So much for the tolerant left
So much for the tolerant left
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where did it all go so wrong
Wew lad.
Melenchon will win, check the dubs.
please explain why he's wrong
what's wrong with melenchon guys?
101% right.
she IS the far right you door knob, there is no ideological division among them,just that some of em are more restrained then others and don't say the first dumb shit that pops in their heads.
well he is a communist, always have been, he's not pretending
he won't win, too much lefty parties in France already.
Can't con the 'Chon
Allons enfants de la Patrie,
Le jour de gloire est arrivé!
Contre nous de la tyrannie,
L'étendard sanglant est levé, (bis)
Entendez-vous dans les campagnes
Mugir ces féroces soldats?
Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras
Égorger vos fils, vos compagnes!
Aux armes, citoyens,
Formez vos bataillons,
Marchons, marchons!
Qu'un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons!
How much of a slowpoke am I that I just realized that Marine Le Pen's initials are "MLP"?
My little pony was a mistake
can't schlon the melenchon
ancap wannabe mad beacuse he got rekt
5,000 BC
someone explain these dates to me.
since the day people like Le Pen where considered far-right
I'm gonna guess from memory, not look them up:
liberal revolutions (crushed)
french revolution (still going :^))
neolithic revolution (succeeded)
Paris commune? (crushed)
not sure, establishment of soviet union?
Reagan or something
discovery of America
Perestroika you faggot.
six out of seven is better than I usually do at tests
Perestroika didn't start until 1985. In 1980, Brezhnev was still alive and Gorbachev was only just elected to the Politburo.
all right, seven out of seven!
fuck off you opportunist.
anyone want hard dicks?
Give this a listen
What the fuck? Do these people think there's much of a difference?
The End Of History
In Europe many socdem parties didn't change the name after ditching socialism, thus it has become customary to call socdems socialists. Just look at any international sucdem groups: Party of European Socialists, Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, Socialist International.
I've listened to a few of the speeches at his rallies and they almost always sing it after the Marseillaise.
Honestly, Le Pen is a much better socialist than that libshit socdem Melenchon. If nothing else, she'll trigger the anarkiddies
You need to rethink your priorities.
Nationalism is closer to socialism than liberalism ever will be, deal with it.
sasuga american media
How is nationalism socialist, in any way?
what kind of socialist policies has Le Pen even proposed that would make you say that.
And no, being Anti-EU isn't inherently socialist.
In Europe, socialism and social democracy are synonyms. You have center-right liberal parties which degenerated from the old Labor parties who still unironically sing the Internationale.
How is he not a SocDem? I don't see him starting a revolution, executing the bourgeoisie and abolishing commodity production.
A right, because the only method to seize the means of production is to do so at the barrel of the a gun? Get a grip.
Please explain to me how someone who is trying to work through bourgeois democracy to struggle against capitalism is not a social democrat in the most literal definition of the world possible.
You hear that, Allende? You were only imagining the violence! Capitalism can be overthrown peacefully!
The entire example of Allande kinda proves the point: he was undone not by bourgeois democracy or its forces, but by the reactionary deep state and imperialist external powers.
Also, Melenchon polling at 16%.
Why do Euros shit talk American leftists when its thanks to them that succdem=socialism?
Really gets your grey matter grooving.
Still a million times better than another liberal
I'm mainly surprised that French initials work like that.
You're right, the guy that was a member of the Internationalist Communist Organisation definately is not a communist.
No, porkyism is better than fascism: end of.
JLM isn't bad by any means he's not really a full-blown communist lad, come on.
The start of the universe.
Die you fucking Barneyfag
How can anybody be dumb enough to vote for spook filled le pen?
wtf i love france now
I know we have a Rojava thread, but this i it own news/
Fuggidy fug that wasn't meant to be here.
lol retard. Time to be bullied. Give me your lunch money punk
Found the M-L.
Yeah you're mostly right most left and other academic commentators see 1980 as the birth of the neoliberal paradigm on a world scale.
Now give me your lunch and the lunch of the kid you just bullied you fucktard
Since the beginning of time
I still think that Le Pen is going to win, tbh.
Labels say more than a thousand word. That is why Ben Garrison still does his comics.
melenchon will the dark horse who wins the race
this chart proves it
Impressionistic nonsense we use when we don't understand how history and society work
I just hope that
1 The PS will get the final blow from tht election
2 Mélenchon don't give vote consign for the 2nd turn if he do not reach it.
He wouldn't even have the trying to build a platform excuse Bernie had to support Hillary.
Damn look at how fast that red line is shooting up. Do you guys think he could make it to third place? Fillion certainly doesn't inspire much excitement. Hell, maybe if Le Pen continues to fall in the coming weeks before the election like with Wilders Melenchon could even make it to the run-off.
Who is Macron and why is he in the lead?
Wasn't Fillon embroiled in some kind of huge scandal? Seems that Melenchon definitely has a chance if Hamon drops out and endorses him and he picks up some of Fillon's people.
Of course, the EU and US will do everything possible to fuck with Melenchon if he wins.
Neoliberal who recently formed his very own brand new libshit party to appeal to liberals who've been disillusioned by the Socialist Party and the Republicans
When did he said that? You can post source in english or french.
He was in the Parti Socialiste (socdem) until 2008.
That stupid smooth faced pussy Hamon needs to drop out.
Antifa please, stop calling everyone you don't like fascists, you're not better than Holla Forums that call everyone jews.
You're so fucking dumb, Le Pen is a crypto fascist at the least. I know you feel all blown minded because
but that doesn't make Le Pen good, it's just a testament to the enduring influence of the Communist Party in French politics.
Look at the roots of FN, she's a Fascist, and a Vichy, and scum of the earth. A career politician, a corrupt chain-smoking harpy.
By that logic Mussolini was a communist.
Also, fascists still argue for a strong welfare state.
He wasnt?
Still convinced this is the greatest anthem ever written
Notice how he dropped when Hamon won against Valls.
Thankfully things are back to normal, though without Harmon, Mélenchon could easily be at 25% now.
based unlike a certain neighbouring country who gets it wrong constantly
Why is it important that Frext doesn't happen? Isn't the European Unions big capitalistic dicksucking thing?
Please forgive my dumb new-ness.
Getting a socialist sympathising socdem in likely trumps dismantling the EU outright, and with France would wield a lot more leverage to try and reform the EU away from neoliberalism. That's my guess at least.
Purple tho
if you're voting for anybody other then based Philippe "workers immunity" Poutou you're voting wrong
still going to have the rest of the neoliberal EU trying to greece them
Dupont-Aignan is purple.
And irrelevant
I think he's gonna win some Fillion voters.
The French PS nowdays is pretty much the same as the DNC, Holland (the last president) was even a big clintonian.
Who's ready for the European Democratic Scialist Alliance?
she'll never go past the 2nd round. americans seem to be absolutely incapable of understanding that.
some guy made a thing that gives the probabilities of a candidate in various 2nd round situations, based on polls and regularly updated :
(keep in mind these are the probabilities of winning, not the scores)
technical details :
Poutou is the only person running worth a shit. Melenchon is bernie all over again
But user, it was always right.
haha thats boss
He wants to try to reform the EU, but he knows that it is basically impossible.
He wants to frame frexit as a response to austerity and neoliberalism, not to brown people.