Is normalfaggatory a product of bourgeois capitalism?
Is normalfaggatory a product of bourgeois capitalism?
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Who the fuck is this totem pole looking fucker and why do you leftytards keep posting it?
It's from samurai jack, I think, and it has nothing to do with leftytards.
Jesus christ, maybe if you stopped bathing in pigs blood and hoping to get your ass pummeled by a succubus maybe you'd know what Samurai Jack is.
I dont care for the spectacle of bread and circuses, nor do I give a shit about cartoons meant for little kids. Though I suppose it explains a lot about your mentality.
You should go to Africa man, plenty of people who still practice witch craft there.
No, /r9k/ syndrome is a product of capitalism. Before then, everyone was a normie. So you could say the normie/wizard dichotomy is a product of capitalism.
Are you retarded satan-chan?
I knew you were autistic, but still…
Define normalfaggotry first. I'm in a good relationship, have friends, and a job. Big fucking whoop
What exactly is wrong with this? Instead of hating it, you should wish it on everyone
I guess I was just expecting an answer that wasn't as mind numbingly stupid and mundane. And nevermind the fact that you decided to gang up on me for not knowing your stupid cartoon waifus or whatever.
Oh, and for your information, I have never taken vaccines, so how can I be autistic?
I'm not glorifying. I'm absolutely a wagecuck, but if I'm not wrong having a job is a requirement of being a normalfag
Oh. Am sorry. Have you had Polio or something? Am trully sorry.
Also, not my fault OP used a shity image. I just happened to know the answer through osmosis.
Hello /r9k/
Why is the vomiting Madotsuki included in this?
No, but being an autistic neet is though.
it's a designed identity set deployed and maintained by elements belonging to the US goverment, as heirs of the western imperial hegemony
this shit literally goes back thousands of years. did you know ancient roman politics were eventually dominated by sports teams affiliation, and they were even sorted by colour? (red vs blue, blue vs green etc at different times)
remind you of modern politics at all?
what about the way the school system is clearly designed to indoctrinate this shit on a level that ties it into sex and identity
it's only "normal" because we've all been slaves for so long that nobody even knows it, and government/media race-bating shit is 100% designed to disguise this fact. consumerism is just rebranded feudalism (your landlord and your employer are now two people instead of one, gratz nerds) and we still tell ourselves we're lucky to live here because at least we aren't the places that suck (which only suck because we're bombing them. this is literally what 1984 is about and has been part of the strategy for literally thousands of years. imperialism had a smooth segway into corporatism and then modern whateverism–google the south sea trading company from fucking 1711, i bet it sounds familiar)
meanwhile a huge amount of chan and reddit traffic originates from air force bases
whole social networks are set up and run by the US government specifically for the purpose of social control, and they hire unsuspecting executives to run them who don't even know who they're working for:
every fucking admin/mod team on the entire fucking internet has been infiltrated by mockingbird/cointelpro-style shills to control the narrative
gamergate was a psyop to keep game designers getting too big for they britches: quinn/silverstring media has known DoD ties
two thirds of all known darknet CP sites are run by the fucking FBI
bourgoise nothing, all these systems are direct descendants of the fucking literal patrician ruling class: government and mafia are the same exact thing
like who is deciding what is "normal" anyway
hope this answered your fucking question, OP
Saying you have a job isn't glorifying it. You're going to have to work under communism too.
Autism is primarily a result of brain damage from mercury poisoning. Guess what one of the active ingredients in your average vaccination is?
This is an obvious troll but thimerosal isn't the same as mercury, your entire premise is bunk.
Plus it was removed from vaccines in the US decades ago.
Thimerosal is essentially just mercury that's been turned into a preservative. It still horrifically damages the brain, and obviously results in autists like you lot.
A person that for real believes in satan and witchcraft, and has never been vaccinated, calls a vaccinated person, that doesn't even believe in God and tries to see the socioeconomic reality behind the worlds' problems, autistic.
Then again… at this day and age… maybe realism is autistic.
oh hey i forgot about how around every corner the government is enforcing the idea that the entire population is mentally ill
mental hospitals are government enforced and the number one way to wind up in there is "disagreeing with police"
there are a million things which you can get out of/get more of if you're willing to submit to a diagnosis of mental illness. ranging from welfare to having a pet when your landlord doesn't want you to. it's woven throughout our society and there's no fucking escape, and massive economic incentive to willingly participate
when people started getting suspicious of the Warren Report, the CIA issued a memo (CIA Document 1035-960) detailing a plan to label "conspiracy theorists" as mentally ill
if you step out of line too far there's a syringe with your name on it. previous to 2004 you'd get that syringe if you spoke up too loudly about the idea that the government is spying on everybody–then Snowden happened and something which was Mental Illness is no longer mental illness. where along the line here was the objective medical diagnosis in this process exactly, then?
and that mass surveillance, do you know what it's really for? have you ever heard of the Stasi?
they employed 20% of east germany in order to surveil the other 80%. if you had disagreeable political opinions they'd drop some zersetzung on you:
they'd fuck with your mail to ruin your business life. they'd send sex toys to your wife to ruin your personal relationships. they'd break into your house and fuck with your stuff so that you'd think you were going crazy.
and speak up about this shit and guess what? syringes, motherfucker.
Thimerosal is an organomercury, but it's not comparable to Diethylmercury. It's not worth arguing chemistry with you though.
If your premise was correct autism rates should have dropped when we removed thimerosal from vaccines, they have not.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the diagnostic threshold for autism broadened around the same time?
Nah, Thimerosal was removed in 2000. The last change to DSM criteria was 1987 and the next was 2013.
What the fuck are you talking about? It's clearly from a cartoon, so why were you expecting to get an answer besides 'it's from a cartoon'?
It was a rhetorical question, nitwit
Nigga, have you even SEEN the show?? The 5th season alone is fucking brutal.
Any child can get their hands on and should be able to comprehend brutality. That's hardly the makings of an "adult" show.
But since this revelation has clearly triggered everyone here, perhaps I'll give it a watch. If only to pick apart the unconscious suggestion that's in these sorts of things.
You didn't even listen to me about the 5th fucking season, mongoloid. It's rated TV-14. It has legit BLOODSHED.
Why are you so tsundere
You just said you were expecting a better answer, not no answer. You suck at backpedaling.
If a picture carry a certain facial expression that add something to the post imo, i should refrain to use it iust because from where it comes from?
You're a product of bourgeois capitalism.
I also noticed that. Really ruined my immersion.
normalfaggotry is a spook