Does anyone actually unironically think Pol Pot was a good guy?
Does anyone actually unironically think Pol Pot was a good guy?
Full Communism = Year Zero
I do
He did very little wrong
Jews certainly do
Cambodians are very nationalistic and that's what Pol Pot appealed to: wounded national pride. I wouldn't be surprised if he still has some fans in his own country.
He was too much of a warrior, not enough of a redeemer. He had the right idea though.
Fucked up the link
Jews think messiah will deliver Year Zero.
Yes, that's where the whole concept came from in the first place. Pol Pot's cambodia was a testing ground
lmao at this, CIA WASP's put him in power you fucking clown
no its not at all, utopian extermination of the unworthy isn't at all jewish in origins
America was controlled by Jews too you nitwit. You do realize the Jews play both sides against the middle, right?
Actually, that's literally in the Torah. The Jews went around committing ethnic cleansing enmasse, and they specifically said that the "Amalekites" (aka white people) needed to be destroyed before the messianic age can come to pass.
They do believe messiah will deliver a "cleansing" though.
America isn't and wasn't controlled by jews that's a nonsensical presupposition
except they weren't talking about whites from Europe you fag Jews had never come into contact with europeans during the age when the Torah was put into writing. They were a nomadic tribe of barbarians who lived in caanan among dozens of other retarded tribes who warred with the Israelites. They're not whites. There were no White euros that far south at that time. Any euro types were inbred with mongoloid and north african types and wouldn't have been whites. You're just making shit up. There is no reference to white euros in regards to cleansing
so do Mahayana buddhists and Hindus. Shiva is supposed to come back and on a white horse, mass murder all those who do not hold to Dharma and who are wicked. Same story for everyone else, same story in Viking mythology and Shinto mythology. the active male avatar of God shows up and kills all the evil ones. Its not fucking jewish and if you think it is you're a fucking idiot whose never studied comparative religion.
It's a trope in several religions.
yes and has nothing to do with Jews or Jewishness. Jews don't even talk about armageddon with the same bloodthristy attitude that Christians and Muslims do. Buddhists with maitreya have as violent a conception of the end times as Christians do, Iccanthikas are all to be killed by bodhisattvas at the end of the world. Most religions have psychotic bloodthirsty elements to them that are hidden
Right, because Jews never had any encounters with Sumerians, Egyptians, Phoenicians…they all just didn't exist. Jews were living in peace and harmony until the evil white man showed up and holocausted 100 gorillion jews :c
are the pills starting to kick inn, or is this thread filled with drivel?
none of those races are white they're all Semites or Levantines or Maghrebi caucasians, none of them are white especially not the Egyptians or Phoenicians who were Semitic Maghrebi people. They reconstructed the face of a phoenician based on dna analysis this past year and he looks like a Jew.
he had right ideas, it was mostly his followers who fucked it up tbh
Well, now I know not to take you seriously. No, look at any picture of a Sumerian or an Egyptian, they were white.
Off your meds again?
they aren't white at all they don't look at all like Europeans even a little bit they look like Maghrebi-Semites which means a mixture of people from the Maghreb and the Levant. They're not white and they never were white
WE WUZ EVERYTHANG total fucking nonsense
We wuz arayans n shit man when we going to egypt u tellin me we wuz not an ancestor of egpyt man u tellin me those gypsies over there aren't white lok at their skin man they'r white man n u know man like we tryyin to go to space n sheit man like fuk man these godamn blek peple man i am sayin man these blek peple be ruinin our lives man shit man le-le-let me tell u man lo-lo-look my grand ma ma she part egyptian man u tellin me lil king tut 2 ta tu thats my gr8 gr8 gr8 gr8 gr8 granpa man n u tellin me that thes god dang egyptians arn't white lo-lo-look man Sargon was white I don kno why these histroy books be lyin to u Sargon was white the Akkadians wer ruled by whit people shit man I tell u I swear man all the white peple in america go back to Europe dey gonna be wantin us bak
"Good" is hard to say, but I really like something about him.
I mean, he totally pierces through the bullshit of modern politics. Will we serve the banks better with a bail-out or a tax cut? Fuck it, Burn the banks and literally make the bankers dig their own graves. Beat them to death with rifle butts because they're not worth a bullet. Fuck it, just tear society apart.
I think it's that he's a little reminder that no matter how much the present capitalist-realist stagnation lulls everyone into a comfy slumber to a lullaby of "There is no alternative", physically speaking people can do whatever they want if they're put up to it. If you just let them, they'll fucking do it. They'll kill someone for picking fruit, they'll outlaw fishing, that's fucking cool.
And I mean, if people will vote for Tony Blair three times then who's to say they don't deserve it? Pol Pot's only mistake was not killing more of these vermin. Glasses? Die. Talking? Die. Eating in private? Die. Visiting family? Die. I mean just think about this, in the context of the tedious talking points of normal politics. "Donald Trump talked about grabbing vaginas" was actually a national news item on the same planet where these rules were in place, where people actually killed each other over this shit, when you actually give them food and some degree of freedom you can turn them into this stupid farce society. At least Pol Pot's society made sense as "madness", this is just pathetic.
Pol Pot's only mistake was not freeing me from this miserable tedium. Take me with you, Saloth Sar.
I remember the days when that flag was only a shitposting flag. I think we're swiftly head back that direction.
all communists are good guys.
the difference is some make mistakes, some don't
ah yes all those pictures
sure but pol pot wasnt a communist
Eh, I'm only channelling my youthful disappointed reformist. When you don't get into a full analysis of class relations and the like and just look at things through the lens of bourgeois democracy, it's very easy to slide into outright misanthropy. Doubly so when the feeling of political stagnation is still in the air.
(I mean, it is morbidly fascinating that "civilization" could be dismantled in the way it happened in Cambodia. Down to spooky shit like the Khmer Rouge calling themselves "The Organisation", even down to the role cast on Vietnam as the liberator and the West as the defender of the Khmer Rouge's seat at the UN.)
What I find incredible is how someone who seemed to be a relatively benign leftist just turns into fucking Ed Gein like that and throws his country back into the fucking stone age, killing a third of the population in the process. I mean, what series of events could possibly lead to such a Dantesque outcome?
🍀🍀🍀CIA🍀🍀🍀 brainwashing
Could be the fact that Communism is based on genocide of the gentiles.
I believe at one point he claimed to have had no idea what was going on, since he was surrounded by liars playing their own power games. (So he may have comfortably believed there was a grain surplus to export, while at the local level you had glorified gangsters taking food from the dying.)
This assumes you want to assume good faith when dealing with Pol Pot, though. I'm not entirely sure why I'd do that.
Euronymous, Olof Palme, Nicolae Ceausescu, Zbigniew Brzezinski (Bin Laden's bestie)
I love it when white nationalists get butthurt when American black nationalists claim that they used to rule Egypt but then turn around and say the same thing regarding semites and Indians.
Identity politics: Into the trash it goes.
Semites are Jews. Are you claiming that Jews had a history, let alone ran Egypt, Sumeria, China, India? Because they didn't. Yet all genetic and physical evidence points to the cradles of civilization being started up by Aryans, even in North and South America, which is recorded by the myths and histories of the various poo skin tribes there.
Source: Joy of Satan
No, Jews were a subgroup of semites.
He only got in power with the helping hand of the CIA. Only hardcore ultra-maoists and edgelords would defend him.
Still, his violence and the idea of re-starting shit is kinda alluring, just imagine: a world without liberals and without any traces of their existence. Isn't that enticing?
Jews aren't even human, how can they be in a "subgroup" of humanity when they dont share common genetics with us?
obv. bait
Okay, this is why none of us (outside leftypol) feel bad when we hear about proxy states murdering the shit out of Marxist dissidents.
So many people here don't give a shit how much common people suffer so long as it makes "Sense" in whatever autistic, specific moral system they've set their sights on.
read a book nigger.
Got some bad news for u my lad. That's not the green pill me boy.
Except that the post never says the murders are moral, only that they're fascinating in the context of a world where the illusion created is that radical change is impossible, because he's a clear example that absolute insanity can take hold.