Why does situationist seem to get such a bad rap around here?
It seems to be either written off completely or unkown. I started talking about cadres in a thread and nobody knew wtf I was talking about.
Why does situationist seem to get such a bad rap around here?
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People seem to be fond of detournement. Tell me about your cadres, OP.
They were left communists and the precursors to the ultra-left, and this place doesn't like either of those too much.
why doesn't Holla Forums like left-coms?
It's the god damn Bordigites.
Democratic socialists, Ancoms, and the like hate them because their ideology is a constant reminder of how much time those people waste with their "direct action" bullshit
Because they oppose parliamentarism, activism and opportunism, which to them roughly translates to the do nothing maymay we all know and love (I know I vicariously enjoy it at least).
"Bordigism" was never a thing and never will be, and the term is used by left communists as a pejorative for a dogmatic adherence to the Italian left of Bordiga, just as "Councilism" is used to describe dogmatic council communists (see: leftcom.org
So what should people do according to them?
Because people here don't read.
Class struggle: prole.info
Also, if you still fancy abstentionist party politics in this day and age and manage to form a communist party there's .
It's like 10 lines, user…
Vaporwave would be an example of detournement, right?
didn't the situationists take "direct action" though
isn't that their whole schtick?
They are, like all anarchists, still salvageable as long as they read Marx, Socialisme ou Barbarie and Endnotes and pledge their allegiance to the immortal science of communization (j/k not j/k. :^))
"Democratic socialists" are doomed to their own devices, though, and only their inevitable failure can cure them of their delusions.
Not in the sense you're (probably) thinking of, no: cddc.vt.edu
make a 'ancom and leftcom with communization: 'we are growing stronger' meme
Truly disgusting.
I guess it would, it's pretty hard to pull off and I don't even know many good examples myself. I've argued occasionally that Shkreli is a situationist with his comments shitting on the pharma industry.
If anyone has any good examples, post 'em.
Stop having such persecution complex you fag, pretty much all tendencies are shat on regardless if they are leftcoms, bookchinies, marksocs, MLs, anarkids and so on. You're not special in that regard aside from having a lot of spotlight recently
Situs are the only Marxists I like.
It could be, but I feel like many people who engage in it seem to operate entirely in a sphere of irony to the point where it doesn't really critique the real anymore, if that makes sense. Doing it for the sake of it rather than to make you think about the things you take for granted.
Theyre the epitome of, simultaneously the most cancerous aspects of the real world left and the left that who's only contribution to anything is shitposting.
They're smug, sectarian and will point at every social movement to exist and say "well this is how you are wrong" because they read something while simultaneously doing literally nothing of note in the real world within the two hundred or so years they existed.
Some of you are good people with strong theoretical knowledge, and I like communization, Zizek, Dauvé and so on but some of you are insufferable asshats who antagonize everyone and wonder why people dislike you.
Wouldn't say so, the message in vaporwave isn't as direct as in other detoured works, and then again, when you've interpreted it out, it's most of the time the same message over and over again.
Not really. It deviates in different ways like it's rejection of parlimentary participation.
Originally, perhaps. By this point it's been recuperated to hell and back. Vaporwave no longer references 90s muzak, but only other vaporwave. It's a free floating signifier without connection to anything
It got memed into meaninglessness.
It had some actual feeling and aesthetic(yes. that word. the actual meaning of it. go fuck yourself.) at some point. by now all 'vaporwave' I see is just tossing LOL 80s XDDDD onto random bullshit with no regard for any kind of meaning. just tossing "vaporwave" features together randomly because its just an ironic meme right XDD A E S T H E T I C XDDDD
so you get shit like vaporwave with random crusaders and donald trump, random pictures of lenin and hammer+sickle, or literally whatever else its being used for.
Bordiga was more of a weird leninist that influenced some tendencies within what later became known as left communism. I've never met a 'bordigist' who wasn't just memeing. The history of the left in early 20th century Italy is fascinating. At one point, Gramsci, Mussolini and Bordiga shared the same party. Much of the original Italian fascism can be seen as a perversion of Sorel's insurrectionary syndicalism, gone full strikebreaker, combined with poet Gabriel D'Annunzio's performance art stunts. D'Annunzio was quite a bizarre character,WWI ace pilot, womanizer, 5'4, occasional crossdresser, was into black shirt militias and roman salutes before Mussolini. Fascists never won an election, they were invited to rule by liberal bourgeoisie forces terrified of left revolution. imo it wasn't Bordiga or Gramsci who came closest to creating an effective anti fascist resistance, but the anarchists of the Arditti del Poppolo, many of whom where, oddly enough also linked to D'Annunzio at one point.
this 'this place doesn't like X'
… is common with redditors. stop. if you have a point, make it, don't twist everyone's arm if you don't.
Then why did they come after a bunch of leftcom intellectuals
Jesus christ is this real? It feels like something that was written by someone from here.
He also got turned down by Tamara de Lempicka on the grounds that he was a fash manlet. He still drowned in pussy tho. He was like some sort of penny dreadful adventurer who could write poetry.