If Jean-Luc Mélenchon wins, I wonder if America will try to intervene and fuck everything up in the name of "freedom."
If Jean-Luc Mélenchon wins, I wonder if America will try to intervene and fuck everything up in the name of "freedom."
They did it witch Guatemala, Chile, etc, so I wouldn't be too surprised
France isn't a latin american nation, thats unlikely to happen. I'm sure Trump would start red baiting though, or something like that.
He probably wont win regardless.
They don't have to. He will get cucked by the EU, other politicians and porkies sabotaging the economy.
Best case scenario they allow him to pass a few socdem reforms, most likely he gets his shit fucked up and 'socialism' will be tainted again.
Is he even a commie?
Looks like a socdem to me
This is France.
You can't intervene in France as if it was some sort of Banana Republic.
I don't necessarily mean in the same way, but I mean they wouldn't obviously try to undermine them.
He's backed by the Fench Communist Party.
Sorry, I'm like, SUPER high rn
he is a fag
Calling yourself communist doesn't make you one, I thought we learned that lesson after 1990 at the latest
No, but he's an anti-capitalist.
Dunno about that, but I predict an upswing of unfunny, Big Bang Theory-tier Star Trek references in headlines and shitty political cartoons, similar to the current lame-ass poker similies in headlines about the Annoying Orange.
No he isn't.
Hillary was backed by the CPUSA too
The difference is the French communist party isn't cucked and COINTELPRO'd.
Why would US intervene if it's more doable to economically fuck up this kind of country?
Who's hyped for General Secretary Melenchon rewriting the constitution?
← Likeability polling, dark green most, dark red least, grey none.
Literally going to happen; he wants a Sixth republic.
This is "Bernie Sanders: Electric Boogaloo 2", isn't it?
He's like a fusion between Bernie and Trump.
And Corbyn.
p sure he doesn't make jam tho
he is a social democrat, get real you eurocuck
that flag triggers me
i would like you to meet a friend, gulgag. Gulag, this is a liberal cuck, please have fun together
That means nothing, the French establish a new republic at the drop of a hat
So much for anarchism.
Let's hope that he wins, Eurobro!
Pretty certain he is against the EU
More likely the US would try to intervene before the election
They did it in Italy
CPUSA is a joke.
French Communist Party had Charb as a member, who got shot during the Charlie Hebdo shootings.
Charb would have his membership revoked on day fucking one, if this was the USA. It's simply a different world over there.
France isn't Guatemala or Chile they have nuclear weapons. JLM overthrow would have to come from internal forces. Don't forget deep state elements in France already tried to kill one President simply for trying to withdraw from Algeria (and he was relatively conservative).
He want's to reform the EU, which France actually has the leverage to do. Imagine if the EU was actually democratic and run for the benefit of people rather then bankers. Then it would actually be worthy of support.
Good! Fantastic! Great! Wunderbar!
If people actually voted for him, then it would actually mean something!
AHAHAHAHA, finally people see the fucking faggot for what he is. That guy is a genuine asshole, how he actually thought he could win against Hamon is a rissle to me. But now that he lost he essentially says the socialist party is doomed (while he and his cronies have the entire leadership under control) and now openly supports Macron. The epitome of a sore loser.
And it kinda reflects the situation in the UK, where Corbyn faces similar problems with the Labour leadership, only this time France is a multi-party system and people realise there are actual alternatives.
Marcon is the same, but he hides it better and has a good PR company.
That would be great, the EU isn't an inherently awful idea
If France isn't democratic and run for the benefit of the people, what makes you think that it could reform the EU into being so? This is social democratic utopianism at its purest, the idea that you can use the bourgeois democratic state, an institution which is designed from the ground up to benefit the ruling class, to somehow disenfranchise the ruling class. An idea which makes about as much sense as proposing to extinguish a fire with a flamethrower.
He can not do it alone though.
Also him in charge would rekindle the Greek crisis, because France was vital in breaking them down and now you have someone who is way friendlier towards them.
For Germany, Mélenchon is even worse than Le Pen.
No, because he's right in line with what the liberal order wants. He's a socdem, not a socialist.
The only revolutionary option is Le Pen
I admit to having a pretty shoddy theoretical background when it comes to the idea of the bourgeois democratic state being unreformable, but I do think many socialists just Parrot what Marx said about the state without recognizing that its has changed in the present day.
The modern day French state is far from truly democratic, but there is some degree of popular control over it. Did Allende not seem to be establishing Socialism within the context of a Bourgeois democratic state? I admit that their might be an inevitable violent backlash by the ruling class when to much progress is being made at the ballot box (as their was in Spain and Chile) but I don't really see why its impossible.
Mélenchon's a socialist who hide is powerlevel.
Le Pen is a conservative who pretends to be left wing.
stay cucked class-collaborationist fuccperson
Found the liberal
You said the same thing about Bernie, and yet here we are…
Funny how these so called conservatives are a far greater threat to the status quo than these "socialists" you champion
Bernie didn't win, he did what he thought was strategically best after he lost. And he's still working his ass off trying to make things better.
I remember this one interview from like the 80s where Bernie was calling himself a Proletariat and saying he was anti-capitalist and wanted to unite the working class against the Bourgeoisie and all that. He's definitely read the Communist Manifesto and all that, but you can't fucking call yourself a communist and get elected. America and Europe are too spooked. Baby steps..
where are u getting that from????
He never was a socialist! I have never heard him advocate community ownership of the basic means of production and distribution. He talks about Denmark and Sweden being socialist. They're as capitalist as the United States. They just have substantially better social safety nets than the United States.
He never did. Never advocated a single class, never advocated "to each according to need, from each according to ability." You can pick out any tenet of socialism, and he never really did [support it.]
Wow, nice reading comprehension there dipshit. Clearly not all revolution is good. Especially if that revolution ends up helping porky.
get fucked
this is bernie reading eugene debs quotes but w/e
Porky is heavily against Le Pen, what are you talking about?
Bernie is absolutely a socialist. He doesn't even attempt to hide his power level, he's quite open about it. He has been consistent for 30 years. He's simply not a politically correct dogmatist who parrots the party line until he vanishes into irrelevancy. Unlike you, Bernie understands that AN INJURY TO ONE IS AN INJURY TO ALL and works to take real action to ease the suffering of the working class NOW, through legislation and policy that could feasibly be enacted in the present American political climate, rather than leaving his comrades to suffer out of misguided political purity or muh privileged devotion to accelerationism.
His campaign was always about shifting the Overton window, bringing the people on his side, consolidating power in the Democratic party, and continually reforming the system towards socialism. We all understood that, and winning the primary was never the end goal of it, especially since he actually would have less power to affect change as President than as a Senator. His work – and ours – continues.
GLADIO wasn't only in Italy! Greece had 7 years of dictatorship!
no, the EU liberals are against Le Pen. Capitalists disagree with each other and fight all the time.
Mélenchon is an open socialist. That's why he wears a red triangle, sing the international and say the workers should do a revolution.
i hope Melonchon opens some gulags.
showing your Burgercentric bias? then again bernie was never an anti-imperialist and always was a NATO shill and soft-militarist, unlike JLM
melenchon fucking rules even if he is a trot
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. If supporting "fascism" is what it takes to bring down the capitalist system, then I'll be happy to support Le Pen, a real revolutionary.
In that case, why did fascist nations declare war on capitalist Britain and Poland? Really makes you think…
Congress controls the military. They are the only ones with the power to declare war.
Yes yes muh Libya blah blah. That doesn't mean the President has more power than Congress over the military.
wow my noggin sure is joggin
I doubt it.
America will undoubtedly have it's hands full in Syria by then, and they won't really have to anyway, since the EU will probably do it for them.
If any of you speak French, watch this:
He's much more than a socdem. He even said if he wins, he might not necessarily end up having any power, because the 6th Republic will be a people's republic.
can't translate all that.
basically this
You falled for propaganda. She just support a patriotic capitalism, propose nothing for the workers and hate on the peoples manifesting.
If you vote for her you are hurting what you are claiming to defend.
The FN only exist to make peoples vote for the establishment.
He's at 19%.
Actually he wants to summon an elected assembly of citizen to democratically write a new, and possibly anarcho-greenie, constitution.
I actually kind of like Hamon, I hope he'll give the middle finger to Valls and support JLM.
Of course they will want to. But you don't need America, Europeans will do it themselves.
Weren't Melenchon and Hamon close to each other just a moment ago and Fillon still higher than both? These things go pretty fast.
On thursday they had the debate, Melenchon kicked arse and took names.
What's far worse is that 11% support Macron.
Mélenchon is more likely to win against Le Pen.
Just like Sanders. I hope his fate won't be the same, but it's likely.
Well he didn't went to the PS primary to avoid ending like sanders, best case scenario is Hamon putting the PS down earlier than expected(it will be dead after the election) boosting Mélenchon, and if he pass he will certainly win if he end up against Le Pen. Thought it's unlikely that Hamon will jump off the sinking ship that is the PS.
Nice work France!
Fuck Le-Pen!
if Hamon stepped down he'd be 100% sure to win.
Hed be 100% sure to make it to round 2, but idk if he would beat Macron
Man, there's no way melenchon actually wins, right? Burger here, but it looks like the neolib en marche bullshit is gonna win.