So, what does leftypol think about the recent New York drama over the transmission of herpes to baby boys?
Also, what are your thoughts about infant circumcision in general?
Leftypol circumcision
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It's %100 good
We should strive for a 100% secular society. In the meantime, those jewish priests should stop fucking little boys yo, that's fucked up.
They weren't fucking them. After they cut the skin, they suck the penis of the baby. The herpes were transferred from mouth sores.
The drama is good, or mutilating infants is good?
oh so they were raping them
actually they fuck the jewish babies too, its all part of the circumcision ritual
Fucking abhorrent practice
It's socially acceptable mutilation.
Nah, I mean like, there was no penetration. The babies are totally being sexually molested, just not fucked in the classic sense.
Against it 100%. If you're an adult I don't fucking care, but leave children alone.
These are excellent!
as someone circumcized at birth who had no choice in the matter
anyone who's ok with being mutilated is in denial, it's living hell hating your dick
A fucking barbaric practice that should be banned worldwide, and it's advocates (as a rite for babies) sent to rot in gulag.
circumcision is linked to brain damage and emotional detachment.
I believe the fucked up american societ is in part due to lopping off half of every boys dick without anesthesia while his brain is still forming.
I've heard of this.
Wasn't there also a study performed in Canada but never published about how the brains of circumcised boys never returned to their baseline MRI readings from before the procedure was performed?
And yea, the genital cutting may be a significant part of why The US is so fucked when it comes to sex.
Wasn't this years ago? And body modification of any kind should be a choice adults make for themselves. Routine ampuation of a sex organ is a particularly egregious harm. And medicine is still largely spooked by religion, the pharmaceutical industry, and the agriculture industry. I've had doctors parrot things at me that are not just proven wrong but also things that are obviously wrong.
Rape by knife is a thing.
I know that feel. I suspect that a lot of the penis insecurity America is known for comes from the high circumcision rate and the association of fitting in. The rates of erectile dysfunctions are far higher in the US btw, and I won't even go into how it makes sex worse for both participants.
There was actually a study done attempting to ascertain whether it was traumatic (it was already known to alter brain structure). The study got thrown out for being unethical presumably because of what the brain scans (fMRI, IIRC) indicated. It's a really retarded loophole in ethics where if something harmful enough is found to have taken place in the study, the whole study has to be thrown out. Even though the study was covering a routine practice and the point was to determine if harm was being done. I don't know the political details but when I heard of it, the shit smelled like someone pulling strings.
Porky absolutely loves male genital mutilation (circumcision).
He takes the foreskin of baby boys and uses it to make products he can sell to other porkies as anti aging creams.
The doctor likes circumcision cause he gets to sell the foreskin to porky, and a foreskin ain't cheap.
No this was really recent. The mayor had a press release and a guy point blank asked him "when is it ever okay to put an infant's penis in your mouth" and rather than say "never" the friggen guy says that "constitutional religious freedoms are a tricky thing"
I remember when germany tried to ban it and the jews through the biggest hissy fit.
And so the ban was overturned to appease a minority who practices a barbaric tradition. Should we legalize female genital mutilation because muslims do it?
So in type 3 you can't have sex with them? what's the point? Female enuch?
That's seriously fucked up. Doctors and the public at large come together to say "why don't we stop mutilating children?" and a fuck ton of REEEEEEEE puts a stop to it.
Oh well that's depressing that it's recent since something similar happened a while back too and got a lot of media coverage.
No, they're supposed to break through to have sex. In a lot of these countries they don't have sex with women for pleasure, but more commonly have sex with men and boys behind closed doors. And then there are all kinds of purity spooks for women (and it's mostly women who enforce this as certain parties are keen to hide) It's really complicated, weird, and sad.
You can thank the whole conflating Jewish culture/religion with race/ethnicity/heritage phenomenon. If you criticize Jewish culture that's racist.
Circumcision is literally child genital mutilation and should be illegal until adulthood.
It even wasn't banned. A judge found that it was already against the law. So the German parliament had to pass a law to explicitly legalize it. This is more fucked up.
Having children should be illegal until menopause.
not once do they actually care for the boys being mutilated, it's all about the poor jews being persecuted once again.
You are correct.
For an added bit of rage, read the kind of articles people write about this shit.
They ignore absolutely everything except that this must be solely an anti semetic attack on jews. Like what the fuck.
Removing a body part from a nonconsenting person is generally against the law in places that aren't completely savage. In real life they don't enforce laws equally.
That sounds pretty cray-cray. Got a link?
Besides the emotional trauma I think operating on a baby dick in such a way that it will continue growing into a proper penis is a precise procedure that most of these dick trimmers can't pull off right.
My shit the little seam part on the underside doesn't line up exactly with the glans and also I have a little meatal stenosis which is a scar you get from circumcision that makes the glans opening partly covered by scar tissue.
Apparently there is an operation you can get to widen the opening called a meatotomy but I'm leary on letting these Edward Scissorhands put their tools on my tool yet again.
WTF, leftypol just when I thought I couldn't hate religion anymore than I do.
If you hate religions for what it's followers do and not for what they preech then you're a massive faggot.
Not at hand unfortunately and it would probably be hard to find. It was a while ago and I don't remember where exactly I found this, but it was somewhere pretty obscure and focused on the subject. I had to stop looking into this stuff too much because it fucked me up. Earlier today I posted a link to a video of the procedure. I made sure the video actually showed it the procedure and the audio recorded the screams, and needed to have several drinks afterward.
Yes, sex organs have a lot of variety due to sexual selection working faster than natural selection and humans being so complicated. The procedure itself isn't even standardized; there are a number of different clamps and I've even seen a doctor perform it freehand with just a scalpel. There are who knows how many deaths from fucking it up or from the bleeding. And there's a very high rate of healing problems like adhesions.
Both of those are common. I never had issues with adhesion but I had nowhere near enough skin in general and I have an issue with the meatus, sort of the opposite of what you describe - it has problems closing properly (probably from the clamp being jammed on it).
I can relate. I faintly hope that those guys doing regenerative medicine can start regrowing foreskins (or approximations thereof).
Well hold onto your butt because here's a worse one that you probably haven't heard of. They used to crush little boys' nuts in order to achieve a unique singing voice by stopping puberty.
Here's a recording of what it sounded like.
Listen to this with the knowledge that for generations they were making eunuchs to get this sound (instead of just using kids or women to hit the right pitch) and tell me these weren't sick fucks.
And now we give little boys boobs by injecting them with hormones, both are good things.
Stop being a fedora tipping faggot with disdain for human history.
my balls hurt
I just don't think adults should be able to rape infants and leave them with STDs. That's all.
But religious freedoms…
Whoa Satan calm down with those nefarious and extreme views.
G-d gave those instructions to the chosen for a reason. Why do you always have to go againstle happy merchant meem, Satan?