Wtf is even the message of this comic? That you should be able to hold prejudices without needing to justify them?
Wtf is even the message of this comic? That you should be able to hold prejudices without needing to justify them?
The message of the comic is that sea lions are fucking based and always correct
Lel the artist probably got into an annoying argument with someone and brought their frustration to their art
very clearly it's never to badmouth sea-lions
It's just about people are really obnoxious about "correcting" opinions they disagree with. Most people just don't want to get into a big debate over some minor thing they said offhand.
The fuck else is it an allegory for?
Straight white men
The comic came out when #GamerGate was new and before the GamerGate auto-blocker.
It was satire on how GG behaved on Twitter - relentlessly pestering people as a debate tactic.
This. Imagine arguing with a dozen Molymeme fanboys whose only apparent hobby is antagonizing people online.
It's amazing how butthurt trolls get when they don't realize they're trolls.
If you can't immediately recognise a depiction of an insufferable internet autist when it is presented to you, then I hate to use a cliche but maybe it is you who is the insufferable internet autist.
That applies more to GamerGate than I think you realize.
"You know what? Jews are the worst."
"What do you hate Jews for?"
"Shut up, autist."
See, now you're being a Sealion about the Sealion comic. Very meta.
The questions would have stopped immediately if the couple in the comic were capable of answering a single one of them.
Bye all mean, argue with them. You will eventually realize bigotry is utterly irrational and cannot be defeated by logical arguments.
You're in my house
Start shit, get hit.
I will never not be astounded at people who treat open websites as some sort of private tea club. "Doxing", "brigading", "cyberstalking", "cyberbullying". Anything you post outside a password-protected page is the equivalent of listing your address in the phonebook and nailing your signed opinion to a bulletin board in the town square.
I hope you mean the woman is the autist, because the Sea Lion is actually the one being reasonable. Guess, what, the internet isn't your house. If you don't like to argue, just log off so we can all talk about how you're fucking wrong and an idiot for being unable to justify your retarded opinions.
This is a comic that says that asking you to use logic is somehow harassing. Kill yourself, famalam.
Then don't say stupid shit in public.
Found the SJW.
It's about not being an annoying dork.
It's trying to show how asking someone to explain their opinion is bad, but given how retarded sjws are it easily gets construed as about bigotry.
geegee itself wasn't but only like 5% of geegee actually cared
The point is that the sealion is completely right to be annoyed by that statement. The opinion being criticized was analogous to bigotry, given that it was referencing what is apparently a sapient being, not something that only pisses off virgin manbabies like "I don't like anime".
its trying to say that public discourse should not follow you into your private places, but it was created applying to the internet which is literally never a private place
being pestered for being an idiot online is just consequence of being an idiot online
Between this, the seagull comic, and that xkcd freezepeach one, it's hard to decide which is more inane.