Nazi's get BTFO by ANTIFA on all fronts. How will the Alt Right ever recover from this?
Boston ANTIFA destroy racist Gavin Mcguinnes
no one here falls for this false flag channel
try somewhere else
ANTIFA shutting down NAzi's trying to stop our zionist masters from attacking Syria. We must stand with Israel and shut down the Alt Right. They are a threat to globalism!
I hate Autifa a whole lot but this is a false flag made by reactionaries pathetic enough to roleplay as leftoid antifascists:
If you're going to cointelpro around here at least lurk more and try to sound like you aren't a complete retard.
my Holla Forums cuck friend
wasn't your "daddy" Trump that bombed Syria?
how more can you spread your ass for your capitalist overlords?
also nice wewusing in your pic
Ah the final days of the Roman Empire as it fell to irrelevant shiting… Reminds me of teh fate of good old Egypt, Persia and Hellenic Greece.
Diversity is our strength!
sure thing kang
ancient greeks were blonde and blue eyed nords just because of your feels
we wuz philosophers and shieet
Kek. Don't show the Pagan Romans who created the Empire and everything great about it. Just show the last degenerate Romans that irrelevant shited with their slaves.
Dont know why they rotate when I post them. Theyre not like that in thumbnails.
ah yes, good old boston 'antifa'
This is a weird development.
Some antifa sure do love Israel.
Israel is our greatest ally.
I wonder what happens when the pro jew antifas meet up with the pro muslim antifas?
Do they fight? Or do they just avoid the subject of the middle east?
yeah right
they just keep sucking his dick as usual
so all civilisations that suceed=nordic
all that don't=mixed
very interesting theory friend, it seems almost tailored to fit your racist worldview
so greeks "degenerated" by mixing with other peoples
so what about the Byzantine empire?
those mixed degenerated people had a civilisation by far more superior to the primitive germanics and nordics
Theyre the same thing. Lefties support whatever Jewish media tells them.
Support muslims
SUpport Jews
Support blacks
Hate whitey (yourself)
The oldest mummies have red hair
They also have the same DNA as 95% of native British males.
Once again youre posting the final decline of egypt and rome by posting their mi xed rac e death.
You're a dumb, gullible retard who fell for obvious false flaggers, but you think others are the ones who support whatever they're told to. Kys
Not an argument.
Woah we sure are getting redpilled ITT. How will we recover?
Ah yes, the global bankers and corporate elites who would be out against the wall if communism won are clearly pushing communism.
This is the weakest Holla Forums bait thread I've ever seen.
Voltaire never said that.
hypocrisy is always an argument
But some of them love Israel and some agree with the muslims from the surrounding region that the Jews there should be slaughtered.
That must make for some interesting conversations. Or maybe they just dont talk about it.
But he should have.
If only the communist JEWS were in charge! That would show these capitalist JEWS!
i see that i'm talking to a complete retard
those are fayum portaits, decorating the tombs of greek settlers
those are greek people
keep avoiding the questions and perhaps none will realise you're full of shit
the mentality of a polcuck
truth doesn't matter
You realize that Egyptian civilization lasted over a thousand years and well into periods of mixing with Arab and black populations correct?
And then there's that whole thing about civilization literally being invented by brown people.
So how come pol is always right about everything?
AYO browns wuz kangz n sheeeeit
We invented civilization
Da fukin whitey stole it
Middle East wuz brown
watchu talkin bout arabs invaded and turned it all to shit?!
Watchu talkin bout blacks invaded and turned it all to shit?
Ayo look at Haiti, richest colony and most fertile soil, rich with natural resources den us blacks took it over when dem frenchy decided to give us equallity and free'd us. Now look, Haiti is the most advanced country in the world. We took what the french built and ran with it… all the way into a 3rd world country just like our ancestors… sheeeeeit
The Chinese arent really brown.
While we have a Holla Forumsyp ITT, may he bother to tell me what do he thinks about Evola's opinion on the degradation of culture? Pic related
Just like that time when the world ended in September?
like trump been an isolationist that will not interfere with Syria helping the jihadists?
Your whole argument is "we wuz kangz", dipshit
We remain and always have been kings. We are the gods!
I bet your mom's basement makes a hell of a "palace". Also, you can stop pretending to be white now, we've seen the pics Holla Forums
sure thing man
you have amazing knowledge in history
if you say that all the civilisations across history were nords, who i'm i, to doubt you?
There is bad actors in every movement who seem to get the attention and press. Alt-Right is foremost for Americans all Americans regardless of race, America first. That doesn't mean we believe other cultures r inferior, they are not. US Immigration should continue to be a beacon of hope to the world. The Alt-left fringes including antifa, feminist 3rd wave etc.. are as guilty of being intolerant as The KKK. IF we can't have a dialog without shouting I'm saddened for what is to come
Fucking hell you even talk like shills
Grow the fuck up, talk and think like a human being instead of a self parody if you ever want to get taken seriously fron anyone outside leftypol
The alt right is just an invention of the alt left anyway.
The alt center is the only reasonable stance.
The alt X are memes created by liberals. Small part of Holla Forums adopted it for marketing purpose at some point. The only instance of Alt left i saw employed was a libtard whining about a supposed race realist socialist.