't "thinking Jews are the establisment".
Actually, I don't think pol ever though anything by itself.
Also, pol and most burgerfags are so spooked that they cannot think in any other economic terms, than Capitalism.
So, sure… try. But I don't think it can be done.
It's far easier to convince people in plebbit or facebook that Brocialism is Cool, than to talk to pol.
If that were true then this board would not have quadrupled in size over the last couple of years. It is a mistake to assume that all of Holla Forums is true believers. Many seem to be just shitposters who have never really thought about politics or economics seriously before.
Holla Forums weighing in here
totally down for a bit of "Yockey was right"
not going to start liking kikes tho.
Honestly, if we go to war with Syria of Russia, I'm fucking out of here.
It's far beyond saving.
We don't need big-name leaders, and shouldn't have them. Leaders create central points of failure. What we need is a mass movement based on the ideas of socialism, which is much, much harder to build than a cult of personality. But it lasts longer, too, and is much more effective. Succeeding in doing so would guarantee a strong socialist presence for at least fifty years.
What you're talking about is the creation of a vanguard. That's important. But it's not how you get rank-and-file workers to swell your ranks. They'll come around once there's already an established and respected vanguard, by simply advocating and acting in the interests of those workers. Most people in Russia in 1917 weren't class conscious, yet they overwhelmingly supported one of the many socialist groups.
The vanguard of socialism was contained to academia in the '60s, and effectively ended by the '80s. What's happening now, I think, is the creation of a new one.
No, Holla Forums deserves it. Fuck 'em.
See, its like women. You insult them while disguising it as a compliment. In this case, we point everyone elses stupidity while making the person we are engaging with feel special.
"oh not you. You are totally special, unlike those dumb cucks. You had some doubts right? You totally didn't buy into it like these other morons"
The fact that Holla Forums is filled with men of questionable masculinity only makes this tactic more effective.
The strategy laid out in is a long game, but a game worth playing.
Many good criticisms of it have been raised, but these criticisms amount to "its hard work", or "its gonna take a long time", or "there are easier places to recruit from". These are all true. Doesn't change the fact that this would be a critical gain for socialist ideas.
People are already railing against Trump. If we miss our moment, they'll find a new daddy to rally around.
you know many people that went from being racist fascists to communists?
It was doomed when it stopped being Dale Gribble central. Essentially, it has become a tool by the alphabet soup agencies to make it cool and trendy to be the hypocritical lemming imperialist neoconservative that has been the dominant ideology in the US internal government for half a century.
I know some people who have done that, yes. I don't know any who did the opposite, though.
We won't recruit the actual fascists.
But most of these people are just teenage idiots with a twisted sense of the world who have never actually read a drop of political theory from any ideology, and have absorbed the ideas of Holla Forums because they were the first "anti-establishment" ideas they were presented with.
It's funny how people blame Leftypol for flooding Holla Forums with redditors when it's actually Holla Forums who are flooding this site with normie fags from /r/The_Donald and a dozen low-tier meme pages.
I forgot to mention all the edgy 4chan summerfag types and the mostly under aged 'kekistan' people from YouTube
Threads like are a prime example of how this process is already happening
don't worry leftypol it's not going to even matter because it's going to come down to "who wants to die for ZOG Occupied Government/porky" and when we say "no" for our own individual reasons we're all going to be hiding in the woods together.
…god damn drunk posting, might as well have said ATM machine
Does Holla Forums recognize the white peoples' right to preserve our existence and a future for our children?
Where do you draw the line of idpol?
While you could argue that Holla Forums indirectly supports imperialist neoconservatives through its actions, most people speak out against that. That's a big factor in mainstream republicans hating it.
It would be great if you cucks became just the autistic neet version of the young republicans that way everyone who goes there looks at the Trump cocksucking ans throws up in their mouth. The best part is that I can somewhat understand Americans cheering their daddy, rationalizing everything and engaging in doublethink but there are actual turbo chucked fucking foreigners who worship Trump and think he's their fucking president or someshit
No we don't recognize your rights in fact we support wh*te genocide particularly in America as a possadist acceleration of the revolution since white minority Americans will glorious uprising and be more fascistic than they are now leading to more instability within the system
I don't aknowledge preservation of race as either a duty or a sin.
Fuck white women if that's your fetish, don't stop me from mating with who i want.
anuddah shoah is not real. Please stop embarrassing yourself.
The "white race" is not a single entity of one mind, and thus is not guaranteed any rights for its own sake
You fags brought this upon yourselves.
I really had faith that Trump, while ideologically compromised, represented a turn for the better. Sure: he staffed his cabinet and inner circle with billionaires and bankers. Sure: he was surrounded by Jews. Sure: he paid lip service to the idea of the "nation of immigrants".
However, I was willing to tolerate all of this as long as he built the wall, broke up the EU, and kept the US out of Neocon interventions in the Middle East. Not only is the goddamn wall not being built, he has reneged on his key promise of non-intervention. I do not know whether he has done so because he's merely stupid or because he's a Neocon tool, but it's becoming clear that he's useless. There's no electing our way out of this shitshow anymore. Any 🍀🍀🍀democratic🍀🍀🍀 government is going to be hopelessly corrupt and filled to the brim with liars who'll betray the people on every count.
Ayo hol up friend, that's not true. Disillusioned Bernie people were welcomed after his campaign collapsed. Communism (the economic ideology) was always viewed ambivalently on Holla Forums, we were only hostile to the social phenomena associated with popular Leftism.
I like your way of thinking, but the first half of your post is bullshit
Holla Forumsacks didn't just go "well, I guess i hate liberals now!" because of a black president.
They called it the stablishment because stuff like identity politics, genderwabbloobs bathrooms, affirmative action and safe spaces are a cancer.
I wouldn't have called it "the stablishment", but it was a pervasive cancer of identity politics.
They hate the juice because a lot of the most powerful people in the world and jew bankers and media magnates. It's not about being evil or no.
Imagine if were in a tribe of 50 people, where of course natural leaders emerge, with people following them and others questioning their authority.
This is healthy.
When the new-comer, the outsider, the guy who jumps from tribe to tribe, tries to be the leader… you just don't let him. No, pal, it's us who decide the future of our tribe.
A large bunch of you fags start shouting spoooks at things like race, tribalism, etc, but it's literally how our head works, conditiones by evolution; you struggle to gain the control of your life and you family, to ensure their survival the best., because you are not trusting that on someone else's loyalties.
This is where you should all agree with this:
A lot of leftism is often anti-nationlist, anti-tribalist, etc, seen as division.
But really, is where humans feel more comfortable. It's the capitalist society that twists this.
It's capitalism that lets jews (and others), people who are not entirely invested in their host country, people with a loyalty to their group first and their country second, have this much power. A power not validated by the people, a power that will try and maxize profit and then bail when things get ugly.
They perceive their idendity as jewish first, so they are less invested in the places they influence, and it's natural to try and fight people with power who are like this.
On top of all that, some are evil.
and honestly, I'm fucking glad HIllary lost, but the neocon game but keep on it's feet apparently, but let's see.
But yeah, we need a new leader. Here are some talking points:
>IMPORTANT: affirmative action, gerderism, transexualism, immigration, acceptance rainbow love parties, safe spaces, pronouns…. they are all IDENTITY POLITICS, and only play against the people. It's a classic method of division for them to cling to power
avoid words that were run to the ground:
jsut don't use them seriously in long well constructed arguemnts, because you sound like a commie book.
just trhough them around like you throw the word "spook" at everything. Like:
ignorance is not a bliss pal, read a fucking book
define for us these 'white' peoples
define table
People of European ancestry. White skin color is just an outward sign of that. Japanese would not count as White (though this is no disparagement).
What's with the increase of >le free helicopter rides ancap Pinosnake
define european ancestry
I'm banned on 8pol.
Sorry bud
R1a and R1b
Genocide soon faggot
Sweet, turns out there's no irrelevant shiting anyways because African Americans and Hispanics are literally 99% white
i don't know much about genetics and haplogroups, but the concept of "whiteness" is much older
what is europe? is turkey part of europe? cyprus? what about israel? most of russia is located in northern asia, and has land borders with china, mongolia and korea
as for ancestry, what about persons from mixed backgrounds who contain genes from separate populations? how do you determine who is "white" then?
I don't want to psychoanalyze Holla Forums. I can only speak for myself.
Helicopter rides are spread to get a cheap rise out of Leftists… and "Leftist" is somewhat of a misnomer, since it is generally taken to mean "liberals" and "Third Worldists", not "people who want to seize the means of production".
Define "dog". Species are not amenable to simple, exhaustive definitions; they are clusters of living beings that share similar traits. The closest one could get is definition through ancestry: just as dogs represent a certain branch on the tree of life, so Europeans represent another. In practice, we might look at the people who lived in Europe 5000 years ago and define a European person as somebody who descends exclusively or near-exclusively from that population. Haplogroups are of some help here, since they trace ancestry.
I suppose they're also 98% chimpanzee and 40% fungus.
Partially, turkey has some territory in the Europe but mostly in the asia minor
Why wouldn't it be?
Why would it be? Not only it lies in the middle east but also genetic of population doesn't resemble those of european nations nor language
Most of population lives in the western part of russia but yes russia have lots of central asian minorities that are not "russians" ethnically
People living there are basically colonists, Russians reseted forcefully or not that cant even leave from there
Look at his parents, look at his genetic make up, look at his complexion
They are partly European. It's a political decision as to what degree of admixture one is willing to tolerate in the members of one's group.
you deserve a gas chamber kike
Then its time to educate yourself
I dont really think that it would work well considering the mass migrations of people that take place in "recent" history (recent that is it the previous 2000 years)
Not like here. Here right-wingers don't get banned on sight. It doesn't happen. It's a myth. Anyways, they deserve it.
so are they "white" or not?
it's not located in the european mainland and its population is heavily turkic, which you admit is at least partly asiatic
most "israelis" are european immigrants and the offspring of european immigrants. they are not indigenous to palestine
israelis have european genes and the first languages of most non-native israelis are yiddish, russian, polish, etc; all european languages
what? my point is, if most of russia is in asia, is russia considered asiatic or european?
didn't understand this, sorry
let's imagine a person's father is a dark skinned congoid and their mother is a fair-skinned irish; how does that help us determine "whiteness"?
i've already established that 'european' genes (which you consider "white") are found in populations you don't consider "white," living in locations you don't consider part of europe
fair skin is found in many populations, including most of asia, especially eastern asia
so not an objective or scientific one; i.e. you just get to 'decide' who is or isn't "white" based on some arbitrary personal criteria existing only in your head
Partially yes partially no, most of the turks are non white
Countries being white or no is not a 0-1 system
I didnt do my research on Cyprus, im sorry but i dont really know much about it
It really depends, first of all jews are not one unified group, there were lots of different genetic branches of jews even in europe also they are somewhat mixed with the arab population.
Yidish is just a dialect of German + Hebrew, nowdays israelis use mostly hebrew with does not belong in the european group of languages it belongs to the Afro-asiatic group en.wikipedia.org
Its considered both, it has 2 parts, asiatic and european, europeans live mostly in european part and far eastern parts and asiatic people live mostly in central asian parts and moscow
People vere forcefully resettled to the far east trough out all of modern russia history en.wikipedia.org
Also just a small leftover from a soviet union en.wikipedia.org
To prevent people escaping from the far east Russian law forbids to move out of your region ucis.pitt.edu
One could say "one drop rule" i dont really have opinion on this matter, it depends in what culture the kid was risen at least in my opinion
Race is deeper than skin color, im talking about skulls shapes, nostrils etc…
so you admit it's not objective or scientific, and thus basically a belief system
the point was that you said "people of european ancestry are white." i've established that contemporary jews have significant european ancestry and history, yet according to you they're not "white"
i.e. a european language
the ancient jews who immigrated to europe basically dropped their original language and adopted those of their host countries (which led to yiddish), retaining some hebraic for religious and cultural activities. the jews who colonised israel didn't "speak hebrew"
so how did they get all those european genes?
so are russians white or not?
but according to you, jews aren't white, even though they have far more than one drop of european blood
so "whiteness" is a cultural matter, and not a physical one?
which is why i mentioned asia. most of asia's populations are caucasoid, and caucasoids are also found in "black african" groups, yet you don't consider those people "white"
i'm still waiting for you to clearly, simply and concisely define what a "white person" is
nice picture.
Am I the only one who laughs at how biased the pictures are?
Nazis always do this shit. They always find the most Hitler Youth mofos to represent the whites and the most I AM THE NIGGEST mofos to represent the blacks.
Kushner is the source of both the globalism and the goldman saches appointments.
I do not, i only said that countries can be partially white and partially not
But they do now
they didnt en.wikipedia.org
Russians living in european parts and far east are and in central asia are not, i already said that in my previous post
This is not how one drop rule works my friend
Its not, and i said, in my opinion
Arabs are too caucasoid, doesn't mean that they are white or european
A person of European orgin with haplogroups R1a and R1b or any other variations present in european region whos skin complexion can be described as white to light brown or in some cases olive
I would love to read a transcript of the debate.
Yeah i find it pretty funny too but i only wanted to give general idea of differences deeper than skin color
No. Let it burn. Fuck each and every Holla Forumsyp.
I hope you lurking Holla Forumsyps have learned a valuable lesson
All the worthy people left in 2015, the ones who stayed are just mentally ill, or idiots
If your definition for white is "has european ancestry" guess what there are very few 'non-whites' in america that DON'T have european ancestry. Ergo there's no irrelevant shiting because everyone's already white
what am i supposed to take from this?
are you seriously going to say this is not a european language?
yes, and they speak it despite their genes being significantly european
Citing autosomal DNA studies, Nicholas Wade estimates that "Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jews have roughly 30 percent European ancestry, with most of the rest from the Middle East."
so how does it work?
imagine a congoid man and woman make a congoid baby. when the baby is born, they send it to live in iceland with two icelandic parents. that baby is raised to speak icelandic and exposed to icelandic culture in a totally icelandic environment, never once exposed to anything african. is that child "white"?
so what about the child of a congoid man and a germanic woman, born in western europe? the child has a light brown skin colour and speaks only european language. is that child white?
It is one of the requirements, not the sole one
Are you implying that 30% is a lot?
No its a mix of european and non european language, but majority of jews nowdays uses non european language - hebrew
Culturally it might be, but not ethnically.
Btw that sounds like very interesting experiment
Dunno probably not, thats why people of mixed orgin are often stripped of their identity and feels alienated and that they do not belong to the any of the groups,
I think that is one of the problems with irrelevant shiting, it creates lost people, people without identity
but thats sounds like extremely specific case, and not very common it seems.
Very mature indeed, almost as mature as Nationał Socialism being filtered as not socialism
Word filters are fun, there should be more of them desu.
it's more than 25%, i.e. 1/4. that's significant. if you were 30% chinese would you consider yourself white?
if one drop of african blood makes one a negro, why doesn't one drop of european blood make one white?
so does he get deported or not?
I can understand censorship but word filters are just silly
Congratulations, you've discovered the point.
Probably not, terms like hapa exist for a reason, you know there are a lot of terms describing mixed people en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiracial
Because some people consider blacks to be inferior
I consider that it would make you mixed race and thus somewhere in between
From where to where lmao? first of all im not a amerifat secondly i didnt advocated for ethno state in any of my posts so why would i support deportation?
I just think that every ethnicity deserve their own homeland and place yo be
Okay but when you were asked for a definition of white that was the only requirement you gave so that's really no one's fault but your own
each person has a right to preserve their own existence and a future for their own children
I don't know why you'd care about anything more specific than that
That was other user
so, according to you, 30% isn't a lot, but it's enough to make you "non-white." by this logic 30% european genes should be enough to make you non-chinese
that doesn't answer my question
from iceland to a "non-white" country
because there's literally no way to ensure homogeneity in a population without some form demographics control, such as deportation, segregation or extermination
and how do you achieve that without setting rules on who is and isn't allowed in your territory?
Ethnicity isn't race. Obviously most people of the same race are of different ethnicities but there are even circumstances where people of the same ethnicity are of different races. Granted, 90% of those cases are in Morocco but the point stands.
I bet you are one of the ones who whines that Holla Forums is always coming here and shitposting.
I think it's naive to make Kushner the guy rubbing his hands behind the innocent Trump. Just saying.
Also, while Kushner is worse than Bannon, the latter was never "America First" either, as he was content with being Israel's client state in the Middle East.
Because that is the social construct aspect of race. Whites are concerned with purity or relative purity. Btw, the "one drop" rule makes it seem like people really care about trivial differences.
Or a society/community that talked about race honestly.
Yes, its enough to make you mixed, neither of those two races
Read the second part of my answer
Im afraid you cant just dump people to some other countries where there have absolute no links to them and their culture etc…
"Damage" would be already done at this point
I dont know man, thats just like your opinion, I dont know tell me about all the genocides that Portugal, Korea, Yemen or Greece committed
Yes it isnt
Thats one country, not even that populated, sounds like anecdotal evidence
Speaking from my experience my country is 99% "white" and 99% ethnic homogeneous
that's pretty much my point. these rules are arbitrary and don't hold up to minor criticism. it's a spook
yeah, well, we can dream i guess
so the non-white guy is allowed to stay in whiteland? that's nice
ok then, let's talk about countries that matter. tell me how you would plan to keep the u.s. from becoming a white minority (which is almost certain to happen this century) without deporting non-whites and denying entry to non-white immigrants? how would you plan to stop europe from becoming heavily islamicised (as is already the case in london and paris) without deporting muslims and denying entry to islamic immigrants?
I dont, USA aka great shaztan deserves everything they get, USA needs to be destroyed
I dont, they reap what they sow, they deserve everything
I just want to keep my country as it is, ethnically homogeneous because form the history and especially history of my country i know that diverse societies led to conflicts
i agree but just give me a hypothetical. how do you dictate a country's demographics without force? america and europe are changing and there doesn't seem to be any peaceful way to stop it
You got your shit backwards. Conflicts lead to diversity.
You encourage the birth rates i guess? I think that USA is already in lost position and non violence is not an option for them
Im not an expert when it comes to america but i can say what to do to protect the homogeneity of the countries that are still homogeneous
Uphold the rule of law, harsh emigration laws not for some ethnicity or race, but for everyone who is not of the ethnicity of the country that he wants to immigrate too.
I dont quite understand what do you mean, care to give me some examples?
Your head don't work too good, huh
You're an actor of the ruling class, a capi marionette and a nazi shill and we hung people like you on the lampposts in my country.
Hey under your ideal world what happens to the descendents of Greek speaking Ethically Greek Muslims that were deported to Turkey and Turkish speaking ethnically Turkish Orthodox Christians that were deported to Greece
But we recognize that right for non-white peoples as well
Ask them where they feel at home and where they want to stay, also ask native population about their opinion on this
Really love how, every step of the way, white nationalists are worse than what they claim to hate
Source on Kushner being the source of the Goldman Sachs apointment? Afaik both parties have appointed treasury secretaries from one of the "big 6" wall street banks since the corporate coup in the 80s. Trump appointing meuchkin (or whatever the fuck his name is) is just standard American ruling class bullshit not the result of Kushner.
so Assad is not white? What about pale-ass Turks?
Lol I just spotted this, Turks are almost entirely descended from the same people who have always lived in Asia minor, they're white as fuck
Have you ever been in turkey?
always found it really funny that the white guy in this pic is a jew, must rustle a lot of Holla Forums feathers
My personal anecdotes don't matter at all. The True Turks that invaded were a few drops diluted in an ocean of Byzantine Greek blood. Genetic analysts bears this out. If Turks aren't white that means genetics have nothing to do with race and if genetics have anything at all to do with race than Turks are white.