Notice something? His theories are so ambiguous, and so full of holes that it's impossible to fully "understand" them. Thus, marxists will always be able to point to some minor detail of his philosophy, claim that it's a key concept and then use your supposed ignorance to discredit you and your ideas on marixsm. That such an inconsistent, fuzzy ideology lends itself well to authoritarians should go without mention. The marxists themselves, meanwhile, can endlessly read the same shit all again and again, ad nauseam, and never feel like they're fully finished. Whereas all the major libertarian thinkers add their own to the ideas of Rothbard or Mises or modify them, marxists are eternally stuck at the stage where they have to interpret and reinterpret Marx to figure out just what the fuck the old man was talking about. Marxist intellectuals are like aspiring writers that are stuck in the worldbuilding stage, and have been for over a hundred years. They now have fifty side characters, all with a unique family background, as well as fifteen kingdoms with a history reaching back two-thousand years, and they even know in detail which deity banged whom, but they never get around to writing the fucking novel instead of mentally masturbating to how fucking great it would be if it were ever finished.
There's some more interesting things to know about Marx, pertaining to his work ethic:
Not the mark of a great thinker to beat around the bush so hard.
Pic related, although it's not the only thing I've read about (or from) Marx.
Forgot my glorious flag of freedom and economic literacy.
Leo Smith
Not an argument
Adrian Sullivan
Fuck off, I literally laid out why Marx and his followers are retarded.
Adam Stewart
epic pasta
Daniel Roberts
Jace Price
Not an argument.
Daniel Flores
Real quick, explain how you prevent horizontal and vertical integration without a government. How do you prevent companies from constantly merging if there is financial incentive?
Isaac Bailey
"Notice something? His theories are so ambiguous, and so full of holes that it's impossible to fully "understand" them. Thus, marxists will always be able to point to some minor detail of his philosophy, claim that it's a key concept and then use your supposed ignorance to discredit you and your ideas on marixsm. That such an inconsistent, fuzzy ideology lends itself well to authoritarians should go without mention. The marxists themselves, meanwhile, can endlessly read the same shit all again and again, ad nauseam, and never feel like they're fully finished. Whereas all the major libertarian thinkers add their own to the ideas of Rothbard or Mises or modify them, marxists are eternally stuck at the stage where they have to interpret and reinterpret Marx to figure out just what the fuck the old man was talking about. Marxist intellectuals are like aspiring writers that are stuck in the worldbuilding stage, and have been for over a hundred years. They now have fifty side characters, all with a unique family background, as well as fifteen kingdoms with a history reaching back two-thousand years, and they even know in detail which deity banged whom, but they never get around to writing the fucking novel instead of mentally masturbating to how fucking great it would be if it were ever finished."
How can you say so little with so few words?
Lincoln Powell
Slander isn't an argument
Camden Hernandez
So much of what you say about his philosophy is true for all philosophies.
First of all, a lot of what you mention is addressed to some degree in capital. And no, it's not a blueprint, it's a philosophical thesis on the nature of capitalism and class struggle. Marx wasnt a prophet and the Marxists who treat him as one are retards. He was a very good philosopher, however, and it's ridiculous to expect anything near a perfect analysis or design from anybody no matter how qualified, because the world is fucking complicated.
But yeah, Anarcho-McHeroinism is a perfect roadmap to a better world?
Chase Mitchell
I thoroughly refuted this exact shitpost, word for word, a few weeks ago. Fuck off.
Kayden Turner
I agree tbh, Marx is still an important thinker but its obvious his ideas are mostly wrong in today. Debord btfo'd Marx pretty hard too.
Nicholas Cox
Wyatt Fisher
You had me until you brought up lolbertarianism. Marxism has its flaws but it's still far more logical than Capitalism. And "Anarcho" Capitalism is a joke.
Camden Turner
Angel Wilson
Blake Watson
Justin Morales
Ok pal,
Brayden Gray
kek have a (You) for the effort
Isaac Gray
What, you think I archive every single shitpost? What kind of an autistic secretary do you think I am?
Alright, where did the OP come from? Was it posted on 4/pol/ or 8/pol/? Is OP just an autist who thinks it's funny to argue over the same post again and again? Come on, spit it out.
Dylan Ortiz
fuck you Stasi, you'll never get a peep out of me.
Brandon Murphy
Are you claiming there are no premises presented behind his conclusions? Thats factually wrong. You might argue that theres fault in reasoning or premises are wrong but that would require reading actual substance his work.
If you want this answered, give an example and explain, it should not be so hard.
I think consensus is that it is based on german idealism and materialism.
Again he did, some would say vaugely so this point might be correct.
He left behind great amount of work, I dont think he could do it if he was a lazy fuck.
Adam Smith and Ricardo are one of his main influences for LTV since they both developed it in their own work.
Wyatt Williams
I actually cringed on your behalf, OP, thank you
Logan Cruz
Ancap retardation, everyone. Can't read a tag, let alone a book.
Asher Kelly
You actually reposted this thread, or are you someone else? Are you baiting or didn't we answer you get the answer you hoped for last time? I am not surprised that someone following an incoherent ideology such as you, would attack the person and his followers, instead of the implications made by his works. Just because Marx couldn't predict the future, or wasn't able to write a rebuttal to every autistic ancap/libertarian back in the day, doesn't make his key points invalid. Try to give arguments as to why Marx is wrong in his critique of capitalism. Not why he is wrong about socialism or communism being the solution. Do that and I might actually bother writing a proper response. 3/10 made me reply.
Xavier Diaz
He had such an impact that economists had to change their assumptions and ignore the production process entirely to avoid the implications of Capital.
For that reason he was the last classical economist.
Who cares? He was right about capitalism. At the very least people should be aware of how the factory system works.
Lincoln Kelly
I know you're just a troll from Holla Forums or /r/The_Donald but on a serious note Anarcho-Capitalism is literally an oxymoron. Capitalism requires private property and private property requires a state. Hence you can't have one without the other and both require therefore require a state, totally antithetical to the notion of anarchy. AnCap is a meme perpetrated by Holla Forums where they actually make fun of it with memeballs. You know it's dumb when even Holla Forums makes fun of it.
I'm pretty sure OP already got blown the fuck out by comrade Ismail on /marx/
Grayson Barnes
We had this thread a few weeks back before the crash. Back then, an user from /liberty/ came here and asked us politely to answer these questions, instead of this faggot.