on the Left: based British comrade Saffiyah Khan
on the right: inbdred English midget and EDL "muh perfect White Aryan race" leader Ian Crossland
btw. Crossland claimed the woman "attacked him"
on the Left: based British comrade Saffiyah Khan
on the right: inbdred English midget and EDL "muh perfect White Aryan race" leader Ian Crossland
btw. Crossland claimed the woman "attacked him"
Other urls found in this thread:
does she support or excuse the islamicisation of london and other english cities?
you only care about this because there is an economic crisis and "very necessary" austerity.
otherwise, nobody would give a flying fuck about cultural composition
She is an unironic Muslim. This is not what leftypol vs. pol looks like because this chick is as spooked by idpol like the guy on the right and that's why she is celebrated by the liberal press.
It's still a great photograph, I give you that.
Islam is a political ideology and not just 'culture', a political ideology that also runs contradictory to socialism, you know?
She looks cute I would totally fug.
The Holla Forumsyp on the right yeah white little angry manlet it fits my general all around description of a Holla Forumstard
its a politicized religion.
muslims do not integrate in bongistan because bongs themselves are extremely endogamic, and would mostly have trouble letting in anyone very far from their cultural niche into their own families.
loads of mideastern ppl. are completely out of the spook tier, but society refuses to accept them because they are not very white. >do you see a fuggin hijab there? she's obviously not practicing islam
I don't like being a killjoy, but cherrypicking in one way or another is absolutely childish and pointless.
mfw the EDL retard in this photo
pls do not bully manlets
This is a western meme
The term Islam has been used in English to conflate religion and politics (somehow in opposition to christian separation of church and state) when middle eastern countries have very distinct understanding of Islam and Political Islam
She's not British, cuck. British people are white.
no, i just acknowledge that london is no longer an english city and no longer represents english identity and history despite its being the capital of england. my point is i can't see her as some kind of hero if she believes england should become more islamic and less english. but that's if
Any religion can pretty much become anything, depend on the economic interests hidden behind the ideology.
Wahhabism wouldn't be the tenth of what it is if it wasn't for the huge funding it got thanks to petrodollars and decades of US support agaisnt the USSR.
The present is yesterday's child.
not in the same way as Lincoln it never was an English city in the modern era.
you know, the British had an empire and an imperial capital for 200 yrs, right?
How tall is Crossland?
This is the most ridiculous comment I've seen on leftypol during the last week. How is a religion that has its own set of jurisprundence not a political ideology? 'Political Islam' is tautological.
She doesn't.
Well, in all fairness to White Nationalists, an ethnic woman who can read ideology who isn't cowed by the threat of violence is more than they can handle so of course they felt under attack.
those two things arent really that separate man
also, ofetn stated but it really is true, bit of a wide brush there to paint on a bajillion people
The era of state atheism is over. We need to channel peoples religious spooks in an anti-capitalist direction.
1.1 billion out of 1.6 billion Muslims openly support modeling society based on Islamic law.
that dirty mudslime probably did attack him
yes, but shouldn't a country's capital city represent the country itself? i don't expect karachi and islamabad to not represent pakistan. plus london isn't the only rapidly changing city; birmingham for example is another
You can cherypick verses to support any ideology.
Good joke mate. She went and messed with some EDL lads at their demonstration or whatever they were doing then stood in front of one bloke and smiled at him. A true hero the likes of which haven't been seen since the times of Arthurian legend, however will the right recover from this terrible blow.
Not everyone is a cultureless mong like you.
You forget that Britain is a white county and white countries are not for white people, they are for everyone else.
u wanna help us declare war on the pope then
the catholic church no longer rules europe
Yes, I support abolishing theocratic monarchies. You don't?
got a nice nazi honeypot going here
Oh please, brown countries also experience mass migration.
Arabic peninsula runs on foreign labor. More and more whites expatriate themselves in non whites countries.
Globalism is not a one way phenomenon.
My point is that the western world has developed this secularization - an idea of the separation of church and state - while the western world has also managed (through language and media and blah blah) to imply that islam is incapable of such a thing
All Abrahamic religions are
it's not so much that muslims are incapable of it, but unwilling
muslims like islam and want it in their society
Pakis will never be seen as Brits however long they're here. I wish they'd just fucking leave, I mean why stay somewhere that a Majority of people will never accept you? It boggles the mind
[citation needed]
it exists in their home countries, before they got bombed to fuck and the west armed their zealots
"Sharia law" doesn't exist. Fiqh is what you mean, which is Islamic Jurisprudence. Sharia is an obscure branch of metaphysics regarding the nature of god.
For someone from a Muslim country to want Fiqh to be the basis of law is like someone from America or Britain wanting British Common Law to form the basis of American and British legal thinking (it does). The same with French and French law.
I love the idpol inflaming infographics though, straight outta Holla Forums. So we ARE being raided huh.
this doesnt mean they refuse secularization
secondly, lmao did you even read your think tanks fucking FAQ, Holla Forums?
they surveyed:
no western european muslims
no saudis
no americans
no india
This is what a socialist looks like
People want to live in places with better standards of living, so it's largely unidirectional (people from poor countries move to wealthy countries, but Brits do not move to Somalia).
Subcultures with orthodox gender relations have much higher reproductive rates than subcultures with gender equality. Make women socially and economically dependent on men and they'll have more children.
The outcome of John Lennon's Imagine is Islamic theocracy all over the world. For that particular picture and social situation, Pakistani birthrates are 3 times higher than British birthrates, and because Pakis marry relations from Pakistan so frequently, their birthrates are effectively almost five times higher. If you see nothing other than class I suppose you won't care, but it's retarded to say beliefs about reality do not affect behavior, and religions are just such things.
Not him but you do realize that muslims themselves use the term sharia law when arguing about this. It's not about semantics like you imply. We are all on the same page stop trying to claim otherwise.
most of islamic law is about social justice. the shitty parts are regrettable, but when muslims think of sharia, many think of a system much fairer than the military dictatorships most of them live under.
Uhm, yes it does. It is the opposite of secularization to want your laws based on religious texts.
lmao holy shit Holla Forums your tinfoil is strong
irrelevant music and media from decades ago I never even learned the lyrics to gets brought up
Non white go home.
pew is hardly a think tank
but you established not that, but where they believe sharia to come from
They use the term sharia law like most people use "right to work laws" when they mean " at will employment laws". To use the term demonstrates ignorance, and most of the populace is ignorant everywhere.
Also it isn't religious law, Sunnis don't even believe that a Caliphate has religious authority.
Are forehead piercings a thing nowadays?
Why is it always the anarchists that turn out to be nothing LARPing idpol apologist liberals?
I think that the whole reddit thing and the facebook site were a mistake. I noticed an increase of retards that have the audacity to call themselves leftists but don't hesitate to defend partriarchic and imperialist iron age death cults founded by warlords.
the point is they believe religion should play a role in how society is organised, including the state. that's literally the opposite of secularism
Even if the methodology is sound for this polling, how do the views of people in the Islamic world now imply that the Islamic world can never be secular? You can find a time in Europe when similar polling would return similar results for Christianity. I mean just look at the French Revolution, there were massive peasant rebellions when the revolutionaries started separating the Catholic Church from the French state. Would it have been correct then to say that the Christian world would never accept secularization?
You're being so intellectually dishonest right now. You responded to pretty much nothing and called me a tinfoil hat.
I wasn't saying anything conspiratorial about John Lennon's Imagine causing something, I was just using it to reference the freedom without borders goal that a lot of liberals myopically endorse.
perhaps 'never' is hyperbolic, but 'unlikely' wouldn't be inaccurate
A Caliph has no religious authority. A Caliphate has no religious authority. Only the Shia think that it might, but given that the Sunni took over the institution they might not even think that now. Now in terms of LEGITIMACY there is a trend of thought that a Caliphate has a form of legitimacy lacked by other governments, and there is a strong effort to undermine other governments by Muslim religious groups.
But that's no different than the US wanting to build Democracy or, for instance, us wanting to abolish government and replace it with a Democratic, stateless society. It's just that Islam is the currently favored boogieman of white nationalists so they literally can do nothing and think nothing without you having a fucking conniption fit over it.
probably the edge factor, Van Badham called herself an anarchist back in college, nowadays she defends Hillary Clinton.
there's a difference between defending Islam and defending Muslims, and even then, there's nothing wrong with correcting someone who's dribbling shit in re to Islam. since every Holla Forumsyp fashions themselves an expert on it after reading a Wikipedia article about it, what do you expect.
I just want to know how some people in here can believe in reformism in (what they call) the religious sphere while advocating for revolution in the political. I doesn't make sense to me.
What a qt
10/10 would punch British white supremacists with
m8 im not being intellectually dishonest at all, you brought that shit up
its mockable because its completely irrelevant
so what are you saying exactly?
anuddah shoah is real they openly flaunt it. The shit skins will eat you alive before they squeeze you with a jizya tax.
Muslims are no more or less spooked than anybody else. They are no more inherently counterrevolutionary than your average American, and due to anti-colonial sentiment might be more receptive to the idea.
I get that militant fascists can't wrap their heads around that though.
It's a fitting pop culture reference and a really childish thing to nitpick over.
A large percentage of Muslims are more culturally conservative, regardless of their economic tendencies. That's what people usually complain about.
Again, people living post French Revolution would've said that it was unlikely that attacking the Church wouldn't result in Vendée's or similar reactionary rebellions. But now France and Western Europe is one of the most secular place on the planet.
What do you mean by reformism in the religious sphere? I just don't believe that the Islamic world is inherently reactionary, just like the Christian world wasn't and isn't inherently reactionary. I think Islamism is cancerous and that the working class in the Islamic world is right now reactionary (see the ethno-sectarian mess that the Arab Spring became), but it's not like that's set in stone forever
Third worlders tend to be more culturally conservative. That doesn't excuse Orientalism, particularly when it's meant to stir up nationalism.
I was writing a big post, debunking most of your explicit and implicit claims, but after awhile I realized I had cited almost the entire study to support my arguments. So, instead, I am going to recommend you read the study for yourself. It does a better job of debunking your claims than I could.
The only thing the study does not explain well enough for my liking is its methodology:
The sample size they used (38.000+ individuals over 39 countries) is not specific enough to support their conclusion. If we assume they evenly divided the number of participants over each country, that would they interviewed roughly a thousand people per region. Even taken by itself, 38.000 is not enough to support the extrapolation towards 1.6 mil people, but spread over 39 countries, each with their own culture and varying degrees of tenacity, makes their own graph untenable. (That is 0.02375 per mile of their total estimate.)
(They do acknowledge in the outline, the first page, that they interviewed Muslims from a broad variety of cultures. There are some interesting bits in there, actually, like there only being a 12% support among Turkish Muslims for codifying Islamic laws when this study was conducted.)
And this isn't even touching on self-report studies and their inaccuracy and lack of reproducibility.
Lol sociology is only good when it pushes a leftist narrative. Typical commushit
Hah, you think that one of the most reputable polling organizations in the world would jeopardize their business by pushing for a flawed survey?
Can you tell me why they would do that?
You can cherry pick data from polls user. You can present only the data which fits your views and omit the rest.
Non white non westerners don't like you and you and all of your good comrades will deny it right up until the point where they are slicing your throat open and shouting Allah Akbar.
We aren't liberals
The Islam apologists are, though.
The problem is yours friendo.
Speaking as somebody who studied sociology: it shouldn't be utilized to find truth values.
That said, there are better methodologies than self-report studies and they should have used a bigger sample size and applied multiple methodologies. (If they really wanted to go above and beyond they would have turned it into a meta-study, but alas.)
I haven't encountered a PEW source prior to this, so either their reputation is localized or they are not as reputable as you think.
In their defense, self-report methodology is often the most economic method on hand. (Though that is not to say they can't do better, see above.) Their small sample size is indefensible though.
Oh fuck off.
But most lack the same religious institutions which make possible extended cultural segregation. It's a vector for reactionary extremism and for terrorism which rips away at solidarity and makes people afraid of each other.
Importing Muslims consistently makes ethno-nationalist parties sprout up. Pretending otherwise will only get your ass sidelined by fascists. Islam and Muslim immigration is the primary force weakening the left, if you want communism in the Occident your best bet is to disavow it.
My falafel guy always gives me my food with a smile too kiddo, but you're just a naive shit for brains.
does that mean you want more mosques and islamic neighbourhoods in europe?
Just post a dank info graph while you're at it
Very dangerous thinking there.
Because porky use and fashy use Muslim boogiemen to draw attention away from their Russian Oligarch financiers and various boondoggles. I'm not going to embrace ethnic nationalism to avoid being sidelined by ethnic nationalism, what kind of stupid tautological strategy are you trying to pull?
It's funny to see how hard you fucks spin your wheels when you get caught out.
Literally my first post in this thread said that the girl and the guy are equally spooked.
"hello fuhrer, I'd liek to administur gas for every1 in this thread"
No. Where are you getting that from? Just because I don't want to deport people for ethnic and racial purity doesn't mean that I want to import people for the purpose of self segregating. Why do you assume that anyone who doesn't conform to your logic is some sort of strawman liberal? Is this how you really think?
It's like you think being a different ethnicity makes you inherently volatile and dangerous when it's ethnic nationalists who are volatile and dangerous to anyone not of their own ethnicity. There are Chinese nationalists, Arab nationists, radical Islamists etc, and they are those societies' versions of you faggots.
this is true though.
This is the point of his post.
I guess the Bataclan shootout, the Nice attacks and the other terrorist attacks were all a spook after all, thanks Holla Forums, truly you are my greatest ally
No it isn't. You keep retreating to strawman arguments when your initial positions get called out.
Yes because people are nothing but their ideology. No personality, no charms or faults just a few words of politics.
Every attempt at immigration restriction is not enforced because companies complain to their representatives about having to pay domestic workers minimum wage.
If you see policy options as either "let anybody from anywhere immigrate" and "be an ethnic nationalist", it's because you're a dumb ass being controlled by words like "fascist" or "Nazi" just as much as Nazis are controlled by words like "Aryan". You're more of a porky pig slut than the alt right is.
YOU are my fucking problem.
It's a self fulfilling prophecy, porky bombs and raids their countries so they get pissed off and bomb us back. So then the idiots bleat WE MUST BOMB THE MOOSELIMBS and then it all fucking starts again.
i asked the question because that scenario is the near-certain outcome of islamic immigration to europe, and i wanted to know if that was something you hope for
you forgot your socdem flag
The only instance of this working is when X= profit
Everything else is subordonned to this. Some Porky have their interest in a natioalistic framework while others have their interests in a globalist frameworks.
If the worker demands rights internationally then the immigrant cannot be exploited, for his native brother worker stands with him.
I call a fucking spade a spade. Nowhere did I say "let anybody from anywhere immigrate".
You're not a Leftist. You are here to infiltrate and agitate. We believe in a stateless society where the idea of immigration is a quaint antiquity. The fact that you don't comprehend that marks you as not one of fucking us. You're trying to ape the way that we talk without comprehending our ideas and it shows.
I hope you stick to that narrative when the Pakis outnumber you 12 to 1 in your hometown and start instating a jizya tax.
t. Bogeyman
Or, you know, like every other immigrant group they are more or less absorbed by the third generation with a handful of cultural quirks holding over into the fourth generation. Like literally every other immigrant group.
Oh fuck off with your fearmongering, your feelings aren't an argument
Literally every other immigrant groups….except for Muslims that have actually been shown to become increasingly radical with each passing generation.
t. someone who hasn't seen paris and london lately
Tell me again what role Sweden played in any bombings?
Hundreds of years of Swedish colonialism in Uzbekistan.
Yep the Muslims who are 1% of the US population and 5% of the European population are definitely going to be majorities soon.
As I said, self fulfilling prophecy. Handy hint: if you invade a country, you're likely to piss off the people who live in it.
Where are all the Vietnamese suicide bombers?
Also not true. Second gen immigrants often have resurgent nationalism. By the third gen it calms the fuck down.
Nice argument pulled from leddit though.
Yes because every single Muslim and brown person is plotting bloody murder. "Brown people are icky!!!" Isn't an argument.
Indeed. We will not that the muslim invasion of western countries very lightly at all. You will be caught in the cross fire defending your good muslim comrades though. ;^)
They aren't being prodded and picked on to this day
Not an argument. Your fallacy is: ad hominem
I'm agreeing with you people don't like to be invaded. Be careful.
It hasn't and it won't but in a few years we will people like you arguing that surely the 4th/5th generation will definitely assimilate.
funny, I've never met class conscious workers who had anything bad to say about Muslims.
maybe you should just fuck off back to Holla Forums where you belong. I can't believe some mouthbreather proposed combining Holla Forums with your den of reading-allergic morons.
you don't have to be a broad majority to make your presence felt in a region
bold strawman. i never even mentioned murder
no, but it's not an invalid view. i'm not obligated to like islamic culture and aesthetics nor tolerate them in my surroundings
Damn you fascists are a fucking joke. And here you are thinking that we can't smell your fear of brown people and foreign accents. Even on the internet you reek of insecurity.
We are talking about the world, not our utopian visions of it. We live in a world of states, and transition to a stateless society will not happen as you envision it. As long as porky's arms stretch across the world, material wealth will be imported from third world nations while political stability will be exported. Turning on porky will make porky go elsewhere and make another country rich. The immigration of intelligent, ambitious third worlders, and the ensuing brain drain, only entrenches this system. You should welcome fascism, because fascism brings autarky.
You said if you don't let in Muslims you're an ethno-nationalist.
Not everybody here is an anarchist you ridiculous creature.
an act or instance of invading or entering as an enemy, especially by an army.
the entrance or advent of anything troublesome or harmful, as disease.
entrance as if to take possession or overrun:
the annual invasion of the resort by tourists.
infringement by intrusion.
I don't care about brown people. I care about people that support fascist ideologies like Islam and liberal nuts like you defending it.
All of that certainly applies!
Mohammed go home the indigenous natives of europe will not go the way of the american Indian peacefully.
Yes you fucking did, you can't hide behind semantics when your logic crumbles
They aren't mass destroying
They aren't mass killing
They aren't raising their flag
They aren't claiming governments
You're full of shit
Holy fuck, you reveal in one post just how Holla Forums you actually are. You don't know that Communists, Socialists, and Anarchists all ultimately want the same shit but have different ideas on how to go about it and why they want it. You think we can't smell the fashy on you? You aren't slick and you aren't fucking low key.
You're all either shit for brains or muslims…
I guess when you've tried literally every other bullshit argument you may as well make another right?
If you would unhook your iv drip of news from nothing but alt-right propaganda you'd probably be able to figure out that Europe isn't currently being invaded and occupied by Muslims.
We're reaching non-argument levels that shouldn't even be possible
That's literally his entire point. Stop sperging and start manipulating if you want to win
How much you want to bet that the average Autism Level* of muslims in my town is higher than yours?
literally the only instances of the word 'murder' in thread are in your post and my post that quoted it
If they support fascist viewpoints by the majority in mass-scale representative suveys of reputable polling organizations, then yeah, they are fascists.
'I met so many polite people over the world' is not a fucking argument.
Leftists that defend partriarchic and imperialist ideologists because they are high on idpol and the majority of its followers havea certain skincolor are not socialists but liberals. This is true, yeah.
meh, retards want to talk a big game they should be able to back it up instead of being obviously just insecure about themselves
Oh I see, when I unravel your implications, you try and hide behind semantics and nitpicking. You done been called out, boy.
There are measurable Autism Level differences between different ethnic groups? News to me.
Wew you leftists sure do crack pretty easily.
Fuck off you loathsome faggot. I don't want to spend two hours a day in community meetings with student government weasels. I'm a Stalinist.
Gabble on with your moral hygiene words somewhere else. Fascism, to the extent that it introduces isolated state economies, is better for proletariat revolution than global integration.
Most leftists are also into idpol, including most communists.
Not broad ethnic groups, just comparing a few dozen people to a single person. You
Damn, I think they call people like you bitch-made.
Nobody is defending Islamism in this thread. I'm as against Islamic government as I am against all government. You keep showing your lack of understanding and just throwing around the handful of political labels that you actually comprehend.
You faggots are from Persia and Northern India. Celts are the European abos.
Prove it
What board have you been looking at?
Iq doesn't matter and is a racist imperialistic construct that doesn't measure anything 😂
Fuck off stormfront shill.
wtf I love eugenics now
Sure, Holla Forums, sure.
When the Autism Level doesn't matter except for when it does😅
One hell of a non-sequitur we have here
these are my posts:
don't know where you got implications of 'murder' from
I know you're having fun LARPing but you can just say "imperialist" for the adjective form
This isn't a board for selfies, Holla Forums
Perhaps by the constant shilling of stormfag ideology which asserts that all non-white people are inferior and evil?
The survey hasn't been debunked and it has shown that the distiction between Islam and Islamism doesn't really exist for the majority of its followers.
If you are defending Islam than you are defending a political ideology that is fascist and imperialist in nature.
Stalinists don't believe that shit. GTFO
that's your weird interpretation. either address what i actually write or reply to someone else. strawmen are just boring
I've already posted the survey.
The only leftist space on the Internet that used to be not overrun by apologist retards like yourself.
Get out of here with your weak stormfag shit.
You don't have to defend shit to know when something is a useful discussion and something isn't a useful discussion. You clearly have no idea how religion works, and further have no actual implementable plan for "fixing" it except to throw a fucking tantrum. I'm not sure what surprises you about the idea that leftist are just going to say "Yeah no shit, religion sucks. What else is new?". Literally the only reason you faggots care is because you're desperate for validation of your own shitty religious spooks. Sorry bro, but you're not getting it.
So you advocate fascism since it's better for the proletariat, but don't like Islamic fascism because it's not your brand of fascism, oh but you're a Stalinist who has always been here before us newfags?
Can't even bother with plausibility huh?
The most dangerous religious fanatic of the 21st century was a christian lunatic named George. Kys if you're obsessed with Islam.
In the 2011 UK census 8% of the 0-18 population was Muslim, and I'm certain you would get similar figures (if not greater for France and Germany), while the overall "European" number is suppressed because there are fuck all Muslims in eastern Europe.
This "hurr durr Muslims are only 5% of the population Eurabia is a right-wing myth" is disingenuous on so many fucking levels.
What do you honestly expect will happen when Muslims encompass an ever-increasing proportion of the youngest age cohorts?
I have been doing nothing BUT address your ramshackle logic, and now that you've been BTFO you try and dance around it
Your attempt at lying flopped harder than a landwhale into a vat of custard
You are talking to serveral different people. I never advocated Stalinism.
by pulling talk of 'murder' from your ass. yes well done there
You advocate a harmful ideology, I picked up the implication and now you're crying that I snagged your collar on it.
So, guys. We've pretty much confirmed that we're being raided by Holla Forums. Some of them seem interested in Leftism for the purposes of alliance, but some of these fags are just here to try to get us to pick up their own version of idpol.
Why are they here trying to pick up mindshare?
Wow seriously? This infographic is like the number one reactionary arguing tool on the web and it doesn't include western european muslims. Alt-right confirmed for SJWs again the mirror image of the gender wage gap/1 in five women raped in uni stats.
Muslim birthrates are trending down faster then any other group, pic related. Take your meme tier understanding of demography and and sociology and go back to Holla Forums.
what harmful ideology is that? that european cities shouldn't become islamic in character? unspeakable
Now that's what I call shitposting. The Islamic populace of Europe is in single percent figures, you're just a stormfag shill.
Because they're so full of ideology that I can hear Zizek sniffing from across Europe.
yet they're having a noticeable and growing impact on the character of cities like london and paris. this isn't a fringe conspiracy view; it's a topic discussed well in the mainstream
Well I'm terribly sorry that you might encounter a brown person but I'm sure your feelings will hold. Oh and according to wiki, the Islamic populace of Europe is 6%
If your mainstream is Fox News, Breitbart, the Daily Stormer, and alt-right subreddits then sure. But it's a fantasy meant to stir up reactionary sentiment and little more.
Again, you're not taking into consideration the growing Muslim presence among the youngest age cohorts in Western European nations with considerable Muslim minorities.
Again, the weight of the Islamic presence in Europe is heavily skewed towards Western European nations and south-western nations that have historic Muslim minorities (those Muslim minorities having a significantly different relationship with their home state than Western Muslims do)
You know that Zizek himself has criticized Leftist apologism towards Islam, right?
no, it's bbc and french and german television
"europe" is not a country nor a city. you might as well talk about the population of eskimos in asia
Do you have any proof of this other than your fee-fees?
This is about debunking stormfag bullshit
This also isn't taking into account the greying of Europe, and that white Boomers form a disproportionate percentage of the non-Muslim population.
Do you have any proof that the Muslim population in Europe is distributed equally and that all countries have a 6% Muslim population in every age cohort?
Or are you just going to shitpost because you know you don't know what you're fucking talking about
I'm not a Stormfag.
why hasn't this sjw greenie retard left yet?
Intellectual dishonesty.
The BBC isn't saying anything about mooselimbs for the most part
You're shilling their ideology. You are a stormfag.
Holla Forums, everyone.
You haven't actually read them, have you.
He has. He knows that he got fucking rekt and he's mad about it.
Ah well, it's their programming.
See, if he makes a token effort to keep on arguing and gets the last word he can rationalize to himself that I eventually fled in the face of his superior arguments even though he knows he's rekt. Internet psychological defense mechanism.
I see know. A lot of people called Zize a stormfag, too.
Nah, at least the other anarchist had the decency to fuck off when he could his ass whooped by having his main claim of the Muslim world wanting secularism debunked.
says the guy who thinks "6% in europe" is supposed to tell us something authoritative or insightful
yeah the bbc doesn't really cover british events or topics
Never change guys :^)
Like a wind up toy.
When it comes from a decent sources, yes it very much tells us something weather you want to admit it or no
You really don't know anything about this board, do you.
Here's a (you) from a fellow human. Best I can do.
Eh, whatever. You guys will lose. You're too out of touch with people's emotional drives, and you aren't nimble enough. You don't argue, instead you call me a word you probably don't know the meaning of (I would bet you've never heard of Salazar). You reference away opposition with libraries full of theory that 98% of people will never read, and while you posture over erudition the lumpenproletariat are scythed up and bagged with infographics about Muslim fertility rates.
You have to be more clever if you want to change things. Look at where things are moving and consider how you can exploit them. Otherwise the most political relevance you'll ever achieve is death by long knife.
Cry some more
literally Reddit the thread
racist deeply triggering and problematic shitskin vs. racist anti-brown inbred anglo-tard?
Sounds about right.
You're as out of touch with the common people as it's possible to be. People have lives outside of worrying about non issues pushed by stormfags
lmao, your source backs up my statement that almost the entirety of Europe's Muslim population is concentrated in the Balkans and Western European nations
So you project the fear of erudite intellectuals onto me? You guys have a lot of doubts and insecurities. They're pretty easy to prey upon.
…so? The grand majority of them just want to live normal lives and the extremists are the ones being ostracised.
said no leftist ever.
back to Holla Forums with you.
I agree people are straw maning you. Just to clarify you are not arguing for deportation correct? Imo there is nothing wrong with arguing for a reduction or even a halt to immigration in a capitalist context. Arguing for deportation, extermination, or enforced assimilation puts you on the wrong side of the issue tho.
I am generally on you two anons side of the argument. But I must say you guys are arguing in a way that is very reminiscent of the dishonest and unhelpful stance that mainstream leftists take on this issue. Taking every single anxiety people have about demography and integration and just responding with "why are you scared of brown people stormfag" just makes you look like you cant actually address what they're saying.
what does it tell us? doesn't tell me anything about about the experience of a non-muslim seeing his community change as people from a disparate culture settle in it and adapt it to their liking. doesn't tell me anything about cultural interaction and transmission, or conflict
And you believe this will continue when they become an increasingly greater share of the population and the Boomers start dying off?
Oh give me a fucking break, you're just sore that you have to encounter someone actually outside and different.
We addressed the arguments upthread. I took apart the premise of the questions by pointing out that they are based on a series of fallacies, other user took apart their statistical relevance. Since then we've mostly just been playing with our food.
Enjoy being killed by based sandniggers for being an infidel.
This is pretty hypocritical considering she responded to
by calling me a fascist. And yes, they do have lives outside of politics, which is why they don't want to live in an anarchist commune.
Yep, I have plenty of doubts and insecurities. If you believe you don't, you're wrong, and you're only being dishonest about the ways smarter people use you.
Citation needed.
what a poor delusional bastard
typical cunt no one gets closed to because she looks exactly like she would be represented in a joke
a random mad short guy
If this is what reality looks to you..
ok, keep jerking off, keep losing
I'll give you a gold medal for the mental gymnastics, this isn't about anarchist communes it's about hoping Holla Forums realises they've failed to sway us and piss off
Of course I have doubts and insecurities. But they don't rule my life to the point of driving me into the arms of a genocidal ideology filled with various misfits who think that they'll be on top under fascism like they aren't in capitalism.
Holla Forums vs. Holla Forums wouldn't look like reality in the first place lol
i'm not arguing for any actual policy. i just think the issue of islamicisation needs to be discussed openly and honestly without people being shouted-down for alleged bigotry and "racism"
why am i obligated to encounter someone whose presence is unwelcome and whose values are incompatible with my own? does this obligation also apply to muslims in islamic countries? doesn't seem so, as they're not big on the whole religious pluralism thing
By you and other nationalist shitheads, most others couldn't give a flying fuck so long as they don't cause trouble
It's Holla Forums shilling their balls off and failing miserable.
Seems you don't give a fuck even when they do cause trouble.
Chris Hitchens wouldn't have cared as long as they aren't infiltrating the government and beheading people in the street.
Because I realise that individuals and small groups don't represent an entire population
lel i'm a communist. i don't want any religions in my community, especially hierarchical ones that demand submission and obedience
If you get gassed or die of injuries it would be a net gain for humanity tbh
The feel is mutual nazifag.
Nah you're just burying your head in the sand.
Your own source predicts that the Islamic population of many Western European nations will increase to "at least" 10% by 2030
Factor in that by 2030 roughly 25% of "Europe's" population will be over 65
This isn't even getting into the conversion factor, and the extremist piety that converts tend to bring to any religion.
Europe's looking at a major demographic change, and the only arguments you can muster up for why no-one should worry about range from "lol you're just a paranoid stormfag" and "not ALL muslims are terrorists"
Insults does not an argument make
don't you like communism? are you a liberal or something?
I agree there have been two posters in this thread who have been to quick to shout down others for racism. Normally Holla Forums has a more nuanced view on this issue than this and sticks to arguing with facts and sociological analysis, rather then adhoms and straw-maning.
I don't want to be on top. I want out, exit, some way to live in a society where what retards trend on twitter will never influence what laws are passed. I want to end democracy, yours or theirs. The extent that I care about politics is the extent that I want it to go away.
Your society is dystopian to me. I don't want to live in a place where people are jockeying for authority, or where I have to scream or be eaten.
Ooooo so scary. Once again, you're just butthurt that Omar from down the street waved at you.
Those suffice for now, because your whacked out theories have not exactly been proven either.
It's not an insult it's just a statement of fact. Look how much you meltdown ITT when statistics corroborate that differing cultures have a different world view. You respond with anecdotes about how your one muzzie neighbor gave you a warm smile once.
You're mental midgets.
Pathetic. Do you want a tripcode too?
saved that meme tbh
So spooked.
Nice non-argument, and more unsourced shit,
Literally every religion in existence is inherently political.
so this reaction confirms Holla Forumscucks are butthurt manlets
You're spooked. I want to live in a place where power is so consolidated that the government does not give a shit what I think and where I don't have to deal with faggots like you trying to be effectual.
Yes. They know that they lost the debate just like they fucked up when they backed Trump. Now they're desperate.
nice "meme" friend
totally not insecure
So this thread confirms leftypol is no better than the liberal press/internet in celebrating spooked individuals.
Wonderful response.
The issue with many government is their willingness to meddle. How to solve this is up for debate, though.
What shit b8 we already know BO is a tranny and do you really think people on this board will be upset that a vol is a """"race traitor"""". Class traitors are the problem which is what Holla Forumsyps are, you just shilled a neo-con parasite into office maybe know is the time for a little humility.
Still clinging to that baseless insult?
Its two anons probably newfags.
still triggered by criticism of islam?
Oh look, more ad homs.
Still triggered by having your shitfographs debunked?
Just no.
We are criticizing your bad arguments, not your choice of subject matter.
data from pew research is not an 'infograph'
Most of that 10% will be concentrated in the youngest age cohorts who - surprise! - tend to also have the highest fertility (because, y'know, most Boomers aren't exactly having children in their 60's).
Ah yes, even in the '50s places like Britain and Sweden were notorious for lone wolf Islamic terrorist attacks
Replying to the wrong person
This guy is not me, though.
Oh what's the matter, don't like having your fallacies called out? Also, pew research lacks veracity.
Again, your arguments depend on the unproven speculation that Muslims will act exactly as they do now when they become an even greater percentage of both the overall population, and the youngest age cohorts of that population, keeping in mind that men (and women) tend to have their most radical/violent phase in between 18-30.
i thought pointing out fallacies was for high school debate club? make your mind up retard
no one here is going to stop criticising islam, nor should they. get used to it
It's for pointing out the errors in your opponent's logic. Stop getting sore because your logic is shit.
Again, you're setting standards that are unprovable beyond letting in millions of Muslims as a social experiment, even though it could lead to fantastic bloodshed.
islam is not welcome in europe and not welcome in communism. cry more liberal
Not an argument
I cited wiki you dense motherfucker
Stormfags are not welcome on this board, cry more, Holla Forumsyp
Ah yes, because the frequency of Islamic terrorist acts certainly hasn't increased in rough proportion with the Islamic population of Europe, if you look back far enough lone wolf attacks were pretty common even during the Blitz and Fall of Paris lmao
Now here we have a herd of wild Holla Forumslacks encroaching into outside territory. As you can see behind me their initial attempt at asserting their alternative facts failed so they tried a display of infographics. Now when those were picked apart they've moved on to the next phase of their defense mechanisms, which is spamming. See, they're trying to shut everything down by being highly toxic. It's a strategy that doesn't really work outside of their native habitat though.
I'm going to sneak up and grab 'em now.
And what internet site did wiki cite?
Hint: The first word starts with P, ends with W, and rhymes with (You)
Could it be because of the wars of aggression committed against their homelands?
Stirnerposting is middle brow frogposting. Stirnerposters have never said anything intelligent or insightful in their lives.
i'm a communist. liberals like you are also not welcome
Go back to school and learn to read, pew studies are shit and have nothing to do with wide scale populations.
Exactly how many terrorist attacks by Muslims in France occurred immediately after their conquest of Algeria in the 19th century?
Also what violence exactly did fucking Sweden of all places commit against the Middle East to justify terrorism in Sweden?
You're a stormfag wearing a paper thin mask. You're filling no one.
I'm filling your boyhole right now lad
ok. too bad you can't prove it. keep getting triggered whenever someone questions islam though ;^)
Could it be because of imperfect records
Could it be because of lesser technology
Could it be because of mass spooked discrimination against non-whites stopping them from settling in France.
You've done nothing but shill their ideology. Fooling nobody, mate.
Your dedication to quibbling over semantics is truly inspiring.
Could it be because Muslims just want to lash out violently at kuffar pigs, and any violence committed (or not committed) by the country they do it in is just window-dressing?
sweden is in afganistan
anyway this obviously doesn't justify terrorism against civilians
algerian freedom fighting against french is celebrated
keep sucking trumps dick friend
yah right
islam is incompatible with communism and you should expect criticism of it on a leftist board. keep crying little liberal
Is quibbling because you're not pushing any specific point, you just want to feel right
It's extremists lashing out st their perceived oppressors, tarring every last one of them is supremely dishonest
What a bunch of cute people.
rly sorry meant to reply to
oh god ahahahahahah
Trailer trash looking ass niggas
Tell your friends back at stormfront that your attempts at shilling are a pitiful failure.
So more finger pointing ad ad homs, and pretending your act isn't transparent
further attacking syria won't cause more refugees
it also won't increase terrorism
the starvasion of Yemen by america's bff the Saudis will sure turn up fine
Go back to Reddit you liberal mongoloid.
>alternative facts
Go back to Reddit you fucking liberal
Where all these newfag islam apologists crawling out from? Read the FAQ post on immigration you ignorant retard.
I hope aliens discover us and wipe our species from existence tbh
tell your friends back at reddit that they will never subvert this board. liberal idpol is not welcome here and will never be allowed to gain a foothold
If you lurked for 30 seconds you'd realise this isn't a liberal board, but that's clearly more seconds than you have brain cells. Go back stay back.
Can't there be more possible proof that someone argues in bad faith?
Tell your friends at Holla Forums that they will not destroy this board.
no, this is
I chuckled
Then why is there this thread celebrating a liberal individual on the front page?
why would Holla Forums support communism? you don't even try to make sense
It's a demonstrably bad poll.
I have never been there bucko.
Holla Forums is my home and I will never go away.
but Holla Forums idpol is?
They don't, it's this thing called lying.
yah right
So Holla Forums is okay with murder? Good to know.
so much for the tolerant left.
Literally nobody is doing that
so leftism is pro-islam now? we're only supposed to praise islam here?
go away
yah rrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiggggghhhhhtttt
Nobody is praising Islam. We just don't accept your nationalist spooks any more than we accept theirs.
This is what years of "we need to convert Holla Forumstards/ to our side" has brought us. Can someone make a new board that is not a safe space for fascists?
This whole shitstorm started because someone called a Muslim liberal just as spooked as the Nazi and half the board rushed to her defense.
the only good fascists are the dead ones so yeah I'm ok with it.
Bullshit. Holla Forums is a bunch of skinny, white twinks, while Holla Forums is filled with brown, white supremacist manlets.
What a tweest
Not even the United States' military rules of engagement are that degenerate and psychopathic.
that is ture
Believe it or not they're converting. I can literally see it happening in some places. They come here to troll but end up getting the redpilled on fascism.
stop trying to police discussion. that's what they do on reddit
you do it, so why can't i?
and this is what Holla Forums looks like.. a degenerate faggot BO
stop avoiding the question
what's your problem with a muslim or anyone else standing up to a right winger?
You're looking st the wrong thread then
A few Westen Muslims sampled wouldn't really skew it since they are pretty insignificant in the Muslim world.
Go back to your safe space on Holla Forums.
because that muslim might also be a right winger
how about no
fuck off libshit
I couldn't care less about the rules of combat engagement of the US military.
but it is already habbenin
safe spaces are your style. you won't have to be exposed to criticism of islam there
Because Islam itself is a right wing ideology? This picture is as meaningless as two nationalists of two different nations standing in front of each other.
Is that what /r/thedonald told you?
islam is satanic, not right wing or leftwing
learn what words mean before you use them
she shouldn't have defended herself because she's spooked?
IslamISM maybe, but Islam is one of the religions that actually encourages questioning authority more than most. Modern mathematics and astronomy owe so much to Islam.
Some moron accused the swedes of centuries of imperialist incursion into Uzbekistan ITT that's all you really need to know about who you're talking to.
then why are you so triggered whenever someone talks about islam?
muslims stole the tech and advancements from the lands they pillaged.
keep banning people for criticising your "daddy"
seriously, islam is the purest form of satanism on this planet as we speak
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
fucking retard
It was sarcasm you spastic retard.
If you're even trying it's sort of sad and pathetic.
they also culturally appropriated, don't forget that
history ass hat, they pillaged the lands and claimed it as their own. read some encyclopedias
Liberal delusion
Because we are arguing against right wing spookery
no they made other appropriate to their culture, islam seeks to dominate ALL
Okay so this bullshit is how you justify the hate? You know, being hardline opposed to religion is just as fucking stupid and ignorant as being a hardline religious nutjob. I'm not saying the religion is correct, but as a secular Buddhist I encourage everybody to tolerate people, even the ones whose brains don't work properly and end up behaving violently, even though they must be punished.
Crime statistics:
Whites: 0%
Source: science
I can bullshit too
Hope you socialists aren't the get rid of religion types.
Some are
you've lost the plot mate
then shouldn't you also argue against islam? it's spook central and highly conservative
sounds like the master race religion tbh
No, you just think that your smokescreen is effective. It isn't.
no the truth is that islam wants to dominate and rule all, so it is a reaction to what evil men like the immams and jihadis do.
if you don't want to get rid of religion then you aren't a socialist
Because we are debunking Holla Forums's lies. The religion itself isn't the focus.
low energy smh tbh fam
Only those that really mean it.
you've lost it dude
so that means we're not allowed to focus on and discuss it?
You know, it's funny and sort of ironic that modern fashies use Islam as their boogieman. Hitler was pretty fond of Islam.
Religion is the opiate of the people when the state uses it to keep them content, like what Republicans do with Christianity in America.
I still didn't get to see the actual proof despite all those days of shitposting.
The focus as I said Is dispelling stormfag lies.
Oh look, it's the weekly 'one nazi autist gets a million (you)s by sperging out about brown people' thread.
When actual stats threaten your worldview so much that you have to stawmen them that hard you know your worldview is dominated by feels over reals.
it's also ironic that modern "leftists" support islam when leftism was always opposed to religion
lol little manlet faggot. That brown girl is a 3.14QT 10/10 would do.
We don't support Islam, we just don't support you using it as a boogieman to scare moderates into paralysis while you try to shove an alt-reich down their throats.
When you have to fabricate data to cobble an argument together, you know things are getting desperate.
I don't get it. I don't defend magical religions, especially not the particularly barbaric and tribalistic Abrahamic religions, but there are reformists in every religion, and I think Islam has one of the highest reformist populations, particularly among western Muslims. Are American Muslims all terrorists? Seems most of the attacks involving Muslims in the Americas are attacks ON them.
Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with him?
good thing that's not what i'm doing or suggested doing. ever
´´The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man. Religion is, indeed, the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet won through to himself, or has already lost himself again. But man is no abstract being squatting outside the world. Man is the world of man – state, society. This state and this society produce religion, which is an inverted consciousness of the world, because they are an inverted world. Religion is the general theory of this world, its encyclopaedic compendium, its logic in popular form, its spiritual point d’honneur, its enthusiasm, its moral sanction, its solemn complement, and its universal basis of consolation and justification. It is the fantastic realization of the human essence since the human essence has not acquired any true reality. The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.
Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.
The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo.´´
He never said to force people to give up their faith, he says to CALL UPON THEM to give up their illusions.
The mellowing of religions with strong secular influence(most notably christianity) happened due to the pressure of the secular forces first and foremost, not because some people advocated be nicer you dumb idealist.
Wow, you discovered that secular thought is even welcomed in some religions! Yes. It's true.
Reformism led Jews to communism.
Not Islam though, mainly because they kill anyone who suggests it.
Yeah, see, that's not happening in any western country without a large number of ignorant immigrants/refugees from uncivilized Middle Eastern mudbrick shitholes where they still stone people. People who do that go to prison, but they don't do it in the first place. Remember, most attacks involving Muslims are attacks ON Muslims.
Only in the times of crisis, like when the capitalism caused the decay of christianity and secularists put even further pressure by limiting the secular power of the religious forces.
This isn't a liberal board but you are a liberal individual that is why I am telling to to GO BACK TO REDDIT.
Will you please just fuck off back to Holla Forums already, the arguing needs to end, it's getting tiresome.
most islamic terrorists are born in europe and come from countries like azerbaijan or tunisia (i don't think they stone people there)
Because they'll get arrested for it. Not getting massacred by a lot of muslims is dependant upon the system functioning, which, considering in the UK 60% of muslims are on welfare having an average of 4 children each, is not going to last for much longer.
The same is reflected throughout any western nation with islamic populations.
And most attacks from muslims are on muslims because most muslims are in close proximity to OTHER muslims. Thats an argument for not having them near you. If they do that to people they have mild disagreements with then whats going to happen if its 50% muslim 50% kufur?
You should make a thread about this.
More than you've done. Muslims conquered Persia which is where all the contributions to mathematics and science came from.
So it's infograph tier shit. Discarded.
No wonder you think socialism works, you don't read.
good thinking dude
You posted a broken image you fucking idiot, there's nothing there. Also, reading Marx, Lenin and others is what lead me to socialism
Yet another strawman
so why do you want muslims in your community when they oppose your views?
If they can do so peaceably then what's the trouble
That's the illiberal fallacy, that this group of people cannot act peaceable. This is what tankies believe and it makes them just as bad as alt-reichs.
Ah yes, the traditional "all or nothing" mentality of the stormfag. Newsflash, extremists are in the minority and 99.9% of them are just normal people.
Is that from a specific dialect? Is it another form of peaceful?
didn't he have a ketone, or fentanyl addiction?
the air of resentment and conflict for one; but maybe you like being hated by your neighbours. then there's the building mosques and minarets, women walking around in niqab, streetsigns in urdu, calls to prayer every day, entire neighbourhoods becoming muslims-only
do you want your community to adopt an islamic character or what?
Do you have some stats that back that up? Preferrably with a large sample size and a reputable polling organization.
Stats contradict him in this very thread but he's just making shit up as he goes along becuause feels> reals
Well you learn everyday.
You means the non existant stats about Western Muslim opinions?
I never even talked about western Muslims. I talked about all Muslims. Western Muslims are a small number and easily balanced by the more fundamentalist countries which thex weren't allowed to enter like KSA.
Well Western Muslims, save for recent converts, originally came from thoses fundamentalist countries, no? So when it comes to see if Muslims will shariaize Europe or not, it's quite important to see how evolved the ones who live there for quite a long time.
And given the disparity you observe from country to country, it would be not very reliable to make extrapolations to non surveyed countries.
god shes hot
I know that feel. Only these piercings eh
It's anti-servility religion, as opposed to judaism.
False. Common mistake. About 25% of all Muslims living in the West are extremists, so 75% of them are "normal" (as in, probably don't want to murder you). Strangely enough, the first generation is not even the worst, maybe because they remember the shithole they abandoned. But the new generations only become more and more entitled.
No, he probably means the existing ones. There's always a few retards who ask for the source when it's in the pic, so the source for the pic that says "source: Pew Research Center" is Pew Research Center.
fuck islam.
It produces rapists, violent criminals, and terrorists.
Stop letting immigrants in from muslim countries until you can civil them.
well are you importing nazis or muslims by the truckload?
lol truckload
fuck im late to this shitshow of a thread
99.9% of them are, and extremists only tend to happen in individuals and small groups
leftypol shows it's true idpol islam apologist colors