You both hate jews, globalists, blacks, and the establishment. Why the fuck are you fighting each other.
From a neutral observer.
You both hate jews, globalists, blacks, and the establishment. Why the fuck are you fighting each other.
From a neutral observer.
Other urls found in this thread:
Holla Forums is crawling with subhuman Vietnamese(Nhận được trong gulag)
We don't hate the people, we hate the class. That is the fundamental difference between us and you.
fuck off idpol scum
We don't hate niggers or kikes and want to destroy the capitalist system, Holla Forums wants to preserve the capitalist system but remove niggers and kikes and put Hans in the seat Scholmo was previously occuping.
That's where you're wrong kiddo. I like jews, I unironically support hwhite stormnigger G.enocide, and the destruction of American state, scoiety and way of life
so you both want to topple the system. what is the difference.
The difference is what we want to do after toppling the system you stupid liberal "radical centrist."
lemme guess - """classical liberal"", right?
No I don't.
We want a dictatorship of the proletariat, they want to keep the capitalist system intact.
is not
Holla Forums is basically the polar opposite of left-liberals.
i think you're all retarded to be honest. every commie i see is literally a greasy looking fuck with zero prospects in life.
you both argue for an authoritarian system, with zero freedoms, that nobody has ever prospered under.
The difference is that we will have a bunch of Jews like Trotsky take all your burger away , and put your sweet little ass to work in a slave labour camp
based mods.
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, and you wouldn't know authoritarianism if a private army shot you in the face.
Nope, also pic related
not a classical liberal. I'm a center right observer. the alt right is the same thing as SJWs. Commies are just retarded and antifa literally acts like fascists.
How many layers of false equivalence are you on OP
Who let you out of your trashcan?
I hate capitalists and the state where did you get the other shit
How would you know that? Based on the OP, you don't even know what they believe in.
you know it's true. centrism is the only path to success. center right is what I prefer, but alternating center right/center left is ideal.
I don't even defend antifa, but how fucking stupid can you be? Is this babby's first foray into political science?
Death to idpol
Weird, I thought I was a libertarian socialist.
Also (Checked)
Centrism has led to the deaths of more people in the past 80 years than Nazism or "Communism" combined.
no you fucking fag, go back to 4cuck you fucking pleb
so who is antifa then? not 'real communists'?
Op's either an idiot or a troll
>>>/gulag/ either way
says anything
Actually we love jews here, goyim. Blacks are fine I guess. As far as those other two things we do hate those, but pol does not. They are supporting the global ruling class. The past 24 hours should've made that obvious.
They're entirely distinct from communists. Many antifas are anarchists. Some are even liberals. Just lurk more.
Sure thing bud.
My point was that you have a very very very basic and inadequate normie-tier understanding of political theories, evidenced by the implications in your posts that:
- Bolshevism and state socialism are the only things on the far left
- centrism is a neutral position (it is not)
- fascism = punching things and anything authoritarian I don't like
I'll forgive you for being 15 years old, but if you're older, you need to seriously read a couple of books and articles on political theory in general.
We hate the rich, all the shades of them!
Holla Forums is Nazi
Holla Forums is Communists
They were always fighting.
i want to be rich. I am ambitious and intelligent. why would i want the state to take away all my possessions?
but communism is an inherently authoritarian system.
i wish you would all just kill yourselves and let normal people live in peace
wow such a prized smart boy!
now go and die poor and in debt like rest of the world.
read a book
Dream on
why would i die in debt? if you're intelligent with your money, you will be fine.
You're wrong. Communism is not Leninism, and I'm done responding to you until you put in the minimal effort to educate yourself on such things.
I'd start here:
Antifa are class collaborationist cunts who's only goal is to preserve the farce that is liberal democracy.
You're children will also be used to test whether or not human beings can survive on the surface of a star
If you're a smart boy you would realize there is a reason why most of the wealth of this planet lies with the 1%
not real communism
most of the population dies poor and in debt so not knowing you, i can statistically assume you will die poor and in debt.
Yeah man, it's not like powerful dictatorships throw around nice-sounding words to lie about themselves. That's just unheard of
tbh I'd hate fuck her dusty ass pussy
i'm very aware of that. all im trying to say is that literally everything good we have today has come from a society of property ownership, of class, and recently, centrism.
Democracy can't exist, we've tried it multiple times. All disasters and famine. Feudalism is flawed, but at the end of the day its what we have.
I love my Baron
The globalists, liberals and religious fundies? Yes.
Still not Holla Forums though. Lurk more.
If only all the left's political enemies were this incompetent.
Oh yes, we have so much good.
Communism is about as globalist as you can get, I fuck black chicks all the time and I once did a bunch of yard work for free for months for an old Jewish lady with ovarian cancer so you are wrong on every count.
Nothing wrong with them
meme phrase used by the establishment
im in one of the top countries in the world. mixed market economy, centrist politicians, pro-skilled immigration. you can't tell me that undoing all of this would lead to a better and more prosperous country,.
Fuck you, too. I clicked this thread from index, fag.
Now let's play a game.
You're a working class dude living in America, you're eighteen, very smart and you want to be rich how do you do it, step by step? Enlighten me.
Holla Forums ought to make an infographic about the interventions, wars, and mass murders done by centrist governments. Something like pic related but cleaner. And we should use the Black Book of Communism's methodology to get high death estimates for centrism.
confirmed politically illiterate retard
Because you're looking at it chiefly from the short-term, anecdotal perspective of your own personal experiences. Which is fucking stupid.
The kind of grotesque inequality that's been rising all across the world is what's historically normal for capitalism. The "centrism" you're talking about in the grand scheme of things is a historical anomaly that, at the end of the day, failed to keep the global situation under control. We're seeing it come apart bit by bit every day.
if your country is doing fine there is another country being fucked. if not you have internal inequalities and you can't really say you country is fine.
What country?
not really. India, Vietnam, China, etc. are all booming and doing better than ever due to western countries buying their products.
the only truly shitty countries are the ones in Africa, that are screwed because of colonialism and dependence on foreign aid.
your standards seem to be pretty low
Dude, weed man is pretty much a soc-dem so your country is under the socialist spectrum. I thought you were going to say Denmark or some Scandinavian country who also are under soc-dem or democratic socialist regimes.
Yea how's that Canadian Government treating its indigenous population bucko
Rosa killers be gone
Very well.
They're the same in every way except Holla Forums is retarded enough to think that most real things regarding humanity are unreal and that unreal psyops like money and class are real.
Pic related. Lefties would try and say this is a "spook" despite it being a physical object that exists in reality.
Poor quality bait, try again.
Ever notice that the people who claim that anti-racists don't understand biology/genetics are themselves generally people who are profoundly scientifically illiterate?
The fact that these people don't even bring up neuroplasticity or epigenetics says a lot
Don't you know that all the good in the world was brought to us by feudalism? All the food you eat, the home you live in and the cloths on your back were all produced by feudalism.
Republics all lead to anarchy, and they dont even have divine right!
ex-Holla Forums here, I'm still trying to figure out if I fit in here or not. I'm decently well read in critical theory and am strongly anti-Capitalist, but also strongly anti-Globalist. I believe idpol to be nothing but a distractionary tactic perpetuated by the elite to divide the working class so we're too distracted and weak to congregate and focus on overthrowing their control. I do consider the whole alt-right stuff to be perpetuated for the same reason, but I feel that it's a much much lower priority to deal with than the increasing deeply triggering and problematic/anti-male/anti-cis/ant-hetero groups and rhetoric that have spiraled way out of control and its existence is almost a necessity to keep the scales from tipping too far. I also consider most of the social issues pushed on the left to have become legitimately degenerate and strongly support values of integrity, hard work, focus on God and spirituality, and abstinence from hedonism and vices.
Basically I'm far too against free market Laissez-faire capitalism and corporatism for Holla Forums but too actually reactionary for any other communist or even just leftist communities I've come across. This seems like the only place that I'm not in conflict with but I'm too new to know for sure.
Can't you find some radtrad catholic group?
They usually aren't too big on capitalism either.
Looks like you need a visit from the spookman.
You should like it here.
Dont worry eventually we will just brainwash you into believing exactly what we believe anyways so its ok. You will let go of your protestant work ethic spook and your god spook here soon.
Why are you socially reactionary would be the first question.
I guess you might like this flag.
Nope. At least, we don't hate anyone because they're Jewish or black. Jews are disproportionately bourgeois, though, and the bourgeoisie is the enemy.
Holla Forums hates us because they don't understand what capitalism or socialism are. I would fight against a Holla Forums regime because it would be capitalist and genocidal. Holla Forums would fight against our regime because we would destroy the ruling class, and they are under the delusion that they will one day be a part of the ruling class, because they've substituted race for class and think that the supposed superiority of whites will somehow translate into a better life under capitalism. Which it won't.
Get out, etc.
so liberal
we agree 100% though
Most of that stuff you'll find common ground on, except that we care less about idpol and God/values than you do on average (except the tankies, nazbols, and christian commies).
You're welcome here anyway. This place is a mixture of clashing ideas. You don't even really have to be far left to just post here, since we have a few nazis and liberals.
the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: "theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron"
is this supposed to be a joke or a snowclone or something?
lel 240 replies on a b8 thread never change
That we always put the effort into responding to posts is good for two reasons:
(1) sharpens our argumentive reasoning
(2) threads like these can devolve into good discussions
Also it's unlikely it was a bait post since the author stuck around to debate. I admit the thread is low quality, though.
I've heard of liberation theology and the like, but I'm strongly against church structures and don't even necessarily advocate for a particular religion or theism. I just consider individualist theism in general (with a few exceptions, such as Islam) to be beneficial a la Kierkegaard.
Better dead than an egoist.
What do you mean?
That is a pretty sweet flag, thanks.