New New Rojava General

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Btw mods, feel free to edit the OP to include new videos and reading materials

I realize this is extremely unlikely but let's say the US war machine along with Trump's natsec council encourages him to declare war on Assad and we have an Iraq-style ground invasion, Russia + Iran joins in against us, and NATO declares war on Russia….

What would this mean for Turkey and Rojava's diplomatic relations with America amd Russia? Would NATO just let Turkey bulldoze them or is there a historical example of something like playing out? Basically what would a US/NATO/Saudi vs Russia/Iran/Assad war mean for Turkey and Rojava?

I think turkey would have way more important things to worry about, and the US wouldn't want them wasting time on the fucking kurds


Relevant intro to Communalism guide.

Wew good thing I archived the old general (AGAIN)

Tabqa city now completely beseiged.

I really gotta get round to reading something by Bookchin his interview was real comfy

probably not true because I haven't seen it anywhere else but it would be fantastic if it was


Source on that?


How are they this good at encircling?

Yeah, the interviews done by Doug Morris are really good. I'd recommend checking out the book Anarchism, Marxism, and the Future of the Left if you liked this interview. This book is a collection of interviews like this, edited and put into book form. It's one of bookchin's best volumes of work.

Pincer and encircle has been a tried and tested SDF technique for the longest time. Works very well against ISIS.

here we go

Yeah I'm aware. My question is rather why hasn't ISIS adapted to this strategy? Why has the SDF been able to consistently encircle like this?

lel of course he would say that. Trump would never risk a conflict with Russia

I didn't know it was possible to hate so many factions of a war at the same time.

It's pretty much impossible to counter against in rural, wide open areas with air support targeting you from overhead as was the case in the earlier stages of Wrath of Euphrates.

It's a bit different now as they're starting to hit more urban and dense terrain. What SDF are doing is asking ISIS if they're prepared to allocate enough numbers to save Tabqa, but then undermining their manpower in Raqqa. ISIS just doesn't have the manpower to put up effective resistance in both Tabqa and Raqqa so the encirclement here I would guess is to spread ISIS' meagre amount of fighters as wide as possible, and cut through them more effectively. Tabqa is said to have not that many ISIS left in it. It's not much smaller than Manbij but it'll be taken far faster.

Michael Israel was one of our best. Fuck Turkey for killing him.

what the hell happens to Rojava in the event of U.S. intervention?

If there is one thing I've learnt about Sultan Erdo is that that he talks a lot of shit to make himself look more important and scary.

It's a typical attention seeking strategy; it's how Trump and the likes always ends up in the media and is also a key part of Erdogan's cult of personality.

In the past PYD has said they don't like Assad but they oppose military intervention to get rid of him at the same time.

In any event Rojava will likely remain neutral, especially as Turkey will definitely play a large part in any anti Assad operations

Exactly this just fucking happened.
This is fucking major.
Does this mean open NATO/Russia conflict is coming?

Interesting from the Syrian Foreign Minister.

Possibly but Russia stated earlier today that their support for Assad isn't "unconditional".

Trump SAYS all sorts of things. I'm skeptical, and I guess we'll have to see.

I think this has a lot to do with it:

Isis on both a tactical and ideological level needs to continuously be carrying out offensives. They are utterly useless at static defense and instead repeatedly carry out reckless attacks. This obviously creates vulnerability to having units surrounded.


Oh shit m8

Now that's a fucking reach lmao. This guy held a minor position in Kobani canton 3 or 4 years ago and he's apparently clued into the inner workings of what could be the biggest event of this war? Doubt it. Wonder how many people she went through before she could get a quote like this

From 2013 regarding Ghouta but relevant today.

US just struck a Syria airbase with dozens of missiles. We'll see PYD and SDF related views tomorrow I'd guess.

Russian and US ties are falling apart as we speak. For Rojava this is like mom and dad (as in Rojava's main political backers) going through a divorce. There's Russian troops, American troops and Syrian troops in Rojava territory.

Interesting to see how they navigate this minefield.

d-did I jinx it?

Worst case scenario for YPG/PYD is that the more pro-SAA/pro-Russia cantons such as Afrin and Shahba will split off from the more pro-US Kobane and Jazira cantons.

That seems comically unlikely. What's with the constant barrage of defeatism and hopelessness from even the revolutions supporters on here? Is it just because they can't find a better excuse to not go?

I did not say that this is likely. I just said that that would be the worst case scenario for PYD

Reminder for all fellow Frenchfags to read this:

I'll translate it to English if any of the feeble utopians ITT are interested a proper Marxist critique, or are actually prepared to stomache one at all.

Sorry. I'm just frustrated with the constant defeatism and concern trolling regarding rojava.

If it's like the Duave article then it's meme tier. Enjoy your armchair though

I'll see you lads in a few years. Make sure to already prepare a proper list of excuses for how things didn't work out how you imagined they would. I'll be there to say I told you so. Don't worry: critique is totally not because I care.
I will absolutely be doing this from my armchair, which is the comfiest place to wait and see the Kurdish proletariat die for the cause of national liberation veiled under progressivist pretexts; something completely alien to their interests.


Hush now, comrade. Just let me observe the fallout of your failures and betrayal of the proletariat from my armchair. Fully entertain your notions and devote yourself to your cause. Good luck!

truly ebin




He wanted to say:
The life expectancy of the Democratic confederalist experiment shall not be longer than five revolutions of the earth around the sun for the Kurdish uprising rest on utopian premises.

Approximate amount of time before your national liberation project of choice either becomes another Venezuela- or Chiapas-style social democracy or crumbles, both at the cost of proletarian lives being led into these treacherous ventures.

Enlighten me on Chiapas. How did it became SocDem? I have no idea what's happening with EZLN recently

It was always just a movement to protect traditional ways of peasant organization. It's just indigenous nationalism with talk of democracy and civil society. Anarchists liked them (liked, because nowadays they don't even hide their ineptitude and have gone full neoliberal, participating in Mexican parliament) because of the class dimensions involved, the middling classes, and the idea of autonomous regions which is something that anarchists are into. Anarchists aren't above supporting nationalism and national liberation. The funniest thing I read about anarchists was a pamphlet about "keep[ing] the revolution local" in regards to implementing more bicycle routes.

Shame you didn't make it shorter then that. Now I'm going to have wait 5 years to rub it in :^)

You'd better not be a Marxist, or this statement would be hilarious.


Marx and Engels supported Polish national liberation from Russia and the union of the German states into one nation-state.

That's why it's fucking hilarious that a Marxist would accuse anarchists, who historically have been the ones to question national liberation and anti-imperialism, of doing just that.

Critical point: they didn't pretend to call these things revolutionary, socialistic or even post-capitalistic.
wew lad.

Now you're just moving the goal posts user.
As to imply that Marxists don't, and clearly they do.

Nice wikipedia link.
Perhaps you should read it yourself.

Which anarchists have called national liberation socialist?

No, that was literally the whole point. Rojava fancies itself revolutionary while being nothing but national liberation with a utopian project on the side. Marx never had any such reservations.
"Anarchists", as in: many anarchists.

I've read it. Take a gander at the other link and its display of other instances of anarchists forgetting their principles and supporting one nation over the other.


The other link, is Malatesta writing about the content of the first link, which clearly said that this attitude was not prevalent amongst anarchists and was met with great controversy by the vast majority of Anarchists.
You know, unlike the doctrine of anti-imperialism amongst Marxists.

What part of it is national liberation when it isn't trying to establish an independent ethno/nation-state?

I implied that they don't on the basis that it's in any sense revolutionary, yes. And I would fully distance myself from any "Marxist" who would attach such notions to their politics.

Read the wholy thing. Kropotkin's support of WW1 is not the only topic discussed.

Among Stalinists*. "Anti-imperialism" is a notion invented after Lenin and his theory of imperialism. I posted another link of a Marxist disavowing all elements of nationalism as revolutionary in regards to socialism, and how this is most congruent with Marx himself.

>literally Kurdistan
You didn't read Dauvé. The other thread showed you got hyper-triggered at the first few paragraphs and then stopped.

Do your replies instead of spamming like a redditor.

You're addressing the wrong user. I was the one that posted in that thread. DFSNS is not limited to Kurdistan, stating their intention to federalize all of syria under the same system of DemCon. DemCon at it's roots is a revolutionary theory for the whole middle east.

Literally not in their name. They deliberately changed their name to not include Rojava, a Kurdish name for the area. Their ideology is explicitly anti-nationalist and there's no evidence that the leaders think any differently. There's definitely still a large amount of Kurdish Nationalism among the fighters, but the past tells the future, and the past tells us that the DFNS is not nationalist or even has any desire to be an independent nation-state.

Fine. As long as you stop lying and admit that all material says that these notions were almost universally panned amongst the anarchist movement, then I am happily willing to admit that Kropotkin was being a retard. Sure.
But you have no material indicating that this notion was shared amongst even a significant portion or the anarchist movement.

Lenin himself, Just like Marx, supported Polish independence, so both of them supported national liberation in the anti-imperialist sense, in order to weaken the Russian empire.
Sure, they didn't think it was socialist, but they didn't care.
See also Marx' support for Irish national liberation.

Also, the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria is not "literally Kurdistan".
They explicitly stopped calling it that because they didn't want it to be a ethno-nationalist project. Arabic is even the more common lingua-franca at this point.

tbh interventionism is something I struggle with. with regards to coalition airstrikes on ISIS and SDF's alliance with the coalition, it's uncomfortable working in such slide quarters with a capitalist military industrial complex behemoth. And yeah, it's a violation of Syria's sovereignty too.

but I also think of what would've happened without coalition airstrikes. Without the thousands upon thousands of airstrikes ISIS would definitely be in control of much of Syria and Iraq right now. I mean they were unstoppable till the airstrikes came into play at Kobani. Despite literally everyone in the region fighting them and bombing them even now, they're still a highly capable force.

it's a tough one.

Add these to the OP, mods:

An absolute must read for you radicals -

Not about Rojava but I'll still add it because biji serok apo -



Salih Muslim statement on recent events.

essentially: rebels should be punished for using chemical weapons too, calls on the regime to come back to the negotiating table with PYD.

Fuck that is some slick maneuvering by Muslim.

Can't tell if this is the usual Turk posturing or if it's serious, thoughts?

I'm sorry about sounding like a newfag who doesn't know the answer is in the thread, but can anyone give me a run-down to read about Rojava and its history? I wanna learn more about this thing, but I have absolute no idea on where to start and I heard it's a pretty complicated topic

Turkey will definitely not go into Iraq without America getting involved.
However there's a good chance that Trump will look the other way as Turkey slaughters the Kurds.

Even with all the attention given to Syria in the past 24 hours, I haven't seen the Kurds get any mention at all. The MSM will barely cover the destruction of Rojava by Turkey.

If it's Rojava specifically, the links in this thread should do you good enough.
If you want to get into the SCW in general, I think a good first step is lurking the SCW subreddit and checking out their sidebar links.

Does anyone know where I can read The Next Revolution?


lmao that's perfectly blunt

It's all but guaranteed, in the realm of geopolitics the Turks are simply too valuable to piss off for the burgers
If necessary the US would exterminate every Kurd and present their heads to the Dark Lord Roach in his tower in Ankara

on the topic of SCW and Lord of the Rings overlap, I love this:

But also a bit disingenuous. If their primary supplier of air support have a stated goal of regime change, it very much does concern them when they have been somewhere between ambivalent and opposed to the issue so far.

Here's the report on the clashes from the YPG end. Jaysh al Thuwar putting up great resistance again, god bless em. I think Turkey might go seriously for Tal Rifaat.

I suspect they're trying to straddle a line, they don't want to piss off the US but nor do they want to antagonize the Syrian gov't

So basically, they're being smart

For now
They really do need to distance themselves from the US though, it's gonna backfire horribly on them when the US decides they're no longer useful

YPG once again showing they are the nimblest of navigators making a statement that satisfies all sides and establishes them as the adults in the room who want a political solution.

lol apparently Turkey has been peddling anti-KCK propaganda in Europe

All the recently trained and joined Arabs from Raqqa have formed their own battalion within SDF: Jazeera Knights.

Anyone else notice /r/Syriancivilwar has gone to shit since Trump launched those missiles. Full of uninformed new cunts now.

It has always been that way whenever something major happens in Syria, random uninformed retards will suddenly flocked in to give their stupid unsolicited opinions before they fucked off after a few days

I just lurked and read about scw for months before I felt comfortable commenting

oh man this could be very dangerous for SDF. fucking Trump, you absolute retard.

Them Turks may begin their slaughter soon. Trump will not do anything to stop it. And Leftists will cry 'muh interventionism' if anyone suggests we help the kurds.

their more immediate worry is ISIS taking this as their chance to reverse SDF gains. I mean I'm sure SDF commanders have been proceeding on the assumption they'll have air support so having it taken from under them just like that could leave them very exposed.

Another MLKP martyr.

RIP Roza Rênas.


You ppl keep calling Communalism utopian, as if that isn't explicitly recognised by Communalists and as if that isn't a good thing.

Reddit is generally filled with your average sheeple joe. I was banned saying that Turkish soldiers are just as much terrorist as daesh, this was when daesh had major success in their SVBIED attacks near Al-Bab. r/SCW does have quick updates though, which is the only reason why anyone should be lurking there. I can't deal with redditors. I mean, a lot of them are just your average neoliberal and centrist pig.

Shehid namirin

/r/Communalists is a fairly high quality subreddit about a unique subject too.

7 links + OP, u KKKunt


Thanks for the recommendation bruh bruh

quick translation of MLKP statement on this:

She died in an accident?

iirc pkk1978 said something sad about MLKP haven't released the names of every martyr

How many men do you think the average female kurdish fighter has slept with?

What an odd question to ask

It's very vague on how she died, or even where.

And yeah they might have released this girls name because she's a Kurd from Amed, where I gather pretty much everyone supports the PKK. I think the logic behind not releasing the names of Turkish martyrs is due to fear of their families being targeted by the government or ultra nationalist mobs. In the PKK heartland this of course, not as great a threat.

this is the post you are talking about

they're qts and not as religious as women in the area

They don't have access to showers and other hygienic toiletries. I don't think anyone really wants to have too much sex in the middle of a war.
The men are not even allowed to masturbate each other.

idk i've been in the military and every chick fucks on deployment

Zero, since it's actually extremely forbidden for them to have sex while serving in the military. PPG seemed somewhat upset by this.

Are males held to the same standard?


PPG mentioned that they weren't allowed to masturbate…so probably.

I've been told that's mostly to stop the guys and grills from fuggin.

The IFB just keeps getting new member units. I wonder how many they will have by the end of the war.

one of the /r/rojava mods joined the YPG recently and he said a lot of the people at the academy want to join IRPGF after training so their numbers will only grow


End of April if the rumors are true

god antifa in the first world are so cringeworthy i hope it isn't the same in rojava

Antifa are a reflection of fascism. 1st world antifa are a reflection of people like Richard Spencer. The fascists Rojava has to deal with are serious business.

Who are the fascists in Rojava and how are they fascists? Is there anything "fascist" about them other than the YPG doesn't like them

Antifa varies from place to place. Fucking Portland antifa or whatever might be shit but Antifa in Greece are based and do a lot of literal fascist bashing.

The Islamists that were aligned to the Axis in WWII are no longer around.

That's not even what that article is about, but there are several strains of ideology in that region that are at least proto-fascist. The Islamic State, the main target of the SDF.

at that point they're just calling everyone they're fighting fascists. IS is not fascist as much as it is trying to restore the caliphate which began over a thousand years before fascism

Well I forgot to finish that sentence so that's not quite what I meant but as far as this goes:
The textbook examples of fascism were also claiming to restore the glory of old empires.


crazy that he's so insecure to feel the need to post this

ISIS, Edrogan and Assad are pretty fascist.

what does that even mean

This is incorrect they were very modern movements. Hitler even said something along the lines of the times of Kings were over and a fascist leader is the modern day variant.

Also there is a whole economic system that goes along with fascism

I imagine he's talking about why you don't huck a ten million dollar missile at a structure that can be repaired in an afternoon.

Yeah, it's called "Capitalism."

He got upset because people were wondering why the missile strike was so useless


Maybe in America and Clanada.
The antifa in Germany is straight up gangsta and are determined to fight nazism. It even birthed a YPG commander. I don't see why a lot of mainline people are so opposed to violence against nazis and fascists. People have pretty much deemed the holocaust as a one time historical event.

Is there much interaction between the German left and Kurds in Germany? Obviously there's a huge Kurdish and Turkish diaspora. I recall seeing a pic of an anarchist squat in I think Hamburg draped in a huge PKK flag

"fighting nazism" in germany today is the same thing as fighting tsarism in the USSR. They're not doing anything but labeling people they don't like as fascists.

when people starting labeling everyone as nazis and fascists the public won't bat an eye when actual fascists arise

Not what I said at all. A group defined by opposing another group is going to be shaped by that group. That's not the same thing as the two being no different from each other.

Corporatism is just a particular stage/form of capitalism. Either way, the Wahhabist/Salafist ideology entails total control of society with politics and economy part of the same system dominated by religious law. If the Islamic State isn't fascist then the word has little relevance any more.

i don't think that was his point
he meant that antifascism is just an answer to fascism so they are as serious and organised as their opponents
i don't really agree with that but it's an understandable position

isis are textbook fascists imo

Yes, I wasn't debating this I was saying fascism's economics is a very specific form of capitalism that isn't present in Syria.

Fascism is not a general term for authoritarianism. And this is exactly what I am saying, fascism has little relevance outside of accusations from the cringy antifas

Because in the meantime, the terms Nazis and fascists had been diluted in the general discourse, so you have situations when people consider beating up Nazis means beating up people disagreeing with Antifa.
People underestimate how much the bastardization of language is a cancer that have deep effects on praxis.

You's tripping. Antifa quite literally fights nazism. Like, with violence.

I'm sorry

nazism died in the 40s


No but it's also means more than the very specific ideology followed by certain European countries in the early to mid 20th century. Kind of like how Marxism has a broader meaning than the specific ideology Marx outlined and has come to mean a number of variations (although this was done by people self-identifying with the label).
The accusations have merit, not in the sense that the targets fit the narrow band of ideology but the larger trend that the word fascism has come to mean. In the first world fascism is not really an issue so of course first world antifa have nothing of value to do. The tradition of fighting fascists or "fascists" if you prefer is at least a useful one regardless of whether they strike you as LARPers.

I don't think this is necessarily true, my main point was that in the first world there's little pressure on antifa to shape them into something meaningful whereas in the middle east there's a very clear opportunity for a serious antifa (though that doesn't necessarily mean it will be filled).

Marxism has a broader meaning because people around the world have implemented versions of Marxism and identified as Marxists.

Fascism however has only occurred in 20th century countries in Europe and the only people who proclaim themselves fascist were people in 20th century Europe.

Fascism only means "more than the specific ideology when people are accused of being fascists for not embracing the specific form of leftism of the accuser.

There's a pretty huge gulf between not being a specific leftist tendency and being the Islamic State.

No one is saying ISIS is leftist but to call them fascist is dishonest

Based Greeks

Now it seems like you're deliberately misleading. This post said
to which I responded here by saying
by which I meant that opposing the Islamic State is a very different thing from sectarian infighting, and that if fascism is to mean anything relevant to contemporary geopolitics (which there is room for), then applying it to the IS is pretty reasonable and certainly infinitely more reasonable than applying it to "not a true leftist". Nowhere did I claim the opposite of this:
that is, that someone is calling the IS leftist. I never said anything to that effect. My point with this post is that it's wildly unreasonable to compare/equate labeling the IS fascists and leftist sectarians casually using fascist as a pejorative. Especially since the original post in this chain was hoping that this distinction exists. If you were saying that antifa in Rojava were sectarian shitflingers you'd have a point, but you're not so you don't.

I'm not even going to get into the whole "Our order of dragonslayers has slain the last dragon, now what?" thing other than to point out that it doesn't much matter if they keep calling themselves dragonslayers while they slay krakens as long as they are slaying krakens.

DSA released a statement about the Syrian Civil War.
Kurds were not mentioned.

jihadbucks, everyone

That may be the least egregious part of that article.

What's your stance on the subject?

What, the Kurds? I support pretty much any attempt at revolution because it's better than what we have. I expect the Kurds to get wiped out sooner or later unfortunately so I don't see much point in getting invested. Lack of coverage makes that easier, but the DSA isn't making any special failure by ignoring them. Everyone does.

If you meant my stance on the rest of the article I was referring to the incoherent mess of liberal ideology.

I am new to the left. Can you tell me how it's typically liberal?
Most liberals support intervention.

Are Holla Forumsyps doing organized anti-Kurd shilling now?


/sg/ in Holla Forums hated YPG since at least the Hasakah clashes between YPG and SAA and former forced out the latter out of the city (except for the small municipal police at city's security box). Although, before then some of them already hate YPG, mostly butthurt Assyrian diaspora and Turkish posters

When I say liberal ideology what I mean is the article is a patchwork of different talking points common in liberalism but mashed together in a way that doesn't make sense, like the author has broken the pieces apart and is trying to fit them together in a new way. Here…

So first off they're not talking about Rojava here, but the other "rebels" who are the actual US puppets that certain people claim Rojava are. You know, Al Qaeda affiliates and the like. Calling these people a democratic uprising is one liberal narrative they're buying into. Assad running a "brutal" "regime" is another, particularly that they're buying the story of chemical weapon attacks despite suspicious circumstances and lack of confirmation. Allegations of chemical attacks seem to originate from the western media. Also note the use of "regime" in particular, which is a word used to tar a government western powers dislike while an equally abusive state that's their ally will receive much friendlier language. That seems like a nitpick but appearances are paramount in liberal ideology.

Unapproved military action has been happening regularly since Bush 43. This part of the story is not what's newsworthy and it unduly favors US and international law, which is a joke coming from a "socialist" press.
This is a fairly common liberal talking point that ignores the purpose of such actions. There are economic incentives at play here, not least of which is the need of the military industrial complex for people to kill. Liberals (used to) complain about endless war (now they suck Trump's dick). Socialists are supposed to recognize the reasons why these wars are fought.
The article mentions imperialism but then ignores this point because it follows it up with:
They should know better. Military contractors and other vested interests will out-lobby regular Americans. Calling your Congressman amounts to pissing in the wind with stuff like this, because for every bleeding-heart who wants the war to stop there's a soldier and an arms factory worker who will flip shit if they lose their job (and it's very easy to rally support for those people in the USA).

Post is gonna get too long. I'll continue.

Condemning chemical attacks means little and unskeptically buying the story is boneheaded as I already said. The UN is a fucking joke at best and a tool of oppression at worst. Deferring to them is a liberal thing to do. Given the severity of the alleged chemical attacks and the seriousness with which this article takes them, something stronger than the suggested course of action would be appropriate. It's consistent with liberalism to try regulating away a problem but this applies mostly to shit like Iran having nukes, not mass murder. This is what I mean by liberal positions mashed together. None of these things has to do with socialism as they depend on the hegemony of capitalist power structures like the UN or western media (re: believing the allegations of chemical attacks), but the scenario here is a mismatch of two different liberal ideas that don't really go together (you will still see some liberals who don't claim to be socialists saying things like this).

This is on point except for the part where they treat the US as if it's this free-willed person who chooses to do bad things rather than a collapsing machine obeying particular laws of operation. This is an example of a "classical liberal" position, but has nothing particularly to do with leftism. Moralizing about the great wrongs of US foreign policy is pretty pointless other than to get people's feelings going and to drive clicks. Analysis of why it happens would be more useful, not that you can't mix that other part into it.

This is just a bunch of pie in the sky bullshit that will (rightly) draw that criticism from rightists. The DSA being a prominent face of socialism are dropping the ball if this is their reaction to the bombings. They really should know better too, look at the response Barney Sandals got when he called out systemic underpinnings to problems. People are ready and glad to hear that kind of thing. Opining that impossible scenarios need to happen (especially ones that depend on the bourgeois democratic framework of global capitalism) makes the left look stupid to leftists and rightists alike. This is a third sort of liberal talking point that's unusually out of place here.

And this is weird because this is a sort of third-worldist position (completely opposed to typical liberalism). Foreign powers could certainly help by sending resources to Rojava. That's only hypothetical but the article did say "cannot."

April 5th., 2017 presentation of David L. Phillips's book, An Uncertain Ally, at the National Press Club, organized by Kurdish Policy Research Center.

Look at this beauty,,

Is there any proof yet the chemical attacks have been carried out by Assad? It is just really, really hard for me to believe.

Afrin is starting to struggle with the amount of IDPs/refugees it's getting. Minimal to no help coming from the international community or NGOs.

Can someone tell me what Assad's motivation is to use chemical weapons? Why should I believe that the regime is to blame when we already know from experience that the western powers are more than willing to lie?

Gulf of Tonkin part 2?
Yet in the end trumps use of missiles seemed to be of a warning than an out right invasion plan as some are making it out to be.

Just to be clear, it makes no sense for Assad to do this, and I'm 99.9% sure that Assad had absolutely no say in this. But that's not to say this wasn't done by SAA either. All it takes is a rogue commander. As to 'why', read these comments by an active NDF (pro Assad) militia on the history of the place that was bombed, and the type of people some SAA commanders are.

The rebels also have used chemical weapons in the past, on the YPG no less. And it's definitely within their interests to have the US hit Assad whilst their losing. And Idlib is dominated by jihadists and Islamists, so the likelihood of an independent investigation is very slim.

I don't know who did it, but I'm discounting no one. I doubt we'll ever really know and I suspect this will go much the same way as the Ghouta chemical attacks, as in both sides blame each other with credible evidence and narratives but no conclusive proof of on either side.

so, what's the deal with Iraqi Kurdistan?

A bunch of ethno-nationalist authoritarian conservatives who suck Sultan Erdo's small "cock" by killing off the PKK and Yazidis for him.
They are the runt of the litter of the Kurdish community. Too bad most of the west think of them when people mention Kurds.

The PUK are OK. It's the KDP that's the problem, Barzani tribalist fucks.

Yeah the PUK are pretty good considering they had a civil war with the KDP


Eh, the Peshmerga favour the PUK over the KDP, there will be a civil war in Iraqi Kurdistan: especially since hte KDP is trying kurdify areas like Sinjar; which are under PKK protection.

is the PKK implying that they'll help SAA if the US attacks them lmao

How do you pronounce Rojava and Kobane?

The 'j' in Rojava sounds like the 'g' in beige, the 's' in pleasure or the 'ž' in Žižek.

The î in Kobanî is a 'ee' sound

Thank you♥

polite sage

turkish commies are absolute mad men

People who put their faith in "communist" Kurdish nationalist movements don't know Kurds. Just ask the thousands of Christian Assyrians being ethnically cleansed by the Kurds in Nineveh. (not the first time Kurds have tried to genocide them either, they even defend it the same way the Turks defend their genocide of the Turks "hurr it was de Ottomans not Us. They fought back! etc")

Telling that YPG murdered the Assyrian guards leader when he was becoming a thorn in the side of the land grabs in North Syria and that they attacked Amnesty International for publishing a report on their ethnic cleansing.



UN confirmed that that report was bullshit. Troll harder

Amnesty international never mentioned ethnic cleansing. A good chunk of the victims of the supposed collective punishment were themselves Kurds. Anyone presenting it as ethnic cleansing had a foot in the game.

Literally all they said was that they believed the YPG's bullshit about the ethnic cleansing being done for reasons of combatting ISIS, which is about as believeable as their claim that the reason they shot at Sootoro forces was ISIS activity at their checkpoint (or for that matter that the assassination of the Khabour Guards leader wasn't coordinated), rather than ethnically displacing natives in key strategic areas for their post-war plans.

The people who assassinated Dawood Jindo were in the YPG, but they weren't operating on orders when they killed himself and they received 20 years imprisonment by the Rojavan authorities afterwards.

YPG laid down their lives to liberate Christian/Assyrian villages from ISIS and then handed them back to the local Assyrians to govern and defend. Assyrians in Rojava areas have a degree of cultural rights and self determination that they never had under Assad.

do you realise that ISIS booby trap the fuck out of places before they leave them and have them scattered with IEDs? demining and destroying booby traps is a precarious process that takes time. If YPG let the villagers back in immediately and they got shredded by mines you'd be crying ethnic cleasing too I bet. every was later left back into their homes when the situation was safe.

Lay off the PartisanGirl tweets.

The original report never accused them of ethnic cleansing. At worst it is collective punishment that has included kurds as victims.

They did demolish some homes that were particularly badly trapped (they straight on admit this) so clearly not EVERYONE got to go back to their homes because some homes didn't exist anymore.

This. Despite the rare, isolated flare up already mentioned, the Assyrian Christians have been allies in the fight against ISIS for years now. Under the SDF they have full freedoms and the ethnic cleansing bs was already cleared.

That would be based

A rogue YPG soldier killed David Gendo you mean who was punished by cantonal authorities by 20 years of imprisonment

Its Khabour Guards you fucking idiot. In fact, they just joined SDF

Why the fuck would they join SDF if YPG officially sanctioned the murder of Gendo

Which is why YPG allowed Khabour Guards their own autonomy and allowed Assyrian areas to fly their own flag? pic related

Nowadays is fucking weird.

It is a weird age that "surprise" now means jack shit, and tweeting about an offensive before it happens means you can rally others to your side in-order to have greater support. I remember Trump mentioning that "everyone knew the Mosul offensive was coming", well yeah, that allows an immensely large coalition of peeps to organise a solid attack.

Fuck off already

The wars in the M.E, particularly the SCW, are incredibly well covered. This is largely due to social media, which allows an immense and fast information flow from both primary and secondary sources. By going to actual ground sources (who have twitter and facebook accounts) you are effectively and successfully avoiding the bullshit mainline media outlets.

Yeah, even the UN refuted those claims. Funnily enough evacuating frontline villages is actually he humanitarian thing to do.

New interview with PKK leader. Al Monitor is definitely the best Middle East news outlet imo




SDF just captured Ayed Kebir so I'd expect them to go for Jabal Ayd in the next day or two and then begin a fully fledged assault on Tabqah city.

After that's finished I read they'll move up east of Tabqa, probably to Baath dam, and take that also. Maybe they'll go further but I dunno.

Then it's case of pushing down from that pocket north of Raqqa and then preparing for hell in the city.

Looks like US involvement is about to massively increase if WH press release is accurate
Further bombing of civilians and use of child seeking barrel bombs will see US military strikes

Also, while most likely larping, a Jordanfag claimed that there's a gradual but increasing US military build up in Jordan right now


Jordan, the US and Southern Front are apparently gearing up to clear out the ISIS pocket here

I don't want to sound like Holla Forums but I wonder which nation (who many or may not control the Golan Heights) told Jordan and the US to do that without having to get involved themselves.

That is ballsy af. I don't really know what they're trying to accomplish but good for them. With all the turkroach shit we have to remember their are good lefty turks out there fighting against erdogan.

It could also be the "safe zones" that the US and Turkey have been shilling for

from what I gather some neighbourhoods in Istanbul are DHKP-C/leftist strongholds, in the same vein as Exarcheia in Athens is an Anarchist stronghold. so with the upcoming referendum regarding Erdogan, you probably had some unknowing AKP shills straying into these areas which merited the "if you try shill for Erdo here we will kill you" message seen in the vid

Holla Forums is more anti-zionist than Holla Forums, you are 100% allowed to shit on Israel

I've come to assume that diehard Holla Forumsyps will try to piss on these Rojava threads simply out of envy.

They see Holla Forums having nice things and they must sperg out about it. Not like there's anything to celebrate on Holla Forums right now, after everyone finally realized that Trump is a fucking moron who bluffed his way to the top.

You're overthinking shitposting, please stop.

our resident ISIS shitposter hasn't paid us a visit in a while.

Do you think he died?

Allah willing.

our brave brother abu shitpost took the hallowed path of the inghimasi and martyred himself in the most esteemed way, fighting the PKK communist kurds

You're underestimating autism.

Remember Checkers?

serious ownage itt

Why can't I access the YPG website?

God damn I wish these existed in my country. I would unironically love to roam around with a mask and gun acting like a big guy.


Good fucking god I hope the communists in the DSA purge all the socdems fucking OUT.

If they don't it'll be the end of the DSA tbh, it'll just go down the same route every contemporary Socialist group has in the US, becoming a bunch of cheer leaders for the Dems while doing free groundwork for them on elections.

Fucking perfect.

I think the infographic is bretty accurate.

Why would Assyrians hate Rojava

Nah, that's too specific for LARPing. Aqaba is the logical place for US Navy to dock the ROROs and offload the MPF rolling stock. At least the Atlantic portion, since it's just Atlantic -> Med -> Suez -> Gulf of Aqaba.

So it makes sense to have Army assets coming in via Jordanian air Force bases. US doctrine for large invasions uses massive joint force on a single border section to allow a breakaway contingent of Marines (who would in this case come in through Aqaba port) to rush for strategic targets, while Army forces (coming in via Jordanian air Force Base) sweep in behind for cleanup.

So when he says he sees AFVs (probably MRAP) and IFVs (probably Bradley's) coming in on cargo planes at Jordanian air bases…

This is too fucking legit to not be happening.

Imagine ending your friendship with someone over their politics.

You wouldn't stop being friends with a nazi?

No, of course not. I'd tell him to stop being a dumb fuck but I wouldn't end a friendship over something that's such a tiny part of who you are.

This. People that say otherwise are usually narcissistic and self obsessed.

Even if this is specifically for clearing out that ISIS pocket, it's pretty fucking scary to think that there's active military action going on, that's in a position to threaten the SAA. I really fucking hope this doesn't escalate, but with how the American MSM has been reacting to the missiles I'm quickly losing hope.

On the one hand this is a pretty standard PKK target and makes sense to attack… on the other hand I don't think it makes sense to be doing this so close to the referendum.

Strong disagree. If someone genuinely holds the belief that gay people aren't human or cops are always good or the U.S. military is an instrument of God or whatever dipshit right-wing thing you can think of, how does that not inform the way they interact with absolutely everything in their life? I couldn't be friends with a Nazi.

I guarantee you it's "safe zones" occupied by American and Arab League troops

Moving in to "defeat ISIS" is just a pretext
I've also been hearing rumors that the Americans and Saudis are funneling a ton of weapons to Sunni tribes in Anbar, potentially for an Iraq break up on Sunni-Shia lines in order to stick it to Iran

How does an explosion like that only injure four people?

Either the real numbers aren't reported or the building wasn't occupied


Rojava memes: niche, but dank

For some reason I assumed his edginess would protect him from the real world.

wait, didn't the PKK stop the bombings? I thought Öcalan had told them to chill and try a political solution?

Actually just a budding Bookchinite. Would love to get into Rojava stuff though – is the only literature available "Democratic Confederalism" by Apo?

read some of this my man

More murmurs and rumors of US military buildup in the ME


Most likely just shitting on Deep Ecologists again

all i know is i wish I was one of them

Given that a decent chunk are there to escape arranged marriages and sex is forbidden, probably

It's an anti-fascist and Communalist investigation into anti-fascism. The book listed in the graphic is the new version, but the old version can be read online here:

Investigation into ecofascism I mean*

this is the inevitable outcome of Rojava and I hate the world for it

The PissPig is back home

Ew mîrza e.

Is this a recent photo? I though he was a lot thinner from battle/andor/trainng in Rojava.

Stop fat shaming my lover.

Im just saying he looks fit in the Rojava picts


TEV DEM putting out another call for civilian volunteers.

Man all these depressed leftist artists need to see this.

PKK have claimed this and said it killed up to 200 riot police. Now they're inflating that for sure, but they definitely did far more damage than is being let on from Turkish outlets.

They tried, but talks collapsed and total war resumed.

he's always had a fat face

well that sucks

It's mostly due to Erdogan not giving any ground to the kurds. Even when the HPG ceased their attack the turks still bombed them. The PKK's goal after the capture of [biji] Serok Apo in Kenya, 1999, was to create an autonomous kurdish federation within Turkey (exactly like Rojava). But the turkish constitution doesn't even recognise kurds as minorities. They kurdish people in Bakur aren't even allowed to speak their language or create kurdish organizations. The democratically legitimate party HDP has thousands of members jailed after the recent, failed coup d'état because they were a sizeable opposition to the AKP party (quite literally fascists). When turkish planes bombs kurdish civilians they usually blame the PKK, shit they even blame attacks that weren't commited by the HPG on the PKK.


a good read on economic relations with damascus and trade


Good article on Sinjar and YBS.

Why is there a weird clique of people on Twitter who are always angry at this particular individual?

The Turkish Minister for Foreign Affairs has claimed that the YPG has killed and exiled 500,000 Kurds from Syria because they're not Marxists lmao,398665

It's just tankies mad that he's fighting against their husbando Assad.

Ass*d and tank*es can fuck off, even f*scists are better than tank*es because you know what side they are on.

Does anyone else think of Rojava with Spanish pronunciation? It looks like a Spanish word to me for some reason

SDF have begun the last phase of the Wrath of Euphrates campaign (clearing that pocket North of Raqqa). Will run in conjunction with Tabqa operations

how is it pronounced?
Ive just been pronouncing it like royava

I've been hearing that China is planning on increasing the number of advisors to Syria
Is it true?

I don't understand why the tankies like Assad tho. Has he ever even really claimed to be a communist or anything? Do they think you have to be completely in love with someone to disagree with imperialism/intervention or goofy Western propaganda smears?


Where did you find this?

A few highlights:
Not only the middle east, but the whole world could sufferen from the creation of a North Korea in this region.

The Kurds are a strictly religious, courageous and peaceful people, which honors their tradition and treasures their family relations. On the other hand [we have] the PKK as a godless and amoral organization, which rejects any religious or family ties.

After 9/11 the PKK changed their name to PYD in 2003 […]

That'd be like… 1/5 all the kurds there.

sound legit duh

ffs. Coalition killed 18 SDF yesterday in a friendly fire incident.


haha, wow


It's really strange to have an opinion on Syria. Those public figures who are critical of the rebels are Pro-Assad while those who criticize Assad have blanket support for the rebels. I feel lost trying to figure out whether military action is justified and if so how it is best applied.

That's why I keep my support limited to the SDF. I'm a simple American and I can only root for the good guys and they seem like good guys.

What's the point of the lesser evil anyways?

Pretty sure the point of lesser evilism is to allow for the conversation to grow gradually more and more evil as time goes on.

Smells like bullshit. No way my beloved Corps has completely gone to shit in 6 years while the conflicts have still been simmering.

Now… 6 years of current spending with the fighting at a rolling boil, sure.
6 years of this kind of fighting with less spending, sure.
6 years of no fighting at all, maybe.
But 6 years of this? No fucking way, man.

I wonder if by combat readiness they mean conventional war. As the Turkish army recently found out with Euphrates Shield having an effective counterinsurgency military makes you shit at advancing on entrenched positions and well disciplined soldiers.

I would also wonder if some of the newly arrived soldiers were preparing with wargames against mock Chinese or Russian soldiers.

From context, it sounds like he was talking about the US government definition of combat readiness, which is to say % of personnel that have met training requirements, and % of equipment that is operational and up to date on maintenance.

I was on the maintenance side of things while I was on active duty (6 years ago, hence my comment) and there's just no fucking way. Maintenance Marines are too good at what they do for that shit to happen so quickly.

He's not from North America or Western Europe.

From reading about Rojava it sounds like Assad is an imperialist though. Erdogan is definitely an imperialist. She just sounds like a Maoist who sees third world (what's a new word for this since there is no second world anymore?) imperialism as superior to first world imperialism.

The idea is that the West is bad and ebil and that Kim Jong Un dindu noffin.

That's about the depth of it.

They fetishize non-whites and support any anti-western movement/state/government. They are Holla Forums with some nouns flipped.

Friendly reminder that tankie twitter isn't actually leftist. They're the hipsters who chose an ideology based on its obscurity. I serioudly doubt they're into theory like a few people here. Any past revolutionary would roll in their grave if they saw these tankie mothafuckas.

Opposition media still trying to push the ethnic cleansing meme even after the UN report:


I got you fam.

There's been some talk about handing over territory to the turkish backed FSA? What on earth could possess them to do that. This isn't the first time that Tel Rifat was apparently being handed over, but that was months ago and it was to go to the SAA.

Day moderate beheaders get BTFO by SDF advance on Idlib best day of my life.

Trying to buy time before the Turks move against YPG

So a better analogy is, they're SJWs who admitted they have a pathological obsession with authority.

I haven't seen these claims verified yet so I'm pretty skeptical. I doubt turkey can even effectively carry out an invasion of Syria, even if they were to use their own army instead of proxies.

Ty for your response

It's such a shame pkk1978 stopped posting. He's really gifted with the written word even though he isn't even natively english. Reddits userbase is so faggy they managed to push away a veteran fucking guerilla fighter. That must speak multitudes about the pricks there.

They have access to water sometimes. That's enough for a quick hygenic check-up. But, yeah they sometimes go weeks on weeks with the same clothes. Men are "allowed" to jerk off it's just considered embarrasing. And since the dudes live in a tight communal space with each other, there's a high risk of getting caught. I remember some volunteer stating that internationals are given a green light to do it as long as they keep it on the low. That seems generally applicable to the native kurdish fighters aswell. Kurdish society is still conservative. It's not about hygiene or anything. It's about maintaining order and discipline. You can't have a bunch of YPJ fighters go on maternity leave when they're supposed to be spraying Daesh. Then it's also about minimizing potential drama and shit within the ranks. Fighters can have a spouse and child but they'd have to leave the YPG/J if that was the case. Then you also have to consider the facts that a lot of females in the YPJ/HPG are young (mid-teens), so you can understand their parents opposition if there weren't any rules about intimacy. Finally there's the point of feminism. Women are emphazised and revered since Apo's debut - you aren't even allowed to brush your teeth or change clothes in front of a female fighter because they are so respected. I don't know about you guys but I absolutely love this about Apoism/PKK/YPG. It's a sincere feminist revolution and not some western, bourgeois, liberal load of bullshit. Goddamn I hate western feminism, they're a fucking joke. I'm really sad to see the lack of western feminists in Rojava. I am aware of Hannah Bohman (Tiger Sun on leddit) and a couple of other volunteers but that's it. It really shows how false the so called "feminists" are here. But nah, let's talk about some trivial fucking issue and shit on men in general. Kurdish women > western women - and that's an objective fact, son.

That's so hot tho

There was a sandstorm yesterday around Tabqa and ISIS used the conditions to stage a three pronged counter attack. ISIS took some SDF prisoners and killed some SDF but they were eventually repelled on all sides

That was an interesting rabbit hole. And interesting that they genuinely seem to want the standard western-translator thing. Moreso than soldiers.

Jaysh al Thuwar, the group that actually holds these areas, said this is bullshit.

Read his AMA its incredible.

Erdogan's referendum in two days comrades, keep an eye out for that.

Erdoğan suggests that if he wins, Kurds would be treated better.


They're fucking worse than smashies.


lots of reports of suspicious movements on the Turkish border with Afrin lately, something might be brewing


Chinese volunteer on the Taqba front

Bolivian fighter on the Taqba front

The diversity of nationalities among the YPG seems to be increasing.

Yes, like I posted before. It's just high-schoolers trying to find a clique and using Stalinist symbolism to unite.

It's more than that – it allows you to look down upon other socialists. It's like an extra layer of smugness, on top of your pre-existing looking-down-on non-socialists. That extra layer is key for providing a truly special snowflake experience.

But that's just my own experience. It's what I did, with Holla Forums and egoism.

ayy bretty good stuff. Props to YPG comrades

As far as I could tell it wasn't Reddit being full of pricks so much as it was full of armchair memers who would guess about things they clearly knew nothing about, and whose responses to a long thought-out post which happened to mention American beards would, you guessed it, utterly revolve around making jokes about American beards.

tbh it sounds pretty bullshitty to me.

Chastity works. It does enforce obedience. It's what fanatics do the world over.

I like Rojava because it's the best bet we've got. I don't like Rojava for what it is.

calm your autism m8

Do I sound like a YPG fighter.

My objection is that they literally do this to commit themselves to the cause. For the same reasons we had eunuchs, and for the same reasons we had hermits. That's fucked up. Necessary, probably, but no less fucked up.

Might as well give up on socialism m8. You're not going to ever accomplish anything unless you're willing to sacrifice.

Reread my posts motherfucker

I did faggot. You're pretty much judging the whole society negatively (I don't like Rojava for what it is) because soldiers are required to sacrifice via celibacy, as if this is some great injustice. Get the fuck out of here

Not an injustice. Disgusting. They're making fanatics and building their nation on their corpses.

And I said that was probably necessary. Like I said, they're our best bet. That doesn't stop it from being disgusting – nor them from being an evil, even if by far the lesser of them all.

And before you make some big deal out of how it's "just celibacy" – it's not. It's the forcing you to not marry, to not have a family, to not have a relationship, to not have any attachments other than to the cause. It's part of the package – the rest is a willingness to die, a distancing from normal society.

They don't force you to join the YPG (at least, to my knowledge), so your outrage is kinda silly.

Peak liberalism. Literally nothing wrong with promoting socialist ideology and having ardent supporters of it.

YPG members can leave to have a family anytime they want, they just can't be in the YPG at the same time. The exception is if you want to become a party member, and that's a personal choice as is joining the YPG a personal choice.
You need to go back >>>/reddit

by exception, I mean that if you become a party member then that is for life

Out of pure curiosity - what happens if you try to leave the party?

I'm not entirely sure. At the very least, you become persona non grada

Actually, they do conscript. But I don't mind that. I'm talking about fanatics, user. I hope you don't support them.

Except for the dehumanisation of said supporters into nothing other than bricks for your revolution.

Who cares if it's a personal choice? Becoming a fanatic of anything is a personal choice.

One canton decided democratically to conscript.
Because enforcing celibacy is totally just reducing people to bricks. Liberal pls
Wew lad
Nah, just moral grandstanding faggots with no legitimate arguments tend to be liberals.

I read that the conscripts are guards not combat troops.

Yeah they are, and it's only one canton

They do conscript in Rojava, but not for YPG. They conscript for 6-9 months for HXP, which is like a home guard/garrisoning force. HXP holding positions allows YPG greater manpower and mobility.

No, I do not support fanatics. I don't see this as fanatical.

Oh wow, that's interesting. Literally never heard of the HXP. Link to an article on the decision-making process?

The diversity is already wider than it seems, I think. I thought there weren't any Brazilians there because my usual haunts never showed one, then suddenly I found six.

Not so much on HXP but this is a good read on HPC. Kurds love their alphabet soup but basically:

Asayish: Rojava's form of police

HXP: cantonal guards, mans checkpoints and does inspections

HPC: civilian defense units, basically people guarding their neighbourhoods and communes

HXP was also a reaction to complaints by revolutionary families with many members at the fronts that carried the burden while many others just slacked off without occupation. The compromise is HXP service for all that dont have atleast one family member in the YPG/J. The number of HXP that actually died is below 10 iirc and they never fight at the front. HPC is imo the most importat militia as it isnt under controll of central authorities but directly controlled by the communes. A long time ago I read that there is also a 4th branch consisting of sleeper cells but I forgot where it was mentioned.

Why are Turks such fucking faggots?

Get fucked you greek rapebabies

Depends on how you do it, there are former guerillas leaving the party and settling down with a family afaik. You cant just run away though.

I hope that they can improve on what the Zapatistas have done and go back into lowkey organizing form. Before they fall, they should make outreaches to other places to adopt their ideas (like in Cleveland or Greece as a whole) and try to avoid looking like commies to the entire world.

If I were to go to Rojava how hard would it be to get an 18-20something qt?

picking up a qt isn't why you should be going there lol

TEV DEM's ability to organise and educate is amazing. I see so many updates like these in regards to TEV DEM, they're like unceasing force of revolution.

Pathetic! Sad!

Every fucking day, some dumbass asks "huehue do you think they'll sell me one of those qts XD do you think it'll look like in my anime porn XD XD"

Harder than if you joined a domestic socialist organization.

I don't really care that much, but what's the need for the cult of personality around Ocalan. Like all the pictures everywhere.

Just something left over from the ML days. Nothing you can really do about it now


DemCon is already sort of that. Besides the Ocalan cult there's also the party member for life thing that Maoists do

It will if it can answer the questions of "what next?" after it is first crushed on the open field of battle. It's face with almost-insurmountable odds which no other libertarian-leftist revolution has ever overcome. If it can get over itself and not be life-stylist like that, with a full action plan, it could well make it past the current embryonic state and become like spores.

If it does grow, it won't be through open conquest of the Middle East by a largely-Kurdish army. Not only will the USA glance at it and cause it all to blow up, but the other countries, particularly Arab-Sunni ones, are spooked to all hell about race.

They also maintain those brutal self criticism sessions which the Soviets and Mao liked. But tbh if they find that it works for them then why not? PKK's decades of Stalinism has probably benefitted them in a lot ways too, even if they moved beyond it.

Hasn't happened yet and most likely won't happen
I would be very surprised if Syria doesn't adopt the demcon model. Russia is basically pushing for that because all they really want is to undermine the US and maintain their political interests in the area, which only necessitates a friendly government not a dictatorial regime via assad.
How is it in any way "lifestylist"? They believe in living as they preach sure but the revolution is more then how the YPG lives. They've already made their intent for a DemCon Syria quite clear, from their it's only a matter of time before spreading influence to countries with large kurdish populations like Turkey, Iraq and Iran.
When I said conquer I didn't mean it in the literal sense. It will spread through political groups creating dual power structures in their respective countries.
Fam Syria is probably one of the most spooked places on earth when it comes to race and ethnic tensions and they're coping fine with that. DemCon gives ethnic groups autonomy and self government, something which is very appealing to spooked groups

Yeah I'm not sure how I feel about the struggle sessions. I would have to see one in action

Atleast in the YPG they are pretty mild criticism and self criticism sessions, in some documentary they where are filmed and its just general stuff “Heval x is a bit self centered and doesnt do the dishes well“ not much worse than many flatshares do, I think it also creates a sphere where its ok to criticise the commander which helps a lot. Dunno how its among the political cadres in the PKK, doubt its as nice there.

That doesn't sound too bad actually. I can live with "stop being a cunt m8" sessions.

Battle of Tabqa hype! This place is about the same size as Manbij.

That doesn't stop it from being conscription faggot.
Yes. It is. I explained why – you should probably deal with that instead of calling everything liberal.
wew lad
STEMlord pls

Conscription isn't automatically wrong ultra faggot
Absolutely retarded. By this logic virgins like yourself are just "bricks"
Sophist pls. This is a spook free zone

Did I say it was automatically wrong?

This is your problem – you're so twitchy about hearing any criticism of your pet revolution that you assume any talk abut it MUST be liberal propaganda.

If they voluntarily keep themselves virgin in the service of a higher ideal? Like monks? Like Catholics before marriage? Yes. Of course.

Don't Stirnermeme if you haven't even read his book.

Wait, really? Sauce??

Just going off the pre war population stats. Tabqa had a population of roughly 70,000 and Manbij was at 75,000. Manbij's population is said to have grown to 100,000 since the war began with all the refugees though

A YPJ fighter would shoot your neet dick off, faggot. Stop sexualizing them, you fucking prick.

They were Marxist leninist, not stalinist. The goal was never an authoriarian, status-quo, state-capitalist shithole.

The YPG/J is a daughter organization of the PKK. Not only does the PKK have a lot of fighters in the YPG/J, it was also them who introduced tekmil along wih everything else to Rojava. YPG/J is modelled after PKK.

Self-criticism is a huge part of Apoism. That's how we evolved from MLism to DemConism.

The YPG/J managed to get to the city entrance even though it was mined af and had a lot of Daesh snipers. B I J I

oh my fucking god the rebels (or ISIS) just detonated a car bomb killed a ton of Shia civilians who were being evacuated out of Idlib. this is so fucking disgusting.

lel triggered xD

Can't blame 'em for using a good tactic.

I'm voting tomorrow.

W-wish me luck.

In what?

Good luck Turk-bro!

I assume it is the referendum that will enshrine Erdogan as dictator.

Oh yes.

No. In fact I will take your luck away from you.

Sultan actually

Is Assad fucking retarded? Has he looked at a map of his country? How is he under the impression that "nothing's happening on the ground" in regards to Raqqa.

Are all the kurdish girls cute or do they just put the attractive ones on camera for PR?

They put a lot of unattractive ones on camera. 'cause, you know, they're soldiers.

So, after a good year or so of networking, I finally found a way in - one that will require minimal electronic communication with parties actually inside the DFNS.

I've already assembled a small team of devoted communalists/libsocs who are willing to go by 2019, but we need more.

This is where I recommend we organize. The more who go together, who know each other beforehand and are willing to support each other ethically and ideologically down there, the merrier.

Therefore I recommend we set up groups where we can keep in regular contact with each other, learn the language (both arabic and kurdish), exchange the ideas, ect.

So let's help out each other. Perhaps we can get our own little trabon going.

Y r u using tha intrnt

I was thinking – would it be a good idea to spend four years in the military before going off to whatever state may or may not exist in Syria?

Before you say, no, I have no helpful talents. I'm not a doctor, or an engineer, or a media dude.

This is good advice.

Cool 'cause that's my current plan.


within four years I'd expect a civil war in Turkey at least so even if things with the YPG in Syria cool down you could join the PKK and their friends in Turkey when that comes around.

He's just trying to downplay Rojavas success mostly out of embarrassment the SAA is getting better and better through the war but it's still embarrassing outside of the elite divisions

Based TMU!

What point are you even trying to make?
I welcome criticism when it's constructive and valid. All you've done is shitpost though.
Good thing the YPG is all voluntary then :^). Seriously guy, your talk down from a moral position you don't even bother to qualify based on complete ignorance of the situation at hand. Kill yourself my man>>1573476

That your point is based on butthurt assumption. I thought that was obvious.
try harder user i believe in you
user that's what I'm saying is spooked. People are giving up their lives in service of the ideal.

Misread what you said. So you're entire argument is just le spooky stirner memes and moral grandstanding? wew lad

What did you think this was? An argument about efficiency? It should not have been hidden that this was an argument about morals. Unless you're arguing they're not fanatics, of course.


Arguing about spooks is a moral argument, user, just like arguing God doesn't exist is a religious one.

Morals are spooks, user. Claiming that it's wrong cause of morality is a spooky argument

Claiming it's wrong because of spooks is a moral argument.


Claiming it's wrong because of spooks is still a spooky argument. Spooks aren't good or bad, because to claim that in itself it to adhere to a spook. Stirner actually really lacks any substance, and the fact that you base your feelings on the project on some meme philosopher is pretty sad

There's no worthwhile difference in this conversation.

Wrong. It is perfectly unspooked to say that something is irrational (i.e. "wrong").

I don't remember posting any Stirner images, user.

If you'd actually read Stirner you'd know what a fucking spook was

But he's right. Spooks aren't right or wrong in the moral sense. Well, unless you look at them from a spooked perspective.

Even saying that x is wrong because x is irrational is a spooky argument. Doing anything that isn't within your "will" to do is spooky. Don't go from stirner meming to arguing that it's irrational, because frankly you haven't made any argument as to why it can even be considered irrational.

You obviously haven't or else I wouldn't need to be explaining this to you

Not morally wrong. I mean like this: 1 + 1 = 3 is wrong.

Saying you should avoid it because it's irrational is, IMO, spooked. But that's where I diverge from Stirner.
And the point of spooks is that they aren't within your will. Or rather they are, but you don't realise that and instead subordinate yourself to them.
But that's Stirner's whole argument.

Rationality is still an abstraction i.e. a spook. Subordinating yourself to what is rational is still to be spooked, so why even make a stirner meme argument concerning it's irrationally when you've failed to even qualify it as irrational? "It makes sense but it's still wrong" is an essentially irrational AND spooked argument.

why does everyone in the middle east have to be so mean ?


Are you going for civilian or military purposes?


Don't actually do this though. Her biji PKK and all but joining a blacklisted organization is a bad idea.

This guy (who's got good sources in Afrin) seems to be convinced Euphrates Shield are prepping an assault on Tel Rifaat after the referendum.

There's a very intricate defensive system prepared for this in Tel Rifaat. If Russia could exert enough pressure for Turkey not to provide air support for this operation, I feel like Jaish al Thuwar would fare really well and would probably repel Euphrates Shield.

Moderate beheaders are going to get BTFO in a big way. Doesn't the SDF have some AA weapons?

no ATGMs is the most advanced shit they have in that regard, and even then they don't have many.

How unlikely is it for SAA to give AA weapons to the SDF? Seems like it would be in their best interest to

The SAA are not the SDF's allies. Assad is not going to arm the SDF with weapons they'll eventually be using against him.

Russia seems like it wants a peaceful relationship between the two, especially since it endorses a federal solution to the Syria conflict. It's either support the SDF or allow the moderate beheaders and turkey to occupy more syrian land, and eventually jeopardize the regime.

Russian doesn't really give a fuck about Rojava, they are just paying lip-service. They actually do care about Assad though and Assad has no intentions of giving Northern Syria autonomy. The federation is not going to happen.

They don't support the SDF, they just have a truce with them that the regime flatly stated was temporary. Once the FSA is squashed, the SDF is likely next to go - since Daesh is pretty well-entrenched.

Does Russia actually care about Assad though? They've continuously said they're open to a post-Assad Syria. I think Russia is in Syria because of larger geopolitical goals. Goals that can be realized with or without Assad.

I think you're right though in that Russia doesn't really care about Rojava. I think they're stance towards them right now is just so they have a playing card against Turkey in case they need it.

Well the Russians don't love Assad, but they are more supportive of him than they are of Rojava (or anyone else). Russia is possibly open to someone taking Assad's place yes. But they have invested so much money and effort into propping up the Assad regime that they can't allow the regime to fall. Maybe Assad could be replaced, but his successor would likely have to be very similar. Not to mention, Iran supports Assad as well and both Iran and Russia want to save face here.

As for why Russia has supported Rojava so far - it has little to do with Turkey. There is not really much hostility between Russia and Turkey - it's mostly posturing. Russia supported Rojava merely because Rojava keeps territory out of the hands of Daesh and the rebels. Once the rebels are defeated that support likely goes away.

People who are going for civilian and military purposes can easily go together.
Indeed, it is recommended for all who go for a military purpose to also go for some kind of civilian one.

Oh fuck I'm an idiot.

How much access would you have to fairly basic medication (amphetamines, specifically)? It seems like they do have supplies to some extent.

No. Fighters will be taken to Qandil for prep, then they go to Rojava to the line. Civies will be taken straight away to some major place in Rojava like Kobani, etc. If you're a civie you won't meet the dudes that the fighters will meet. You'll be segregated even if you arrived together.
Smuggling fighters into a warzone through relatively unfriendly territory isn't something that's taken lightly. There's already a lot of volunteers who have called out the volunteers that are a little bit too relaxed with disclosing information,

Is the Turkish referendum today?

Any news?

We'll see the results at the end of the day

Well no shit.

What I meant that we can organize and go (arrive) together, even if we are going to different places once we're already there. There's no reason to divy up even before that.

These guys have been playing too much HOI with all these encirclements.

You realise that the security at Sulaymaniyah are very suspicious of foreigners even if it's PUK land? In Erbil they'd arrest you
Imagine if you were them and saw a sizable group of westerners arrive at the time together with different cover stories or all the same. You'd be lucky if they'd let you through but bet your naive ass you'll be detained and questioned, and your country notified. They might just flat out refuse to give you your visa and put you on some terror suspect list. You'd fuck up if you straight up admit you're going to Rojava, but they'd also be suspecting that.
The only way to get there is to look harmless with a good story and not with a dozen other white dudes.

ISIS are like comic book villains. they are evil incarnate.

wait, the dude raped a fetus??? holy shit wtf

This seems a little bit too much even for Daesh?

The Sultan just won because of the diaspora vote.

RIP Rojava

remember, these are the "moderate" rebels who we wanted to take over to keep scary Iran/Russia and save the Syrians from the tyranny of Assad.

Typically it would be but there's pretty much no limits to to what they do to Yazidis.

ISIS are not the "moderate rebels" lmao

yeah that's what i was thinking

ISIS was never considered to be "moderate rebels"

Erdogan just won the referendum, what does this mean?

It means things are going to get more interesting.

yfw he orders Ocalan's execution and triggers a Kurdish uprising

Point taken.
One can go in shifts.

There is little argument to make against cooperation and organization, though. At least none presented here.

user, what argument is there FOR organisation?

Don't even joke about that. He can't possibly be on a 30th dimensional level of political chess that us silly mortals can't comprehend

But user, what if he WANTS a Kurdish revolution?

That sounds like an even better excuse.

To a leftist, that should seem self-evident.

The same argument as there is for any kind of cooperation.
The fact that we may enchance individual performance through mutual cooperation, practice and train with each other, and help each other. It may also encourage more to go, who otherwise wouldn't have.

There's already an organization there. You don't need to create your own just for lols?
Write them an email, pretend to be a journalist, get smuggled in and that's that. Don't be out to create your own IFB.

And that group is busy. Fighting and stuff.
They're going to be able to be available to train and organize with you. Beyond that, a lot of those groups, and thier emails are either down or compromised.

also the IFB is largely a joke. You want to try and get in somewhere else

If an individual cannot of their own will muster up the strength to enter war, then they should not do so by cooperation. Seriously that's not gonna end well.

They clump you into groups as soon as you arrive anyway, no?

Perhaps you should tell us your networking secrets, oh wise one.

Again, then join them as someone in HQ who can respond to emails. Not to mention that internet isn't that easy to come by in Syria nowadays.

I'd like to see you say that to a turk who came to Rojava. Because someone would risk their life and risk being blacklisted as a terrorist for a joke?
What a disrespectful comment. I wonder who's the real joke: and actual revolutionary or some larping, arrogant, ignorant primitivist?

By the same token, any and all cooperation is pointless.
I mean, If a worker is is not able to get a living wage on their own and by their own merits, then they should not do so by joining a union.

Unless I am missing something here, this whole thing seems like twaddle?

You're not going to prepare at all before going? You're able to learn both Kurdish and Arabic on your own?
If so, then I congratulate you, you're a really muh privileged person, but most others might need help from others with all the knowlege and training that will become crucial before going.

The IFB is not a network. It's a fighting batallion. They won't be able to help you learn.
Also, they're sort of notorios for either being unstable individuals or for being glory hounds. Amongst the Kurds I am familiar with they garner very little respect.
Also from what I've heard their training and dicipline is not great.
It would be a much greater idea to get into a batallion of native kurds or arabs, perhaps in a foreign auxillary unit.

How does this help with preparation encourage cooperation?

There's a tendency to think of white westerners when one thinks of IFB but in reality it's mostly leftist Turks who keep their head down and don't post themselves all over social media.

Yeah, well, of course the MLKP makes up a huge chunk of them.

They're also pretty hardline tankies, so I am not sure that is entirely assuring for any kind of libertarian socialist.

There's a difference between trying to get a living wage and going off to a warzone. If you're only able to pressure yourself into going to war with company…yeah, it's not going to be fun. There's no shortage of westerners, just let those who want to go, go.
They do teach you those there, they just want you to do work on your own beforehand to make things easier. But I do agree that cooperation is helpful (just not necessary).
I hope that BORN DEAD faggot isn't the one dude influencing that. Or, I guess I am hoping that. Where are you getting this info, given the MLKP thing?
IIRC according to Pkk1978 they're pretty DemCon now.

do they do this? integrate fighters or put all the foreign fighters in one group? i also thought IFB by definition would necessarily be a foreign auxiliary group

But the point is not to have fun either. It's about it being a necessecity, an ethical duty, something that might have been too overwhelming for most to do on their own. A lot of people might not even know where to start. That's what we have each other for.

Obviously, I can't give you names, but I know a person who's a verteran from down there, someone who's volunteered as a doctor and several kurds (albeit amongst them few who have interacted with the conflict in person).

Certainly they could be transitioning, but even the PKK has huge problems with hardliners/nationalists amongst their ranks. In this way the YPG/PYD has the ideological advantage being youger and thus more committed to the new ideals.

Both. There are groups for foreigners, but foreigners also get integrated. There are examples of both, certainly.

I suppose it is, but it seems to be independent from the YPG.
That's in contrast to something like the IAT, which is not a member of the IFB and is foreign auxillary unit under the YPG.


why don't the supposed communist YPG and foreign volunteers expel imperial forces( CIA and Western SOF) from Rojava?

Because they're not stupid.

Air support is like the most cherished thing in any war. With it, YPG are almost unbeatable and they will rid Syria of ISIS. When the US packs up and leaves, let them. But they're using this period to spread their control and ideology as far across Syria as possible.

US support will naturally wither away when ISIS stop posing a threat.

Wait, so who IS your contact then? Who're you joining? – How do other people join your sekret club?

Probably because they're not suicidal.

or this happens. And all the anarchist volunteers are sent back home

My contact is a person who's been there several times and whose family originates from the area. Depending on how good I can get at arabic or kurdish, I'll probably get integrated into a local unit, or I will seek out the AIT.

Other people can get in the same way by telling me. Then I will tell my contact that I will need to get more people in, and the arrangements will be made.

There is no way KRG and DFNS will unite, they literally had clashes just a month ago in Sinjar

why would that happen when no one on the US or Kurdish end actually wants it to happen?

everyone involved in the syrian civil war from assad to the US general to PYD officials are all constantly saying "we don't want a Kurdish state" but apparently it's all a ruse and "greater Kurdistan" is in the pipeline because some bullshit blog said so

When are you planning on going?

t. not CIA

you fell for the meme.

CIA has a field office in rojava. they know everyone in rojava.

YPG are backed by the Pentagon, not the CIA. The CIA are more into backing "moderate rebels", who YPG fight against.

Don't worry, there'll be plenty of time for me to help you guys out.
All we need to do is organize, plan, train, and help each other.

Your average Kurd doesn't ultimately matter in the geopolitical landscape. You will not find any significant Kurdish politician or party in Rojava calling for independence though, which is what matters and which is what I'm talking about.

Well I guess learning the language can't hurt. But I don't plan on going for a long time. How do you actually want us to contact you?

I don't quite know. Do you have any suggestions?

I mostly just found my own way in, but then realized and sharing that with others and getting organized was probably the way to go. I wanted to see if there was any interest at all. Suppose perhaps opening a new thread, a rizon or perhaps an e-mail thread would be a good idea?

And don't worry. I'm not going before 2019 either.

I thought you already had a group.

Organising in this thread should probably work. I don't think people would be active enough to keep their own thread (or IRC)…active.
Yeah but I mean a long time.

Oh yeah.
But these are people I know personally.

Good idea. I will come back later with more material to see if we can garner a little more support. The more the merrier, certainly.

For everyone interested in joining, please let me know.

8 hour talk on democratic confederalism, challenging capitalism, rojava etc.

Mixed German and English


Do you have any idea how many leftist para-military units have been torn apart because of sexual jealousy. They are absolutely right to do this.

This is a very tense situation:

Any turkbros or well-informed people on here, what are the chance Turkey ends up in civil war?

Because how else are they going to get their Capitalist funds?

I honestly can't trust the media much more than ISIS itself, because the latter has been painfully honest about their crimes.

Don't bother. He's a sheltered dude brought up in the liberal west. He cannot understand actual on-ground realities. Just another faggot flinging his poorly thought out opinions around like it's candy.
At the end of the day there's people fighting for their freedom whilst boipussies like him got it served with a silver spoon.

lol you're still butthurt

I'm not even one of the other dudes. Understand that there's a more than a few people here who thinks you're a stupid, pretentious faggot.

It's strange how cool I am with the thought of dying in Rojava fighting. I remember when I was suicidal a few years ago and I was crying with a belt around my neck, really fucked up. Now I can't think of anything more productive and honourable than the revolution. Maybe I'm afraid of dying, but not afraid of dying for something?

tfw i have no friends to share these with :'(

If I wasn't so terrified of dying for any reason I would pack up and go. Fear of dying is my greatest fear, and one I can't seem to overcome for the time being. If you're over it and feel devoted enough, go comrade. They can use ll the help they can get

not a turkbro, but I wanted to add to this: how likely is intense aggression toward the PKK and ethnic Kurds?

Would mean Ocalan and the coup plotters being executed if it passed

we should organize protests against US alliance with Turkey

This would actually be a good idea, but first we gotta get Donnie to release his tax returns, admit he is a KGB agent, raise money for Planned Parenthood, march for climate scientists, and normalize the word pussy!


Turns out I might not be able to joing my nations basic training this year. They still have some seats open but it's possible I might get in next year. That sucks. I really wanted to exploit the training so I could join the revolution. Now my plans might be on hold for a year. By then the war will be largely over and the remaining Daesh would be a guerilla insurgency. It's already pretty late joining later this year, but waiting a whole year until I can go fucking sucks a bag of dicks. I don't want to show up in Rojava without experience. I sincerely want just want to be trained here so I can actually help them and not be assigned to a guard position far a way from the real deal. I'm also not cemented enough that I want to go without real mlitary training. A lot of westerners that comes to Rojava don't have any experience I don't want to be another wannabe Rambo and liability there. God fucking damn it

That sucks, but remember that the thing is not over once daesh keels over.
After that there's the FSA and the regime. The conflict will go on for decades.

If Turkey executes Serok Apo then there will be no chance for peace. The conflict will go on for another 30-40 years, until there's a winner.

Well there was a stabbing of two 'no' voting ethnic Kurds by Gray Wolf Turks in Belgium.
I can't begin to image what it's like in Turkey itself.

hope PKK are ready for this. I expect they are.

wonder if this is the typical isolated clashes or part of something bigger…

How recent is this? The Facebook link doesn't work.

wut? really? they need such people right now? Holla Forums has no excuse to avoid joining up, then.

that being said, are they still accepting volunteers in the YPG? I'm 22 and not college educated so that actually sounds like something I'd like more

you think it's strange? hmmm… maybe because suicide due to depression is an exercise in utter pointlessness, whereas risking your life to do the right thing is the highest point of nobility that a human can aspire to? I don't know, it might just have something to do with that.

a lot of the nihilistic children that infest this board would think of me as "spooked" for telling you that, though. "nobility" is probably a spook, and as a Western volunteer, risking your own life for an ideal certainly can't be in your material self interest, right?

Not all of us are graphic designers user.

Yeah it's about as spooked as you can get.

Sounds like a great way to start a civil war with the PUK and get the Iraqi government involved. Iraqi Kurdistan is autonomous, not independent, and they don't have the right to allow this.

oh my fucking god the PKK have downed another helicopter, the absolute madmen

It got posted on their FB on 28.3 iiirc, FB probably down because buthurt turks reported it and FB bans everything with PKK symbols.


Civilian council for Raqqa formed

Biji Serok Apo

pkk commiecucks BTFO

Moron, you know that Trump is giving more leeway to the generals (who were pro-SDF) in Syria?

If you're moronic enough to cocksuck Erdogan, I'm sure you're that retarded to believe any shit that spews out of Trump's mouth (muh wall, muh immigration, muh swamp, muh no intervention in Syria)

stay mad leftist cuck, ypj will be raped

They are so cute.
Xurt bedaw in.
Mi nur volas kurdan koramikon.

The guy in the front looks a lot like a romanian drunk I once helped get to the ER. Huge fucking hands and a giant nose.


so, this is what it feels like "winning", by helping monsters kill 80 babies.

That's nothing. in order for me to even get over there as a volunteer would basically require me to disappear from my family for that period of time, and I figured that the only way I could get that window of opportunity would be to serve in the military. I'm currently in the process of joining the Burger Navy but, due to the circumstances I'm under right now, I wouldn't get that window of opportunity until I'd be moved into the Navy reserves, which would require a good 4-5 fucking years of active duty

how do we counter the common tankie/assadist argument that rojava is doing the work of US imperialism? it seems that salih muslim is calling for regime change in syria, which implicitly supports their argument.

you act like you couldn't dip out. Get trained and then leave. There will be retribution by the state, but thats better than being a corporate tool and mass murderer for 4 years.

tell them to go back to Molly Klein's mystery mansion

I knew you were stupid but really?

Honestly, just get trained over there. Will it be as good? Of course not, but you're going up against ISIS thugs not a professional army. Certainly isn't worth waiting years to go over there or becoming a fugitive.


no different from the line Obama pursued. America won't interfere in any real way against the PKK because they know that the YPG would halt any ISIS operations if their brothers and sisters in Turkey were being targeted.

Remind them that Lenin was doing the work of "German Imperialism" by returning to Russia

Ah but Germany was in opposition the Britain and the united States, they were themselves anti-imperialist and just spreading anti-imperialism to imperialist lapdog tsarist Russia

I wouldn't be so sure. In the statements from the WH, they made sure to stress the admin is going to work against PKK terrorism or something. We know that the American material support for YPG has been tenuous at best, I think that will change now.

Sageing does the exact same thing with cyclical threads as it does with normal threads lol. Only difference is that it doesn't count towards the bumplimit, since there is none. I regularly sage cyclicals if I don't want to bump them to page 1, e.g. if I'm double posting, or posting useless trash that nobody needs to see if they're not already in the thread.

It's not the first time this exact same thing has happened
I hope the PUK stands up for justice like they did in the last Kurdish civil war.


Turks are training another anti-YPG proxy force

another pincer incoming

Tabqa's capture edges closer.

good interview with IFB here

Doesn't really make a difference in the end though. You're treating sage like le downboat XDD

the political landscape of early 1900s europe is much different. there were far more imperial powers than today, where we only have the US and its bootlickers as the only true empire.

seriously, with the PYD's open attitude towards cooperation with the US and israel, as well as its claiming of mostly arab cities like raqqa and the majority of syria's oil wealth in its north, how can we see the PYD as anything but imperialist collaborators?

Lol you can't be serious right? US is the baddest and most powerful of the lot but it is not as if Russia (Crimea, Ukrainian separatists) or China (African neocolonialism, South China Sea aggrandisement) were innocent anti-imperialists themselves

They just lack the capacity but their intentions are similar to that of US.

Why not? DFNS is not just for Kurds, it is for everyone. YPG has been recruiting non-Kurds in YPG proper or other affiliated groups (HXP, MFS etc.) for some time now. The name DFNS is a repudiation that the confederal system is only for Kurds by removing the Kurdish ethnic term Rojava

Because they pretty much collaborated with everybody at some point except with Islamists? FSA, Syrian government, US, Russia etc.

All of which are pragmatic alliances of convenience, which both parties were well aware of.

Also, there has been no record of Israel collaborating with PYD whatsoever.

This is a really good interview. At first I thought the IRPGF was a little silly and idpol-ish, but whoever is being interviewed has a lot of nuance and intelligence. I dare say it, they might be /my/ guys.

Their flag is still an eyesore and their name is still ridiculous.

I want some more exposure to Kurdish music or audio material. So far the two artists that I enjoy are Şivan Perwer and Aynur Doĝan.

it's not like they even lack the capacity and will
but I digress

stay out of colonizer adventurists

ahh yes, the Marxist Leninism of the Middle East, the deadest of memes.

go make a thread screeching about the "zionists" and "wahhabis" again you autist

Go back to reddit. You're embarrasing yourself.

go back to reddit

No u

remembering reading about plans for a communal factory in the 'Revolution in Rojava' book. they were addressed as being a bit far off at that point but it seems they've made great progress since then.

can't comment much on the subject and I think this is in Turkish, but nonetheless I think it's beautiful and relevant

Assad said the lack of stability and government control in certain parts of the country provides local authorities an "excuse for today" to advocate in favor of "self-control."
"When you have stability and the government taking control of the country, of course there's no excuse to deal with such a situation unless there's a constitution that allows a certain area to have its confederation or federation or any other way of governance," he said.
Assad said Damascus is under the impression that "the vast majority of Syrians never believe in self-governance or confederation or anything."
"It's better to wait to discuss the next constitution between the different Syrian shades of our spectrum," the Syrian leader stressed.
"If the Syrians don't believe in the word of 'Arab state,' what's the meaning of having this word?" Assad said. "I wouldn't say that this is right or wrong till the Syrians have their own say in a referendum."
"It's still early to discuss that point, it's not a contention issue, I mean, nobody is discussing it now. A few people in Syria, mainly among the Kurds, mention this issue. It's not a big problem," Assad said.
"Most of the factions that apparently joined the negotiations in Astana and part of them in Geneva, they don't accept a secular state, they want it a religious state, Islamic state," Assad said.
"Of course till this moment we haven't started direct negotiations, but we know through the mediators what they propose, and what we propose," Assad said.

Sauce for this?

here's an abridged version

assad is starting to get spooked by SDF gains

One day he'll wake up and realise Apoism has come too far to be stopped mere mortals let alone ba'athist dogs

Inshallah the flag of Apo will fly over Damascus

New ISIS vid of their fighting with SDF around Tabqa and Raqqa.

You Misspelt from Istanbul to Baghdad tbh.

They claimed they killed 300 SDF fighters lol. I really want to see videos of YPJ fighters executing daesh. Too bad they're way too humane and logical

Her biji berxwedana Kurdistan

Jin, jiyen, azadi

I love that this is his main critic.

man there's tons of foreign fighters with SDF on the Tabqa front, so far I've seen:


volunteers there

but wait there's more. We got some Japanese troops too. And Fins.

also heard there's a few Vietnamese in YPG now. Seems to be gaining in popularity with the Asians.

The vietnamese probably see the older kurdish struggle in Bakur a lot like the Vietnam war. So I guess they're on board with Rojava aswell

Plz be mangos about it

i-is red kahina a markov bot?

Who do we bug to make this a reality?

if Turkey goes through with this whilst SDF are slugging it out with ISIS in Raqqa they're officially the most official country in the world and I hope they burn

Based Comdad told him to fuck off because there is no "middle class" and because what he said was an obnoxious truism and if you point it out you probably mean something else by it, like "racism isn't THAT bad any more guys"

ANHA has great articles!



While the Jarabulus - Manbij route got closed recently(by Turkey) the new border crossing from the KRG seems to be functioning well and stimulates the economy.

Socioeconomic class is vague but it still exists. A black person making 70k a year has it much better than a white making 30k. Race only becomes a factor within the same socioeconomic class, otherwise whoever has more money is more muh privileged.

The YPG press office founder has been martyred by a landmine near Raqqa.

Shehid namirin

RIP another brave martyr for the revolution


Is nice to read articles like these

there's this nice facebook page too which often posts updates on the development of labour unions and communes and things like that. it's in arabic unfortunately, but google translate does an okay job on it.

people in rojava are just quitely working away on building their civil society and it's great to see.

one thing I've noticed from monitoring YPG media in the last week or two is the constant statements condemning the lack of support they're getting from NGOs with the amount of refugees they're getting in. hope someone steps in and helps em out.

Nope. There are literal fucking nazi parties, and Nazi rallies in the US, in Germany (though it's harder for such groups to LARP about when half of the shit is banned) and other places.

Even if it isn't Naziism, there are definitely a number of white supremacist and fascist groups, which often go hand in hand as the only way white supremacists would get their policies through would be to seize power and immediately destroy democratic opposition and means to remove them from power without force.

Erdogan, though only a Turk. Nationalist rather than a white supremacist, similarly used democracy to seize ultimate power in order to pass through shit that would've never gotten past opposition parties (which he's imprisoned) in much the same fashion which Hitler used democracy to seize power and enact increasingly extremely laws to take ultimate control of the country.

I mean antifa targets any groups embodying Nazi, Nazi-apologist, or otherwise neo-fascist politics with the knowledge that these movements are likely to grow into historically dangerous movements left unfettered.

But nah everythin's ok nazis dont exist we just can just live in our little safe space bubble while far right elements prance about untouched

The notion that nazism and fascism is dead is incredibly naive and toxic. If anything, that kind of mentality just gives rise to far-right movements.
To safeguard a democracy you need to be intolerant of intolerance.

wtf i love barzani now

For an ideology to be dead it doesn't mean it has to be non-existent. Monarchism is dead but there's still monarchists out there.
That's completely ignoring the material conditions that created and creates Fascism and thinking that the popularity of a movement actually has anything to do with its power or influence over the state.
Mentalities don't give rise to far-right movements, only material conditions do.
Which is to say, you need to be intolerant of anything you don't like.

Erdogan has actually said that Hitler is one of his inspirations.

Interesting interview with a former fascist Turkish soldier who changed his views after being captured by PKK

Jesus it's just one thing after another in there.
His family didn't know they were pontic greek until the military went "fuck you you greek PKK sympathizers we ain't telling you shit about your missing son."

Anyone who doesn't think Turkey is a fascist state should read this.

Isn't the majority of Turkey Greek anyway?

There's a difference between "okay yeah go back 300 years and there's more greek than non-greek" and "turns out my grandpa's name was constantin."

Another international martyr, this time from Kazakhstan.

great success!

It's both. The state of Europe isn't near what the material conditions of post-WW1 was, despite this we are seeing a worrying rise in the far-right.

What the fuck is this ad hominem republican logic?
Intolerance can be defined as blatantly racist and fascist. I'm not advocating beating up liberals or even socialconservatives, just nazis. Daft cunt.

Biji Serok Apo!

çiya Rus, a YPG commander, has been martyred Near Raqqa.

Shehid Namirin

good gainz today

Where the fuck does all those billions of dollars of refugee aid go? SDF needs help. Refugees are dying.

To states administering refugee camps and NGOs



Turkey conducting airstrikes in Sinjar (Iraq) and in Derik (Syria) against KCK


Attempted assassination of a PYD official

Seems like Turkey is now with its Eastern Shield/Tigris Shield Project

It's time for YPG to pull out of Raqqa. Erdogan definitely got Trump's approval for this.

The sick thing is Turkey bombs Derik, a city with a large Assyrian and Armenian population, on the anniversary of the Armenian genocide

Tensions are high, no doubt. SDF are already reinforcing Gire Spi. Increased turkish movement on the border. Hopefully the situation clears up, otherwise the SDF will pause the final stage of the Wrath of the Euphrates campaign for political pressure. Hopefully the U.S can smack Turkey on the head, and hopefully the PKK will intensify and renew their attacks now that it's summer.

Some happy news in all of this shit. It's Iraq and not Rojava, but I wanted to share anyways.

5 Peshmerga were killed in the airstrikes on Sinjar and yet the KDP have issued a statement relieving Turkey of the blame and saying it's PKK's fault. Utterly cucked.

It sounds like Turkey was bombing the fuck out of the YPG last night

These fascist fucks must pay. I don't know how, but they gotta get a bloodied nose from someone at some point.

They bombed the memorial for the fallen fighters too, I get that Turkey is at war with the PKK and all KCK groups but shitting on the people that prevented a complete genocide is just shitty.

They destroyed a PKK cemetery a few weeks ago too. It's obviously part of a strategy of humiliation and breaking the people's resistance. Reminds me of what the Sri Lankan army did to the Tamils after they destroyed the Tamil Tigers.

this has been posted in one of our /rojava/ threads before but its a great read

the Iraqi people have put up with so much

someone please nuke Turkey

the grand sultan no longer needs approval from mere mortals

Fuck Turkey and everything it stands for. Those roaches need to crawl into their holes.

For Rojava's sake as well as theirs, the PKK needs to step up its insurgency to the point that Turkey can't send any ground troops to Syria. It'll be costly for the PKK, but it hopefully won't be in vain.

There is PKK in Sinjar, but the bulk of Sinjar's forces are YBS, survivors of the genocide. YBS share democratic confederalist ideology and are allies with PKK because they saved their people from genocide.

In the same way Turkey viewed Manbij Military Council as YPG, they will view YBS as PKK and they will be targeted.

So sad for the Yazidis that Turkey is trying to continue ISIS' attempts to eradicate them. YBS will simply never bend the knee to KDP or Turkey.




I hope when I am old but not decrepit I will have a battlefield to be buried in

I know a few people here want the PKK to put more pressure on Turkey but in all honesty the PKK give their absolute everything to the struggle that it is rather difficult for them to be any more effective. The PKK have limited numbers and despite having massive amounts of public support; many civilians find it next to imposable to join the PKK and replenish their losses due to harassment of one's family and also due to personal economic reasons.

based fam, sick af. cool

anything else mehmet?

nothing else, just that PKK are actually terrorists and killing innocent human beings so you can make an oil gangster state on top of 3 other nations isn't left wing and its a joke to think that it has anything to do with class struggle

good meme fam

that's good as hell tbqh. hopefully you trip over one of their IEDs one of these days fam.

Name a single revolutionary force in history that wasn't labeled as "terrorists" by the Bourgeoise.

KahinaCast when!!???

You do realize that the PKK abandoned terrorism years ago.
That being said I sure do hope our resident Mehmet shitposter gets Strela'ed out the sky.

nah fam

they were all terrorists though, all leftists militants are de facto terrorists. just because the regime is the one who says it doesn't make it not true, what is obscured is that the regime uses terror itself. that doesn't negate that almost all leftist militants have just been glorified terrorists

you guys are fucking retarded, killing people is immoral and unethical and unnecessary. Kurdistan is a spooky joke and you guys are confused

I don't want to imagine the thought process of someone writing this

i'm taking the piss. this a poster who thinks Chapo Trap House funds the PKK, it's best not to take things seriously.

Chapo Trap House shills for the PKK and YPG and Kurdistan and propagandizes the Democracy Now, Pseudo-left narrative

bit spooky m8

you need to go back now >>>Holla Forums

Does not compute

It's okay because a Capitalist nation-state is doing it, which means it's lawful, and good, this is what Holla Forumsyps actually believe.

Foe for them, fed to the wolves again just like '91. A Kurdish lobby in DC might be the only thing that saves them from extinction.

PKK actually kill Turkish soldiers at a pretty steady rate outside of Winter time. Like in the last day 5 Turkish soldiers have been killed in IED blasts. It's just that the PKK operating outside a low level insurgence would ultimately result in a loss for PKK, as we saw in the urban clashes between YPS and the Turkish state a few years ago.

This is very off topic, but I miss the Communism vs. Communalism thread from a month ago. I also think this board should have more comfy debate threads about theory and such, it elevates the discourse of the board as a whole, it forces people to read and to actually think about what they believe and why they believe it. Just a thought.

Make another theory/debate thread, I would be happy to contribute to it like I did with the communalism thread

I saw on Twitter yesterday, that they also struck the YPG HQ. Is that legit?

Your level of bootlicking is actually astonishing

Oh yeah, the discourse in that thread was truly *chef kissing fingers*
Also, Marx's hair/beard looks like something on a map in that pic

The statement from coalition forces that the Turkish airstrike was not approved by them soothes my asspain.

But only very slightly.

It's fucking incredible, Erdogan seems to have a preternatural power to always do the worst thing possible at all times.

There's no shortage of theory threads, the problem is that they usually descend into typical internet slapfights, and people prefer to make a condescending remark rather than actually argue. If you ask me, snubbing an argument post made in good faith ought to be bannable.

We'd lose 87% of the board.

I 100% support this idea.

And nothing of value would be lost.

These strikes are only the beginning. After trump meeting he will participate in raqqah and go all out on pkk dogs.

A lot of these 87% are just funposting, really. I can understand joke replies and harmless shitposting, but when someone is clearly trying to sabotage the discussion, drag the thread down or drive someone away is another matter entirely.

Even Porky sent a dettachment to fight ISIS.


It's like poetry

WTF I love Porky now


Wait did Barzani agree to let Turkey bomb them? I thought Iraqi Kurdistan was sort've friendly with the PKK? Will he just let Erdogan get away with killing some members of his own Peshmerga?

Barzani is the president of the KRG and the head of the biggest party in Iraqi Kurdistan, the KDP. The second largest party, the PUK are the ones on friendly terms with the YPG. Iraqi Kurdistan is effectively ruled separately by the two parties. Iraqi Kurdistan is effectively another oil sultanate in the middle east and has no problem doing business with Turkey. Barzani and the rest of the KDP would probably be just fine with becoming a proxy state of Turkey and even offer their anal virginity while they're at it.

All information regarding YPG message me. #YPG #SDF #twitterkurds
Turkey really hates journalists

Kurdish Woman vs American Commander

This pic is from a protest against the Turkish airstrikes, I am truly amazed at how many people are here (judging from the amount of vehicles), they truly BTFO any kind of leftist organization in the West

There was even old ladies crawling up hills there. PYD and TEVDEM can mobilise anywhere from hundreds to thousands of people pretty much at a moments notice.

No, they're claiming it was a violation of Iraq's sovereignty

Conflict News‏ @Conflicts Apr 25

BREAKING: Turkish airstrikes in Sinjar is a violation of Iraqi's sovereignty: Iraqi MFA - @BarzanSadiq

Watching this video it's astonishing the number of people there.

Also, the PYD is now mortar'ing Hatay in retaliation for the airstrikes

Lots of chatter about clashes west of Qamishli at the border with Turkish army, also heavy bombardment of Afrin.

Source seems to be Rohani TV and some locals.

Also YPG shooting back apparently: Not sure if Afrin or Cizre Canton.

Reports about artillery targeting the city:

Video is from Afrin

Are there any pamphlets about the DFNS/Rojava that we could pass out at May Day rallies?

Syriac Military Council statement on the Turkish attacks. the comradeship between YPG/PKK and Dawronoye Assyrians is beautiful :')

has the syrian government given any comment on the turkish attack on the kurds?
most I've seen. US, Iraq and Syria have all either expressed how they're "deeply concerned" about the Turkish attacks or "strongly condemning" them. Haven't seen Russia comment yet.

time will tell.

hopefully USA sends a lot of pic related to Rojava so they can deal with people like you

I forgot pic.

BREAKING: Kurdish forces call for no-fly zone in northern Syria - AFP

So, I'm guessing we should back this?

2 Turkish tanks destroyed and 3 confirmed TAF killed, thus far the Turkish invasion of Dirbêsiyê‎ has been a failure.
But what would anyone expect from the TAF anyway?

Turkey is attacking Rojava and KD/GP is joing in. They recently got the weapons deal with America after Germany rejected them. Americans you fucking dumbasses. I mean Iraq just stopped the cargo planes. With the independence referendum they want to arm themselves. With the weapons and Turkey allied the KDP is going to invade Rojava. They know Rojava will stop Wrath of the Euphrates campaign and then be on a 3 front war. KDP was just testing the waters with the rojpesh and sinjar/shengal.

gonna need citation for this

Turkish Army is such a paper tiger, as shown by Al Bab. Even in the battles against YDG-H (basically Kurdish teenagers with AK47's) in the cities a while back they had to essentially flatten whole neighborhoods to defeat them despite sending in their elite special forces. I really wouldn't worry a great deal about them were it not for their airforce. It's never easy with airstrikes raining down on you.

That brings tears to my eyes :(

Iran speaks out against Turkish attacks in Sinjar.

Interesting article here about how Iran might need Rojava.
Popular KDP source

Directly from the SCW subreddit

so that completes it then, pretty much every player in Syria has condemned the Turkish airstrikes

There will be definitely be brought in more fighters from Turkey and Qandil(?)

I hope this will be a clear warning to Erdogan. Maybe the imperialists will support the revolution and not backstab

very strong statement by YPJ, puts the ball firmly in the US' court. this "deeply concerned" rhetoric will not do.

lol God bless her

No, they definitely will once they no longer serve their interests in defeating ISIS. If Rojava is successful after the war insh'Allah, and their system of DemConfed spreads across the region, the US will shit its pants and see it as a second coming of domino theory.

The IRA did this and only killed 4, and they were journalists trying to get a good shot of an explosion.

Jihadists aside, people don't like killing other people, they blow up buildings when they are empty and announce them a bit before to clear the area.



Even religious zealots don't like doing it, in their case they're indoctrinated to not see others as people at all.

In the future it will be merged with Canada and known as the Democratic Federation of Northern America and the founding fathers' faces will be removed from Mount Rushmore and replaced with Ocalan and Bookchin.

Well it's hard to say they don't like doing it, as far as they're concerned it's not even murder, just pest control.

Not true at all, where did you read anything by Al-Qaeda saying that. They said it was regretable but the killing in Palestine and other Muslim areas justified it. They're not monsters, just really shitty people.

What if I told you representatives of "the west" were able to avoid the carnage and suffering and loss of liberty of the last 16 years, if they just took the opportunities they were given to open a dialogue with their enemy, but they refused to do it because they preferred to make a show of strength and retribution to the world, and maintain their position as the toughest gang on earth.
Would you consider those people monsters or just really shitty people?

we got an assadist faggot here

a shameful user

Why not all four?

wait, so you actually believe it was ever possible for Western states to meet with and "have a dialogue" with AQ?

Walked past an anti-Tuskish Kurds protest today in England. Can still hear them now I'm in work. Some Apo and YPG flags.

In Germany you get arrested for that, waving these flags.

Our country isn't quite that fucked yet

PKK promises they'll retaliate after Turkish attacks on Rojava and Sinjar.

The UK is more fucked I'd say, flag's a pretty petty thing to gauge how fucked your country is.

Yeah I guess so. I suppose I just meant not as fucked in the flag waving department.

Totalitarian Accelerationism

No one cares.

I do

Apparently a Russian naval intelligence vessel just sank near Turkey after a collision with a freighter.

Lmao YPG and PKK are about to get some new goodies

I dream of YPJ militiawomen rolling over Turkroaches and Daeshbags in Kuratas mobile suits.

The Boar have been radicalized.

The martyrs from the Turkish strike. Mostly YPJ.

son of a bitch that's sad

Shehid namirin

What the fug :DDD

Erdogan is really stepping his attacks up. Are we about to see full-scale invasion?

Reports of fighting now Darbasiye, Ras al-Ayn, Tal Abyad, Kobani possibly others…

Shit I hope not. Was hoping to get there before Turkey destroyed it.

If he does invade, I hope the YPG fight with everything they have. Maybe even bring Assad into it, and made it so costly that Erdogan will have to pull out.

Now supposedly a large Turkish-backed mercenary force is amassing near Tell Abyad.

YPG will go into Kobani mode when fighting against Turkey. And by Kobani mode, I mean they will fight till the bullets run out of their guns.

Are we out of touch or is that sub full of retarded burgers and roaches?

anytime Turkey does something significant in the war the roaches invade and clog the sub with nationalist shitposting and downvoting anything YPG

Tbh I am increasingly disappointed that Syria didn't take Euphrates Shield as an act of war, now trying to turf out the roaches will always be made out to be aggression against NATO.

Turkey says "we're just targeting PKK terrorists, not Kurds" but even the Kurdish opposition parties in Rojava who raison d'etre is to oppose PYD are condemning the Turkish attack.

YPG have destroyed a Turkish armored vehicle.

I like how when you blow up a Turkish APC it clucks.

we're about to watch the only remotely viable leftist organisation this century get routed by literal fascists and it feels like no one cares

Turkey would be btfo if they tried a full scale invasion.

I sort of want Turkey to attempt a full scale invasion so that NATO can't be called in later.

Empty rhetoric to not seem so much like the spineless cucks they are.

Based Abdullah has bigger balls than any regional male President or Chancellor/Minister.

Post it on your social media.

disheartens me that the vast majority of turks outside the radical leftists will be not only supporting an invasion of rojava, but will be cheering for as much kurdish blood as possible. both pro erdogan and anti erdogan unite in their hate of kurds. it's sad.

turkey committed a genocide before and that mentality is still very much intact.

The Grauniad is printing literal Turkish propaganda straight from one of Erdogan's top gimps, without even a hint of a disclaimer on the page. There's a one-liner on his author page, but that's it.

It was inevitable, but it was nice while it lasted


Holy shit that's disgusting.

Holy fuck stop with the defeatism. When Kobanî was being besieged by Daesh maybe then it'd be appropriate to say that the end was near, but TSK is far less competent and dangerous than Daesh and they haven't even made any progress into SDF controlled areas. The SDF has stopped the attack on Raqqah and Tabqah and won't start again until the Coalition tells Turkey to fuck off, if the worst happens and Turkey doesn't, then the entire conflict with the PKK is going to look like a street fight compared to an invasion of Rojava.

So wtf happened to Lions of Rojava Facebook page? how do people even get in contact with these guys any more

They don't really exist anymore. Now YPG International does all the recruiting in the area.

well, this makes me feel better. I really want it to be the case.

Can you guys get more pathetic than this?

You're kinda talking out of your ass, the turkish revolution has been very bloody. The SDF are more than capable of defending Gire Spi from turkish proxies. The arab wings of the SDF will continue operations in the Raqqa region. Pulling the WoE campaign is a diplomatic threat and a last resort. Daesh is on it's toes and the SDF needs to keep pressure. You also have to consider the many new arab regiments, locals have been recently trained specifically for Raqqa.
The YPG/J will defend every city in Rojava like Stalingrad and are receiving weapons from the U.S (last time I saw news of a new shippment was the day after the initial airstrikes).

Can you guys get more pathetic then this?

Indeed, but I specifically mean a literal TSK invasion of North Syria, not just proxy forces attacking them.
They've already suspended any operations since the bombings.

No its Holla Forumsyps disguised as tankies. Assad is social democrat at best so why would marxist-leninist support him?

Never been on Twitter?

Because tankies are shitty Marxist leninists?

Because M-L is code word for social democrat?

Think we're about to see a repeat of Manbij

wtf I hate YPG now

So, is the first Kurd from the left by chance an ISIS agent?

I used to wear a ski mask as a kid; was I an ISIS soldier?

Less effort, more truth

A commie AND a terrorist… you're going up even higher on the watchlist!


US stationing troops along the border to prevent any further escalations lmao Erdogan's gonna be screeching

Assuming the US actually does bail out Rojava this time, what about after ISIS is defeated? Won't we just be in the same position, since pretty much the sole reason for US support of Rojava is as the only effective, non-Assad, fighting force in Syria?

Amerifats have finally gotten off their asses. Some US troops are positioning themselves between the YPG and Turkish forces.

Holy shit you guys, antifa are being trained by Kurdish terrorists!


Partisan Girl is an example of someone who genuinely just hates Kurds and makes no pretences about her racism.

lol at the retardation in the replies.

Shamelessly stolen expropriated from Holla Forums:

Russia Insider: Israel and ISIS Are Allies.

This may go along with >>>Holla Forums9796887 , but in order to give it more exposure I believe that it deserves a thread of its own. Signal-boosting is a primary goal when it comes to stuff such as this after all.


Archive of tweet:

Hard to say, but there is more to it than that. You have to take into account all the regional powers here and what they're after. But at this point it seems like Daesh will be present in Syria for a while, longer than the rebels at least.

understanably gone under the radar but SDF have made big gainz v ISIS in Tabqa in the last day.

well, that's the sole STATED reason, in the realm of explicit policy statements. in reality the whole Kurdish phenomenon has long term geopolitical value to the USA in terms of its capability to disempower the rivals of the USA in the region, and a USA friendly govt in the area could serve as a proxy/staging ground (Israel Jr). You know, it's an imperialist thing.

Not that I take issue with that, so long as it works out in the favor of an independent (or at least autonomous) Rojava.


it's not a term limited to usage by YPG. from what I understand most organizations in the theater use "Daesh", it's an acronym for the Arabic name of ISIS

Is this actually news to anyone ITT? I'm not defending it or anything but if you just look at the number of Israeli attacks on Daesh (hmmm…. zero) and the number of Israeli attacks on Hezbollah and SAA (basically once a month) then it should be literally self explanatory.

Or are we just toasting the fact that someone is actually writing an article about what we have known all along, for visibility's sake?

I doubt Israel is actively supporting Daesh, like these memes seem to be implying. For one thing, Wahhabi Jihadists making a pact with Jews is pretty laughable.

That being said, I don't think Israel really minds the presence of Daesh and might even find them useful in some ways yes. For Daesh their main war is in Iraq and Syria so they have no reason to deliberately antagonize the Israelis. That explains why they would apologize for this - no need to rile up the Jews when they have their hands full fighting other Arabs.


Tabqa will be completely liberated in the coming days. ISIS collapsing.

It is full of retarded burgers and roaches, but some here also are a bit out of touch and think that DemConFed is far further developed than it actually is. Not that this should hamper our enthusiasm.

Once Tabqah is taken, won't Raqqah, Deir ez-Zor, and Mosul be the last remaining large cities of theirs? I wonder if the SDF has any plans to liberate Deir ez-Zor before Raqqah. I wonder how fucking long it'll take the Iraqi military to liberate Mosul and how long after that to liberate the Daesh pocket south of Sinjar, thereby eliminating the KDP blockade on Rojava.

see also Daeshbags, Daeshcanoes

So Uncle Sam is bailing out YPG over the whole Turkroach thing?

It's probably going to go like this

Taqba > Mosul > Raqqa (assuming Turks let up) > DeZ

should be something like 1-2 years until ISIS is just an insurgency hiding in hills and the backs of people's minds.

Of course that's assuming some crazy shit doesn't happen to throw things off of their current trajectory. Crazy things happen in this conflict.

ISIS went really hard and split SAA's presence in Deir Ezzor in two on their last offensive there. That SAA presence in Deir Ezzor has been gradually shrinking for years. ISIS are said to have moved all their high ranking members and commanders from Raqqa to DeZ in preparation of losing Raqqa. The question of who will liberate DeZ is tough. SDF have a DeZ Military Council and have intentions to do so. So do SAA but it's not a priority. Iraqis could intervene more Assad's behalf. Saudi Arabia and the US are said to be preparing a Sunni tribal militia to take it.

ISIS' last areas to go will be the the border cities like Al Qaim.

Trots on leftbook are insisting that helping the YPG is bad and that they need to be destroyed because of anti-imperialism.

Are there any rebel groups not part of the SDF who actually fit the FSA meme, i.e. secular, democratic, non-crazy Islamists?

I don't know if Iraq is willing or even capable of intervening in the civil war. They're already not doing very hot and still have a lot more regions to liberate.


Nah. Any of the secular FSA groups already have joined the SDF

Its their endurance that surprises me. Just when I think they can't be any more ghoulish, they manage to outdo themselves.

What is the relation between the YPJ and the YPG? The YPJ is exclusively female, but the YPG is mixed. What's the point?

I remember Jaysh al Thuwar asked Free Idlib Army to join SDF a few months ago but nothing happened of it. Southern Front are also notably moderate and non sectarian as far as rebels go but they're too far away from SDF to establish any ties.

If you mix units people might go off an make babies

I'd say the Southern Front, although there are Islamist factions within it. It's pretty isolated from the Idlib rebels which are mostly HTaSh and Ahrar al-Sham.

Most secular FSA units have joined the SDF, like the Army of Revolutionaries. Dunno if the SDF will fight Assad after Daesh and Turkey though.

But the YPG is already mixed.

Anyone see that hardcore Assadist Al Masdar reporter being outed as a literal Stormfront using Nazi? ranting about "sand niggers" and the like

This same dude was one of those 'anti imperialist' and 'Kurds are Zionists' types.

Feel like there's a lot of very nasty people cloaking their support for Assad in leftist rhetoric.

What about the fact that Iran is trying to build relations with Rojava to complete their "Shia Crescent" (Lebanon->Syria->Iraq->Iran)? Iran is like the great evil in US foreign policy.

Source? Didn't know that actually. Thought they were segregated

The funny thing about IS videos is that they'll show people being burnt alive or beheaded in HD and extreme detail but when it comes to YPJ they always blur them and censor them coz they're not wearing niqabs kek


lmao so true

Is this the collective of possibly mentally ill tankies on Twitter we always talk about?

Left book has more variety. Tankie Twitter is a very specific chunk of the internet left

Yeah I saw this. He was posting to Stormfront as recently as 24hours ago when his account was found. He was pretty dumb about it, too. Folks have screenshots of his posts (on SF) talking about appearing on PressTV and shit

I'm not really 100% on the details of the situation you're talking about there, but even so the US is still going to try to gain influence over the region. I mean it's not like Rojava is going to be MORE allied with Iran than the Syrian govt currently is and that's basically the only alternative. so even if Iran is trying to expand its influence with Rojava, that would still be preferable to allowing the SAA to control that region, from the imperialists, John McCain perspective

Let's say everything goes perfectly, YPG wins everything, biji biji, and Kurds get to keep all of Rojava.

what do we call the new country? "Kurdistan" doesn't seem very intersectional

Democratic Federation of Northern Syria

We'll call it what they call themselves, The Democratic Federal System of Northern Syria (maybe even just Syria).

There's more ethnicities than just the Kurds you know. Arabs, Turkmen, Assyrians, even some Armenians all live in that area. Ocalan knows this, which is why Democratic Confederalism (the dominant ideology in NS-Rojava) is explicitly anti-Nationalist and anti-Statist in outlook.


If Spicer wrote an op-ed in the NYT saying Trump is good or something, everyone would [rightfully] lose their shit. The Guardian has good pieces, but is bad so often.

Really makes you think

Goddamn that's a really nicely produced map

The left needs to completely steer clear of this shit, and make it clear we're not pro-Assad but anti-intervention. There is a fuckton of these nazis everywhere that worship Bashar, and to have any proximity to them is disgusting. Once the war winds down and Assad attacks Rojava, everyone will be disillusioned for sure, but that's a while from now.

Interesting talk about Democratic Confederalism in Kurdistan.

I loled at the asshurted Mehmet in the comments

I think it's time to shill for wahhabism.

When you need an ameriball for

lmao Turkey just banned Wikipedia


Actually can you add in "but this time there won't be any blowback," it needs that last little touch

Would you like ice cream with that?

Man this place had great service *tips five percent*

Nah but I would've done it myself if I weren't housesitting so I'm browsing leftypol on my phone

When i think about it, the Nazis themselves were armed to fight the comies, more by regular Anglos than burgers though…


This is probably why;

Can someone post that article about the HXP? It was in this thread, but got bumped out.

DSA is now creating YPG propaganda.

wtf? I thought they were Rosa killers.

they seem to be under the impression that YPG and PKK are Marxist Leninists. I mean I appreciate the good intentions but still.

These guys need to read more books.

good. the more support and attention the better

PKK were MLs until only recently no?

Since like 2001 yeah. That's not really "recent" though.

"originally" is a more accurate term than "until recently"

and there are still plenty of ML's running around the organization, plenty of old timers who find the old way of thinking difficult to let go.

But the movement isn't about to swing back to being ML or anything like that.

The whole "30 Leftists. 30 Days." series is very good. Check out the Marx and Engels video:

can you post them for nonfb users

Turkroaches about to be btfo'd again

Literally the most difficult area to attack not to mention the heavy Russian Contact in that area

FB removed the video.

Hahaha anytime Turkey attacks Rojava the US and Russia just double down in their support for SDF


Turkey is a regional power that acts like a rogue state (like Baathist Iraq) but that's too geopolitically important to actually be treated like a rogue state (like Israel), yet is unique is being constantly and consistently impeded. It's pretty interesting and kinda pathetic.

Obviously it makes geopolitical sense for them to want to destroy the SDF, but for them to keep trying after all this is just insane. I wonder if their insane persistence is because of the delusional arrogance of the AKP and Erdogan or the Fascist need to have a enemy to focus on and the Bakur PKK being too trite with everything going to shit in Turkey.

It's desperation. There are now millions, yes millions, of people organised under a government that operates according to the philosophy of the PKK in Syria. If this revolution succeeds and can last in the longer term, Turkey will have a BIG problem on its hands.

The PKK's roots in Turkey's South East go very, very deep. Almost all families have someone who has gone off to join the PKK. Also, now most of these people hate the Turkish state because of the sheer brutality that it has tried to crush Kurdish resistance with—leveling cities and massacring civilians. A very bad move in 4th gen warfare.

In Rojava succeeds in the long-term, there will be 13 million Kurds in Turkey who demonstrably see the potential reality of a PKK revolution.

On Erdogan's part it's a very good way to cover over the referendum controversy. People were marching in the streets and there was the very clear reality that pretty much 50% of Turkey rejected Erdogan. The problem is the 50% of people who reject Erdogan are not unified. Kemalists make up a large part of the opposition, but they hate leftists and Kurds, so it'll be difficult to ever oust Erdogan.

Anyway every party and voterbase in Turkey except HDP falls in line when the Turkish Army begins an operation. Opposition to Erdogan and internal disputes all get put on hold to "support da troopz". And it's worked for Erdogan. No one's marching in the streets anymore. Controversy about the referendum has been put on hold.

I don't think Erdogan will ever really want to get rid of YPG or PKK because they're a great method of riling up nationalist sentiments and getting even opposition to fall in line.

That's kinda what I was implying with the Fascist need for a perpetual enemy. It's looking like that plan is going to fail. They can't invade North Syria and if they try to invade Iraq they'll create an international incident.

another day in the life of a PKK guerilla

really good piece on Raqqa here.

So it turns out, after a bit of digging around; that the Trotskyite 'Leon Sedov Brigade' actually exists and has quite few members. Kind of hard to believe that a bunch of Spanish speaking Trots are fighting alongside the Levant Front in the Aleppo countryside.

Lmao Jesper Soder got promoted to a spokesman for SDF.


This guy is a political officer? So like, he actually joined the party and shit?

I got scared as hell when its horns were right in his crotch

Very interesting article

Lmao holy shit

Why's that funny? Who is this guy?

rumours of tabqa being completely liberated

does anyone else read the syriancivilwar for news on the war and then just hate all the reddit pedantics and useless comments amounting to nothing. I honestly dont get how redditors can be so fucking dumb but they manage to pull it off.

i can never forgive those autists for driving away pkk1978

they actually think they know everything

motherfucker from TMU (YPG medical unit) rocking a /k/ patch lmao, small world


holy fuck hes handsome

I knew that something was up with that story.
Top kek though.



As far as I can tell, they're not a fan of the Kurds.

Good lad.


should I know this guy already?

I'm still stunned I haven't heard this group till yesterday.

I can't tell if they're pro-ISIS or anti-ISIS.

it's already at a high point. both Erdogan supporters and liberals/kemalists are accusing kurds of treason and supporting erdogan, respectively

I think they're pro-moderate beheaders

Hello Rojavians

Opinions on Partisangirl?

How true is this?

She's a known Assadist shill but it could be true. Who knows?


She's an Assad propagandist
don't even humor her shit

Partisangirl is known to make bizarre gay-frog-tier conspiracy theories and thinks that Rojava is the second half of the ZOG Occupied Government's greater Israel. So a nut case in other words. I don' think she has anything of value to say, tbh the Syrian state media is more trustworthy than her.

Also it's widely known that the SDF has decent contingent of FSA members and is known to open their doors to FSA member groups and individuals. That being said almost all FSA groups are now openly anti-SDF by this point anyway.

The pic of the guy making the announcement with the YPG and FSA flags in the back is from the announcement of the Euphrates Volcano operation room, a joint FSA/YPG anti ISIS alliance which later became the basis for the Syrian Democratically Forces. The rebel groups that participated in that were almost all groups who were driven out of Raqqa by IS and Nusra. In fact in Nusra controlled areas in Idlib the FSA flag is banned.

So it's another laughable attempt at a smear from partisangirl who is obviously nervous about the huge gains SDF is making. She doesn't even mask her racism against Kurds and neither do the people in the replies ("Kurds have traitor blood" lmao).

It sounds like the FSA is loosely aligned, seeing that they compete for territory with IS, SDF and SAA, but still would align with YPG and AQ against SAA

Is if full of factions or what?
Is the only defining thing of the FSA being against Assad?

FSA is indeed full of many factions. It's not a unified "army" in any sense of the word.

Is Kumanji the predominant Kurdish dialect in Rojava?

It's debatable if there was ever a unified FSA but there's anywhere from dozens to hundreds of rebel groups in Syria all with different ideologies (mostly Islamists tho). A lot of them will claim to be FSA.

The most significant rebel groups now are Al Nusra (Al Qaeda) and Ahrar al Sham (Al Qaeda affiliate)

The pale red in this picture is Kumanji whilst the darker red is Sorani.

Holy shit

What are language policies in Iraq like when they are two mutually unintelligible Kurdish dialects existing side by side?

Well all I know is that Sorani is the official Kurdish dialect of the KRG which has angered Kumanji speakers.
Apparently it's a dispute that has existed for some time in the KRG but has luckily not tied itself to the bitter PUK-KDP divide.

I've recently been looking into the Kurdish civil war when the KDP who allied with Turkey and Saddam's Iraq against the PUK, PKK, Iran and local tribes.
It's disgusting how Barzani, when faced with near defeat, sold out to Saddam by inviting him to capture Erbil from the PUK. After the capture of Erbil; Saddam massacred fugitive opposition members and executed 700 captured soldiers of the PUK.
And so that the PUK couldn't mount a counter attack; Barzani used the Turkish air force to bomb the shit out of their advances.
Fuck the KDP I hope they burn in hell along with their shills and Turkish friends

A rather good video on the topic;

How do people here feel about the FSA?

Not saying Assad dindu nufifng, but in what way have they done anything good for Syria?

All the not shitty parts are dead or joined the SDF

SDF kicking ass in Tabqa

Happy May Day to the boys and girls in Taqba

More Russian troops role into Afrin to help deter Sultan Erdo's invasion.

"Black flag down":

so… the SDF are the good guys in your eyes?

I empathize with the YPG, Rojava and all, but I can't help but feel that anyone rebelling (or taking advantage of the situation and rebelling) against Assad only makes the situation even more unstable.

Have the Rusks ever backed the YPG?


to be clear: SDF is YPG and friends. These friends come in different shapes and sizes, for example ex rebel groups (Jaysh al Thuwar), tribal forces (Al Sanadid) and minority protection groups (Syriac Military Council). In supporting YPG one is supporting SDF, and vice versa. When rebel groups join SDF they forfeit their fight against Assad as SAA and SDF generally have a neutral relationship.

Russia backs YPG in Afrin.

Except the rebellion was never against Assad, look at pre-IS rise maps of Syria and you always see the YPG surrounded by the rebels (Most of them islamists). The SDF are the only lads offering a system that can bring Syria into the future, a social economy that works for the people and a democratic secioty that doesn't marginalise.

I wouldn't call them ex-rebels. They still identity as FSA and still hate Assad and want him brought down, they just realize the realpolitik needed in the situation the SDF is in and that Daesh needs to be focused on.

Four BÖG fighters martyred in clashes with rebels in Afrin.

which faction of moderate beheaders did this?

Good video but they probably shouldn't mention that

I want to see more of this happening in the US. It would really help to spread Bookchin's ideas and even inform the public why we need to stop meddling with the middle east. They dont need us to spread democracy, they can do it themselves just fine with the right tools and ideas.

Jesus, one of them looks so young.

I did not, strictly speaking say that (although I do)
Merely that regardless of what the FSA may have been in the past, it no longer has any non-shit member groups because they're all dead or SDF now.

Realistically speaking, will Syria remain one country after the war? The SDF says they don't want to secede, but Assad won't tolerate any significant autonomy.

Iraq is likely going to split once KRG holds the referendum, and possibly even further between the Sunnis and Shiites, but what will happen between the KDP and the PUK? Additionally, Sinjar is effectively autonomous and won't want to be part of an independent Iraqi Kurdistan.

Do they have a "target" sub-territory they strive for, or they aim to conquer all of Syria?

Well Rojava wants to keep the federalisation in Rojava, that is for sure. They have claims, but considering they are about to AL-Raqqa and they have been liberating areas out of their reach, they will be added to the project. Tbh it is in Assad's interest to keep Rojava around, and that is if Assad remains at-all.

The SDF wants all of Syria to be DemCon.

There is no longer Rojava, just the DFSNS; the cantons aren't going to sell each other out so that they can be autonomous, it's going to be all or nothing for them.

so if they fall, they fall together.

have a feeling ISIS are gonna retake Palmyra off SAA again. They're making gains there again, it's following the exact same patter it did the last time.

I feel like Palmyra is one of those "Token Cities". It got a lot of media attention because ISIS destroyed a bunch of monuments, but beyond that I don't really know if Assad cares about holding it. Right now he seems more focused on the Idlib rebels than ISIS.

They claim areas near Jarabulus and Al-Bab, as well as a Syrian Government pocket around Qamshilo. Besides that, they don't really "claim" any other territory, but Salih has said in the past that Rojava (or DFSNS) is supposed to be a model for the rest of Syria.

Assad cares more about his own power than minority interests. Let's not forget that Kurds weren't even considered citizens of Syria before 2011, and he doesn't recognize the DFSNS as a governmental system.

The revolution is in good hands.

you're there right now? and you brought your reaction image folder with you?

I think he's joking about the kind of pictures people over there have posted.

lol PKK/Rojava celebrations turned up in Lauren Southern's May Day video


The what now?

top kek
she got scared shitless by only this?
come to greece bitch

international freedom battalions


What a bunch of spineless status-quo snowflakes.

Bög means Faggot in Swedish.
Fun fact.

People's choice. There have been one or two spokesmen who have very optimistic prospects of the Raqqa civil council governing the region.

Why would it be in the interest of a racist dictator to keep around a socialist, pluralist direct democracy?

That is for the people of the rest of Syria to chose. The confederacy doesn't even aim to conquer ba'ath territory unless the Assad regime directly starts a war or if the people actually request the SDF. Apoism is about confederacies within the current nation state's border - this is also the case for Rojavaye Kurdistanê.

No, it means "gay". There isn't really a stronger homophobic word than "bög"

That's incorrect Kurmanji.
Rojava is female, according to wikiferheng.
So it would be Rojavaya Kurdistanê.
(If Rojava is seen as male, it would be Rojavayê Kurdistanê)

Yes, of course, but the SDF ideally wants that to be the case. If given the choice, I think the vast majority of communities and people would prefer to be autonomous and self-governing.

Anything but a bad sign.

fuck forgot flag

Most likely a ploy by Assad to cause more splitting among the FSA.

a lot of the Assad supporters hate YPG and Kurds and so it would be difficult to convince them to adopt 'their' system

hassan hassan has written a fairly positive article towards the YPG and I am fucking shocked

Yeah, they are finally realising that they cant uproot and destroy the allready established system. I really hope they start to realise that they can only make PYD less central in Rojava by accepting their system, giving them the win and making it less dependant on the PYD.

conservatism is the new punk rock :^)

I'm not sure if there's actually that many Assad supporters and not just people who prefer him over Islamists, especially the Christians and the Alevites, whose regions are his strongest areas, because they know what would happen if they won and he lost. There's probably plenty of racism against Kurds, but I think at this point the SDF is majority Arab and will grow even more after Tabqah, Raqqah, and the rest of the Euphrates is liberated. When your liberators are Arab and they're preaching this new political system that gives you more rights and control, then you're probably not going to care if they're allies are Kurds or if that's the source of what they're advocating.

SDF negotiated with the remaining ISIS fighter holed up in the dam to leave with their families, just to make sure they don't do something crazy.

SDF have now completely liberated Tabqa dam and city.

A new Bookchin audiobook is out! The Murray Bookchin Reader:

I havent listened to it yet, its 14h long. But it might be another great introduction. Audio quality also seems better than in the The Next Revolution.

Whose the guy in the middle?


Why would any Kurds still support the KDP ? They have collaborated numerous times with bitter enemies of Kurdish independence, doesn't that turn people off them.

Why are all libertarians bootlicking authority loving pussy's. Isn't their whole appeal being right-wing anti-authoritarians.

Because they're capitalists. Libertarians are only anti-authoritarian when it suits them.

It's a tribal thing in Iraqi Kurdistan. You generally support whoever your tribe has ties to, it's not ideological.

PKK in Turkey made it their mission to destroy this tribalism, they did pretty well.

MIT at it again

source on this claim? last I checked SDF was still heavily dominated by YPG

Ignore the whole 'Syrian Arab Coalition' thing; it's American speak for Arabs and Arab groups in the SDF.
antifa tabur in action

Video of TMU (international volunteers) in Tabqa

Guys with antifa patches at 45 s and 1.28 m. So much for the antifas being useless smashies

my dad just say'd that the ypg is backed by the USA
from 1 to Holla Forums, how retarded is he?

i'm a neet and i want to do something with my life, how do i join YPG?

Depends on what he said. On face value, US militarily supports YPG against IS and that is because the the rebels are so fucking incompetent.

Politically, US doesn't support YPG/PYD's federalisation project mostly in deference to Turkey. On that part, YPG has more support from Russia which has already proposed a similar federalisation proposal in Hmeimim airbase in presence of YPG and Syrian gov representatives


I mean, they are, but only insofar as to fight ISIS. They could give a shit about who else they fight. America certainly doesn't recognize their system


Pretentious armchair warrioring ahead. Something I wrote elsewhere. Tell me if I'm making sense or an ass of myself.

With that in mind, I'm fairly sure Aleppo is the most urbanized, relatively modern city to see full warfare. Judging by this site it had just 3 buildings taller than a common tenement's 6 or 7 floors, with 15, 20 and 23 floors. If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say military strategists from all over the world paid very close attention to the battle of Aleppo, because urban warfare will be the norm in the 21st century.

Contact them and they'll ask you certain questions to figure out if you'd do good with them and if accepted will tell you everything you need to know. You should be decently fit, know basic Kurmanji (they have some resources on their site), and have about $1000 for a plane ticket if you live in the US (if you want to go back home, they'll provide you a ticket back after you've done 6 months)

I heard something about keeping an eye on blackblogs.

Oh yeah, also look around /r/rojava

Also this is supposedly a questionnaire they ask you, for whatever it's worth.

nice, gonna think about it

military experts of Holla Forums, please tell me - how long do you estimate it will be until SDF takes Raqqa? and what will be their next target afterwards?

No one really knows what will happen post-Raqqa. Deier Ezzor is an option. Raqqa battle will take atleast 4-6 months imo.

This is real. don't expect much scrutiny of your answers, it's just checking to see if you're an outward psycho.

I think the SDF will enter Raqqa in the next few weeks (operations on the outskirts, and securing positions south of the river), but it may take months to eliminate ISIS from the city. Unfortunately ISIS will never surrender, they've already prepared for the fall of Raqqa, and will lead and insurgency for decades to come.

Impossible to know, but Raqqa will probably be comparable to Mosul, and Mosul has been besieged since September by a much larger and well-equipped force. After Raqqa they'll probably liberate Deir ez-Zor and the rest of the Euphrates Valley and maybe the rest of the Syrian Desert if the Southern Front doesn't finish by then, that is if Turkey doesn't invade the DFSNS or if they get involved in Iraq.

I don't think SDF will move on Raqqa proper until Trump signs the bill which allows the US to equip them with heavy arms. Which apparently he's set to do soon enough.

They might reach it by June, but the battle itself will last months. Mosul has been going on for nearly 8 months and that's with a much more equipped and trained force. Raqqa might last a year, or a little more. After that, probably Deir ez-Zor or Jarabulus/al-Bab. The SOuthern Front is making gains in Deir ez-Zor though so they might get there before the SDF does.

This war will last for at least a few more years though. Even if ISIS is defeated you'll still have the rebels and Assad who probably won't take to Rojava too kindly.

how much do you think?
5 years?
thats more than enought to train mysoelf to not be shinji

Raqqa is nowhere near the size of Mosul. It will definitely not take longer than Mosul.

Maybe. Maybe less, maybe even more.

It isn't, but the YPG doesn't have the amount of weaponry or professionalism as the Iraqi Army does. Plus, Raqqa is ISIS's Capital and in their heartland. It might not take longer but it will be long and very bloody. At least a few months.

good one, friend

aw hell yeah, YPG are bout to level up in terms of weaponry.

Footage of the international fighters clearing houses (battle of tabqah).

IFB talking about this pic.

This video is a travesty.
What the fuck are these guys doing?

IFB is one big circle jerk

They're militias without any fancy US equipment or training, what did you expect? Though the guy standing in the doorway did make me cringe.

Going from building to building checking for ISIS fighters and pushing out the one's they find, what's the problem? Confused that most of modern war is 90% nothing and 10% action even when it has to do with a siege of a city?


Okay, I'm not yet an expert, but these guys are making PLENTY of rookie mistakes that any basic drilling program in a western country would have taught them not to make.

Here are a few examples from glossing over the video.

1) the first guy sticks his head out way too slowly. He could easily have had his head taken off before he even got his gun up. After his gun is anywhere NEAR a place where it can fire into the hallway he's checking, he's looking the other way again.This means that he's left himself exposed from two angles, one angle where he's got no line of sight, and one where he can't fire back if engaged. He has in the matter of a few sconds put himself in a severly compromised position.

2) Holding an old AK by the magazine is a really dumb idea since it may cause jams. Generally, it's a stupid idea with any rifle.

3) Standing in a hallway and looking back is generally a bad idea

4) also press the heel of the rifle against your shoulder or recoil will be umanagable

5) If you have a rifle sling on your rifle, actually use it

6) don't look around a corner, and then immediately turn your back, standing out in the open.

7) always find the lowest possible firing position. Why shoot over the railing when you can shoot through it?

I'm sure that I could find more if I was further along in my training or looked more carefully, but this video shows a stunning lack of routine and proper training.

A lot of these guys are there for political reasons, like support for Rojava's political system. It's understandable that they wouldn't have proper military training but the YPG should train them better than this.

I'm just glad I am not the only one who remembers Buffy the Vampire Slayer

He defends the USSR a lot in his tweets, is a he a Nazbol or something?

Erdogan is at it again. Turkish artillery is shelling the YPG near Azaz. Turkish army is supposedly amassing on the border with Idlib.

This not long after one of Erdogan's advisors made veiled threats against US forces -

I honestly think it's the political and military escalation with Turkey. I think that they're putting less experienced guys in the field for a potential conflict with the Turk military while more noobs are getting "training" by fighting ISIS.

Item can not be found.

Is this the one you wanted?

you're probably right

Wouldn't surprise me, tbh. Hopefully they at least have more training than the volunteers in the Spanish Civil War had.

Isis was hoarding wheat and grain in Tabqa. Is Isis actually just a bunch of kulaks?

Isis is absolutely run by kulaks, at least.

So, what's the deal behind the Safe Zones? Why did Russia, Iran, and Turkey agree to them? Why would the Regime agree to them when they're winning the war and it effectively makes all rebel territory off limits? Why did the Opposition walk out when it seems like the Safe Zones greatly benefit them?

Is Turkey actually going to enter Idlib? Why would Russia allow that?

I wish I could feel what this man felt in Rojava. I think this is one of the reasons why the left is so stagnant. We may have our books, and our theories but unless we can "feel" the Revolution you may as well describe the concept of "music" to a deft who has never heard music before. I suspect if the revolution in Rojava is successful and once there is peace in the region, people will not only be able to travel, but also "feel" the revolutionary energy. It may be the only way to export the revolutionary spirit to those who feel "despair" at the moment.

The SDF are not underestimating Turkey. The PKK has been waging war with them for the past 4 decades or so. Turkey is far more developed than any other of their foes.


Lol, Orwell's description of his training in Homage to Catalonia actually matches the description of a lot of modern volunteers. Funny.


man that is beautiful

in other news, I saw this pic floating around on social media. 250 female fighters graduated training and will be joining the YPJ. behind them, you can see what looks like U.S. special forces dudes watching on. I'm guessing these women received training from "military advisors" and honestly I'm glad

Both American and Russian advisers have been training the YPG. Russia, the SAA, and the YPG even opened up a new operations room near Afrin.


Sounds way to pessimistic user. Also, Bookchin does a very good job laying out the coherence of the Old Left which must be recovered. They were, after all, a part of it.

ah, that's good

I heard the french are getting in on it too

Are security in Erbil strict when it comes to volunteers?

The French are taking a hands on role in Tabqa and Raqqa because pretty much all the Americans were called back from the front lines to patrol the border with the Turks

I don't expect anything at all.

No revolution is ever going to be successful. Pleasure and suffering will continue to be determined by accidents of material distribution. You are never going to change anything on a macro scale, and neither is anyone else. Anything you could do, anyone else could have done.

You also can't forget the retired PKK cadre who also do training. Or at least they did at the start of the war. A seasoned guerilla has as much to offer as a hardened Spec Ops guy imo.


Third one's the girl who got decapitated right?

Sometimes I think guro is not a good fetish to have.

user I hate to break your heart but this movement is almost entirely made up of Asians.

gotta catch em all

Hopefully then the US will be too distracted with domestic upheaval.


Martyrs never die. RIP.


Krotopkin and Stalin looking down from the heavens and smiling on YPG

Communalism truly is the synthesis of Marxism and Anarchism

who is lauren southern? Is she cool?

Reading the first few chapters of "Homage to Catalonia" is as close as you'll get.

watched the video never mind lol

wtf I love ISIS now


so smart, so skeptical

It says a lot about the total misunderstanding these people have of our politics. To many people it is appearently plausible that anti fascist are allied with ISIS.

I don't understand why he ever became relevant.

The alt right style politics is all about simplifying things down to the very basics. So by forcing the idea that ISIS and Antifa work together, they can think of opposition to them as one monolithic block of Islamic communist SJWs or whatever. Requires less thinking and nuance that way. You also see this in how they portray Soros as a omnipotent supervillain.

I actually didnt realize you could be this autistic.

glad i'm not alone, it's like everything he ever does is that. the memeright is really only attracted to boisterous twats. he's not even witty.

his British accent makes American teenagers think he's a genius

What is up with the new meme of wearing mask = ISIS. I swear to god Americans are so fucking retarded.

Wtf I love the American empire now.

This bitch pisses me of so much re-tweeting alt-right accounts and supporting far-right politician. These people may want to ban syrian refugees and expel arabs from their country, but none of that matters because they are pro-assad.

Damn, North America really isn't pulling its weight.

well apparently you can be more autistic

Partisan Girl is very chummy with fucking David Duke. She's fash as fuck. The other day she was talking about how Syria will reclaim Lebanon after they've beat the rebels.

anyone else is surprised of USA and russia training a marxist group?
seriously, it's fucking creepy


islamic groups =/=marxist group

the point is the world powers don't really care about ideology as long as it's not a threat to their immediate interests.

are you shaying that they will hurt my precious YPG after the ISIS is defeated?

the usa trains terrorists and other undesirables, they couldn't give a shit if your group is marxist or baby eating satanist.


change the flag, is not funny wih that one

forgot to take the shitposting flag off

i want military training, but i think im not very usefull in a war like the one in syria

who joins these groups?

forget the ideology of the cold war and then you realize these countries will support anyone who serves their short-term interests. both will probably fuck over the SDF/Rojava in the long-term though

Really cool piece on Rojava's equivalent of an art school and he broader structure of education there.

Dear god give me a link he must be roasted

allright, i only readed the title, and i have learned something like that with "education 1 to 1"
nowdays, children know shit that theyr teachers dont, so the teachers are learning too

Where do you end up after collecting all the badges?

should I


not illegal in my country so that's not a concern.

Do you:

If you have 2 or more things checked for above then totally go for it.


Just do it phaggot.
I would but I can't afford a passport and flight there.

you could go as an civilian volunteer

keep us informed, and make funny maymays about people gettin killed

you, know… for the revolution, we need, humor, I guess

Someone should drawfag this

A charging army alla Mad Max of tumblr-haired excellent-glassed fatties riding with ISIS and some rapey blacks and mussies brandishing foot long boners and sexual power

TBH, they'd probably like it

Don't worry, he's been roasted pretty well by now

I feel like making a YouTube response to this but I'm too lazy and this is so monumentally stupid that I'm not entirely sure it's even worth the effort of attention.

What to people think of this:

everything he said is right Re


The man, myth, and legend himself is back up.


and hes memeing about france. what a guy


I really didn't think about it like that until I read the article earlier today. It makes complete sense actually. PYD/TEV-DEM needs to be aware of imperialist intentions. KCK needs to be the ideological leader of the resistance.

He meant that fighting ISIS and not the government is good for Syria as a whole. He doesn't give a fuck about kurds.

Some nice developments in Rojava's fortifications

if PKK are saying it, then PYD also know it.


Not surprised that Imperialist powers would force Rojava into some sort of deal with regional powers, but kinda surprised that it's Russia. Would have expected it to be America.

Still though, it confirms what we've always known: Rojava has no long term friends in the region, only temporary military partners.

Anarchist groups in Rojava

The Southern Front looks like they're making gains in South Syria. I wonder what kind of relations they will have with the SDF once they reach the Euphrates. If SDF would invite them to join and if they would accept. It's plausible since the Southern Front is really the only opposition faction that matches the FSA meme and aren't full of moderate beheaders. If they did join that'd be fucking huge.

would the SAA be alright with that? just switching from fighting Assad and stealing his shit to non-aggression suddenly?

The SF aren't currently actively fighting the Regime, they're focused on Daesh. Although the SAA has been fucking with them recently. That might be reason enough for the SF to join, just to get the Regime off their back.

Most of it is empty desert though, but Trump may actually use them to help take al-Mayadin and the rest of Deir-ez-Zor after the YPG has entered Raqqa.

Pushing on the Tabqa dam is almost done. Anyone know what they plan after this?

Raqqa ofc


I don't think Trump even knows what the Kurds even stand for.

That, or he was NazBol all along.

ATGMs, TOWs, armoured vehicles, all sorts of guns beyond rusty AK's… this gon' be good

hmm you can see how they can almost encircle it soon

This may be a meme but it's honestly true. the KCK, as in the past, have only themselves to rely on.

probably to put more pressure on turkey because of their closer relations with russia

but turkey will lash out against this one way or the other, this ends in blood

That's a really good interview, thanks for sharing, heval. The IRPGF seems pretty based, their name is still fucking ridiculous though.

pkk1978 is back on Reddit.

Is there a risk that Rojava becomes so dependent of the USA that it will maybe end up as another CIA puppet territory?

It is a concern for sure. I hope not

Considering the track record of the US funding groups that they would later end up fighting, I doubt it. You don't just turn a group into a CIA puppet by throwing guns at them, unless they were already inclined to being that anyway. All the 'famous' CIA puppet states became so either due to a coup (Pinochet) or due to the US invading and installing their own government.

I think that their solid ideological foundation and their devotion to the cause will prevent them from becoming a puppet. They'll either succeed or die in the struggle.

all of Tabqah has been captured. Raqqa is next.

doubt it. They're pretty fiercely independent, and this new support is there to bolster them, not make them reliant.

Even the dam?

Read any interviews with PYD or TEVDEM people and they're all keenly aware of how they're being used by imperial powers and what their position in Syria is. They'll continue working with imperialists as long as they're benefiting but as shown after Turkey bombed Derik, the YPG was fully ready to pull out of Raqqa operations if the US didn't back them up.


Rest in Power. He sounded like our type of guy.

pkk1978 on what YPG needs from the Americans to take Raqqa

Tabqa is fully liberated. Including the dam. Maybe we will see news about sleeper cells in the coming days or weeks. Next stop: Raqqa.

It's not a meme. It's a kurdish proverb.

Wait pkk1978 is back on /r/SyrianCivilWar?

yeah he fucked his knee up in the raqqa operation and is holed up in hostpital so i guess reddit is a way to kill the time


look at the way Manbij Military Council can send hundreds of reenforcements to the Tabqa front to help out SDF like it's nothing. Their manpower alone has to be pushing 5k+ now. When Raqqa is liberated and the Raqqa Military Council is created, there'll be thousands of new recruits in that too, and they'll all take courses in democratic confederalism before they're finished their training

Eventually hopefully all of Syria will be like this, united in Democratic Confederalism.

Two Afro Arabs martyred recently in Wrath of Euphrates.

Şehid Namirin

american tax payer funding islamic gommunism :DD

Answer me this; how is the Syrian Democratic Council so goddamn good at diplomacy and Realpolitik?

Tel Rifaat has been reported to have been handed over to both SAA and FSA many times before so I'm skeptical.

$1100 for a fucking flashlight?

I'm certain there is some sort of truth to these talks however unlikely they are to come to fruition.
That being said often times when the SDC enters talks with other groups many people are quick to claim that the SDC have sold out to whoever they are talking to and make the negotiated ideas seem worse they are actually are. Thus fooling many people to believe that the talks will actually lead to something.
But as you said; false reports about the SDC giving up land happens constantly and most of the time ends up being about absolutely nothing.

Gotta fuel that military industrial complex

bolymer magazind's is highly sofisdigad'd milidary technology :DDDD why dhe fug kurds giben this sensidive gear :DD

Let's be realistic here. Ending up as a US puppet is a risk that every country is vulnerable to at all moments.

Pisspig volunteered at the wrong time.

YPG raise their flag over Tabqah after fully liberating the city from Daesh

Shehid namirin

shit, I hope the situation improves soon. I hope the people are not starving.

Does the YPG accept people who are really short? (5 foot 4)

Yeah I remember hearing how fucked the agriculture system in Rojava was because of the embargo. They couldn't get stuff like fertilizer in time for planting.

It really sucks because people are not going to realize this and be like: "See, commies starving people again"

fucking KDP

shitty training. all these guys would be toast if it wasn't for US air support and supplies. ESPECIALLY the foreign commies.

t. buttmad tankie

Syria fighting ability power rankings:

ISIS > YPG > Nusra > SAA = most rebels



Not mad at all.

Just find it funny that all these LARPing revolutionaries head over to syria while under the protection of the US imperialists and fool themselves into believing they are building some sort of socialist paradise, while US airstrikes and intelligence do all the heavy lifting.

1 of 2 things will happen after ISIS is defeated. The US will back Kurdistan as an independent sovereign state to rival turkey and Erdogan. OR the US abandons the kurds, and the turks start butt fucking the YPG until Assad and the Russians bring the kurds back into the fold as part of the syrian state

either way, your socialist paradise dream will crumble when the kurds understand that they have a chance to finally have their own state. atleast they fought ISIS in some sort of capacity, ill give them that.

here's what will happen: rojava will function with the same amount of autonomy as KRG does in Iraq, and it'll be governed according to democratic confederalism.

and KRG is a… oh thats right. US puppet. that's the best choice.

This makes me think of something Castro wrote in his letter to Obama a year ago. Also the "fail better" thing.

Your first proposal is pure fiction as Rojava works to be a confederated structure within Syria. Read a book.

I mean the level of autonomy the KRG has, not its exact circumstances and style of governance. KRG and Rojava are fundamentally opposed to each and are massively different entities. When given large degrees of autonomy, there'll be large differences in how you govern yourself (ie commune based federal system in Rojava vs nepotistic, corrupt capitalism in KRG).

Eh Barzani wants to leave in November, and after he does there will be a civil war about a week afterwards between the KDP and PUK. If the KDP wins, demconfed might spread eastwards.

Iraq was already under US control when KRG was given autonomy. The kurds would have to make a deal with Assad and the Russians for the same thing to happen, so good luck staying autonomous without paying taxes to assad like a cuck.

Maybe the ideologues and politicians do. but when you put the Kurdish peoples feet to the fire ( Erdogan's massive cock) we'll see who really a commie, or who cares about just being alive.

Except when Gollum tries to wave around his microbenis the kurdish people will rally: i mean 90% of ideological revolutions win by saying "hey look, we are being invaded and we are stopping that: join us".

Also, Turkey is on the verge of civil conflict, the MHP & Grey Wolves are on the verge of withdrawing their popular support for the regime, and that will cause disaster for Erdogan. There's also the fact he purged the army, so its operating capabilities are utter fucking shit (see: Al-Bab).

With the recent Turkish incursions into Northern Syria; I haven't seen anything but support for the SDC and resilience from the the population.
In fact there has been even more support for the confederalist system after Turkish attacks.

SDC has the backing of the US right now. No US backing = no protection for kurds = 100 million dead kurds. when the US comes to collect, you better believe the SDC will do whatever the US wants. including statehood and permanent US bases in Kurdistan. .

Or they could just get Russian backing like they did in Afrin or west Manbij. And it's not like the SDC has leverage over the US. If we've learnt anything from the SDC is that they are masters of diplomacy; for example when they halted attacks against Raqqa in order to get US help against Turkish incursions.

Russian are already backing Assad . Any deal between Russia and the kurds will involve the SDC becoming part of the syrian state.

Mate no. ISIS at this rate is a joke.


do you faggots forget how bad the kurds were getting fucked at kobane until the US stepped in? they were literally begging the US to step in. there were campaigns for it.

Tens of thousands of airstrikes and every single military actor in the region being against you will do that.

ISIS then vastly outnumbered and outgunned YPG. YPG had rusty AK's and ISIS were coming at them with hundreds and hundreds of elite Chechen units and all the spoils they got from SAA and ISF before running away. Even before the airstrikes YPG were holding out better vs ISIS than anyone else, but that's not to say they were winning, they weren;t.

I don't understand what you're getting at. The SDC already works alongside the Syrian government and Russian and accept that the SDC will probably work under the Syrian government.
The SDC is playing both sides (Russia and America) for their survival and are not technically tied to each.
Not everything the US touches becomes CIA operative American patriots otherwise the Afghan war would never of happened.

Yes, and do you now not see how badly ISIS is getting fucked by the SDF and YPG? No shit they'd want US support when ISIS IS LITERALLY AT THEIR DOORSTEP. They'd have taken ANYONE'S support then. Pull your stick out of your ass.

you're not clever if you make any of these points, stop it

?, Manbij Military Council, YPG, SDF, YPJ, Raqqa Hawks

anyone recognise the first flag?

I don't know it but no doubt it is one of the democratically minded former FSA batallions that joined the SDF when the FSA went all "Saleel Al-Sawarim".

IS used literally 50 tanks in Kobani. There is literally a heartbreaking video when YPG has to resort to throwing grenades at IS tanks due to lack of anti-armour equipment.

Kobani canton is the shittiest canton militarily. It is not protected by mountains by Afrin and does not have the manpower and border with KRG that Jazira has

No surprise that connecting Jazira and Kobani has been one of the most vital objectives fir the YPG since the war started

gotta love MLKP

Wow that is beautiful.

From PPGs twitter
Which one of you fucks is this

a nazbol a few months ago sent a pm to the IFB facebook page, and bitched about it in the old apo thread. many keks were had.

Huh, just the other day I asked someone here why fly to Sulaymaniyah since Erbil is much closer to the border, and he said you might get arrested by Barzani.

If he was bedridden but lucid, couldn't he simply dictate his letters?

Wait what. Aren't KDP literally the worst thing about the Kurds? Or you mean that a KDP victory would force a conflict between them and the rest of the Kurds?

I think he mistook them for PUK

Would we classify Rojava as Socialist, and if not, does it have any potential to become Socialist? I'm aware of DemConfed but I'm not aware if its overall message is akin to Socialism.

Well it depends on your exact limitations to socialism. They have not eliminated private property but at the same time they've established a great many cooperatives

Cooperatives on their own =/= Socialism though.

as said it depends on your definition of socialism. I personally think the most accurate/reasonable definition would be an economic system were the people not private individuals is the main influence of it's relations. Which Rojava fits as it has a significant portion of cooperatives and the local direct democratic municipal communes develop the economy. The communes can at anytime intervene in business if they wish to do so.

Hell no. Rojava has private property even and they aren't materialists.

It's basically a Social Democracy with plebescitarian elements. They also will never transform into socialism, they don't have the industrial base and don't seem to have the determination to go through a phase of socialist construction. It's basically a comfy middle-eastern utopian commune, which may work as long as they aren't overstretching, but it is in no way socialist or maybe not even leftist.

I didn't mean that they were, but establishing them certainly seems to me to point towards genuine ideological socialistness

According to that logic medieval guilds were on their way to socialism.

Only through a deliberate intellectually dishonest massaging of both medieval guilds and cooperatives.

Well, almost the entire economy is cooperative or single-person businesses so it seems like the MOP are within worker ownership.

yea why would you hate someone selling out your country to US imperialism?


This. Though they still have private property, it seems that they're on their way to transitioning from a capitalist mode of production to a socialist one.

Read Marx

You realize Marx wasn't right about everything don't you? To treat him as an infallible messiah is madness

Yeah but to think you can have socialism without the productive base is utopian. This isn't just some a priori statement of Marx, a single look over to Laos should prove that.

Explain to me why production for use requires a strong industrial base please

There is this highly emotional speech by Janet Biehl partly on that issue: Really hits close and makes you feel the hope that rests on projects like Rojava. It also makes you understand the response to Russias revolution by world wide communists.

Production for use exists in feudalism as well, it's not exclusive to Socialism.

The socialist mode of production is production for use. They are producing for use and in fact they're in no position to produce for profit because they have hardly anyone to sell their commodities to.

Last I checked there weren't any lords and serfs in Rojava

You dont even have to look at Marx to understand that Rojava on itself will have huge problems to develop production for use and to dettach itself from the market. Ideal case is a highly socialized and communalized market "socialism" that offers way more stabillity and richness than the sorrounding regions.

Bookchin focus on technology wasnt random, he fully understood that it is needed to not just be a bunch of agrarian communes, he saw revolutionary potential outside of the industrial proletariat but that socialism will develop through pure idealism and better social organisation was never his point imo.

Rojava has 2-4 million inhabitants in an agrarian region that lacks water, and has almost no industry or even education institutes. We have to be realistic and understand that Rojava will be at best a springboard for further revolutionary movements while showing that alternative ways are possible.

They have to get capital to build up even light industry and develop their oil industry, for that they have to sell goods. And they do that: oil and sheep, vegetables ect. Afrin produces a lot of olive products and stuff like jeans and soap.

There is no way to create an internal non market situation while being deeply embedded into the international capitalist system. To come even near you would need excessive centralisation and even then state apperatus would run the whole country like corporation extracting profits to finance needed products from the market.

Rojava has no intention of being limited to the kurdish region last time I checked. Don't just dismiss social organization as being ultimately irrelevant to the creation of a socialist system. That they can not produce for use because they do not have an industrial base, or that they cannot develop an industrial base while maintaining production for use is as of yet not been determined. What we do see is that all of their intentions and organizational methods point to this as their ultimate goal though.

I am a Communalist, I dont dismiss social organisation at all. While they dont aim to be limited to Rojava it will be a very long term process, just as the hoped transition to a fully communalized economy producing for use.

We have to stay realistic and understand what we can reasonable learn from Rojava. Hoping against better knowledge for full socialism would be counterproductive and will just create another group claimed to be a failure because they didnt achieve unrealistic goals in western leftist discussion.

You have a point, but I would still say that though Rojava is still reliant on capital accumulation in order to develop its industry, there is a growing communal organisation in the country where various parts of the economy are socially owned, and which eventually could grow to be dominant once the country is self-sustaining.

A system can still be socialist and still have aspects of it that entail production for exchange, all that is really required is that the dominate form of production be for use. The dominate form of production could be for use and at the same time other resources could be procured through exchange based production. Oil can be the medium by which exchange can take place and the rest of the economy can still be based on production for use.

It is incredibly frustrating to read all these replies that are based not on actual facts but ignorant opinions. Read Serok Apo. You guys talk about Rojava like how christian conservatives talk about socialism and islam. Shut the fuck up and read his actual works ffs.

because of the ba'athist pigs underdeveloped northern Syria for racist intent. It was the exact economic domination that Öcalan described in 1999.

In other words, statecapitalism (pic related). Apoism seeks economic autonomy, the only other choices are capitalist modernity and statecapitalism. This is one of the reason why he removed himself from MLism.

There's no centralised authority. Democratic Confederalism is a mode for the entire middle east, it is not solely the answer to the kurdish question.

Democratic Confederalism literally seeks socialism/collectivism within economic autonomy. How is that not socialist? Oh, right, you define socialism as representatory :)
Fuck your daddy

It's closer to anarchist than socialist, isn't it? Regardless, it's some new shade of left.

This is a good thing. To regress to materialism after the creation of dialectical naturalism, would be as bad as the Old Left regressing to idealism after the creation of materialism. Dialectical naturalism is the future of the Left, and the most advanced development in German Idealism.


Actually wew'd. I really hope to God they are doing this ironically.


you know I remember a foreign volunteer who who was involved in battles against SAA in Qamishli ( as well as lots of operations against ISIS) saying how easy it was to fight against SAA in comparison to ISIS. and you look at the Battle of Hasakah and YPG and Asayish absolutey wiped the floor with SAA, despite airstrikes raining down on them for a lot of their offensives.

I expect fighting against ISIS has made YPG themselves so much stronger.

never really seen ocalan speak before but this is relevant today

Has anyone seen this documentary on the aftermath of the Kobani Siege? It looks really good Kobani

available in full with english subs here

that part where they are cleaning the bodies was disgusting. fuck isis, man

Is dialectical naturalism just dialectical materialism but with everyone naked?


My body wasn't ready for that pic.

/k/ is shitting on the YPG

So is /k/ just jehovah's witnesses with gun fetishes?

Holla Forums /k/ is literally just Holla Forums with a hobby.

Peak Orientalism. Fucking liberals man

SDF has a lot of these things now.

Any comrades here also following what's going on in Ukraine? Any twitter feeds worth looking at?

I dunno, there are a lot of /k/omrades there.

Almost there. Big push from Qadisiyah next.

Raqqa's gonna be a fucking bloodbath.

Manbij post liberation has been such a success story.

Alot of the /k/ guys are just there to fight ISIS. nothing more, nothing less. Most of them are ex military or have had training prior to going to rojava.

Holla Forums likes to think only commie sympathisers go there, but it's a mix of alot of different people.

Isn't the green triangle with the red star on his right shoulder YPJ's flag?


Huh, I think it is. You can even make out the 'J' in YPJ.

The famous Trans/k/ender Brigade in the fight against islamofascism.

Yes, I mean the haircut is pretty androgynous and you can't make out if there are breasts or not from the position so it may be a grill.

At the end of the day they are fighting for an organisation that promotes democracy, liberty and socialism: the same way that a decent amount of people that went to Spain those 85 years ago were fighting Fascism. I don't care about their motivations, heck even if they are there just because they like shooting people, they are doing good.

Also, TIL that Gunter Helsten aka Rustem Cudi died back in Feb. He was a former BRD army & legion etrangere vet. There's a VICE interview of him out there somewhere, he is a real hero that saw the democratic confederalist system being built in Rojava and wanted to help spread it. Pic related.

There seems to be a good degree of autonomy in badge wearing with the YPG. Some wear both YPJ and YPG badges, some wear the Ocalan badge, some just wear the single YPJ or YPG badge. Course that's not even taking into account SDF and the array of badges there.

I really don't like the look of that second pic…

under the 'remembering' tab there's a great tribute to Rustem by YPG. Sounds like an amazing guy.

Guy in the second pic was captured by Sham Legion by the looks of it. Dunno what happened to him - I can't read Arabic,

No read Bookchin instead. Also all your Öcalan reading wont help you to understand how the reality on the grounds is.

Speaking of which, is there some estimation of what percentage of rebels are islamists? Because it seems to be damn near 100% of them these days.

You mean Salafists? Estimates are all over the place, I have seen anywhere from 50% to 80% last time I checked. It could be higher now. If you include moderate Islamists the number is even higher but not 100% There are still quite a few secular rebels, or at least there were last time I looked at the numbers. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 10-30 percent. Of course, that number may have gone down but there are probably still a lot of secularists they just don't have the funding and support the extremists do so they aren't able to make nearly as much noise in the war.

I wonder if the half dozen secular rebels will ever twig up to the fact that their only chance of survival is joining the SDF.

And if you include ISIS among rebels, which it should be anyway? The percentage of secularists must be in the single digits.

The salafist groups keep the few token secular groups around because western governments feel comfortable giving them shit like ATGMs and TOWs. The minute le moderate rebels receive these Nusra then comes in and says 'hand it over' and the token rebel groups are not strong enough to do anything but oblige.

Does anybody know how known Bookchin is in Rojava? I know they have "ideology lessons" where they study Apos work, but what about Bookchin?

Here's a vid of PKK's ideology sessions up in the mountains, one of the female guerillas talks a bit about Bookchin and the Ecology of Society. From what I've read PKK fighters are considered very scholarly and well read, whereas YPG fighters vary in their knowledge of the theory. It makes sense. I remember seeing the curriculum for ideological training in YPG, and it included Bookchin but only excerpts of his stuff. Whereas PKK read the full books. The nature of the conflicts in Turkey and Syria mean PKK have less urgency to act and thus more time to read.

Half of them will be out of commission and being cannibalized by the first operational week.

He really was amazing. His story is unbelievable and still amazes me.

It's really the type of unbelievable story that movies have.

The only major secular rebel faction left is the Southern Front. The rest have either been consumed by the Islamists or joined the SDF; Jaysh al-Thuwar being one of the largest.

Was taught that you can do this in Finland, at least with the modified AK that is our service weapon :D

When you are moving around? Bad idea. Policy where I was is to always take of it if you are using it

sure in principal, bu visibility and stability is also imporant

looked at this as well, but you exageratte, I've run around and shot and shot with an AK, its not like the recoil is gonna make the rifle fly out of your hands, at this range having free mobility with the rifle is more important than stability, recoil is more of a worry when you are trying to hit something from a long range, than you want the rifle very stable so you can hit repeatedly with a very little spread, not relevant in a fucking courtyard m8

You have a point with a lot of these, but you seem to be nitpicking. My guess is you have shot guns, but not been in the army.

t. knower and 9 months enslaved as conscruiption solider in the republic of Finland

This is a really nice vid of a photographer recording his time with the Kurds.

Hasn't war always been like this? Even WW2 wasn't 6 years of Stalingrad.

Their movement is worse than their weapons manipulation. it screams untrained. no formation, no stacks, no sentries, its just bad. Who the fuck is even in charge? it seems like everyone is just doing their own thing.

I take it they're generic anti-Assadists?

Southern Front is, they're basically the closest rebel faction to the FSA meme. Jaysh al-Thuwar are DemCons who identify as part of the FSA.

There is the Free Idbil Army and the New Syrian Army/Maghar Al-Thuwar that are secular rebels.

its also not a new thing. western Anti-ISIS fighters have been going to rojava since the beginning. it would be interesting to see how many foreign volunteers are communist/leftists, compared to how many just want to fight ISIS. .

I don't think the Free Idlib Army is very influential and IIRC the New Syrian Army/Maghar Al-Thuwar are part of the Southern Front.


Honestly, I like Iran because they aren't currently genociding anybody and they oppose Israel. If they had nukes, the region would be more stable. And stability usually leads to more freedom for the average person. Take how Iranian women lived before and after US regime change. Then they had to overthrow our puppet, and they're still recovering.

My understanding is they've basically stopped accepting "just wants to fight isis" because a lot of them were more trouble than they were worth.

Eh I don't know if they stopped, but for a while they had a lot of burgers go over there and be like "WTF UR DAMMNED GOMMIS".

This book was found with Turkish member of Daesh. It's called "Memoirs of Men of Jihad". Printed in Istanbul. lel at the cover

Here is the inside cover.

Useful "know your enemy" material or Krekar fiction?

Most of those types joined the Peshmerga in Iraq by now iirc

I assume the latter.

hezbollah > all the above

Source? Why would they do That? I would rather accept an anti-ISIS fighter with military or medical training than faggot hipster lefties like pisspig who've never held a gun in their lives.

they don't turn away people for not being leftists, but the YPG international questionnaire explicitly makes it clear that you'll be fighting for a leftist revolution and that they don't want fascists or racists who just want to kill muslims

The page says 18 in army, 10 in Legion, 6 as merc. Anyway, where did you read about the sniper thing?

Remember one guy named Scott was transferred to a Assyrian unit and fought for them.

He made some memes about himself holding a light machine gun with his unit around him.


if you just want to fight ISIS, just join the US military goddamn

Started fights, kept defacing enemy bodies, generally kept causing morale problems.

the none leftists who joined up tended to be crazy people that did shit like be crusader LARPers or eat people.

why are their women fighters?

why not?

why wouldn't they be?



I guess this was to be expected eventually. If the US turns its back on the YPG the only solution is closer relations with Russia, and taking the fight to Turkey and that treacherous swine Barzani.

Anti-USA protest of Syrian Communist Party in YPG-held Hasakah

I can't wait till the US pulls out and the YPG is wiped out.

This is just saying that YPG won't add Raqqa to part of their territory. This was always the plan.

this is almost definitely in the Assad held part of Hasakah, and is probably organised by one of the two communist parties that is in a coalition with the Baath party. Only about 6 people there anyway so it's not really relevant.

It's the Syrian Communist Party that's protesting and they support Assad. But they're protesting in an YPG town.

is this bait

The YPG doesn't hold territory. Cities and villages are autonomous and linked together by DemCon. They'll probably create an Arab Military Council or something like that to act as the YPG in the region, but it likely won't be any ideologically different than the YPG.

Those guys are way too close together.
They could be fucked by a rifle spray or a launched grenade.

To be fair, the YPG has to hold it for a little while in order for the local self defence forces to have time to train and organize.

Part of their philosophy on women's liberation.

It was a good life and an even better death. Martyrs never die.

true. no one remembers mike dipstick but even today leftists remember joe hill

top class undercover work on life in Idlib. Would fucking love all the western pro rebel journalists who hate YPG to step foot inside these places.

they'll keep calling them the 'moderate rebels' lmao
why the fuck don't these fuckers just join ISIS?

following the syrian civil war has taught me jihadists are worse than trots when it comes to splitting over the most marginal shit

the video has delet
do someone save that?

Its Liwa Ahrar Raqqa which is made of ex-Jihad in the Path of God members and previously was affiliated with both Jaysh Al-Salam and Euphrates Volcano (EV is pretty much the OG SDF)

apparently rather than damaging the integrity of the dam SDF negotiated with ISIS to leave the dam without their weapons and guaranteed them a safe exit if they did so.

the thing is, the coalition weren't clued in on the deal and annihilated said ISIS members with airstrikes the minute the were away from the dam and in open ground.

worked out well in the end i suppose


Were there women and children in their convoy?

Oh, well :^)

Tbh, I do lack empathy for their fighters families. We total war Sherman style up in this bitch

Pro-Erdogan Turkish nationalists attack a anti-Erdogan protest in Washington DC, USA with a few wounded and taken to the hospital.

real edgy

Erdogan and Trump just had their meeting. Did a joint press conference.

Trump referred to the PKK (but not the YPG) as a terrorist organization. Stressed the fight against terror and praised Turkey/Erdogan. Erdogan refrained from saying PKK=YPG but he did say that YPG/PYD was taking advantage of the situation and that it was not acceptable for them to "reshape" northern Syria. Both Trump and Erdogan seemed very positive towards each other.

Not at all surprised, Erdogan just needs to praise Trump a bit to stroke his ego and Trump will reciprocate, the guy is that moldable.

That's a shitty thing to do, especially to apparently non-fanatics willing to surrender, but ultimately it's going to act as propaganda for ISIS in saying "See, this is what happens if you surrender!"

I have a feeling they knew about it and someone in the Coalition was just really trigger happy.

Erdogan's bodyguards assaulting Yazidi, Kurdish and Armenian protestors in Washington. Makes me sick. If they're doing this in a foreign country imagine how bad they are back in turkey

Maybe it's time for a new PKK branch.

Not that I'd ever advocate violence or terrorism, that's never a solution.

tbh this was the perfect type of event for Antifa to protect leftists and minorities from fascist thugs but none of them showed up. they'd prefer to LARP at Trump rallies.

It's so hilarious but also so fucking sad.

what did they mean by this?


Protest was kinda lackluster. They needed to bring out some huge pictures of all the shit Turkey in doing in Bakur, have some chants about genocide, carry around some posters talking about the laws discriminating against the Kurds, etc.

It's pretty pathetic that professionals part of a diplomatic unit are getting into brawls and shouting matches with protesters.



The left has shown an incredible amount of support of Rojava. Even our Lord and Saviour Zizek has shown support of it.

All of my what

Literally striving for a socialist system.

nice interviews here, first with antifa tabur members and second with manbij civilian council members. second one's in german but google translate does a fine job with it.

feels like every fucking post syriancivilwar mentioning YPG gets destroyed with turks saying "YPG = PKK TERRORISTS" shit man it's exhausting

Nice meme.

Muh nationalists!!111!!! literally the second coming of Hitler

Created a poll to get everyone's opinion on the whole "is Rojava Socialist" issue.

the FIA has some Islamists in it too. As for the NSA, they are part of the Southern Front but they split apart and are now the Revolutionary Commandos Army

Seriously though. How is YPG/PKK different from ISIS? They both use car bombs, suicide bombers, kill civilians(accidentally or not).

Lazy bait.

Chill. It's just an honest question.


For fuck's sake lads. Can any of you not answer my question?

It's a pretty retarded question to ask. You literally have a toddler's understanding of the issue if you're truly being serious.

If they had ever been used, they've stopped using them since the 90s
Name one group in the SCW that hasn't and get back to me. Accidental civilian deaths re, unfortunately, a part of war. ISIS has gone on genocidal rampages against the Yazidi, Shia, and Christian populations of Iraq and Syria. The YPG/PKK has maybe killed a few civilians in crossfire.

Your question is pretty stupid, as says. Their similarities begin and end at the tactics they use (used), and even then the way thay go (went) about it are vastly different. It's like equating the IRA with ISIS. The PKK is a revolutionary vanguard party, the YPG is an army within the SDF, and ISIS is a Wahhabi proto-state.

Looks like I was wrong there. Even so, your conflation of the two groups is a hilarious fallacy. Even Erdogan could see that there's a difference between ISIS and the YPG/PKK.

There has been a few select cases since but nowhere near the level of ISIS or other islamists.
Consider the fact they dont have ATGMs/TOWs and as such resort to this. SVBIEDs are very effective and trading 1 life for a lot more is worth it.

I would pretend to be an assadist just to get near Mimi, she a qt

a few years back people here supported the "revolution".
turns out the "rebels" were just US alqueda proxies.
Now people here support the western backed kurds.
what could possibly go wrong?

A lot, but if their attitudes are anything to go off of, they know very well that they're being used as a force to defeat ISIS and want to remain independent. They aren't the Mujaheddin.

Who fucking did?

who in their right mind would support the "revolution" after looking at the middle east post-US intervention

FFS, one of the prevailing opinions I've heard here is that the Arab Spring was engineered by the US, and they even gave compelling evidence for it.

They're progressive nationalists and utopian socialists. No need to get hot under the collar about it. It's just what they are. Their efforts are admirable, only the snooty leftcoms will tut and preen themselves from their armchairs.

Go on then.

How can they be nationalists if they're explicitly anti-nationalist.

t. Ocalan

They are more anti nation-statist.

Ocalan also saw the need for a democratic and autonomous structure to accommodate minorities in Kurdish regions, something that the PYD has done well. It's also partly what led to Ocalan leaving Marxism-Leninism and moving towards Dem Confed.

To dismiss Rojava as "nationalist" is a fallacy. They are an alternative government system in Syria which seeks to empower all ethnic and religious minorities.

This, too, is what I was referring to.

I'm not dismissing it, but it's amusing to see how that word triggers the party faithful. You can be a nationalist and at the same time not a genocidal maniac or an ethnic cleanser. Kurdish nationalism is distinctly progressive in this regard, thanks to Ocalan.

Can't really remember the details and didn't save the link, but basically some guy did some research on some of the big twitter activists during the Arab Spring and found that a lot of them had been attending camps organised by some alphabet soup organisation on how to organise an uprising through social media. What the US was trying to do was topple the remaining nationalist states in the Middle East and replace them with something more pliable, but without all the invading and occupations like with Iraq, since that's not popular. So they would stage a democratic uprising by funding all these activists which would either topple the regime or lead to a civil war after which they could freely drop bombs on everyone.
Dunno, found it pretty compelling, but I have my doubts. Didn't look any further into it.

Again, Rojava isn't nationalist. The YPG and PYD aren't trying to carve out a nation-state, an ethnic enclave or some other hegemonic monopoly.
Their approach is distinctly pluralistic, and they've taken considerable steps in negating even the appearance of nationalism.

It was Mohammed Bouazizi who started it off, not alphabet soup.

No, obviously. They're creating an autonomous democratic nation that happened to begin in a majority Kurdish area, following the teachings of a well-known Kurdish nationalist.

They're building a confederation of communities. Unless you think every (con)federal project is "nationalist."
And Ocalan was a Kurdish nationalist, nowadays he advocates DemCon, a solution for the entire middle east.

Read Ocalan.

I have read Ocalan. That stuff about the democratic nation in Kurdistan was translated and published in 2016. Rhetoric about it being a solution for the Middle East is just that. In reality, it's confined to Kurdish areas – and the areas being liberated right now, Raqqa for example, will be returned to the regime IIRC. The existence of a federation is meaningless by itself, btw. Russia is a federation. They still have nationalists. Nationalism can still run beneath the surface, as it famously did in Yugoslavia. And I think it's willful blindness on the part of some people here who think that this isn't about securing the needs of the Kurdish people, at the end of the day. Ocalan didn't mince words about it. I don't see why it's controversial. They're not being assholes. They're doing a good job of looking after minorities and minimizing civilian casualties. The Kurds should know what it feels like to be mistreated, that experience has informed their politics and their warfare – it shows.

I highly recommend this website to get occasional news on rojavas social municipal economy. Recent reports also indicate a push towards creation of more communally controlled cooperatives.

ISIS is not a major player in the region anymore. its losing ground everywhere where the opponent has men to throw at them.
the kurds are on the otherhand are geopolitically cornered.
theyre either an asset for US foregein policy in the region or theyre on their own against the turks.
in the former case theyre bound to be surrounded by enemy forces and completely dependednt on the US for security.

as far as i remeber there were alot of people, predominantly from the US, on the left that jumped on the andwagon. Socialist alternative was one prime example

Unconfirmed rumours denied by everyone that is involved mostly pushed by buthurt rebels. Could happen ofc but there is no tangible thing to base this opinion on. Wont comment on the rest, personally I think you cant judge yet how the nationalism will develop there yet, its to ambigous.

as far as their local areas are concerned, yes. as for entire syria, lolno

Kurdish majority areas. Mostly. And that picture becomes even more hazy if you include refugees.

Source? I keep hearing this rumor, but as far as official news goes it will run locally by a council similar to Manbij.

Is this moving the goal post? "Rojava may not be nationalist, but they have nationalists!".
Interesting that you mentioned this. They've been cracking down on nationalist parties. Including the pro-ethnic cleansing Barzani henchmen. (KDP & KNC)
So much for "nationalism."

It's about securing the needs of all people in Syria, and eventually the middle east. Including Kurds.

It's factually incorrect. It doesn't matter if not offense or criticism is intended. Besides. It's a major anti-YPG/PYD/Federation talking point.

It's an inclusive nationalism. It's not about blood and soil, it's about allowing Kurdish people to be culturally Kurdish – everyone willing to cooperate can join.

Like it's just what I heard. No telling what will happen afterwards but it wouldn't be the first time they've relinquished gains to the regime by mutual agreement. Tbh I'd be surprised if they did considering how much they're going to bleed for it in the months to come.

I know all too well about Barzani and Apoist clashes with the KPD and KNC.

It's not factually incorrect. You can choose to ignore inconvenient statements from Ocalans own writings if you wish. I don't feel like arguing this point any longer. And I can talk about this without being anti-DFSNS.

tankies are now saying PKK orchestrated the yazidi genocide with ISIS

holy shit this is sad

another woke tankie take:

kurds are a monolithic bloc of people, and they're all zionist stooges

And PissPig is as antizionist as it goes… Really the retardation that sorrounds Rojava from tankies is insane.

Look at how much he refuses to accept the fact that Rojava is THE MOST POWERFUL FORCE IN SYRIA right now.

Literally, since a Turkish military occupation is still science fiction, calling the YPG the most powerful army in Syria is actually factually accurate. (unless Erdogan has proof that YPG=PKK, in which case please share!)

And to console himself of this CRUSHING fact, he makes them seem nationalist.

Do your little speeches make you feel better?

Does it make all the scary feelings go away?

Does it make you feel morally superior to oppose the people the Islamic State wants you to oppose?

Show your propaganda to the western imperialists when they take away your nukes. Oops I mean your NATO membership. Oops I mean your "partnership". Yeah because lying to yourself by changing words works just as well as lying to yourself by blaming Gulen.

But hey, I bet you're super democratic right? Can we get a time stamp image of you conducting fair elections? I guess Democratic Confederalism would seem nationalist to you. But for most people, it is actually pretty progressive. OH! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you again! I'm sorry honey. No no, they are terrorists like your widdle propaganda showed. Hush now darling, it's okay. Mean old Rojava who wants to improve the middle east is terrorist just like you depicted. It's not like the PYD is in control of northern Syria, millions of kurds who pledged their undying loyalty to Apo, assyrians, turkmen, and even millions of arabs (who you illegally expel every day) who would gladly pick up arms and fight for them if push came to shove.

Nope, since you made a speech accusing them of being nationalist, they are nationalist. Because you are a dictator and reality is what YOU decide it is. Reality is a PKK terrorist plot don't cha know? Just close your eyes and hum the Turkish anthem. Live your life bouncing between absolute fear and madness. That'll win you the needed votes by 2019.

Not sure if this is copypasta or if user just exploded

ok im not saying that being anti-zionist is the same as anti-jew but the way she calls him a zionist, its a bit "u joo"
twitter tankies were a mistake

it's pasta


Rojava is absolutely​ nationalist. It does, however, have an ideological opposition to national CHAUVINISM.
"I would like to be able to teach my children the same language I speak, share the same traditional holidays I celebrate, etc and also for others like me to also be able to do the same"-just fine, nominally "a spook" but also something you're never going to get rid off.

I really need to ask, I'm in a group called stand with kurdistan on fedbook, and the kurdish people seem to be all buddy buddy with israel, without a hint of irony. Please, someone fill me in on their relationship and why they seem to like eachother. Did I just stumble onto a shitty group or?

Israel, like the US and Russia, has supported Rojava in the past. IDK why they'd like Israel so much, but that's just an explainer

They probably do it because that's what the popular social justice position to have.
And they probably fell for the meme of Israel being Democratic and enlightened.

Well, an independent Kurdistan involves fucking over 4 Muslim countries, 2 of which are openly inimical to Israel, so them getting chummy seems like realpolitik to me. Even tho Israel might be supporting ISIS too.

I am looking for a documentary on Rojava in 2013 which in one scene has a PYD official showing off different passports of militants in Syria, as well as spray painting on captured villages by the Taliban
I don't remember what it was called, and it was when they were still fighting FSA/Nusra and not only ISIS early on in the war.

I think it was a Vice documentary.

I think you're right

Many Kurds respect Israel for carving out a nation sorrounded by hostule states, which is exactly what Kurdistan would be to.

There is no known support or connection between Israel and Rojava though.

Obviously the US will use groups to further those goals, but that doesn't make those groups anything other than pawns to the NatSec apparatus. Conflating that with the YPG being a CIA puppet is moronic and lacking in nuance.

The new episode of Delete Your Account with PissPig goes heavily into Rojava:

It's just practical. The PKK was supported by the PLO in the past

interesting stuff
aslo the story behind PPGs username is both funny and disgusting.


get your terminology straight

PKK in Syria/Turkey are different from the KDP in Iraq. The latter is a reactionary ally of US, Israel, and Turkey. The difference between these too is a source of confusion, as accusations of say, ethnic cleansing of Assyrians, are actually true for the latter.

it appears there's large discontent brewing in euphrates shield held areas. corruption reigns.

makes you admire SDF's competence, devotion and integrity all the more.

Some good articles on Co-operative Economy. The first is a Marxist analysis on Rojava's and Bakur's economy, the second is an interview. I'd encourage everyone to read them.

The SDF is the only really competent and organized force in the country. Even the SAA is full of incompetence.

The people of Khafsa protested for SAA to leave and they wanted SDF to come, and they got what they wanted. Tens of thousands of refugees and migrants pouring into SDF areas from as far as Iraq. Word is travelling that Rojava is a good place to be I think.

whats the story fam

from twitter:

"A soldier without political education is just a potential criminal." Political engagement and just behavior tend to go hand in hand.

im sure your CNN analysts were there to confirm it. goverment forces are only held back by the lack of manpower and equipment, otherwise theyre advancing in all directions they can. except in southern syria where the sam people that fund kurds are bombing them for attacking terrorists

Just because you are advancing doesnt mean you are organised

Der Spiegel posted a big article about the Iraqi Army committing war crimes against civilians in Mosul. I think Syria will recover but the sectarian divides in Iraq seem permanently fucked. ISIS still has a broad degree of support in Iraq, and likely will for a long time.



Government forces are fucking loaded with equipment, they just kept dropping it and running away. Same as the Iraqi Army. Explains how fucking loaded ISIS were.


The Revolution Commandos are advancing in the south too, reportedly to take al-Qaim and other towns in Deir ez-Zor, while the Iraqi Army attacks from the East. This is part of the US's plan to defeat ISIS on the Euphrates.

Revolution commandos are a few hundred at most and got annihilated by ISIS the last time they tried to seriously fight ISIS. Skeptical as to how much they can achieve.

Started at Kobani now we're here.
Started at Kobani now the whole squad's here.

They've managed to hold onto the territory they've captured so far, but the Army is kicking their asses right now. You might be right.


It's amazing to see how far they've come since Kobani. No amount of US Airstrikes could have brought them here. This was due to the YPG's and SDF's willpower and commitment.

SDF so close to Raqqa they can now see the city for the first time. Almost there. ISIS inside the city can no doubt hear the war at the city's doorstep too. Almost there.



more communes everyday, outside kurdish areas too :DD



I am nervous that a stand off between the arab militias and the YPG/J will happen. I have seen reports of "friction" between the factions aswell. Will Liwa Thuwar al Raqqa join the FSA formed DEZMC against the SDF?

Bu-but guyz it cant be real! Wath about muh CIA vassal?

That particular FSA unit is always causing trouble. It's not that they're Arab it's that they have ties to Turkey.

Never meant to imply that. I am fully aware of apoist pluralism and the amount of arabs in the YPG. But we have to consider that these all-arab factions with tribal and reactionary sentiments do pose a counterrevolutionary threat, especially if they are supported by Turket as you state. (source for that btw?)

how many communes do they have in total?

well they sure seem to be capable of advancing and destroying enemy offensives while being outnumbered, what could possibly the reason behind this?


its 2014+3, come out of the hole

the goal for the US and their forces down there is to prevent syrian and iraqi forces meeting up at the border and taking control of an as large as possible area to make some kind of a "DMZ" where the US can pretend they have a no fly zone over, like kosovo in 1999


pretty exhaustive account of all the SDF forces

I don't know how many times it needs to be said but the Anti Fascist Tabur is not a member of the IFB.

Also the Revolutionary headquarters has been dissolved into the United Freedom Forces.

folks we need YPG to go truly international

kurds only live in Iraq, Syria, turkey and iran.

i sometimes wonder if she's still alive :(

Pharmacists and doctors are forming a cooperative to collectivly buy the needed medicine from abroad. Most interestingly they are planning a medicine factory in Qamishli.

IAT is part of the IFB now?

Liwa Thuwar al-Raqqa and Jaish al-Thuwar may leave the SDF after Raqqa. They both still consider themselves FSA, but just want to fight ISIS for the Government.

Many new communes founded around Manbij, happy to see no Apo flags around. Toning down on the Apo worship is more than needed:

This depection of the IFB is wrong af, IAT is independent and so is the IPRGF

Nah the IRPGF is part of the IFB, they announced it on their facebook. I always new the IAT was independent though.

*knew wtf

I've heard about Thuwar al Raqqa leaving after Raqqa but JaT have been with SDF since pre Manbij and will stay on for as long as SDF exists. Plus they're mostly stationed around Afrin and Manbij.

that flag on the wall is of Komita Kedera, which I think is part of TEVDEM. They do a lot of work in establishing communes and trade unions and such. guys like these are the hearbeat of the revolution.

Yeah, these people, SYPG, and the self organised youth groups dont get enough attention. Ideological united but organisationally diverse.

Liwa Thuwar al-Raqqa are just moaners who have a problem with the political dominance of TEV-DEM and Kurdish commanders over the SDF.
This would be a fair issue to have if it wasn't for the fact that by not getting involved in the Raqqah offensive; Liwa Thuwar al-Raqqa delegitimises the Arab contingent of the SDF.
All other Arab groups within the SDF don't have this problem because they understand that the more they work with the Rojava project; they will grant more political significance to Arabs within the SDC.

Case in point: Al Sanadid. Tribal autonomists content to work within TEVDEM power structures. Probably the YPG's greatest ally on the ground, and the SDF group that has YPG's trust the most. And they're Arab.


I don't want to go through 450 posts itt, so someone tell me what I need to know about joining the YPG? The very essentials. Even just link the informative posts, please!

YPG-International is what you want to google and contact. They have some guides on what to do, but the most important thing you should start right at this moment if you actually are serious is learning some Kurdish. If you dont speak a little bit of Kurdish you will be pretty useless.

Remember that you can contact SYPG for civilian volunteering if you have any skills at all.

that sounds like something I would do in Fallout NV

Contact them through here. Be patient, it'll take a while to complete the process they're in a war.

(put them into google translate, the turn out perfect)

read these to get a good insight into life as a foreign volunteer in the YPG, from boarding the flight to the training camp.

Some kind user might have the Lions of Rojava list of recommended things to bring. Or the YPG international questionnaire.

Other than learning Kurmanji, reading up on the Kurdish struggle, Ocelan, the PKK, the civil war itself, Kurdish history and other basic shit; I recommend looking through this;

I hope you already know that you need to contact YPG-International @
when you contact them they ask you questions mostly relating to your personality and revolutionary commitment. Unfortunately I don't have these questions on my PC atm but hopefully another user will post them.
But learning Kurmanji is pretty important. If you struggle to learn languages without audio/phonetic aids (which is a problem considering all Kurmanji online courses don't have audio aids) I recommend learning Turkish from Duolingo (considering a majority of the IFB are Turks) and make your way down to the level 57 stuff if you feel like it.
Good luck comrade!

If you had told me ten years ago that there would be communes in Syria, I would had asked was a commune and where is Syria. After the explanation I would had said you are nuts.

Today I feel like this experiment that seemed like a Dream is becoming more and more real.

wait why is pisspig saying that?


RIP Turkish tanks.

How do you think they get initial startup costs?

Two new fire engines in Hasakah!


Tabqah allready returning back to normal

Apparently SYPG is MLKP's political wing in Rojava. Wouldn't have thought ML's would be the ones helping build communes and such but it's great.

Indeed. Especially when you consider the strong emphasis on pluralism within the TEV-DEM

People have failed to mention that YPG isn't taking any volunteers atm. My homie was approved and bought tickets only to find out 1-2 weeks ago that they couldn't bring anyone in for atleast another month. It's highly probable that they wont accept anyone for several months more. Email them but I doubt you will get a reply within weeks. Consider the fact that they don't need fighters. Hundreds of fighters are graduating every other month. As pkk1978 told me: "people with specialities are needed to truly help the revolution. Take the time to go to university. The party will wait for you."
Anyways, make sure to actually learn about Apoism and Kurmanci. Most foreigners who join are apolitical and just want to fight. Others just want to masturbate over the revolution and post pictures with guns, then publishing books thinking they're Orwell. Foreign volunteering has devolved into war tourism. You take a part in a few operations then go home, meanwhile the Kurd stay there. If you are ready to risk your life I don't see how you can't dedicate it to actually rebuilding and helping the people in other means. Contact the SYPG instead.
Anyways since you didn't ask me for my opinion here's a military packaging list and Kurmanci pdf's

Biji heval Chichek. She is an incredible inspiration, an idol really. I haven't seen any martyr statements with her picture and name, it would break my heart.

And the International Revolutionary Peoples Guerrilla Force is also not part of the International Freedom Battalion.

I was planning to fight in the YPG or an allied militia like the IFB and then study in Afrin or Jazira Canton. I'd like to stay in Rojava. What does that make me?

The education in Rojava doesn't equip you with the knowledge engineers, doctors, etc. have in the west. I have never even heard about such a high level of education being available in Rojava. It's a developing society, as such it needs the best resources available. Please realize you can make a much bigger difference if you educate yourself in the west and then move to Rojava. Educated people are needed the most, education Rojava can't supply just yet. You are thinking short term and heavily romanticized, not what's good for the people in the long run.

They're there as practice for civil war in Turkey

They're new for them

I'm not so sure that is the case considering they constantly pose with IFB flags and even said that they were a member of the the IFB.

TBH I really don't know what to study. I was planning on being a teacher there but I have kinda low opinions of academia in the West. I do understand that it would be better for be to study here than there, but it seems like I'm wasting my time here while people actually get shit done there. I'm not quite sure where to go from here.

There is no rush. I am assuming that you are a young man, so there is no need to rush that shit. Exploit the opportunities in the west to become as useful as you can, your full potential so to speak. Trust me when I say that my people's struggle, the kurdish struggle, will go nowhere until the demands of a better tomorrow is met. I am not sure I can change your mind but at the very least study Kurmanci before you go for a couple of months and if you understand the meaning of my words in that time then study in the west (even if it's something short and very useful as paramedic training) and. I realise a couple of years seems like a lot but it isn't. If you really want to fight then there's always the prospect of war with the FSA, Turkey, Daesh insurgency for years to come and even Ba'athist dogs. If Rojava somehow becomes a peaceful land in the coming years then there's always the PKK and even PJAK to join. Good luck, heval. I don't doubt your sincerity nor capability, just think of the people first.

I do and I am. My objective there isn't just to fight, it's to help create an alternative system to Capitalism that can and will work, a system that helps the people of Rojava and Syria instead of political or economic interests. If I wanted to just go there to fight I'd just join the Peshmerga or some FSA/SAA foreign unit, but I won't because neither provide any real alternative. Even if the war ends in a few years I'd be happy to go, but I feel like I'd do more to win people's trust if I fought with them first. Thank you, by the way.

He'll yeah bitch

What professions would need to be recruited from in the west for the DFNS to be able to build towards developing something like the Kuratas?

IRPGF are part of the IFB now. The IFB announced it on their Facebook page a week ago.

Kobani lives!

so does the majority of syrian populated areas


Must have been due to pressure from tev-dem for administrative reasons or something since I remember reading that they didn't want to be part of it because of disagreement over the command structure of the IFB.

Redur Xalil was replaced by a kurd from Damscus iirc
He will recieve a new position

Anyone know when the hell the PKK straight took over large swaths of land in Iraq?

Is it happening boys?

They have had a presence in the mountains. They have training camps and bases there. Dont think its a proper conquered area, more just guerrillas

As said it's more of a guerilla presence than anything , it's specifically the Qandil Mountains which has been a main hub for PKK operations and refuge. Turkey often bombs the area.

Tabqa residents flocking to join SDF


Has anyone got some information on what's been happening in (rebel-held) Marea? Allegedly the SDF has been shelling them, even though they're only civilians.

also, people have been accusing the SDF of rape: Is this true or just anti-SDF news? I've already seen people on Twitter saying the YPG are no bett than Daesh.

Stop. People who compare the YPG to ISIS are like people who say Donald Trump is literally Hitler. These allegations have been found to be false time and time again by international investigators.

Ok, I'm just not too experienced with sources in regards to reporting the war.

Also, what's their problem (outside of ofnthe alleged crimes) with the SDF/YPG? Are they blatant anti-socialists or is there some other agenda they're trying to push?

Thank you all, I am about to contact the YPG. They're recommending to use GnuPG, which I have no idea how to use. Reading on the site I get the impression I need to use code and send through the program but I am clueless. Anyone can give me a quick rundown?

Most anti YPG or SDF sources are pro rebel (and hence pro Turkey).

Not the guys you're replying to, but I can help. Make sure you just downland and install regular GnuPG, which you find on their site. This will provide your system with all the requirements to encrypt and decrypt messages, and also generate keys. I'm not going to go into how all if this works, but if you need to know more, it's called public key encryption, which basically means you have one key that's public for others to encrypt a message with, and another one that's private for only you do decrypt messages with. Make sure you don't ever reveal your private key.

To make stuff easy, I'd recommended using Thunderbird as a mail client to handle message. They also have a simple GPG plugin you can install, that will help you generate a key, import new ones (ie. the public they the YPG people use) and easily encrypt messages/attachments.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask, this was just a quick rundown.

Thanks, I'm reading on a guide on how to use. Is Enigmail required or can I skip it?

Enigmail is the Plugin I was talking about, I just forgot the name. So yeah, you should install it, it's not too hard either.

One alternative ould also be to use protonmail, if to use gnu pg

Quick rundown:

nigga wut

This guy is fucking woke.

apparently SDF are doing the same thing that the US did in mosul

Comments on SouthFront are alt-right cancer.

They seem pro-Gov from their videos, so it's not surprising.

Assad has a lot of fascist supporters.

i tought alt right was for trump

haven't SDF officials straight-up denied this?

Just a couple of possibly helpful links.

post of the year all year every year

what else would anybody do? the US denied it had boots on the ground a couple of years back, now look at them

joining YBS is something you can also do after you finish YPG training and it sounds like they're in need of the manpower, unlike YPG

They have basically the same ideology. How do the YBS run things in Shengal and the areas around it? Is it similar to Rojava?

YBS is founded by the KCK, same as Rojava, so I can assume yes.

Do they speak Kurmanji there or is Yazidi it's own distinct language?

Ezidi people speak kurdish, kurmanci I think,406292

Is it worth it?

No, because the PYD was founded by the PKK and has the same ideology. That's just stabbing them in the back.


Was this unit part of the YBS at all or was it separate entirely?

Peshmerga plays really well so there's a decent amount of Yazidi Pesh, but they're defecting to the Yazidi PMU units. They're separate to YBS, but all the Yazidis groups are allies. YBS are still the most important Yazidi group though.

Everyone wants to be friends with the Yazidis now that's it's convenient but I'm sure Yazidis remember who came rushing to save them when they were on the brink of extinction.

PKK's heroic counterattack, forcing a corridor on Sinjar Mtn, should be remembered but sadly I think our enemies will brush it under the rug

I posted my filename to /leftytrash/ but it was ignored abloo bloo

Opportunists like the PMU or the Peshmerga only use the Yazidis to further their own geopolitical goals in the region. I'm sure when the time comes, many will stand with those that came to their aid when they needed it most.

I saw it and it made me kek.

The Yazidi people will remember, which is the most important thing. YPG and PKK opening that corridor for the tens of thousands of Yazidis stuck on Sinjar mountains is in my opinion the most heroic act of the recent bout of war in Syria and Iraq.

The PKK/YPG Sinjar rescue op was probably one of the greatest acts of heroism in the last hundred years, and will probably hold that title for a good chunk of this century as well.

From a Nazbol no less too. Surprise surprise.

I agree though. I doubt any other government or organization would have done it as effectively and with the amount of dedication and skill that the KCK-affiliates did. While Assad was bombing civilians in Idlib, while "Moderate" rebels were slaughtering "Infidels", while the Iraqis were getting their asses handed to them, and while the Peshmerga were sitting on their hands, the PKK stepped in during their time of need. And yet we consider them "terrorists".

RBSS claiming that SDF runs concentration camps, that a genocide awaits people in Raqqa, and that there are only a few hundred ISIS fighters in the city.

So basically the same as Mosul.


Remind me, who let Lenin return to Russia again?

soviet union was a american puppet by this logic you stupid tank


get a load of this shit. PMU not allowing YBS to enter Yazidi villages because "shariah doesn't allow women to fight", in reference to YBS' female wing

What's the PMU, and why are they being retards?

They're Iranian-backed. Iran, the regime that still restricts women's rights. This shouldn't be a surprised, even if they are Shi'ite.

They're Iraqi Shia Militias sponsored by Iran. They're Islamists.

So the retardation is a core belief then. Gotcha.

Paramilitary in Iraq. Islamists. Recent leak of war crimes commited by them.

I know they said it was because of women fighters but isn't there a bigger chance of it just them being Kurds?

Iran isn't too keen on Kurds

Euphrates Shield is looking more and more like ancapistan with shoot-outs in Azaz and al-Bab is ongoing.

Guess that makes Lenin a Hohenzollern psy-op and Stalin an imperialist pawn for receiving lend-lease



man. death is scary

Damn that's a hot take

theyre not. and by your logic kurd militias are also jihadists. evenmore so as theyre tryong to build their own "caliphate", with US supervision no less

Another BOG fighter killed around Raqqa too. IFB picking up more and more martyrs as they edge closer to raqqa.

she was pretty ;_;

Your brain on anti-imperialism. I bet if Hitler is alive today as some leader of a 3rd world country but with the same exact ideology, you'll be choking on his cock since at least he's ANTI IMPERIALIST

Moron PMUs are an arm of the Iraqi government and Iraqi government is supported by US

By your demented logic, PMUs are proxies of a proxy of US

What is tragic about all this is that YBS is also technically a PMU. In fact, they have been partially armed and funded by the Iraqi government


naw. death is nothing

Oh my fucking god The Indepenent is reporting on the SDF's alleged "concentration camps" as if it were true or credible

If the Kurds were Geocoding Arabs, Assyrians, and Turks, then why is there many YPG fighters of those ethnicities.

The West is gulag society by comparison.

If I am reading this correct, there's already been 403 communes (ie neighbourhood councils) established in Manbij

The Questin is. How long the Al Raqqa is captured?

what exactly compensates the kurd militias for being better than other militias?




SDF has only said it will not allow PMU open transit through its territories. Not even SAA gets that so it's not surprising.

theres moral on all sides, and its relative to each society and culture. you just happen to be the most familiar with their version of norms and values and along with not taking the effort to research the entire situation in the region hence you just say "they have better moral"

1) i bet theres atleast 5 examples of practicioners of your preferred ideology that you dislike
2) youre really naive and closeminded if you think everyone there is in it for "ideology"

fuck off.

no they're not. but the there's a marked difference between the areas under SAA control, YPG control, and Nusra control. Because all of these groups have different ideologies.

kurdish militias welcomed syrian and russian forces to protect them from turk and terrorist militias in northern syria. because the US stood with their dick in their hand since they dont want to screw up with erdogan.

where theres no danger of worsening ties with state partners, the US is stirring up shit as much as they can and kurdish held areas are just a mean of achieving geopolitical goals there


thats a terrible sociological rethoric.

it has to do alot with the fact that each of them functions differently on a society level, not asmuch because of ideology as because of the conditionsaround it. SAA areas are continuing a state/previous goverment variant of society, nusra has established its own variant based on the fact that they control(ed) large wartorn areas with the most notable ideological realisation in terms of society, while the kurd held areas build on being largeley from terrorist liberated areas with a provisional goverment that needs stability above other things to continue expanding and preventing conflict within its borders

Ah yes, I forgot the PYD and YPG were Islamists who hated women and forced men to conform to a very strict line of behavior.

Oh wait…

You're going to have to convince me that it's okay to support a Shia jihadist groups that have a consistent track record of looting and executing Sunni unarmed surrenderers because "It's just relative to your culture, man"
(This is if we are still talking about the PMU here)

Could this Work?

Yes. The Kurds are very good at encircling, and the west blob will take the highways to the south and the river to the east. The entire purpose of the west blob is to fuck over Raqqa.


That’s good. If the Kurds can encircle Al Raqqa, beside it for a while tell the ISIS troops get tired, then storm it, then they’ll probably be successful.

This is basically their doctrine, this thread and the ones before it have been filled with ISIS held cities surrounded by the YPG and then they just sit there, waiting. Sometimes they cut a deal with ISIS and move them on to SAA territory, sometimes they go door to door, taking weeks clearing the city out.

So your saying Al Raqqa might turn into another Mosul

Most likely, but Mosul wasn't so bad, it was just liberals being whiny shills as per. Did you spot how the genocide of Mosul during the battle was never reported on after it was taken? Because it was a massive pile of horse shit.

Great plan dood, They should make you like their general or smth

Mosul wasn’t bad in terms of causalities, but the battle was very long. This lengthy battle stopped them from deploying troops on outher fronts.

Yeah, it's very long because the YPG like to go door to door. The liberal media in the US and UK made it out like there was a huge genocide happening inside the city, which dropped off the face of the earth when it turned out the YPG did a really good job of clearing the place out.

The YPG, as novel as an idea it is, are pretty much lawful good, and won't destroy your house unless it's rigged with mines or has been turned into an ISIS stronghold.

The problem with the YPG going door to door is it takes up a lot of manpower, and the YPG is low on manpower. Also Iraqi Kurdistan fought in Mosul, not the YPG.

The YPG/SDF/KPP have bad relations with Iraqi Kurdistan.

Maybe I'm thinking of another city, or maybe I'm mistaken and the Kurds in general go door to door. I remember the Kurds being absolutely assblasted that they spent weeks going door to door in a city, only for the Turks to shell it into the ground when they got there, so it's not something specific to Iraq.

Oh yeah, I know. Sort of hope their PM can get offed so they can join the Syrian Kurds.

Iraqi Kurdistan is just a neoliberal puppet. They need to be replaced by more Socialists Kurds. Many in a coup?

Should I post my siege plan in a new thread? So more people see it.

Nah, infa 1000% that's the plan they're doing. Take screenshots with Raqqa in the centre and make it into a gif with your original plan later and show it off to your friends.

Erdogan fucks up everything he touches, is rewarded with dictatorship, news at 11.

It's looks like Mosul will be liberated very soon, probably in a week or so. This will be pretty major for two reasons:

i dont have to convince anyone. my point is that the greater good of the long term results in this war lies in US influence in the region being reduced to a minimum, and no biased opinion or allegation or namecalling changes that.

if you think eveyone should act according to your cherrypicked morals just because theyre "your morals" then youre as retarded as the US foregein office


factions there dont put alot on ideology. alliances are alot more important. thats why you have kurd militias allying themselves with syrian foces around the turk incursion area, while elsewhere they have a strong US backing.

probably meant for


Wew if this is true then I really hope /ourguys/ win.

So you are a moral relativist? Most people dont hold up their believes because they think they are right because they hold them. Rather they think they are universal.

'morals' are an expression of class power. Rojava represents petty bourgeoisie humanist morality to a T. Their essentialist, eurocentric conception of 'human rights' seems tailored to appeal to US 'liberal interventionist' imperial interests. As communists, we should support the proletariat over the bourgeoisie, we should support anti-imperialists over those who serve imperialism. We should not be deceived by bourgeoisie humanism, an ideology that is only a mask for empire and class power

If we were supporting "Anti-Imperialists" back in 1917 then Lenin would have never gotten to Russia.

there's a difference between true antiimperialists and bourgeoisie nationalists. 'Rojava' is objectively a bourgeoisie nationalist entity that serves the interests of empire and capital, just like the breakaway republics of the Russian civil war era.

How, exactly, is it? The Kurdish Bourgeoisie have nothing to gain from Rojava's existence, in fact, they're strictly opposed to it (as evidenced by Iraqi Kurdistan's opinion of it). While I agree that Rojava is not socialist at the moment, I don't see how it can be considered a bourgeois nationalist revolutionary entity.

The so called Rojava 'revolution' is a product of Bookchinite petty bourgeoisie humanism and lacks a true class character.

Holy fuck actually read Bookchin before saying that shit. It may lack a proletarian class character, but it does have a class character (as evidenced by the living standards of North Syria before the war). It's not nationalist in the bourgeois sense at all.

Just because something is helped by the US doesn’t make it imperialist. Denouncing a socialist movement because it’s “imperialist” without providing any outer arguments is stupid.

There’s a difference between nationalism from the proletariat, and nationalism from the bourgeois. Nationalism from the proletariat is inherently leftist. While nationalism from the bourgeois is inherently right wing.

We should support the proletariat. The rest is not relevant and distraction. So go fuck yourselve and your "antiimperialism" and especially you empty sloganeering.

Exactly. That's what I said in my post. It's lunacy to downplay the popular movements in Rojava that have made it so successful. Kurdish Bourgeois nationalists like the KDP/PUK despise Rojava for this reason. It's nationalist to be sure, but it's brought out of a common movement that extends across ethnic and religious lines, unlike the KRG in Iraq.

muh petty bourgeoisie morality and humanist spooks do not make you a leftist, though. Standing with the world proletariat against capital and imperialism does. The bookchinite universal human subject is pure bourgeoisie ideology and lacks scientific character.

You are a liberal socdem at best.

Denying kurdish nationalism in a YPG is being dishonest, however nationalism is good as long as it isn’t cared to extreme and as long as it isn’t used to promote capitalism.

Look at the flag onto of my post. I couldn’t be further from a liberal.

notice how 'Rojava's' defenders always rely on petty boug morals and humanist arguments, and never on marxist analysis

When did I make a petty bourgeois or humanist argument?

If you want a Marxist analysis, I'd suggest reading this and forming your own conclusions:

meanwhile, I don't see anyone seizing the means of production, no dictatorship of the proletariat. I see blatant collaboration with the imperialists

T-34s don't like Rojava because they haven't introduced gulags with c l a s s c h a r a c t e r yet.

Rojava is divide into many different Communes. Also most business in the region have been turned into cooperatives. Also the people in charge of it are socialist.

YPG is about to take the town of Hindah from ISIS.

Dialectical materialism isn't a science, dude, no matter how much you want to flog that dead horse. Marx was wrong on a lot of shit, including his prediction that industrialised advanced capitalist economies like Britain, France and Germany would become socialist first. There isn't a dictatorship of the proletariat in Rojava but land has been made communal and the means of production are increasingly being placed in the hands of the workers. Communalism is a mix of anarchism of Marxism but isn't tied to the dogma of either. I don't really care about muh morals anyway as I'm an existentialist philosophically but I'm impressed by the Communalist economics in Rojava. It's an interesting experiment but gets dismissed straight away by tankies because muh dialectical materialism and anti-imperialism, which is ironic considering they completely ignore the material conditions of people living and fighting in Northern Syria.


When will the YPG take the town.

Dialectical materialists, not even once.

What he was wrong about is not relevant to wether or not dialectal materialism is a sciene.

im not "a moral relativist" or whatever that label is suppost to mean. im just cynical, since having such a perspective helps you find out whats really going on.

underrated post

well then its good to see the US leading the fight against all those evil dictators and warlords, isnt it?


Does Rojava have a Marxist-Leninist program to build up and diversify the industry and to implement economic planning? No, they just want to communally manage small towns and villages which makes them no different from a feudal Obshchina or a concept of utopian socialists. So they won't ever be socialist, nor will they ever be autarkical.

The collaboration with imperialism is just the icing on the cake

you know, the funny thing is, that once (and if) the war turns into a frozen conflict with kurds getting their state, theres nothing stopping them from becoming just another "democratic" capitalist US puppet state with a central bank and a shitton of US military installations.
and the kurds living there wont mind. theyll just go with it and become just another capitalist imperialist proxy, just like kosovo.

I'm not dismissing dialectical materialism outright, just saying it's not scientific because it's not falsifiable.

Failing to see how accepting arms from not just the US but also Russia makes them imperialist collaborators, unless you also think the Soviets collaborated with US imperialism when they accepted Lend Lease.

Perhaps you haven't noticed, but they're fighting a war and facing an economic blockade from Turkey and the KRG at the moment. Even if they wanted to implement a command economy and industrialise, they couldn't. If Marxist-Leninism was scientific socialism, the Soviet Union would still be a thing and China wouldn't have embraced Dengist free-market reforms. Marxist-Leninism has proven to collapse back into capitalism and even Cuba and Venezuela have private property again. Your running out of Marxist-Leninist examples of 'actually existing socialism'.

they did. it was an acceptable cost to pay for mustering adequate means to defeat a much more imminant threat

It's aiding the balkanization of Syria which is the declared aim of imperialist intervention there. Not comparable with the level playground on which the USSR and the USA negotiated the Lend Lease. The USSR wasn't playing by the western playbook at all, looking at how Stalin made Churchill buttmad during the Conference of Yalta.

The USSR faced worse and still managed to industrialize. I see no plan on doing so in Rojava, there is no outlook or vision, it's just a fetishizim of local democracy and federalization. Critisizing Dialectical Materialism is one thing, but completely disregarding the idea of an economic base shaping the superstructure is completely utopian.

Because they aren't Stalin who did this exact thing on a scale of 300 million people

Marxism-Leninism never failed, it was mostly revisionism which led to said market reforms both in Russia as well in China. Show me a single case or Marxism-Leninism collapsing on its own without foreign intervention like the GDR which was collapsing simply because the Eastern Bloc collapsed. Even the DPRK is still arround and kicking.

Was never Marxist-Leninist, don't be ridiculous.

caliing the modern DPRK M-L at this point is a stretch. They've removed all references to socialism, marx and lenin from their constitution. juche is pretty much imperial japanese ideology painted red with their statements on the racial purity and superiority of the korean race and the veneration of their god-emperor

Rojava's forces (SDF) are fighting an existentialist war against ISIS. If it weren't for American and Russian weapons, they would've suffered the same fate many Yazidis did, but I'm guessing that's a small sacrifice you're willing to pay for anti-imperialism

Most of the USSR's industrialisation took place in peace-time i.e. the Five Year Plans. All Stalin did was move the industry east of the Urals when the Germans invaded. The infrastructure was already there, which is something I'll at least give him credit for. The infrastructure in Rojava is non-existent because the Syrian government under the Assad family purposely refused to industrialise Northern Syria, instead embracing neoliberal reforms in the 1990s and causing a brain-drain of Kurds and other ethnicities from the north to move to Damascus

I'll give Stalin credit for the Five Year Plans but the way you tankies worship your strongmen sends my sides into orbit, as if Stalin personally built every factory and built every bit of agricultural machinery with his own bare hands. Ffs, Stalin implemented the plans but the workers and peasants of the Soviet Union did all the hard labour.

It quite obviously did as revisionism replaced it within days of Uncle Joe's funeral. 'DPRK is still around and kicking'. Juche is about as revisionist as one can get and their constitution doesn't even make reference to communism or Marxist-Leninism anymore

It wasn't, correct, but it's held up by tankies as AES because all of their great examples of Marxist-Leninist states have vanished

Explain to me how the SDF/YPG fighting against ISIS isn't an imminent threat.



Tankies being out of their depth again. You dont need Stalinism to build up your economy. There are active development plans aiming at full employment, industralisation, more autarcy and diversification. This is all done during war(which still eats up atleast 70% of the budget, yes america doesnt help at all with funding). A big focus is put on aquiring a small oil refinery, which is ofc extremely hard and exspensive. They are also working on repairing the local cement plants which got damaged to hasten the reconstruction efforts, there hasnt been much news about this.

In Afrin economic development has achieved atleast one job per family, development of light agricultural industry to move up in the value chain, and soap and jeans factories have been build or relocated. This is done under extremely complicated circumstances and the need to build up extensive defensive structures and aquiring weapons on the black market.

One big project recently completed is a modern water bottling project, besides that there is a constant focus on diversifying the agriculture which was a forced monoculture before. But also rebuilding damaged infrastructures like bakeries which are important to supply basic goods in areas takes up a lot of ressources.

Other projects are strenghthening and rebuilding healthcare, a recently funded cooperative is organising collective importing of needed medicines for local doctors and pharmacists. There are also various projects aimed at producing foodstuff. A development bank was opened a while ago, also every commune(of which there are thousands) is planned to operate atleast one coop collectivly. The aim is to interlink these cooperatives outside of the market, so there are various distribution cooperatives linking shops, to food coops. In many villages collectivisation has taken place and the land is ownened and worked collectivly.

I hope you get the picture. Keep in mind this was an extremely neglected region conciously underdeveloped and tied to central state buyers to maintain controll. Many forests where even destroyed to counteract potential guerilla campaigns.

Oh and I totally forgot the millions of IDPs that have to be housed, fed and processed. There are barely any NGOs there due to the blockade and the americans dont give a flying shit to deal with the humanitarian fall out of their campaigns.

Another thing I forgot are textile production cooperatives and cooperative shops being set up in various places.

The YPG and the FSA are completely different.

They can pledge allegence to Assad anytime.

Nobody says that, but taking Stalin out of the equation wouldn't have resulted in the necessary industrial output to drive back the German invasion. The USSR and probably the Russian people would have ceased to exist. The plan itself was actually drafted by the Gosplan but it was Stalins surrounding policies and radical determination which made the economic miracle possible. There was much more to it than just "drafting a plan".

It took Krushchev three years to denounce Stalin, but you can't say Marxism-Leninism failed when it was clearly non-Marxist-Leninist policies which failed. Show me an example where Marxism-Leninism didn't work. If you are deliberatly taking a dump on your carpet you can't say "seesh, I guess toilets don't work".

I don't care about words, officially China is also still Marxist-Leninist. It is true insofar that North Korea has engaged in cultural revisionism (Sŏn'gun, etc.) but economically they are more less still Marxist-Leninist even though I'm not happy with the market forces taking hold there but it's still more or less working and I don't think they will turn capitalist soon.

Nah, Bolivarianism might be alright as an ideology, but depending on muh oil exports is quite the opposite to anything Marxists-Leninists stand for.

Oh, so the goods you consume come out of a replicator? Get that capitalist new speak out of your head, modern imperialism doesn't just export capital, it exports productive forces as well. Industry doesn't disappear, it is just located somewhere else.

Pretty embarrassing that you have to go through the basics on an alleged communist board like that, stuff that Lenin figured out 100 years ago already. What about you shave your neckbeard, start lifting and actually read Marx

Marx was wrong comrade

Marx was wrong about some things but that doesn't make Marxism invalid

Marxism-Leninism is revisionist comrade

Link to the twitter account?

I find the rigid inflexible dogma of tankies annoying.

Did you know that privatisation of huge land masses under Hafez lead to increased desertification which extremely inflamed tensions? Maybe learn and read a bit before shitposting and complaining how you have to explain basic stuff.

It wasnt able to create a stable system with stable power transitions enabling coherent policy

Amazing commodification for exchange in value form

Which is Stalinism.

I wouldn't call Assad a neoliberal. There is a difference between classic liberalism and neoliberalism. I'm not a fan of Assads economic policy but from a geopolitical standpoint I still rather support Syrian self-determination instead of petrodollar recycling. The interests of national bourgeousie and socialist liberation movements can temporarily allign in face of imperialist aggression.

That is a better critique but I don't see why we should abandon the whole thing all-together just because revisionists took over. We should rather improve it, such has focusing more on democratic centralism and the merging of party and state power.

Feudalistic terminology aside, why would the YPG pledge allegiance to the cunt who purposely refused to develop and industrialise the region, preferring instead to implement neoliberal economic policies, causing people from Northern Syria to move to Damascus to find any work they could in the private financial sector? Also, Assad removed all SAA forces from Northern Syria early on during the war, leaving them defenceless against ISIS until they formed the YPG/YPJ. Hint: they're called People's Protection Units for a reason.

The times when it collapsed into either revisionism or just free-market capitalism.

Sorry, I just can't take any tankie who genuinely upholds North Korea as a defensible example of socialism

We agree on something. Basing your economy on oil is a catastrophe waiting to happen

Edgy stuff, tanklord. Careful not to drive your T-34 off a cliff whilst beating off to your Kim-Il Sung-Stalin romance fanfic.

Be a realist and consider the sorrounding factors and power destribution inside the region. Even Lenin tried to gain international investment and allowed market powers to play a role for a long time. But dont worry efforts at enabling planning in more sectors are underway, just like direct product sharing between cooperatives and communes. Where possible collectivisation happens to. It will be impossible though to end capitalism in such a tiny underdeveloped region production for export .ie profit will be necessary just like allowing small business to operate privately due to the coming reintegration into a wider Syrian state. The cooperative - commune system is extremely useful to enable wide collection of capital to enable investment while maintaining a degree of social controll. This is necessary as there arent many export goods bringing funds directly into state hands, nor desirable because excessive centralisation would undermine the political system which made northen Syria into a fairly stable region with few inter ethnic tensions with developing secularism.

I would argue that "democratic" centralism is the problem in the first place and that merging state and party is impossible due to the fundamental difference between statecraft and politics which are not reconcilable under such a system.

This state is doomed to fail. The capitalist governments are just too big and will try too hard to crush any opposition to their regime.
Of course they also have all the normalfags believing Communism = Evil and will willingly sell themselves to Israel to destroy any kind of collectivism.

Fuck America and fuck Europe

What about socialist states?

The Kurds are besieging the ISIS town of Hindah, and just took the nearby village of Ath Thadyayn.

Everyone knows the minute ISIS is gone the US will pull all it's support from the SDF/YPG and let Turkey fuck them over.

How can I send money to Rojava?

Then the civil war will just expand into Turkey and Iraq.
There is a reason why they are very reluctant to move deeper into Rojava.

Either donate to the Kurdish Red Crescent or send bitcoins to the IRPGF @ 1HZHrCynsSdJdCKz9SSnncXZo4YdfNYZtR

Where'd you get your crystal ball? I would like one too.

Rojava = not in NATO
Turkey = in NATO
Capitalists are run by profit and will do anything for money. Sorry but Turkey has their good side.

profit motivation is exactly why the US will not pull out of Syria after ISIS is gone. It doesn't even make sense that they'd be attacking ISIS for money. They want oil and they want regional influence.

A quasi-separatist army controlling the entire eastern Euphrates and 50% of Syria's GDP would almost be enough to make up for the utter failure of the original rebels. Turkey are irrelevant, the US knows the PKK poses no existential threat to Ankara and a dedicated and reliable proxy in the Middle East is 100x more valuable than King Roach's good will.

this is big dilemma of the Rojavans, serving the US would basically guarantee their survival but likely at the cost of the actual revolution

The United States will act in its own interest. Right now the United States is acting in its own interest. Currently supporting the Kurds to fight ISIS is in the US' Interests. We do not know if the United States will deem support for the Kurds in its interest or not after they have defeated ISIS. The SDF will control a large portion of territory in Syria, a place the United States clearly wants influence in. The United States could very well deem continued support of the Kurds and telling Erdogan to keep his dick in his pants as a perfectly viable strategy whether it be to check Erdogan who clearly has ambitions in the region that might not align with the US' or to check Russia or Iran. The US very well could pull support from the Kurds once they have defeated ISIS, and I think that is a very likely scenario and the SDF should plan accordingly. What I am saying is that the we do not in fact have a crystal ball and saying this is what will happen belongs on /r/atheism or someplace on reddit where analysis is very shallow.

The SDF keeps turning companies into cooperatives or state owned enterprises. We know that the US will eventually turn on any country which does this. What the SDF must do is purge any military commander who isn’t dedicated to the revolution.

The real question is how is defeating ISIS actually in the US's interest? Obviously combating it is important for PR, but why is the US doing Assad's job for him? The answer is they aren't, ISIS poses no significant threat to the US and the US isn't aiding the SDF and the Southern Front for that; they're trying to create a foothold in Syria. Obviously the SDF has no desire to be a US proxy nor do they want to break up Syria or attack Assad, but them being a friendly force is enough for the US to continue aiding them, and Turkey bitching and moaning and not doing much else isn't going to change that.

im not sure but this book not about daesh. probably about some al-Qaeda member who looks like arrested in 2003 after some bombing events on turkey

i cant found it btw, so im not sure totally. if i ll find, clarify whats about it



because if you havent noticed all ISIS is lately is a joke of an excuse for US forces to deploy in the region.
at the same time the US and its allies are all pusing ISIS to abandon their areas and move to the areas with syrian troops and fight them.

yeah, one was a tool and failed miserably, while the other one is starting to be used as a tool.

im sure all those foregein agents that were working hard to destroy baathist syria since hafez came to power were of minimal importance

the kurds in Hama, latakia, al-bab, aleppo and elsewhere already did.
i can say the same about YPG and SDF

its called war you dumbass. im sure youd be one of those soviet generals that would send his ten rifle platoons against a panzer division in ukraine in the middle of august 41


how stupid are you? the US started putting all their money on the kurds because theyre their only reliable asset in the region, and theyll use them as a platform for further "foregein policy" in the region.

is this true? what the fuck

because ISIS was just a tool to corner syrian forces and now its a landgrab free4all. thats why the US is having so much beef with the SAA in the south; they dont want them to liberate dierezzor before US forces surround it and its oilfields.

they arent, they literlally allowed ISIS to evacuate mosul and raqqa to go and fight syrian troops and just let them leave, which the RuAF saw and pounded ISIS convoys.


well yeah, the US is rellying on the sectarian factor again. first they wanted a sunni vs shia/alawite war to destroy syria, now they want kurd vs arab tensions to justify creating a kurdish (proxy) state

I'ma call bs

YPG originated as a self-defence force because the SAA, you know, Syria's actual military wasn't there to protect its citizens when the Islamic State rolled over villages and towns

You're obviously not familiar with the concept of brain drain and its relation to neoliberal economics. The government in Damascus purposeful left Northern Syria undeveloped, causing people from the region to move into the private financial sector in major cities. Not sure why any leftist would defend the Syrian equivalent of Margaret Thatcher

He pretty much left Northern Syria completely defenceless against ISIS. You might want to try and downplay that but without the YPG self-organising, there would've been ethnic cleansing similar to the Yazidis near Sinjar

i was talking about kurdish communities, not mistaking one group for another

i think we had a missunedrstaning. i was implying to the kurds welcoming syrian forces around the turk incursion.
however i know what braindrain concept is, we have that in the EU.
and i dont know what else youd expect from arab states, theyre usually centralised to muster power. come to think of it, every developing country does that today. even israel did it.

guess which side of the geopolitical game was she and whetehr her actions were active or reactive

see how retarded you are when it comes to strategy or logic in warfare?

I'm retarded for thinking the Syrian government should've protected its citizens in Northern Syria whilst al-Baghdadi was sending fighters across the border from Iraq? Assad abandoned them in 2012 so they established their own defence militias as the YPG/YPJ. Besides, the PYD and the administration in Rojava have said they're not nationalists and want to remain as a self-governing autonomous region within a federalised Syria, which Russia also supports and the US ironically doesn't. That's more than what the Assad regime deserves are treating Northern Syria like dogshit for decades.

Are some people on this board that retarded that they don't realise the Kurdish nationalist KNC, which is supported by Turkey, the US and the KRG, are bitterly opposed to the PYD-led administration in Rojava? The US probably does back separatism and the unification of Rojava with the KRG but the PYD are strongly opposed to that and the KNC nationalists are a small, unpopular minority. Most in Rojava want to remain part of a federal Syria. I think the tankies on this board dislike Rojava not out of anti-imperialism but because they have a strongman fetish for the Lion of Damascus.

Roy Gutman is a widely debunked anti YPG propagandist.

It takes time for a non state actor without much NGO help to feline and sweep whole cities and towns and to also give care for IDPs. SDF struggle with it because their resources are being stretched, not because of some evil ethnic cleansing plan.

As SDF come to Raqqa's doorstep I'm seeing a huge propaganda war against them.

Look at the above article. 50,000 Tabqa residents already returning home.

Who's been saying this?

russian hacker 4chan

PKK claim responsibility for downing a Turkish heli which killed 11 high ranking officials

Hope they got it on camera

Her Bijî!

I'll be honest, I don't like seeing them downing helicopters because they're probably killing poor compulsorily recruited kids.


I get you, I really do; but I'm not sure how any conflict with the turkish military could avoid that.

( ) ( , , ) .

, ( ) , , , ( )

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( , , )

I see a lot of ex YPG volunteers like Macer Gifford and Hannah Bohman are coming back to Rojava in time for Raqqa

i see but how can we market it?

with good humor. heres a good joke:

an american soldier walks trough bagdad and sees people from the Mahdi army beating up a man in the street. The man gets on his knees and sais "Oh by Ali`s name let me go". On hearing this the Mahdi men leave him alone and go. The american thinks this is a cultural Iraqi phrase and remembers it as it may be usefull one day. In a few days, after he is transferred to Falluja, he is captured by Al-qaeda. And he sais to them "oh by the name of Ali let me go".


read this thread. the absolute scummiest bastards were in that helicopter


SDF now controls the three biggest dams in Syria


Yeah that's why I said to uncork the champagne. Any officer is fair game, as far as I'm concerned.

SRO says SDF, Russia and SAA already in the midst of preparations for a huge Idlib campaign.


it's been a week since I emailed the YPG international, I know it's a war but how long will I have to wait for an answer? Anyone has any experience contacting them? Do I need to send that email to a different address?

someone please tell me there's still hope

I kek'd

is this war going to 'end' or will it just change form and keep going? is there a limit to how much time i might have to join the war before it's over?

Did the SDF consult the coucils of the cantons? I don't like to see the SDF and Assad holding hands together. Neutralizing Idlib would only strenghten Assad. Bad gamble with revolutionaries lives.

SDF rumoured to be calling a press conference tomorrow announcing the assault on Raqqa city.

juss wait a bit

Don't worry about it. They're known for taking awhile to respond and there's times where they can't get volunteers across. Maybe wait a month, or even after Raqqah and email them again.

I wonder what kinda of importance attacking south of the river will have. Unless they have some combat engineers or that bridge unlikely stays up, it seems they'd have nothing to do except prevent Daesh from retreating.

if they go south it'll just be to cut ISIS off completely. The assault will come from the north.

Wasn't there some talk about them leaving the south open for them to go fight the SAA?

there's loads of talk about Raqqa tbh. Some people are saying that ISIS aren't as interested as you'd think in defending it and have left behind a skeleton forces of foreigners.


An Assad-SDF alliance would be good for the SDF though.

kurdish shitposting is p good

Good luck. Even if the rebels can't effectively mount offensive operations, Idlib is nowhere near to being under threat by the government. If they do attack with intent to capture it, they'd probably suffer so many casualties they'd stall and probably halt the offensive altogether.

They’ll have to take it bit by bit.

That'll take them months, years even.

Well it took them that amount time to advance on ISIS.

Honestly man, no one knows. Shit keeps escalating so much that I wouldn't be surprised if ayyliens joined the fray. Considering how slow Assad's progress has been, it should take a while yet. And that's assuming the fighting doesn't spread to other countries. I'm surprised Jordan managed to hold ISIS and other rebels out for so long. Oh yeah, also the British election has been putting the house of Saud in an uncomfortable position.

Well, Qatar has just been diplomatically isolated and they've been helping funnel money to Hatesh and Ahrar al-Sham, so the Rebels could lose a lot in the future

ISIS is trapped in 2 pockets. Why is ISIS so bad at avoiding being encircled and why are the Kurds so good at encircling?

The encirclements are successive and hard to avoid unless retreating. The surrounding FOBs/villages are going to be less difficult to take than let's say Ba'ath dam in your pic. With airsupport the SDF blitz enemy objectives (send 1 squad up, take defensive positions in a spot and wait for reinforcements). Other [non-urban] objectives are basically rushed in a typical fashion. Once encirclement is ongoing you either retreat or hope for counteroffensives. Obviously they rarely retreat nowadays because the SDF could just rinse and repeat the encirclement tactic til a lot of objectives are taken with minimal casualties, which is what happened during the 1st and 2nd stage of WoE campaign. ISIS is going to have a hard time defending small spots against coalition strikes which is a huge part of the SDF's success with encirclements. It's just divide and conquer.

Oh yeah, I forgot Qatar too.

Just to remind me, all Arabian peninsula countries but Yemen are ultrareactionary petroporky scum, right?

They have been reading their Mao.

turkish nationalist memes. next level meta ironic content here


"the red army is encircled in minsk why are they so bad"
Holla Forums 1941


The Red Army was trained in deep battle and this was part of their strategy. ISIS are a bunch of dumb fucks who think magic is on their side.

Oman is only semi-reactionary "please don't muck us up in your retarded shit guys" actually-attempting-to-diversify porky scum, at least

Jesper Söder? War tourist imho

Except that's a legitimate think to say during barbarossa

Being encircled is one of the biggest tactical blunders an army can make and it should only be allowed to happen in the most extreme of circumstances. Allowing it to happen repeatedly points to deeply seated command problems, if not outright incompetence.

why are rojava women so much more prettier than western women? what's the science behind it?

they're beautiful 2bh

You live in the USA, one of the ugliest countries on the planet.

no, arguably worser though; UK

Going to join the Revolution?






What does this mean?

what do you folks make of this?

it means alot more people down there prioritise anti-imperialism over experiments in ideology

None of this is particularly noteworthy. PMU have consistently said they'll only coordinate with Assad and SDF have rejected PMU coming through their territories too so it's a mute point.

Regarding the rebels, they do this every few months. Turkey won't back them with shelling or airstrikes, it's just an offensive to stave off the boredom. They tried to attack Tal Rifaat yesterday and Jaysh al Thuwar kicked the shit out of them.

Euphrates Shield has consistently failed to intrude into Afrin.



this is the kind of shit that scares me about going to syria. you go all that way and to all that trouble and just get snuffed out by a fucking mine. shit sucks


HAT (YPG spec ops) female units.


No Islamist will ever be able to convince women in Rojava that they are weak and without rights. The best way to defend against islamism is to put loads of women into positions of power.

reminder that braindead pundits in the west think YPG liberating Raqqa is bad because the men there are sexist and they wont like YPG's feminism


it appears Jabhat Thuwar al-Raqqa have not made the cut

they could break my neck without breaking a sweat

that's really fucking hot.

Good to see the duties being spread out among the different SDF groups.


The begging of the end of ISIS begins.

Really solid progress today boys.

turmoil in the ranks of Daesh btw?

How much time do you think they have? A month? Two? Three?

Generally when people are getting restless you have to make a quick example of the worst cases to put everyone in line.

Just need to capture 17th Division in the North to round off a perfect first day I reckon.

I might be wrong but didn't Jahbat Thuwar al-Raqqa send a convoy of troops to operate in the Raqqa Offensive whilst the main bulk of their fighters stayed in Afrin to defend Rojava's territory against Turkish-backed FSA groups?

That's Jaysh al Thuwar. Thuwar al Raqqa are different. YPG has had persistent problems with them for a while now.

what did you expect? a pillowfight?

the beggining of the end of ISIS already happened a long time ago when they were surrounded in Mosul, AlBab and Palmyra. Eversince they were pushed out of mosul theyve ceased to be a accountable figting force and became nothing more than an obsticle for various parties trying to partition syria and an excuse for US occupation

I've only been kind of following this thread, so I don't really know a whole lot about the Kurdish situation, but I would appreciate it if you guys could help me out. I have a generally positive view of the PKK/YPG, and the impression I'm getting at least from the times I take a look ITT is that the Kurds are really doing some legitimate good in Syria and that they're overall a genuine progressive/leftist movement. Recently though an acquaintance asked me what I thought about them. I gave them my thoughts and this was the response I got:

Much of which contrasts pretty starkly with the sentiment found here. I have to admit that I'm pretty ignorant about the situation as a whole, so I really can't refute any of it, but I was hoping the posters here might have resources they could share or point me towards so that I could better understand what's happening there. I think it would be nice to know that none of this is true and that it's anti-Kurd propaganda, but it would be nice to know where to even begin looking so that I can try and learn for myself. Is /r/SyrianCivilWar still a good place to find information? Or is everything on twitter now?

Thank you, I appreciate any help you might be able to give me.

oh my god this is such fucking bullshit, i'll respond properly later but it's just so lazy and uninformed

Al Sanadid up in this bitch

He/She should probably read Ocalan then. While it's true that Iraqi Kurdistan is very patriarchal and hates Arabs, the YPG, PKK, PYD and the rest of the KCK follow Apoism, which is the region's best hope for reaching a truly democratic and socialist society in the near future.

I'll give a response a shot.

I've only got so much to go off of here, but I'd be pretty curious as to how confident this person is in these ideas and where they've been getting their information from. There've been plenty of sources on the revolution for people that know how to look for them (see: you'll have a hard time picking up much if your view of the conflict comes from bog-standard news sites or something) but I can kind of sympathise with people being leery of what's going on in rojava in certain corners. Fact is, even the SDF is ignored to a pretty baffling degree in a lot of circles, let alone the rojava revolution. When you have not much more than a general fuzzy warm feeling towards 'the kurds' in most places and little discussion of substance about them, it's no surprise thata large amount of what a lot of bystanders see is loud hammering on about the PKK by online turks and a whole slew of hot take thinkpieces on the ypg. A lot of people when faced with this sort of thing tend to just grab opinions from 'both sides' of the aisle in an attempt to be nuanced, so faced with this a fair few of them just weigh their limited investment in the topic and what they know about it and cobble together something out of their intuitions rather than diving any deeper for context. I'm not sure how well this argument holds up to scrutiny, but hey.

This is completely uninformed speculation. The system inherently includes women. For them to go back to the way things were before would involve completely destroying the system they built and abandoning the ideology they have sacrificed so much for. Things would've been infinitely easier for them if they went the route of Iraqi Kurdistan, namely they'd have the same amount of support and investment the KRG has along with no embargoes and without Turkey wanting to destroy them.
This is just emphatically untrue. The SDF is majority Arab at this point and the DFSNS is built on ethnic equality and representation.
What the fuck does that even mean? They're using suicide bombs and human shields?
What the fuck does extensive violence mean when you're fighting a war against extinction and enslavement? The SDF has been very attentive to following the laws of war and respecting human rights, what could you possibly want more in a war?

This is just wrong, honestly. The feminist ideas that drive what's going on in rojava are just as much a backbone of the revolution as the fight for kurdish liberation. They're clearly cynical here, and sure, there's no shortage of movements that have cropped up in the past which have talked a flashy game about womens freedom and then done precisely fuck all to act on it, but reading the YPJ, jineology and womens empowerment in rojava in the same light just don't stick at all. The YPJ aren't props, the womens communes & kongreya star aren't props, and the idea that a society which has female involvement in the political process hardwired in from the get-go could just shrug that off as soon as it 'seemed convenient' just doesn't match up with reality. Again, the history of the world in this is dark, many times moves have been made to right wrongs in oppression of ethnic minorities or in the oppression of women only for things to fall apart, but that dark history is what gave Rojava the revolutionary impetus for what it is today!

And it's been said before, but it should be said again; the achievements of women in this revolution are _revolutionary_ in the truest sense of the world, by their nature these changes transform the position of women within society, giving the fledgling new society there full access to the political economic, military etc power of a full 50% of their population. I'm struggling to word this here, but the progress made so far in rojava really does expound the potential the revolution there has. It's a new freedom, but one that isn't going away without a fight.

Allowing Daesh to run rampant over Syria would be violence. Fighting against them would necessarily involve violence. Which road would you like to walk down?

What do you mean? I'm sure if we just sat down and talked a bit with IS they would just quit!

I can't believe YPG stopped ISIS from from genociding the Yazidis when they could have just made a petition and presented it to Baghdadi.

Regarding Kurd/Arab relations in Rojava, this is really good.

An aerial shot of the northern edge of Raqqa by the YPG

…And an approximation of the same via Google maps.

For reference, the Euphrates can be seen just above the city, the shot itself shows roughly the central 1/3 of Raqqa itself.
A quick comparison shows some stuff of interest: The shopping centre carpark in the foreground is pretty deserted, no surprise there. The real difference is pretty clear though, an awful lot of land can be seen to be flooded.

That's really tight.
Disregard bitches here in the west, her biji jinen

a gunfight

Thuwar Al-Raqqa wanted a bigger role in the siege. They asayis even arrested a thuwar al-raqqa commander. I have heard this militia is in the hands of the Turks.

You acquaintance is ignorant of the fact that the revolution itself and the KCK umbrella is run by women aswell as men. Serok Apo himself described the revolution as a feminist revolution.
Womens liberation is a tenant of DemCon.

Is it relevant because they're both in the middle east or what's the logical deduction here? Your acquaintance didn't give examples? Kurds are not arabs. Apoism and the kurdish struggle is not related to any ethnic arab movement, least of all the "democratic" uprisings of the arab spring. Nor do failed arab movements represent the ongoing apoist movement that has been active as feminists since the late 70's.

Kurds are conservative, it's the middle east. However the struggle has completely transformed the view on patriarchy from a fact of life to a critized and rejected structure.

That will not and cannot happen from within the parties themselves. The only way this would happen is by defeat. Saying that feminism would be disregarded is as dumb as saying that socialism or kurdish recognition would be disregarded. Womens liberation is a huge factor to the kurdish question. Shit, the Wrath of the Euphrates campaign is overseered by baller WOMEN like Rojda Felat and a few others.

Daily reminder that the KCK revolutionary forces do not want independence but autonomy. Big difference.

There are a fuckton of Arabs in Rojava and Bashur, they coexist and cooperate fine. This is just ignorant and lazy propaganda. There has never been an ethno-sectarian intention behind the revolution.



Not reliable but the subreddit is updated quickly. The userbase is trash. Turks downvote SDF shit and posts propaganda. Other biased also people posts shitty propaganda and downvote news reflect their side in a negative light. Don't even bother posting there and the moderation is retarded. Twitter is better as a lot of journalists and people with inside/on-the-ground information usually post on twitter first.

1hunnid. This applies to everything political both in their home-countries and on an international scale. You can easily state the same thing when there's an election going on. People want their information quick I guess.

Why live?

you get killed by a randomly fired bullet from 400m in a demolished apartment building. much better

you know, the funny thing is, that once (and if) the war turns into a frozen conflict with kurds getting their state, theres nothing stopping them from becoming just another "democratic" capitalist US puppet state with a central bank and a shitton of US military installations.

and the kurds living there wont mind. theyll just go with it and become just another capitalist imperialist proxy, just like kosovo.

a Baathist who hates Kurds damn this is new

i dont hate them. the flag was just salt on the wound, a cherry on top of the post. seriously tho, consider what i said and try to pose a solid argument.


This is why it's impossible to understand and critique the conflict and Rojava without understanding Bookchin. Whether or not the revolution in Rojava will fail or succeed depends on the dialectical naturalist tension between politics and statecraft, with regards to the MGRK and the DAA respectively.

Rojava isn't even fucking Iraqi. Look at a map.


Thank you all very much for the responses. I do appreciate it.

Ah yes, I forgot a federation which is mostly Arab, anti-ethnonationalist, and considers itself a new governmental system for Syria is the same as a Bourgeois racist corrupt quasi-state that executes Arabs after freeing them from ISIS.


folks we got a reason why Thuwar al Raqqa aren't part of the Raqqa operation

so youre saying

Any guesses what the situation will be like a year from now?

syria will be partitioned, most of it will be controlled by the syrians, the northeast by a US-kurd proxy state, and portions of the south by a US imposed "DMZ".
negotiations will drag on, it will just become a frozen conflict

Not happening any time soon.

the US will establish a controlled area of operations there, and to solidify and legitimise it theyll use the pretext of kurdish autonomy.
unless by some miracle the US decides to do the right thing and leave the region alone.

Ocalon became convinced that the goal of a kurdish ethnostate was the reason for the failure of the first PKK struggle after his capture leading to democratic confederalism so yeah DFNS (they actively dropped the name rojava because it was too kurdish ethno-state-y) is inimical to a kurdish ethnostate, whereas from barzani's perspective a singular kurdish ethnostate would undoubtedly contain people who wouldn't vote for barzani and that's not acceptable. So yeah neither one has a desire for a singular kurdish ethnostate in common because one of them only wants a singular NONethnostate while the other wants a non-singular ethnostate.

If you mean de facto independence, well they already have that since the civil war broke out. But formal independence, no way José. It would kick the mess in the entire region up to 11.

thats the plan. The US and its allies already know they cant oust thze syrian goverment, so they will try to deterr and cripple it asmuch a spossible


B-but m-muh Kurdish ethnostate. There is no way Turkmen would join SDF.

read democratic confederalism, autonomy is not what the kurds want

Apparently you are the one who hasn't read the book. Apoism does not seek independence, it seeks autonomy within the nations. It's a stepping stone towards complete communalist systems replacing the nationstates in that region.

It's a nice idea and all, but wouldn't the very existence of the nation-states' borders stop Kurdistan from being anything like a remotely cohese nation? I mean it would work if the 4 countries decided to just leave their borders inside Kurdistani area completely ope, but I don't see that happening ever.

thing is there's already two Turkmen groups in SDF and SDF's chief spokesman Talal Silo is Turkmen too.

I'm surprised Sultan Murad fighters defected though because traditionally they've been the most anti Kurdish group there is.

17th Division north of Raqqa liberated, a big gain.

The DFNS doesn't even want autonomy at this point. They see themselves as an alternative government to Assad and the Rebels, and tbf they'd probably best suited for it.

heroes tbh

why not just give the entire middle east over to the US then? it cant go worse than iraq can it, genious?

Good thing the DFSNS isn't the US then.


theyre a tool for deterrence and balkanisation. you know, kinda like how the US suported the neonazis in ukraine, even if they didnt see themselves as their proxies

Who Fucking did this?

things like consent and recognition are spooks


Oh fuck that’s bad.

tell that to the french commune and nestor makhno

top 10 anime betrayals

Nah, is

meant for

but it still works


Well maybe your right.
it appears syrian forces were sending a warning to former FSA units that joined SDF not to advance anymore westward into syrian terrirtoy

So the SAA did it. I thought is was the turkroatches.

Are there any other sources confirming this? I'll believe it when I see an official SDF statement, at which point they can go fuck themselves for support the Saudis. Receiving weapons from the US is one thing, I mean, they've been armed by Russia as well and have allied themselves with the SAA, but openly allying with Wahabbist regimes makes any of their ideological aims null.

Wtf I hate Rojava now. Joining Hezbollah instead

Just when it seemed that I finally found pourpose to my life by dying fighting in Raqqa. What to do now?

Wait until it's actually confirmed and analysis the reasoning behind it if it is true.

more on this is really popping up

This is actually pretty genius for a few reasons. With this development, the DFSNS could stand to be supported by three of the major players in syria, and further drive a wedge between turkey and it's allies.

Wait until they announce their solidarity with ISIS' anti-imperialist struggle.


They just want to suck on the Saudi teat for a bit while doing them lip service but continuing to do what they would have done anyways, until the Saudis realize that they won't be puppeted and stop the aid.

like the amreican one right
like to the americans right
like the americans did right?

theyre already puppeted. the main reason they survived and took so much territory is because theyre an american asset

thats only one player.

I meant Saudi, US and Russia

Puppeted how? It's not as if they've changed their political and social structure to align with burgerlands, and it's absurd to think they're going to align with wahabism. Give me a single reason why they shouldn't accept free shit

its not free shit. theyve become dependent on the US to the point where they know that if they ask them to leave like some FSA group did in aleppo last year theyd get steamrolled by turk forces and pushed to join the syrian forces.
theyre gonna follow in step with US policy, and that will sooner or later lead to what this guy mentioned


Syrian forces reached the Iraqi border and cut off the US led incursion from Jordan, preventing US forces from reaching dierezzor and palmyra oilfields from the south.

At the same time syrian forces drew a red line for the norther US backed kurds around Raqqa, meaning the US now has no hope of capturing the oilfields in the heartland of syria.

Dependent in what manner? Certainly not economically, and militarily the majority of their supplies and arms come from weapons markets not the US. How do you see this panning out exactly? Turkey just takes over the entire north of syria, as if Assad and Russia would be fine with that? Or is it that Russia and assad will take back the territory like what this fag is most likely hoping far, despite the fact that the US would probably just supply the SDF even more. As it stands, they're in a position where they can easily play the other powers off of each other and they've been doing just that very successfully for a while now, all while maintaining the integrity of their social project.

where do you think this weapon markets are? where do you think the billions of dollars of weapons that the US gives the "opposition" dissappear? most of what the US gave to the FSA in operation Timber sycamore went to ISIS.

im sure that theyd be happier to face turkey and a few terrorist groups than a US contingent and an entire quasi-ethno-state.
turkey has lately even starting come to rationali since the russians were arms trading with them.

thats what al-nusra and the rest of the FSA said. where are they now?
the US had no need for them anymore.

id like to see your face when the US starts going on damage control and runs the SDF around like a hammer

Face it, the US plan was to balkanize Syria from the very beginning, SDF were the perfect asset for that, it functions as a buffer between Turkey and Syria, a role which was previously given to the FSA. The Kurds know exactly whose wine they are drinking and the constant flirts with the Saudis, Israel and what's from the FSA just confirm this.

Keep supporting them so Cheney can finally have his pipeline for the sake of a Kurdish hippie commune, good fucking job

Jesus, the armchair western response to this.
Saudi Arabia supports Kurdistan for their own regional purposes. You think any kurdish organization i going to dismiss the support of the most powerful nation in the middle east that wants to aid them? Exploiting mutually beneficial opportunities isn't synonymous with yielding to the other party.
I am so fucking annoyed by the ideological purity of all y'all.

Easy to say when you are living in the west, but when human lives are at stake I think it's justifiable to compromise and actually accept any help you can get. Let's not forget who funded the bolsheviks, nor the fact that USSR was allied with USA & co. Yet I never see armchair whores describe the Soviet Union as puppets in those cases.


nice argument

Let's also not forget what happened to so-called American Puppets in the past (Afghan Mujahideen, Ba'athist Iraq, Noriega's Panama). Just because it's supported by the US NOW doesn't mean it'll end up as it's puppet.

the US used them as a scapegoat to launch invasions in the middle east and then used them as a tool to destroy syria

was never a puppet.
saddam was always pushing shit around at the negotioations.

and with the exception of the forst none of your examples had the same conditions as kurds.
you know what WAS a good example of such a situation?

if you posted this three years ago and replaced "kurd" with "FSA" your argument would be identical..

What are you saying? The FSA is an umbrella term for all the rebel groups fighting the regime, it is not a single cohesive faction like SDF/TEV-DEM/PYD

What are you saying? The "kurds" is an umbrella term for all the kurd groups fighting alongside the US, it is not a single cohesive faction like Hayat tahrir al-sham, jaish al fatah, nurat al-zinki, jaish al islam

It makes sense tbh. It seems they're well aware that ideological purity during this time with regards to foreign allies will not serve them well. They've taken arms and money from anyone and everyone (USA, FSA, Russia) why stop at Sauds?

We all know all of those foreign entities will turn on them in the future, and if we in our armchairs can see it, the PYD can too. So why not benefit themselves, take their money and weapons in the immediate now?

Is everyone here retarded? Are you following the war since yesterday or why is anyone surprised that the SDF is fine with cooperating with anyone that helps them to survive?

This is geopolitics, ideology barely matters at all, moral stands are useless and your political positions almost purely gets dominated by lines on the map you had no influence on. Rojava survived because they accepted american help in Kobane and from then on everywhere else, Afrin could expand because they made deals with the Russians. Sheikh Masqood is stable because they cooperate with Assad. Trade is possible because despite all they deal with the KRG. Internally they make deals with tribal forces and less than palatable arab units because its necessary and promotes stability(there are even islamists present in some local councils). They praise the Republicans and pamper to the most reactionary of them. In Sinjar they had no problem with siding with the Iraqi central government and they would have no problem with making deals with Iranian controlled PMU. For fucks sake Salih Muslim had talks with the AKP before the peace process failed.

Taking any moral stand and wanting to isolate shitholes is a luxury places like Sweden can afford, but not non state actors in an extremely tight spot that reside in that area. Wanting to milk sheikhs for weapons is completely reasonable, what do you people even propose as an alternative?

The weapon markets are in iraqi afghanistan, and they pay for it through their own war economy. Show me any evidence of fiscal support. Currently, Russia wants a federal system same as the kurds do and assad is in no position to argue. Seriously, your ignorance regarding this whole situation is astounding

*iraqi kurdistan.

why would the US ever turn on them?

which one do you want?

and the US doesent because tht screws up the plan.

calling me ignorant like youre michael jackson or somrthing doesent disprove my points



Ideological purity and pragmatic gains are not mutually exclusive. By cooperating with the US and flirting with Saudi-Arabia will make everyone in the region think Rojava is an US client state.

Good luck convincing any Syrian who isn't FSA to fight for them now.

Have you not been following the war? The SDF of Rojava is an coalition between different militias supporting Apoism and it's practice. It, unlike the FSA, has a clear and identifiable goal that is not twisted nor varied between the members (other than liwa thuwar al-raqqa)

You clearly misunderstand. The FSA is not one faction, it a lot of factions. PYD/SDF is one faction, 'SDF' is not an umbrella term for most opposition groups unlike the acronym 'FSA'

In other words:
FSA=broad term for opposition fighters.
SDF=coalition of militas representing one faction.

Huge implications for the relations between DFNS and America, aswell as the relations between America and Turkey. This represents an American long-term outlook for Rojava, as the new airbase basically circumvents the function of the airbase at Incirlik, effectively undermining one of the biggest reasons why Turkey is still a NATO-member. This also represents another step in DFNS-US relations, hinting at long-term cooperation.

Tbh this is good. The Saudis are of course absolute cancer, but their hideous regime is not going to last forever anyway, so why not exploit that opportunity?

youre trying to twist words here. i said kurds not SDF or PYD. you tought noone would notice? try harder.

for the sake of the argument tho, what is this goal that every one of those factions has

this was obvious for over two years already. the kurds become a new US proxy to undermine soveregin states in the region and enforce US interests, while kurds go with it as said in

and turkey is a key NATO memeber not because of one little airbase (of which the US has plenty in Iraq, Jordan, and the Balkans)
but because of some little thing (i dont know if you heard of it) called THE BLACK SEA.

wew, looks like someone has alot of time, if you can wait out the saudis

'kurds' is the lazy non-political term for DFNS/DF/PYD. I am sure when the word 'kurds' show up in a discourse about Rojava it refers to every single kurd including the diaspora, right?
Your damage control is shit

Your mother is a whore, you ba'athist fuck

So then, is the Saudi cooperation confirmed?

Whats your point? Antiimperialist screeching doesnt make sense for non initiated so you gotta explain.

What the fuck is wrong with you guys? There is nothing inherently better with one porky group over the other. Nationalists will go to gulag before everyone else. If you support Assads retarded system over self determination for everyone then you can fuck off to Holla Forums.

Not at all, they are just making noise rn to scare Turkey.

Be real with me, user. Is there a source for SDF officially saying it's cooperating with Saudi Arabia?

They are just saying that they are willing. Sanadid hate Saudis though and previous talks about potential support from Saudi Arabia through the coalition led nowhere iirc. Nothing will happen most likely.

So nothing concrete yet? We should hope it's only a feint then. God please, let this be a feint. Rojava deserves better than to be the first anarchist/ancom/ansoc experiment to sell out instead of going down fighting.

Who knew? Just about every single nation and political organization has "sold out" then

Cursory glance would tell you those results are in regard to Iraqi kurdistan you imbecile.
It's almost like they're are multiple power players in the region, and the DFSNS is using them against one another.
Just trying to warn you that you're making an ass out of yourself, that's all.

Does SyrianGirl have some solid points? Is she completely biased and full of shit? Bookchinpill me on this video


She's a pro-government Shill, even if she claims otherwise. I remember her saying that the YPG were ethnically cleansing Assyrians despite the fact that Syriac militias and organizations were allied with the SDF and YPG.


They've been getting weapons from the U.S. since at least last October, why would that change now?

nah, that's where America's nukes in the ME are
those aren't leaving anytime soon, Incirlik will still be huge

I haven't seen one, the only thing posted ITT is a third-source twitter post

you must be sweating. and in case you havent it figured out yet, when various people and media outlets mention the "kurds" they mean all the militant kurdish organisation stretching from northern syria to iraq. why do they summarize and generalise so much? because at the end of the day their geopolitical functions are all the same.

there are component chunks of the SDF with an open ultimate aim of overthrowing the house of saud

cry some more before your mother sends you to bed. its really obvious with your low quality of posting that youre probably some underage LARPing middleclass dumbass from a 1st world country

my point is that that guy either posted paradoxically or didnt know what he was talking about.

and what initiated are you talking about? do you have some clan or something

so… youre saying that making various peoples live in a stable country is bad and that everyone should create their own nation-state, but that wouldnt be nationalism? id like to see where this is going

There’s a BIG difference between excepting aid from America and excepting aid from Saudi Arabia.

How will this affect the battle of Al Raqqa.'s_Protection_Units#United_States

oh you mean like the FSA groups said they did?

for telling it like it is? go back to your facebook group with that fallacy crap

decentralized, localized and direct self rule is certainly preferable to being ruled by an alienated bureaucracy ruled by some despot and his family


Notice how none of those links mention financial aid, merely various form of military aid.
When was FSA ever playing both sides in regards to US and Russia? When has the FSA every received support from Russia?
Me calling you and idiot is not making a fallacy.

i dont know if i should laugh or cry when i see someone this naive.
see this guys post

delay its fall by a day or two? same shit in aleppo when terrorists were forcing civillians to fight and shot those who tried to leave trough the humanitarian corridor.

Elham Ahmad (PYD) interview with Saudi news: Saudi role is important for stability in Syria, it's a brother of Syria & important for Muslims

So it won’t do that much

I think this is the main reason why the SDF wouldn't give two fucks if Assad stays or is forced to step down after the war. Him and his father's approach to Northern Syria was the same as Britain's to Ireland before they gained independence.

dont post this here, its literally radiating mental retardation

its gonna do about as much as a platoon of volksturm kids did in may 1945

but when someone sais this in relation to ethnic groups and their individuals that acted against states like the USSR and yugoslavia, more specifically during WW2…?

its interesting that people blame a developing country in mostly a desert for not developing all sections symetrically

That's just saying 'not developing certain regions of a country an undergoing liberalisation and privatisation of the economy is okay so long as my favourite Ba'athist dictator is doing it'. Syria wasn't always a bastion of anti-imperialism either. It had decent relations with Britain, France and the US during the 1990s and early 2000s. In fact, the West said fuck all about the Kurdish al-Qamishli riots in 2004 and continued friendly relations with Assad.

WTF I hate Rojava now

What's your point exactly? That some ethnic groups are just inherently less good then others and need to be ruled by the superior ethnic groups? How are you any better then a fascist at that point?

when is it not okay?
in the 70s most of syria was still on the same level as african countries today. so yeah you cant make something look worse if you stick buzzwords to it, you just look like a dumbass that doesent know whats he talking about.

wow i dint know that did i?
im sure the fall of the USSR and the western global hegemony and expansion of liberal capitalism had nothing to do with it.
as for the kurdish militias you think are without sin or impurity im sure youll find no paradigm shifts or hiccups like this guy mentioned


my point is you have double standards that are based soley on your biased opinion and judgements on wheter or not this and that group that is suppost represent this and that ethnicity has the "proper" ideology

nigga shut the fuck up. Democratic confederalism isn't limited to one ethnic group, and neither is shitty psuedo fascist ideologies like ba'athism

part of baathism is arab nationalism dude lol, it is limited to a specific ethnic group

I don't, but that's hella ironic coming from a Ba'athist. The YPG came about as a defence militia because there was nobody else to defend Northern Syria from ISIS as the SAA had been completely withdraw. They've with the SAA and fought against the SAA on occasions. They've received military aid from Russia and the US and now it seems they're willing to accept it from Saudi Arabia as well, though I'm not sure why other than to piss off Turkey and Qatar.

The situation looks more likely that the YPG/SDF are playing the Americans and Saudis, rather than the other way around. Pisspiggrandad said in an interview that the rank and rile of the YPG are both vehemently anti-American and anti-Zionist, and only the PYD members pay lip service to receive weapons. I really doubt they'll allow themselves to become a US puppet.

pretty much any ethnic group can create the same kind of ideology, just replace X ethnicity with Y ethnicity

wow i really pressed some buttons.
so overall you dont care who or what is doing what in whatever way, aslong as they say they follow some specific ideology or its brand you approve of? is that it?

why, because you think im some shabiba officer that runs some tought police or something? im well aware of most rights and wrongs of all sides (better put it groups and individuals) in this war, and i try my best not to degrade to some biased batshit like youd meet on Holla Forums board sometimes. but ofcourse, it doesent matter what your stance is, youll always meet someone who will call you objective, and someone whi will call you biased.

thats completely true, and i didnt argue against that.

this is the part i was sceptical about. the US isnt stupid (cant say the same for the saudis), and they (more specifically the CIA and pentagon) are masters of subversion. remember, it was the US that started this relationship, and they had very good reasons for it.

i have to admit i dont know who that is, could you help me with that

that kind of "process" ,if you want to call it that, isnt so simple and direct as you could just agree or reject them. if they continue to relly on US support they risk distancing themsleves from surrounding powers, and inturn only becoming more dependent on the US.
on the other hand renouncing the US would mean they now have to deal with turkey.
the US arguably has them in a checkmate, and the longer they hold them there, the worse it gets.


Not at all, and ebin strawman m8y. Demonstrate to me how DFSNS is not implementing a democratic confederalist program

Pisspiggrandad is the Twitter handle of an American Leninist volunteer who joined the YPG in 2016. He was quite popular on Twitter as a 'leftist irony boy' and regularly posted tweets and images from Rojava. I think he's back in the US now and he did a podcast interview with an American-Kurdish PhD student who's something of an expert on Kurdish history and the Rojava Revolution. They talked a lot about the context of the revolution and Pisspig's experience there. He was part of the YPG and also quite close to the International Freedom Battalion. He said both the rank and file of the YPG and the IFB were strongly anti-American, anti-capitalist and anti-Zionist but some of the cadres in the PYD pay lip service to Washington to receive weapons, just like they did to the Kremlin. I personally don't think Rojava will capitulate and become an American puppet, they're already very skeptical of NATO due to Turkey's involvement. They're actually more friendly toward Russians as the Russians are pro-federalist when it comes to Syria, whereas the Americans have already ruled that out.

Also, it's important I should add that Pisspig said the military structure of the YPG is actually quite Leninist, with the experienced commanders leading by example. That isn't surprising considering the PKK had its origins in Marxist-Leninism. Civilian and political life is different and organised roughly according to the principles of Democratic Confederalism and libertarian socialism. They still have private property in some instances, but they're in the process of eliminating it entirely. In 2015, 3/4 of land, resources and the means of production were owned communally and at least a third of production was managed directly by workers' councils. That has probably increased in the last two years. Agriculture is almost entirely organised collectively and communally and industry such as oil production and other aspects of the economy are increasingly put under worker control and management. The economy is heavily influenced by Bookchin's Communalism, which many consider a synthesis of social anarchism and Marxism. The political side is a form of participatory direct democracy, which is consistent with Democratic Confederalism.

As it stands, the YPG have implemented something similar to Lenin's war communism, though with more leeway and liberty for the farming collectives. It's an interesting development which is why this thread is a good source of information and discussion.

wow a good post. this general has been missing these for a while

This makes my boner hard.


The Turks are mobilizing.

Ahahaha, let the roaches come. Remember what happened when they tried to attack in April?

Everything has a limit, user. And the house of Saud is a limit to a lot of things.

There are few things in this world I want more than that, but that's a really lofty goal for them.

Thread turned to shit when the tankies shitposted their irrelevant views.

It's a cyclical. Just make quality posts till the tankie shitposts 404

3 years

I didn't really follow the Rojavan Revolution before 2015 so mind telling me what is up with the first pic?

Opinion discarded.

Battle for Kobani.

If anyone is doing the raping in Royava it's the chicks… Like seriously….Raeprorn when?

The Kurds now have the Sugar Factory under control. If they collectivize it or not will be a test to see if there legit or just western puppets.

Rojava's Stalingrad in it's likeness. The last stand of the YPG/J. Intense urban combat, fighting with tooth and nail (to the point of throwing hand grenades at daesh armour). With new arms and airstrikes by Heval Obama daesh got pushed out. It's an iconic siege and marked the turning point in the war. Without the heroic defiance of the revolutionary men and women the war would have been much different since.

Right back at you, boujee faggot

They've been collectivizing foreign cement factories, the vast majority of agriculture, and oil refineries. Stfu

Well it’s still a test.

it's like you're posting from a trashcan within another trashcan

Friendship ended with Assad.
Now Salman is my best friend


All this talk about Saudi Arabia is pretty fucking baseless. Literally one politician said some vague things like "Saudi Arabia is important; we need to cooperate with them" and everyone is taking that to mean that Rojava and the SDF have sold out when literally nothing except one person, specifically from an unknown capacity, said some incredibly vague things.

Best information I've gotten about the Kurds since years earlier than now.

I love them.

Truly we live in the worst timeline.

This is the smart thing to do imo, as although I agree with Bookchin's anti hierarchy stance, the military is the one place where that has to be thrown out the window.

Well, that's because that particular component chunk is an arab tribe that previously ruled a bunch of current saudi territory before Al Saud beat them up for it and they want their fiefdom back, so you probably wouldn't actually be THAT pleased if it happened. But still, they exist, they're part of the SDF

How does that make any sense at all when all sources I've read say that officers are elected by their subordinates? There being one specific person that everyone respects and listens to can hardly be compared to the hierarchical, authoritarian Soviet military.

I never said that was my opinion, just the opinion of a volunteer in the YPG. He's a Leninist and he said the military structure is quite Leninist, probably meaning the early Red Army under Trotsky with war communism. Personally, I think the YPG's structure, with elected commanders based on experience is more Makhnovist than anything else but the PKK cut its teeth on Marxist-Leninism and even Maoism so perhaps there's still a hangover in certain areas, especially militarily.

they might be trying now, but

thanks for the explanation.

i dont and thats what im worried about. they might they are "able" (with US foces in their home) to be mutually friendly toward russia and other powers there, but the US is set on only one set of goals, that have nothing to do with everyone getting along. is the YPG want to make a move, they have to do it as soon as possible. even now might be too late, seeing the US is almost finished building and airbase outside Kobani.

Btw, what I think Pisspig meant by 'Leninist' is that the YPG has very strict rules for all of its soldiers (heval), whether they be Kurds, Assyrians, Arabs, Turkmen or Western volunteers.

For example, men and women in the YPG/YPJ practice something called 'revolutionary celibacy', meaning they can't have romantic or sexual relationships during their service. Western volunteers with partners back home are allowed of course, but single people joining cannot be in relationships at all.

Another thing is that if members of the YPG/YPJ fuck up, and I mean really fuck up, not something minor, they have to do something similar to a Maoist 'struggle session'. Pisspig said he saw two examples of it during his time with the YPG. The first was when a foreign volunteer just consistently refused to do any of his chores, such as cleaning his AK-47, washing dishes, doing guard duty, helping etc. and I think he said the straw that broke the camel's back was when he told one of the commanders to fuck off when he was told to clean his weapon. The second instance was when a French volunteer was being extremely racist about Arabs, not realising the commander of his tabur (unit) was half-Arab half-Kurdish. In both instances, the two people were sat in a room with members of their taburs and basically shouted at about 'betraying the revolution', which is similar to a struggle session. One of them was kicked out and went home and the other stayed but was punished and had to spend time temporarily imprisoned by his tabur for a few weeks until he apologised and rejoined them on the front lines.

This isn't what a struggle session is btw, that was a title applied by journalists for dramatic effect. THE capital S 'Struggle Sessions' were forced confessions and lynchings under Mao, and involved beatings and worse, with potential death involved, not just harsh words. In comparison, it's more of a snuggle session.

Pics related

Fair enough, actually that sounds more accurate. When Pisspig was talking to the Kurdish PhD student Pisspig described it as a struggle session and compared it with 'call-out culture' in the West, whereas the Kurdish PhD student said it was more akin to 'call-in culture' and 'self criticism' as the people who fucked up more often than not were allowed to rejoin their taburs with no hard feelings. Idk, I've not served in the YPG, though I'd like to join the IRPGF at some point. I'm just going off of what an actual YPG volunteer said and other people with actual experiences within Rojava.


I haven't been keeping up to date with Syria due to the UK GE so I don't know much back story to the situation, but isn't the reaction to the Saudi comments taking things too far? I know aligning with the Saudis is a dumb and unethical idea but it was just one politician who said it and absolutely nothing is set in stone.
Even if something does come of it; wouldn't it be likely that this is another diplomatic move to be friends with everyone.
I know it sounds like 4D chess shit but it is a running trend with the SDC to cozy up to absolutely everyone in order to stay alive.


good post


Just the galaxy? You're thinking way too small.


Îlham Ehmed, the woman who said the Saudi stuff, is currently in Saudi Arabia and is on shilling duty. Seeing the way the Gulf crisis has transpired, with Turkey hedging its bets with Qatar, she got quite opportunistic and started flattering the Saudis because she saw the chance for them to lend their support to SDF. I think what she said was bad, and goes against everything Rojava stands for and I think Ocalan would be pissed. But I also understand it.

As we speak, Turkish backed rebels and Saudi backed rebels are killing each other in Euphrates Shield areas. The Turkey-Saudi axis is irrevocably broken and it's already having very real effects on the battlefield. At some point that will include YPG too.

Best timeline.

i didnt ignore it. theres even a few examples. look at vietnam, ssitched to US support after the war with the chinese, also look at most eastern european countries that switched to the western bloc, look at the german collaborants in greece after WW2.
i dont know what your trying to imply. i do know however youre trying to avoid any discussion related to this


Assad at this point has practically won too. This infighting between rebel groups as well as their financiers, as well as the defeat of ISIS in Palmyra, Masakanh, and soon Raqqa, gives Assad a huge opportunity to finish ISIS and focus on rebel pockets in Daraa, Homs, and the Southern Desert. I don't know what this means for Rojava though.

it means that syrian forces will try to cut them off from expanding to prevent the US from siezing anymore ground. with the pocket on the jordanian border being cut off and syrian units reaching iraq, that pocket lost all its purpose for example.
the areas in the north still have major importance because of the Euphratis, the dams on it and the chance that US backed forces go for dierezzor and surrounding oilfields

What do you folks suggest I read to better understand demcon?

GOOGLE Social Ecology

If they were going to abandon it then why not adopt the same kind of policies of iraqi kurdistan from the get go? If you're so convinced that they're just a US proxy, then they would have abandoned the social aspects of the revolution already. Seriously, this speculation on your part is completely baseless and without merit, merely the spiteful hopes of someone who supports a neo-liberal dictator ala assad

Rojava exists because PYD played 4D chess while relying on a large body of highly disciplined cadres.

The next revolution is a good start.

because the US lets them play their their little game as long as theyre usefull, just like it was with the FSA, libyan rebels, albanian insurgents, ukranian right sector, etc.

i literally gave examples of such social experiments; an fundamentalist/idealist group with US support either getting destroyed or becoming an average consumerist rule of a proxy principality if it wins.

that arab socialist baath party with strict state control of all aspects of infrastructure sure seems neoliberal


Privatisation of agriculture and banking to pursue capital accumulation does seem quite neoliberal, yes. Even Assad's own brother didn't like the liberalisation of the economy that had started to emerge under their father.

The 1947 constitution of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party explicitly defends private property rights. It's no more socialist than Asserism, in fact, Ba'athism is pretty much Arab Asserism. Rojava still has private property but they're in the process of abolishing it, not defending it.


that might be because arab states wanted the fastest way to make a prosperous stable economy, taking the relliable established, so to speak, ways combined with hard supervision, and couldnt afford to experiment like rojava, since they already had a state and a functioning economy. wars with israel and coups didnt exactly help.

ghaddafi was someone who did actually experiment, and quite succesfully, having an isolated oil-rich country.

so basically it was from each according to his ability to each according to his need.

nigga I don't even


SDF making really good progress in Raqqa lads

How much longer do you guys think the war will last? ISIS is collapsing and since Aleppo the rebels have gone on the defensive. How many more years do you think this conflict will last, and will any other follow it?

As long as America wants it to

SDF Lineup for the Raqqa Battle.

Elite Forces in particular have played a large part in Raqqa so far.

Russia propaganda machine starting to churn out anti SDF stories

where did i say that? and was syria not properous?

and where did i say that?
youre just trying to put words in my mouth and avoid any solid argument. pathetic.

strawman. noone is shilling for capitalism. if anything anti-imperialism. try harder

You forgot Saudi Arabia.



Please no.

The liberation of the workers in Al Raqqa is near.

I've been thinking about joining the YPG for a while now, but recently I've been thinking about joining the USMC first to receive training. One thought that's always comes across my mind is how little training I'd receive from the YPG, that I might be in a situation where I have no idea what to do or that something preventable with the right training kills me or someone else. I'm in no real hurry to go to Syria and if Rojava is still around in 4 years then I'll know that it's around for good and I'll be able to bring useful skills instead of just being another foreign volunteer that they make sure isn't killed. I'm just I'm not sure if giving four years of my life (and possibly all of it) to be another boot serving Capital and aiding imperialism is worth the price of what I'd get from it, or how well a fucking ancom would fit in or could even tolerate the military.

I'm also thinking of beyond Syria and what I could do for a future revolution in the rest of the world.

Why not train with an NGO? I mean what you need is fitness (which can be done yourself or with some sports team), shooting ability & gun knowledge (which can be done at a shooting club) and combat training. Now the last is the more difficult thing, but depending on where in the US you are you may have the ability to train with a leftist militia like Redneck Revolt. Tbf also what they teach you in the MC may not be that applicable in the style of fighting you will get with the SDF.

I hear they're incredibly incompetent at shooting and tactics. Just go play pretend with the right wingers for a bit.


Who cares, the geneva convections and international law are just spooks. Also the YPG is a non-stateactor. So they can do shit like this.

Seriously, might a well say I'm With Her

Nah, it's the other coalition forces not the SDF

oh, you mean that two years old pic? phosphorus syria&ved=0ahUKEwjryYaX8LrUAhVIYVAKHcczC7EQMwgnKAIwAg&iact=mrc&uact=8





Feel free to ask questions gomrade

someone has the pdf of "revolution in rojava"?

I'm gonna read the stuff in the OP first but thanks.


true only after Mosul fell and ISIS got all the american weapon stockpiles

Bump to toast this bread.

I am basically getting my war briefings by this thread, and my history.

It's a cyclical thread, so, no worries. But bumping to the top is never a bad idea.

There where many factions working together in Kobane, mostly YPG but some crucial aid came from other allies that taught them how to do city fighting. It is true that Kobane would have fallen without US aid, but before the fall of Mosul and the massive loot coming from there YPG was able to defend themselves against the jihadis, although losses where high.

Also he obviously is not educated at all because SDF did not exist at that point in time. All these attempts trying to calculate what would have happend if not for x are useless. Fact is that the YPG is and was able to use their diplomacy far better than the rebels, has a way better organisation and is capable of cooperating with developed militaries to a degree other rebels that profited from airstrikes wherent able too.

If you really want to play the game how the YPG is shit without the USAF then you can start with mentioning the blockade by Turkey, the massive foreign aid to all rebels, including the jihadis which the YPG never got up to that point. Or how the YPG is the only faction successfully cooperating with special forces on a large scale with a unified training cycle and officer schools. They are an militia of far higher quality than most in Syria.
For fucks sake just compare their performance to the north allepo rebel performance when they got attacked by ISIS and received US airstrikes early 2016 iirc.

yeah this
this is the kind of 2 inch deep analysis you see on reddit. And yes the rebels are actually pathetic compared to the YPG and SDF. They are making a lot more progress with significantly less.

You also have to put into context just how strong ISIS were at that stage. "hurr they would have destroyed YPG in Kobani without airstrikes" – uhh, well yeah? ISIS were absolutely annihilating everyone in their path up till Kobani. That includes far better armed and supplies nation state armies like the ISF and SAA getting BTFO. So of course a lightly armed militia, good as they are, wouldn't stand a chance. Kobani was the first chink in ISIS' armour, their first loss. If they'd smashed the YPG in Northern Syria and if the coalition stepped in there's no telling how much they could have achieved, seriously.

It's taken tens of thousands of airstrikes and every army and militia in the region to make them a tolerable enemy, they're still not even finished yet.

People underestimate just how big a threat ISIS was.

MORE on this:

11 have been named.

Sounds like YPG pulled off a helluva raid last night on Al Qaeda.

Some pics of the dead rebels allready released, I will wait for the next burials or pics from rebels before believing any claims about the number of YPG dead. Apparenlty HAT was also involved and the raid was a reaction to continous shellings from rebels.

If this is really what happend it would be proof of what pkk1978 claimed about Afrins military strenght and level of training.

*YAT I mean. Everyone sometimes gets confused with the Kurdish alphabet soup.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a few YAT casualties but even rebel sources are conceding it was a devastating raid so I think this was very much a YPG victory.

Interesting to note that HXP conscripts are being deployed in offensive roles in this campaign.

I would say more offensive roles havent seen any of them in front combat yet, I still hope they where asked for this and they didnt just randomly select the units to send.

They might be there not to fight but to do law enforcement on recently gained areas until local militias are trained and organized.

yes that's true. that's how it worked in tabqa and manibj i think

interview with badass Italian anarchist on the raqqa front

I hope guy guys are ready for all the non-k*rds in SDF to defect and free northern Syria from k*rd occupation.

What a nice picture. Should have just added the CIA.

Apparently YPG-I is bringing people in again. Any of the anons that wanted to join/know something can confirm this?

Stop being so assmad

turns out pat kasper, who consistently went out of his way to shit on socialist internationalists who went to fight with YPG or help with civil society, is actually a bit fashy. not a great surprise.

Yeah, they need western bodies to patrol newly captured villages behind the front lines & do photoshoots for more US/Saudi funding.

haha barrel bombs and shit amirite assad bro xD

You are right indeed.

wtf I am an Assadist now. In all seriousness kill yourselve, this is internationalism lived.

Yeah hes a bit retarded politically and holds himself as beyond politics.

Oh you are a roach actually? Its allways amazing how you people travel everywhere to spew mundane offtopic propaganda. ← vote for Rojava

there's like some bat signal in the sky for Turks anytime something positive is said about Kurds or PKK/YPG

you immediately get your "PKK=YPG=ISIS terroristler kurd kill billion of baby turkic babies" shitposting

Anyways, enjoy your time being a propaganda tool/village police if you do go there.



but she would be already deploying divisions in syria to "aid the democratic forces and kurds" if she won.

your whole rattling on about assad being a neoliberal is baseless, because youre not attacking his policies, youre attacking him. youre just trying to paint him like some capitalist boogeyman so he wouldnt seem so good when compared to the US proxies youre rooting for.
so yeah, try harder than that.

How can two men be so wrong?

Uh so you "support" Assad without knowing his economic policies? He embarked on a huge liberalisation of the economy that should be public knowledge it you read as much as the Syria relevant wikipedia articles.

That's a cool trick to use foreigners as cannon fodder while keeping their women off limits.

That's just basic military procedure you
If you're in the US military you aren't allowed to fuck either

What do you expect from retarded hipster leftist cucks? Nationalism is always cool, unless it's white people.

Are you okay?

I'm extremely sceptical of that.

You're not allowed, people just do it anyway.

If you get another soldier pregnant they'll get dishonorably discharged but there's actually a big problem with men not bring punished for breaking sex rules but women are

Because women can get pregnant, but men can’t.

Sure but they still broke the same rule

Only each other, not in general like the YPG.

Whats up with idiots thinking that foreign volunteers matter at all militarily? Also you can join the YPG/J if you are in a relationship.

I've heard that it's not possible to go to Rojava anymore because the border is closed on all sides.

Is this true?
If so is it likely to change in the near future?

The border has always been closed, YPG-I smuggles across volunteers when they can. Contact them to see what their situation is.

Fucking Barzani.

When I read this thread I can't help but draw parallels to pkk1978's criticism of the SCW subreddit. There's just lazy shitposting and even lazier views. Instead of a thought-provoking or otherwise educational discourse about Rojava we are stuck with armchair intellectuals. I want to thank some of the posters here for actually making good posts but holy shit the majority is just trash.

Anyways. SAA hasn't made any gains in Palmyra. I don't see how they will advance to DEZ when daesh is putting up a strong front outside of Palmyra. Maybe we will see a blitz offensive in the coming weeks to make a b-line for DEZ. Important to note that DEZ itself is still in the hands of the SAA. Pics related. The fact that Daesh is managing to put up one hell of a fight even though they has lost every major city and is losing Raqqa is concerning as it does hint at the capability of the soon-to-be guerilla insurgency.

My comrade who sent them an email got an email back saying their smuggler was at capacity, this was a month ago or so. No word since he tells me. I sent an email a couple of days ago and haven't gotten a reply. Tbh I think America put pressure on the YPG not to accept any volunteers. They accepted volunteers up until the point when America warned people not to travel there, for the sake of the Raqqa operation (this was around the time phase 3 was declared iirc?)

I see. That's disappointing.

I wasn't entirely sure if I really wanted to go but I guess if I feel disappointed that I probably can't then I do.

I wonder how long would they be able to sustain a guerilla warfare before they give up? I would think they would just quit and move up to the nearby regions.

Al-Qaeda managed to keep it up for like 10 years.


oh i know about his damascus spring. his reforms would have gone well too if the war hadnt started. But thats not the point here is it?


Yes the greater point we must realize is that Assad is a capitalist pig who deserves a bullet.

My computer is acting up. Apologies.
"SDF fighters of Northern Democratic Brigade captured 3 daesh alive in Raqqa"
I have seen one or two other reports that claims that the SDF have captured a few other daesh fighters including an emir iirc. You don't see this everyday.

Have you guys seen the news about Daesh launching an insugency in east Asia? Martial law declared. They have around 500 fighters iirc. Clashed ongoing in Marawi.

try harder

because reinforcements are coming from Raqqa and Iraq

I know for a fact that people are still brought over activly. If they are at capacity they are probably just working at their backlog or only bringing the people with the most potential over.

Also they wouldnt establish stuff like the International Commune if they didnt plan on continuing this.

because the incompetent fucks the US is decided to abolish al legal and administrative infrastructure in favor of putting up an incompetent puppet goverment that governed the little strip of land in baghdad called the green zone, trying to ignore that the rest of the country was in a full fledged civil war.
one of the reasons the US battle record is so good in iraq after 2004 is because they didnt set a foot out of their safespace

>meanwhile these guys who literally work for the US, the source of neoliberal globalist capitalism and hegemony, are totally ok, because they dont seem so capitalist to me yet
nice argument.

You mean like the USSR in WW2?

Better to support a revolution that might succeed than a dictator who already established a capitalist economy.

Oh, boy.

Not currently as I said.

I didn't say it was permanent.

No. Reinforcements was pulled from DEZ and surrounding areas to Raqqa. They haven't pulled troops from Raqqa to any other front. You are just lying. Also the reinforcements from Iraq came a long ass time ago when abu bakr al baghdadi declared defeat in Iraq and told the fighters in Mosul to fight to the death and the rest to retreat to Syria. This was a while back not in any current context.

I mean there are volunteers in Slemani atm readying themselves to get brought over. I just read so I am no expert but its completely normal that the email conversation stretches through ages and that answers get delayed, reports of this happening have been around from the start. There have been multiple times where people where stuck in the KRG for some reason for weeks till they could cross and I heard nothing about something like that happening atm. If you disagree strongly you are propperly right, everything I post here shouldnt be taken as confirmed fact at all.

Why do you think that US pressure and Raqqa have something to do with the current situation?

The point is that he isnt even a socdem and idiota like you support him over a genuine attempt at building socialism or a society that can develop into socialism relativly seemlessly. If your misguided notions of antiimperialism stand above socialism and international solidarity then you can fuck of to reddit.

All relevant local revolutionary factions stand in solidarity with Rojava across the sectarian spectrum, despite all the glorification of indegenous people this fact seems to have slipped away.

Isis was popping up everywhere after their boom in 2015.
you just didnt hear about it because areas in asia and africa were of no significance to the west. while the episode in the philiphines is a more recent thing, the insurgency in china has been happening for a long time.
however china supressed it on every occasion, sometimes even with flamers when they were hiding in caves

i take it you were celebrating when euromaidan happened. or when libya fell. or any other color revolution when were at it.

didnt say that. youre trying to make it seem i use "capitalist" as a buzzword. where do you see this revolution of yours in 20 years? realisticly that is.

No actually. For anyone who looked even a little deeper than the MSM narrative it was glaringly obvious that these were just excuses for the US to dispose of their enemies and not the 1776 freedom revolutions the media was making out. Rojava however actually is being led by people committed to changing this region for the better through socialism and democracy. And for the first time in the middle east they have a good shot at succeeding.

You mean like when they supported the Taliban to fight the USSR and realized they fucked up 20 years later.
Or when they supported ISIS to fight Assad and realized they fucked up almost immediately afterwards?

and where will this revolution realistically be in 20 years?

these color revolutions were all initially led by local leader. the US only stepped in diplomatically and administratively afterwards to "clean up".

yes. except this time the US will neither be able to use them to destabilise the region (as with ISIS) nor will they protect them from their neighbours.
not to mention they wont just leave. theyll just make sure the right "revolutionary" leads the revolution and then let it all drift to scenario A

Depends on how the region and Syria develops, if they survive best case scenario is probably some form of social capitalism/market socialism structurally capable of deploying socialist modes of production once feasable for a poor region of a coupple million inhabitants. With a social and political system far exceeding the sorrounding ones and garuanteeing a high degree of welfare and freedom. Serving as an example that a different approach is possible and educating generations of radical leftists while showing practical international solidarity.

Its hard to predict how the world will develop in the next twenty years, material conditions are changing fast and I am not optimistic that the post civil war Syria will revert seamlessly to how it was before.

How their international relations will look like is not predictable as that depends massivly on Turkeys future trajectory, but I can allready see future antiimperialist whine how US supported Rojava is attacking the antiimperialist NATO defector Turkey and denying any mistreatment of Kurds or that its a problem that its a dictatorship.

top kek

i win

None of this were buzzwords, this is your brain on k*rd.

This is the Syrian civil war not some press conference or public event, especially these three sources have a massive bias in favour of the events that they claim to have happend. Anyway I dont know what happend, and I dont think its relevant at all if it happend or did not happen. If you seriously think that there is some sort of alliance between SDF and ISIS then you are unsavable anyway.

well lets break down todays positions for you
where does this lead to?

There were a bunch of them all from different origins. The only real unifying factor is that the US was using them to further their interests.

You had some of them led by straight up Jihadiists from the get-go and you had some of them that were socialistish movements that got co-opted. "color revolutions" and "x springs" are a meme categorization.

I don't doubt it. As far as the survival of the revolution is concerned internal fifth columns are more dangerous than ISIS.

But nonetheless while it stays revolutionary we need to support it, and we especially need to support it if we're to have any hope of keeping it revolutionary.

name one source that doesent


this aint binary code here. the daesh decide to make a move, the other guys see this would profit them, they let ISIS move out. no alliance. just strategy. unless youre calling the SDF stupid.

I am going to help you
No they dont
Westerners work in a variety of positions relating to their individual skill set and unit they have been placed in, its completely possible to changes units.

The number of official photoshoots containing westerners is extremely low and they have all been to promote internationalism or to honor martyrs.

US is not very happy about the volunteers and doesnt fund the YPG or the civilian side until now. And if they start to do it it wouldnt be because some westerners or something but because it fits into their strategy and accept the civilian side of Rojava(which they havent done yet at all)

Complete decent into madness, just because PYD officials oppertunistically show their readiness to work with Saudi Arabia because they are also in a conflict with Turkey doesnt mean they have political influence, do any funding, or that western photoshoots would have anything to do with that.

You just stacked random buzzwords that you probably got of /sg/ or some shit and pretended to have an argument.

Yes and exactly thatswhy it doesnt matter at all in the large picture regardless if buthurt Assadists decide that its unacceptable to allow enemy retreat.

By allying capitalists and using capitalist systems such as the free market you are consenting to capitalism. If you commies really believed in your own system you wouldn't go to the store and buy stuff, how come you need capitalist help if communism is so great?

Rojava surviving and being able to stand against opressive regimes? What is your problem with that? Also you didnt solve the issue of Turkey in anyway.

Hurr durr I am to retarded to understand that you wait for confirmation from sources with an opposite bias before taking things as fact

the main catalyser was US foregein policy. waht youre describing as origin was the pretext.

because it was all good pretext. and no they arent a meme categorisation. they are an extension of US foregein policy via unconventional warfare.
ive never heard of any "color revolution" that took place in a pro-US country, not to even mention it succeded.

ive been on this stance since ISIS appeared. Besides a dog off the leash it only served as a mean to make other US actions seem moderate and not of importnace in the current situation

kek. i never said anything about complaining if they let them leave. i just said that they do. and it does matter, because this is a war, not a sunday afternoon bookclub.

I hope you arent claiming that

I know, this is where I agree with you. I'm saying the media talks about "color revolutions" as if they're unified by anything but their support by the US.

I only commented about the sources, I have no horse in the game.

good luck trying to run an autonomous state while being under attack from 4 surrounding powers, one of which is directly supported by your former boss US because they want to make it up to turkey

i was describing the current situation. not the hypothetical tommorow like you or i in this post

so whats the problem then?
at the end of the day even this argument is null if you have nothing to support your claims whatsoever, isnt it?

where were revolutions in turkey, saudi arabia, iraq, and other US allies and proxies? :BDDDD

I answered to a post asking how it may play out in 20 years, also Rojava doesnt aim to become an independent state. Really you seem a bit retarded.

Ok you are just willfully misinterpreting everything to fit your retarded agenda.

but its more than just support tho, none of them would succed without direct US involvement.


pick one

oh you didnt understand? well let me be more precise for you:

Seems like they have brought quite a lot of Arab units from Afrin area through gov territory to help in Raqqa. JaT also has a strong presence and iirc some Afrin YPG also came.

Question for Rojava lovers: what do you think about the fact that they seem to mostly stick with private property? How socialist are they, really, instead of just being totally rad socdems who like democracy?

I don't like it but radical social democracy in the middle-east is a monumental achievement.

True, and I'd also say they're def. preferable to the alternatives. It's still a bit weird how much the left worships them tho

Some of the Rojava worship is absolutely unwarranted but they are in the middle of a war. It's unrealistic to expect them to implement to fully implement pure anarcho-communism overnight or something.

In fact I think one of their FB groups posted a meme lampooning the shit they get from western anarchists for not being pure enough if anyone has it.

Good post. I was just basing it off what the YPG themselves said in the email. The months long silence seems to be longer than the average delay.

Your sources literally said what I did the other ones doesn't even contradict me nor is related to anything I said, you fucking mong. What the actual fuck is this board serious.

What the actual fuck

Yeah, let's discard the fact that Rojava was never industrialized, the war with ISIS and turkish FSA, the surrounding pressure from every side, the lack of higher formal education et al. Building socialism in an agricultural based economy during a 6 year war is perfectly possible, right? 10/10 political analysis from your armchair.

Yeah nigga I'm just going to sit butt naked in the gutter and wait until I starve to death.

That'll show the bourgeoisie.


Did you consider such a thing as a timeline or do you think that shit that happened before apply now? Posting a ton of sources that span over a period of time doesn't prove anything about the current situation. During that period of time the mobilisation of those troops could have easily have changed. Furthermore I did say that daesh recieved reinforcements from Iraq and DEZ, I opposed the statement that daesh is moving troops away from Raqqa during a fucking siege just when Raqqa itself recieved reinforcement from DEZ a week ago and even mobilised the civilians to fight the SDF.

So let's take a look at the sources:

1. From march this year. Does that apply now? No.

2.Doesn't mention anything related to the above mentioned discussion about current troop placement or reinforcement locations

3. "Multiple sources have confirmed that they rarely see any ISIS operatives in Raqqa, including both foreign and local ISIS members. However, one might argue that ISIS is using the same strategy that previously gave its adversaries the illusion of winning, while actually out manuevering them. It would be shocking for one of the most ruthless non-state actors to flee its declared capital without a fight. In two separate investigations, one on the significance of the Tabqa Dam[1] and the other on ISIS security forces (forthcoming), evidence points to some degree of readiness and preparation to relocate its stronghold in Syria from Raqqa to the city of Mayadin in Deir ez-Zor."

This was posted in April, before the current reinforcement of Raqqa.

3."Unconfirmed: ISIS began retreating from Raqqa toward Deir Ezzor" An unconfirmed source from 2 fucking months ago. Are you actually fucking retarded?

The title literally stated what I said. This was posted 3 months ago, yet the first cited source from 3 months ago contradicts this. Were the sources even read before posted on this thread or were they taken from the first page of google just to support the dumb claims? I'm guessing the latter.

5. From April: "Earlier this week ISIS terrorists in Deir Ezzor received large reinforcements and now they are attacking government troops in the area."

"Most likely, the terrorist group is now able to defend only its self-proclaimed capital. Furthermore, many ISIS members had been redeployed from Raqqah for the operation in Deir Ezzor."

This offensive in DEZ failed. SAA pushed them back. Those troop movements do not apply now. Again, Raqqa recieved reinforcements from DEZ very recently when the SDF first launched the actual assault on the city. Post something relevant and not something concerning a failed operation a month ago.

6. Also from April: "But hundreds of IS “bureaucrats” left the terrorist stronghold in the past two months for the IS-held city of Mayadin"

We are talking about fighters, not the command structure of daesh. It also important to note that we were also talking about reinforcements to Palmyra from Raqqa from the begining. Yet the sources makes no mention about that.

Fuck off already. The war is a cluster of news everyday so you better post something that's relevant to the current situation.

Also, I am not refuting the relocation of Daesh command from Raqqa to Mayadin. Most of the sources were concerned about that. Not operational movements.

Yeah, I'd agree there, but my question was more whether Rojava actually wants and intends to become socialist or not. The guy above got mad at me for some reason (a recurring event on Leftypol) but I was wondering about intent, not the circumstances in which this intent takes place.

So, the question was not, hey guys Rojava is not P U R E so why support them at all, the question was, does Rojava EVER intend to become socialist. If not, or if so, why do you think this would be true?

The PKK seems pretty legit. As long as they're running things I don't doubt they'll at least try and become socialist.

What I'd mainly worry about is after the war them being federalized into whoever wins and the USA, Turkey and whoever won trying to undermine their socialist efforts and integrate them into the capitalist economy.

Tbh most of the questions concerning Rojava and socialism is from tankies being all "lel capitalist puppets ur not socialist"
This board is shit it and it has conditioned us into being assholes.
But to answer your question, comrade:

Of course. Socialism is a tenant of Apoism just like feminism and democracy. If you read the thread you'll see that Rojava has already taking steps to collectivize the economy, such as collectivising the heavy industry and agriculture. Naturally this is difficult as most of the economy is dedicated to the war effort. But yes there is already a cooperative system in place. Then there's also the local factors. This is not Stalinism so the PYD can't enforce collectivism nor hang kulaks (note that the bourgeois elements of Rojava has fled or gone into hiding like in Spain during the 30's), it is up to the people themselves. I for one think that us leftists discard this factor when talking about socialism in Rojava. At the end of the day the revolution has a strong element of this kind of local autonomy which can side-step the socialist intentions of the PYD. With that said, the goal of the revolution under the leadership of the KCK is to abolish capitalism and its toxic modernity from the region.

Here's some resources, comrade.

This documentary also touches on the subject of collectivism (with a snippet of a worker council discussing farming)

Yeah, that's a legit concern user. Consumerism is always a seduction.

Yeah and then supporting Assad because at least he doesn't get helped by America. Wthell.

Fair point comrade. Would say that hesitancy because of autonomy is logical, but I would say it's best this way. If communism cannot prove it is the superior system, it does not deserve to be dominant.

Thanks for the resources! I'll go through them and come back to you afterwards!

*sigh*. Sometimes I feel it's an internationalist duty (or perhaps duty is not the right word, more like some felt imperative of empathy) to actually join the comrades in their fight against the most inhuman fucking gang existing on this earth, but tbh I'm really afraid of being shot. :(

I've heard coming over is the really scary part. It's easy to think you're going to get shot as soon as you cross the border but from what I understand Rojava is actually pretty chill - well besides the battles but when you're not actually fighting it's not so scary.

As a westerner the best thing to do is to get an education and help in a much more real way. A higher level of education is not possible there yet and educated people are much more needed than fighters. What's the point of a revolution if there is not reconstruction, no repair and no development? Rojava needs the scientific leadership of western educated people that doesn't compromise the ideological background. The fighters there fight because they have no other choice. Even though we leftists romanticize an armed struggle it isn't really fun nor cool.

"Becoming more serious, the comrade from the Reverberi tells me, ‘Each student brings with them the influence of the occupying system, as well as the influence of the traditional Kurdish society. Our goal is to transform these ideologies. 10 percent of our fight is against an external enemy and 90 percent is internal.’ He also makes a fascinating point about the kind of discipline needed to overcome socialization from the old society. ‘When you tell these young people to go fight in the YPG, they are all for it, but when you say sit down and read, they say no. Study requires immense effort, perhaps much more effort than fighting."

So it is education and reconstruction that Rojava needs, not more able-bodied men and women ready to fight. The struggle will wait patiently for you during those 5-7 years when you are in university.
Apologies if I was mean earlier, my friend.
Most western volunteers come there to play at war. It's tourism with an AK. Then they leave thinking they have made a difference and a social impact. Westerners without combat training are only good for PR.

I was thinking over going over but are you saying I shouldn't?

I'm a bit of a brainlet who can't hack school. I'm not sure how I could help besides fighting or with educated skills (that I don't have).

Nah, it's cool, you shouldn't apologize for being level-headed. I sorta had the idea that if you volunteered you were going to be sent to the front, but yeah, that was probably naive.

Lol, yeah, I can see that happening. Tbh I would def. not have any desire to go to the front.

Thanks for the post, I'll keep it in mind! Would a university-level education in social sciences have any use whatsoever, or is the expertise wanted purely technical?

Hm, interesting.

You definitely shouldn't go. Not because you might be martyred but because you'd waste your potential and the opportunity to exploit the educational system here in the west. Even if you live in shithole burger America you could just take that huge ass loan for university then go to Rojava and never return. Tbh, I wouldn't recommend any westerner going unless they are commited to the struggle for the rest of their lives or a lenghty period of time. At least more than a couple of tours with the YPG. Most westerners use the struggle as a personal opportunity to experience fighting and a revolutionary cause, not talking about you but the apolitical and even political people like the IRPGF people that go there just to fight and masturbate over calling themselves revolutionaries. Thet are not actually making a difference they could have been making if they were educated. The SDF have consistent intervalls of fresh graduating fighters, they do not have the same with doctors or engineers et al. We have to develop our internationalist sentiment and appropriate it to the actual current demands of the situation. The internationalist idea of supporting a revolution with nothing but picking up arms is way too old, crude and dogmatic. I'd rather have doctors who are capitalists going there than eager revolutionaries visiting for 6+ months. The people and their needs has to be satisfied first before we can even hope of installing a fully collectivist system. I am not saying that non-experienced western fighters are counterrevolutionary but their impact is indifferent, the revolution in Rojava is not dependent of western volunteers nor are they really needed (except those with actual combat training). Even if you don't want to study and do not have the patience then you can contact the turkish SYPG (pic above) and help rebuild the destruction of the war. That would be way better than participating in a few operations and being a blackhole for the resources of the YPG.

intelligence is developed, not birthed. If you must then you can and if you can then you must.

If you learn Kurmanji then you can definetly become a teacher in the subject. But atm the need is almost purely technical.


any signs of such a thing?

so cherrypicking the flaws of singular sources dissmises the whole thing apparently? meanwhile you dont have to back up yourself.

ISIS is moving forces from iraq and raqqa to deirezzor and palmyra. thats a fact. i dont know why you want it to be the other way around. probably because you want to make some slaughter seem more epic than it is just because you want the guys youre rooting for seem cooler.

I see. This is all very interesting. Almost all of what I've read is super-pro combat volunteering but I always thought there must be some reason not to.

What do western volunteers mostly do over there?

well theyre mostly assigned to low-importance tasks like guard duty or to areas of operation where numerical superiority without actual tactical menauvering is needed. so basically helping guard outposts on the edge of the desert. they relly dont have much use of someone with little combat experience and no knowlidge of the language or landscape.

Wouldn't those be really dangerous?

Ah, thanks for the reply. I'll keep that in mind.

If you actually follow the constant and overwhelming twitter updates of on-ground sources and the map then you will see that refering to troop movements months ago when the situation was different is moot. Looking for verfied tweets a week or so ago when they post dozens to scores of them everyday is way too time consuming just to please your dumb ass. The issue of reinforcements was posted to the map itself, although since there has been week since then it isn't pinned to the map anymore. Have a shot at finding it yourself:

No. The timespan is very short for something to be relevant. In other words, when other news come about concerning troop movements then any news before that point in time (concerning the same troops of course) is illegitimate.

There's a difference between posted unconfirmed news and posted confirmed news on the same page, don't you agree?
Reinforcements from DEZ to Raqqa was posted on the map and it was confirmed wether you like it or not.

Daesh has sationary fronts there. A counterattack on those fronts doesn't necessarily equate with reinforcement to those said fronts. If Daesh moved troops every single time they launched an offensive there wouldn't be consistent fronts as we know them to be and it would sure as shit be posted as news. Yet I have seen no news of fighters being pulled from Raqqa to DEZ or Palmyra when the SDF assaulted Raqqa.

It has no weight concerning actual placement of bulk fighting force during this time. It is absolutely irrelevant to the original discussion.


Yet the map stated otherwise. Hmmm, who should I believe? What I read myself or you?
I have only seen reports of SAA reinforcing Palmyra, not daesh doing it.

^^^Maybe you read some fake news and confused yourself, my negro skulled friend? Either way ISIS wouldn't be able to launch such an offensive if indeed troops were pulled away.

You are a meme.

Assyrian genocide recognised in Rojava. For the people who say "Kurds played a huge part in the Armenian/Assyrian" genocides. Yes they did. But this is how you begin apologising for that. Recognition

Hadn't heard of the Northern Democratic Brigade before. Really find learning about the non YPG SDF groups v interesting.

Also the PKK recognised and apologised for the Kurdish involvement in the Armenian genocide.

Lmfao. Saved. Their logic is on par with the italian tankies supporting ISIS because muh embearialism :DDD

Yeah, PGG's interview with the cute under-grad student also mentioned the YPG/PYD having history courses about the kurdish involvement in it those 100 or so years ago. Unlike the shit eating kemalist turks

Pro SAA Al Masdar journalist saying rumours of ISIS convoys leaving Raqqa are absolute BS. Very clear disinformation campaign going on at the moment to suggest ISIS and SDF are working together and are not really fighting

Tbh I wanna join the YPG or IRPGF and I have some combat/weapons experience. Shit-tier combat experience cause I'm from Britain and le classcucked gun laws but better than nothing. I'm currently doing an undergrad course and next year will be my last before I graduate. I'd like to fight but I reckon I'd be more use if they need educational skills idk. Hopefully, I could do both.

And regarding the raid on Nusra positions, SOHR (close as we'll get to neutral on this) says YPG performed an ambush which killed at least 36 rebels and left many more seriously injured. Also destroyed 3 vehicles. 1 YPG fighter died in the raid, this has been confirmed by YPG too.

well no. they will always put a foregeim volunteer or a newbie on a combat mission in a rural are where commands are quite simple and all you need is alot of men moving over a vast area to storm an enemy position. the place they wouldnt want you is in urban warfare, that demands alot of coordination and expertise.


what news site? sputnik? how would ISIS withdraw convoys from Raqqa when all the bridges are destroyed?

Rare image of ISIS fighter retreating from Raqqa across the Euphrates

2017, colourised

What if I were to join an SDF/YPG-aligned unit, like the IFB or IAT? I understand that since they're independent and that they are of a combat force than governmental entity that they'd be more willing to accept people into their ranks than the regular YPG or SDF, which already has several thousand.

id say sputnik is more reliable than personal twitter accounts

Assad must be shitting himself at the prospect of that Islamic State armada coming after him.

where are these news
just made it irrelevant

looking for one specific flaw to declare a source irrelevant for each source to declare the point false is.


SDF making advances in this district now.

if anyone remembers Gulan from this RT documentary from two years ago, I just found her in a recent Raqqa vid by surprise

check 1:24

wonder what happened to the rest of the girls in the doc

I haven't heard of them explicitly turning away very many people, and the ones they do are largely only going to almost certainly get killed or psychopaths that are very obviously signing up just to kill people. Mostly they just take forever to get back to you because there's already so many people over there and already waiting to get over there.

It's more the case that at this point soldiers are in no short supply whereas they're in extreme need of skilled professionals to help rebuild Rojava. They have plenty of soldiers. They don't have very many doctors, engineers, agricultural experts etc.

So this is the power of the caliphate

Clearly Alla PBUH is on there side.

Aha! After a quick survey of the events using the 'time' filter on the map I found the tweet I read!

Although I am confused why you found it unlikely that daesh sent reinforcements to their largest bastion. Hopefully this concludes our friendly talk and proved you wrong.

It was a statement about the duration for all news in the conflict generally speaking. It applies to the news we are talking about.

It states nothing about reinforcements from nor to Raqqa. How does it relate to the issue we were discussing?

The date of those articles or what they are stating is not a specific flaw. It completely negates them in our discussion.

You only state "pbuh" after writing Muhammad's name. Not god's name.

Fuck meant to reply to

The YPG is nothing more than a tool of American imperialism.

They're no longer cooperating with Russia and Syria and are relying more or less solely on Washington now - they've even said that Saudi Arabia should have a role in the future Syria. This is all setting up for a massive betrayal.

Face it, the YPG are nothing more than bodies for Trump to throw against ISIS before being given AT BEST some pathetic autonomous zone with a neo-liberal government and at worst sold out to the Turks who are a full NATO member and far more useful to American foreign policy than a couple militias.

It's fun to pretend like they're the CNT-FAI and the International Brigades, but they're going to end up the exact same way, with their sponsor pulling support when it no longer benefits them and letting them be annihilated.

Low energy b8. Sad! Make B8 Great Again


Dude in the cafe opposite my school noticed all my edgy anarchist badges and the hammer and sickle patch on my shoulder and showed me his coffee mug, had a great conversation about bookchin and rojava which ended with a fistbump and a "long live öcalan"

That's a cool story, but fucking hell.

nice bait idiot

nice vulgar marxism idiot

C'mon you must have some knowledge in being able to practice it

That's really heart warming but don't wear badges and patches. I guarantee that apolitical people look down on you when they see that shit

Fuck 'em. If you're still apolitical in the contemporaneous time frame then you're a priviIeged fuckwad whose opinion literally is worth less than a Holla Forums tard's.

No apolitical people are just alienated from statecraft, and actual politics is mostly dead so its understandable people dont engage.

Who here /going/

I'm doing a condensed emt course atm and once I complete it, I'm going try and assist with medical shit. Emailed a few people awhile back and got a response. Wasn't sure if I was gonna be able to go to emt school, so I waited about a month to reply back (this was like a week ago) and now I'm waiting for another response. Any other email contacts you guys have would be cool too. But if anyone else here has any special skills and are going, that'd be dope af.

Are you going attempting to go through YPG-I or through some different contact?

Daily reminder that Rojava is and probably always will be just a de-centralized Capitalist region and if you support or defend it you are just supporting and defending Capitalism.

Im a leftcom and even i think you should shut the fuck up…


Have you ever picked up a history book?

Also that pic is shit and unfunny.

Face it, Rojava is Capitalist. Any defense of it is just defense of Capitalism, no matter how "socialized" it may be.

IAT reformed into the "YPG International Battalion"


So what's your criteria for a revolution not being 'Capitalist' and thus supportable?

When it's a spontaneous uprising of the Working class and abolishing Capital and Markets, two things that Rojava clearly has.

T*rk detected.


Of course it is still capitalist, but that does not justify your retarded underinformed position. And even less your useless spamming of ever the same useless, misinformed and often plainly retarded pics and texts. Rojavas chances of succeding are low but every socialist movement operates under capitalism in the early phases. Its pretty clear that a system like that envisioned for Rojava is the best one to transition to socialism/deploy socialist production once possible. But you are probably one of these magical anti organisation leftcoms unable to accept anything which doesnt fit in your idealised marxist orthodoxy(you would probably also denounce the paris commune and everyone supportive of it) so all this arguing is pretty much useless, or you will just start strawmanning hardcore while ignoring long term consequences or the approaching material changes.

Thats the flag of Iraqi Kurdistan you fuck.

Well said. The internal revolutionary struggle going on in Rojava is much more interesting than the visceral details of the conflict between it and ISIS.
Anyone can pull a trigger, but maintaining your decency and building socialism is much harder.

Are you implying that the majority of the Kurds are bourgies? Educate yourself on the pre-war economic reality of Northern Syria. It was and still is a largely unindustrialized region inhabited mostly by (subsistence) farmers and the occasional small workshops.
These people are proles, workers, peasants. And only a small part are still bourgies or landlords, and they're being phased out.
As per usual the "ultra-left" critique of Rojava is intellectually dishonest and misinformed.

Markets are just a way to distribute goods, similar to a planned economy. (And a great deal of the Rojavan economy is planned)

They are the edgelords /r/Ultraleft/. I wouldn't expect a good-faith critique from them. (Even though there are plenty of ways to critique Rojava)

Does this mean that they're still an independent Unit or are they subject to the YPG's rules on accepting international fighters?

Daily reminder that k*rds are the niggers of the middle east.

Why do you guys defend racist militias engaged in ethnic cleansing?


Nice try

hilarious the way Sunni Arabs think they're most oppressed people in the Middle East

Thinking of joining the YPG. Any advice or info?

He ass pulls like half of his statistics, no one cares because he has tenure.'s_Protection_Units#War_crimes_allegations

The Turks are complete retards that will say and do anything to sate their obsession with spiting the Kurds.

I'm saying this as a skeptic of Rojava support.

THEY'RE NOT REPLYING! It's been almost a month since I contacted them and still no response. Other anons itt said it's because they're in a war and shit, and we may need to wait until the fall of Raqqa for a response.

Nope. See pic. Also, Arabs, Turkmen and Assyrians in Northern Syria have no other choice but to join. It's that, ISIS or flee the country.

They're not, but you guys are idolizing an ethnic rebellion with Marxist trappings.

>An unsourced report by the Syrian Network of Human Rights. AKA a single guy operating in the UK that hasn't been to Syria in decades.

I heard somewhere that ISIS often trap Rojava volunteers to sell them into slavery or hostage them.

How likely do you think that would be?

Also, they might just be vetting you. They might have you soon. Don't give up hope.

Amnesty International never accused YPG of ethnic cleansing if you read the report.

The UN later confirmed that too dipshit.

>They're not, but you guys are idolizing an ethnic rebellion with Marxist trappings.
You people just keep trying don't you?

Duh. It's irrelevant to muh racism. That's how real world politics work.
Racism may exist in the region, but that's a simple fact of cultural norms, which can be dealt with when porky and their pet snackbars are blown out.

The Turkish government pulled the claim out of their asses. There is literally no evidence of ethnic cleansing.

shit man you cracked the code there


Jihadis discuss YPG. pretty amusing.

I heard they reached a point where they don't know what to do with people offering to become fighters. But they need people with civilian skills…

My grandfather was a railroad engineer and I know a few things from him. Maybe I can do mass transit for them.

They allways where subject to YPG rules.

Civilian people are needed more, if you still decide on YPG YPG-International is what you want to google.

Resend the email, and stay persistent. Its pretty normal that forget to answer as their email department is unorganised af.

A single rumour from years ago, I wouldnt worry.

Getting any education and coming over later is more helpful than another soldier. First priority should be learning some Kurmanji though.

I forgot to mention that with the creation of the International Commune its entirely possible that they are also taking unskilled civilian volunteers now.

What really is the International Commune?
They are building a compound to teach Kurmanji and theory to train peopl so they can get active in organising the communes and deepening the civilian side of the revolution. They have 28 people there allready.

I see. This may sound stupid, but it's in Rojava right? Not anywhere in the west?

Hipsters now banned from Idlib.
They're doing something right at least.

Yes, in one of the german articles they even mention the pretty exact place.

Their twitter:

Two german articles about them:

full link. it's actually fairly interesting as far as getting the Al Qaeda view of the YPG. Mohaisany is a good speaker

Its an old farm they are building up 2 hours away from Qamishli. They plan on some gardening, a green house, and a tree nursery. Seminar rooms and place for 100 people to sleep. So its a pretty large project.

They are in a close cooperation with the Rojavan youth organisation. And allready have a team of 28 people in place.

Education is allready ongoing while they are building things.

God damn I love Islamists

that’s good.

lmao, is this real?

I hope so.

Holy shit I love you

Shut the fuck up white boy. It's the flag of Kurdistan. That flag applies to the kurdish struggle no matter if it's Bashur, Bakur, Rojhelat or Rojava. The men and women of the KCK veins are doing it for Kurdistan. Take off that flag

Jesus Christ read the thread before you post

Thanks for raising awareness about this

Chill the nationalism. The YPG and by extension the SDF aren't fighting for Kurdistan, they're fighting for a democratic, socialist Syria.

It was a joke.

I thought the Rojava thread would also appreciate this…

Stay strong, all those whom are fighting.

I dunno man, I mean I barely remember the material, altho I would quickly remember it by skimming my textbooks. Anyway, I'm scared shitless of abandoning my life here, blow a load of money to do this long trek, reach Rojava and have to tell them I have no idea how to install this industrial transformer they bought with much labor.

rumours that the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdad, is dead after an air strike.


If this is true Socialism and Barbarism! need to put a video up with qt Kurdish girls laughing.

*Socialism or Barbarism!

why not both?

I wonder what the story is behind Baghdadi. He was your regular Al-Qaida guy who somehow managed to become the leader of the largest terrorist organization in existence, and never actually led, rarely appearing in public, and not at all for the past couple years. He's so cryptic there's no cult of personality around him even though Daesh would fall for it in a second.

He got seriously injured years ago in another airstrike apparently. He wasn't a military leader to begin with, just a wackjob Kharijite who raped sex slaves.

I hope the Russians gave him a nice painful parting gift.

These are the kind of haircuts I see local Kurdish immigrants wearing…

idk I feel like I see this headline once every couple of months


This episode of delete your account with PissPigGrandad is pretty good, they go more indepth with him on the specifics of YPG, PYD etc.

not bad tbh

Sorry to burst your bubble but apperently you haven't got a clue about the kurdish sentiment in the indigenous population nor in the diaspora.
Those who fight are doing it for survival and for Kurdistan. The arabs and assyrians are fighting for their survival and homeland aswell. The socialist sentiment is purely the result of Apoism. If KNC had made a breakthrough before the PYD then Rojava would be capitalist. Rojava is only socialist because of the party. All of Kurdistan is incredibly nationalist and tribalist. Pull your head out of your ass.

t. k*rt

I feel you son

That picture does not prove anything; there are many Arabs in the YPG/YPJ as they are not a kurd-only group. Other Turkmen, Arab or Assyrian militias are democratically controlled and can choice where, when and how they fight as well as who they fight with.

That's pretty much the point. If, say, the mainstream rebels were Socialist or Left-wing instead of Islamist or Bourgeois Republican, we'd support them too. Obviously there's a lot of support for the PYD and YPG (Kurdish areas or not) because the KNC and KDP haven't been successful in drawing up popular support here. In fact, Salih Muslim Muhammed has even said the the DFNS is supposed to be a model for the rest of Syria.

The PYD had more of a breakthrough than the KNC because they were more popular. Why else would they (and other socialist parties in Rojava) get so many votes in the elections.
The Rojava flag applies for Rojava and the Alaya Rengîn applies to Bashur along with the political implications of each flag. To ignore this is to ignore the political reality of Kurdistan.

pkk1978 telling pat kasper to shut the fuck and stop disrespecting the revolutionary internationalist volunteers. pat kasper tells pkk1978, a hardened fucking PKK cadre, that he doesn't what he's talking about basically. what a dick.

Why is it that the Kharijites get a load of shit in the Muslim community?
I can't help but feel that the information spread about them is false and that they are just universally scapegoated by every denomination because it's convenient.
If anything they are the most interesting denomination as they denied the authority of the caliph and believed that the word of God was not to be used in vain on the battlefield, two things ISIS would highly disagree with.

Idk, I'm not a Muslim. Being a History graduate who has studied Islamic history quite a bit I can tell you that the Kharijites weren't these anti-authoritarian freedom fighters who stood against the tyrannical caliphate.

Kharijites are hated, and compared to ISIS, because of their extreme use of takfir i.e. denouncing other Muslims they disagree with as apostates and heretics and therefore fair game to be executed or assassinated. They're interesting, but they're not some poor oppressed group. After the Ridda Wars, the Kharijites were granted large amounts of land and spoils for their service to Abu Bakr, the first Rashidun caliph. The first Umayyad caliph Muawiya refused to give them anymore and they got greedy and rebelled. They initially supported Ali (Muhammad's cousin/first Imam in Shia Islam) against Muawiya, but then they turned on him as well and assassinated him. That's why Sunnis and Shias hate them, for historical reasons, and many historians and scholars just say they were wealthy Bedouin Arabs who weren't really committed to Islam and just used it as a means to achieve more wealth. Guess you could say they were the first booj of the Ummah.

Wow, that's really interesting. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
I guess I just looked too much into their theology and theological practice rather than their actual history and political practice.

The point is that kurds are nationalists. How can't the people be after generations upon generations of oppression? The people is way too engulfed in the aspect of freedom fighting. Kurdistan hasn't been industrialized to the point of socialism. It is the intellectual leadership of the PYD and PKK that insists on socialism and opposition to capitalist modernity. The people themselves are more concerned with prosperity, saftey and freedom. Yet thankfully the communalist system conscripts the people into taking responsibility for their enviroment

They're for maintaining their own culture and customs, sure, but that doesn't necessitate the creation of a nation-state, nor does it make them unable of wanting socialism.


How does it feel, working with a Wahhabi state to establish """"socialism""""?


Qatar isn`t publicly, openly, pushing for removal of Kurds. So called alliance is based on hearsay and even if its real, matter of the Kurds was probably some sidegoal someone imposed and other reluctantly went along with to get material support etc. This "alliance" is at best for convenience, like Russia allies with Americas enemies when theres something to gain for both sides.

Die Linke are full of idiots with no pride in their natio>>1777094
n nor any concern for the well being of Germans.

and then he complains that pkk1978 pulled the Hitler card when he was the one who brought up the idea of Kurds being nazis.
What an irrelevant shitter. No point in taking his word for anything with the lack of understanding he is showing. The guy sounds insane.

I'm well aware of how nationalistic many fighters are, and how backwards many Kurds are, my point is the PYD and the PKK aren't fighting for a nation-state, or even specifically for Kurds, they're fighting for their ideology.

Then we completely agree with each other. Maybe I should have expressed myself differently, english is a third language for me. I meant to say the reason why fighters join is because of nationalist sentiments, not that that party itself is nationalist. It is almost paradoxical.

get it while its hot

wtf is that.

ISIS movie

How fucking delusional you can possibly fucking be?

YPG leader says they are ready to cooperate with Gulf, including Saudi fucking Arabia you dipshit. You are literally working with a Wahhabi state to achieve socialism.

>We have not been able to answer the messages that you have sent to [email protected]/* */ for a few weeks. For the moment, we are facing certain difficulties and trying to solve them. We assure you that every single message will be answered as soon as we solve the problems. In the mean time, please be patient and do not buy tickets or postpone them. We thank you for your interest and solidarity. Apologies for the inconveniences. Revolutionary greetings and regards

They just fucked up their email stuff smh

this is tankie diplomacy

Folks this is a good article

Apparently there's quite a build up of anarchists and socialist volunteers in Sulimaniyah waiting for the border to Rojava to open

uhhhhhhhhh should we be worried now?

The world war two land lease and the molotov & ribbentrop pact was an act of imperialism that turned the USSR into a Nazi-American puppet state.

if this bothers you, you should've been checked out since last fall at least

There was a thread about this but I can't access it anymore even though it's still visible in the catalog so I'll ask here.

Does Rojava support private property and if so, why?

Yes but from what I know about it it protects private property on the basis of how much it is used. If you own several hundred acres of land and don't do anything on it, it will be collectivized by the town council.

It does still protect Private Property and thus it is bad and needs to change, but it's nothing like we have here in America.

Why should we be? It means that the US isn't retarded and realizes that if they make enemies of the DFSNS then they just give their enemies an opportunity to make alliances with them and against US interests.

Doesn't that just make it personal property then?

Not really. From my understanding of this, private ownership of industry is okay as long as you actively work on and in it. If you don't, or if the town council decides that you're abusing your workers, then it can be collectivized.

I see.

Can land be re-privatized in Rojava?

So only petite bourgeois are allowed then? PPG mentioned in the delete your account podcast that everything within the TEV-DEM structure is socialized. Just thought it was worth mentioning

I don't know. I heavily doubt it though.

I would suppose so, however even they are still watched very closely by the municipal councils and workers they represent. It's definitely not perfect but it's the best we have right now.

GULF states can give YPG weapons US could never think about giving them because IFB Turkey. Because of the collapse in relations between non Qatar Gulf countries and Turkey recently they don't need to worry about Turkey getting angry.

Thanks fam.

Anyone here read this? I'm reading it right now and it's way less heady and academic than I thought it would be

no. thats a fallacy.
the US didnt turn the USSR into a power factor in the war, nor was the US merely an extension of US foregein plicy with a cosmetic ideology.
Neither was the USSR created on german soil, even less so by the US that tried to destroy germany.

if you were smart enough to be worried you would be in 2011. Most people tho will just either pretend nothing happened when its all over or will blame some strawman.

appears Turkey tried a serious push into PKK controlled Iraqi Kurdistan (Qandil) and got BTFO

A lot of ordinary hevals in the YPG have strong anti-American sentiments and still believe the 'no friends but the mountains' mantra.

I'm predicting it now: PYD cadres and YPG commanders form this alliance with the US and the YPG rank and file depose their commanders and link up with the PKK/HPG and try and boot the Americans out.

I can smell a guerrilla civil war in Rojava between the PYD/YPG and the PKK/HPG in the near future. Many Kurds in Rojava just won't tolerate this military alliance with the US, it will be a step too far, I reckon.

if any faction in there decides to openly oppose the US, the US will make sure theyre surpressed, which will inevitably lead to internal conflict there. The factions opposing the US would have to find new allies fast, because the US will just invite Turkey to maul them.

I seriously doubt the PYD and the PKK will have a conflict with each other. One literally founded the other. If anything the PYD will just keep their heads low and focus on ISIS until the US decides they don't need them anymore and leaves them to it.

So once the Islamists (and the Assad school of Ba'athists) are gone, how likely would infighting be among the SDF? If at all, who would be the instigators?

Probably the ex-FSA units in the SDF as well as KDP-aligned Kurdish groups. They aren't that powerful and would probably be subdued failry quickly though.


It depends on how much of the population of Rojava won't tolerate being an American puppet. After ISIS are defeated, the PYD should tell the Americans to pack up and fuck off.

Accepting weapons is one thing; the USSR accepted American supplies during WWII to defeat a greater enemy in the form of Germany, which is similar to the SDF's fight against ISIS. Difference is, the US didn't have bases in the USSR after WWII and didn't sign a 10 year military agreement with them where the USSR became a US puppet.

This should be the straw that breaks the camel's back for leftist supporters of Rojava, the PYD and the SDF/YPG.

It's not like Rojava is compromising the system they currently have that's based around co-operatives, municipal workers councils, direct democracy, and feminism by doing this. It's displeasing yes, and eventually they should just tell the US to fuck off (the US most likely will eventually. this puts too much of a strain on their relations with Turkey which is a pretty big NATO partner) so they can get on with their day.

The Americans will seek to impose the free-market there, my dood. I can't see the PYD cadres having the bottle to tell the Americans to fuck off, though they should. Burgerland doesn't give shit out for free, least of all to libertarian socialist confederations. That's not how US imperialism will work. If anything, they'll try to strengthen the reactionary groups supported by Barzani and try to link up Rojava with Iraqi Kurdistan.

This is merely alarmist speculation. Syria already has Russian bases, and ultimately I don't see a future syria that isn't largely based on the current federal system in Rojava. Russia wants it, the US is indicating that it's going to tolerate it, and having bases of both countries in Syria doesn't make them puppets to either.

Isn't the PYD way too close with the Pkk to seriously let the US stay?

It's a 10 year contract that helps to serve their long term survival. What the US gets out of this is having a base in Syria which increases their strategic power in the area, and it doesn't have to been anything more then that. There is nothing to indicate that harm is being done to the social project by agreeing to this

Yeah, and they're in open conflict with Turkey. If people seriously think that the US is going to abandon a longtime NATO member with American nukes and access to the Black Sea over a bunch of Socialists that dislike America then they should probably pick up a history book.

You realize that this increases their bargaining position with Turkey, right? That's the entire point of this base really besides Russia I mean

Best we can hope for is a Mujahideen situation where the YPG and PKK kick the Yankee imperialists out, but with Democratic Confederalism instead of theocratic Islamism.


t. I have no idea about apoist regional politics

I decided to remove the cycle on this thread and make a broader Syria general. I'm not taking a moderation stance against the YPG, but I don't want to endorse their alliance with the USA (or encourage people to join) by giving them a cycled thread of their own. Feel free to continue uncycled Rojava general if you want, or to continue the discussion in the main Syria thread:

Its official. Holla Forums has withdrawn its support

pick one

You know that all that is going to happen is the same thread with a different name, right? If this is damage control over the fear of the YPG being reconsidered as a terror organization (as the PKK is currently considered in most of the west), I can understand, but still.

It was fun whilst it lasted guys.
How many people do you guys think dropped their support for Rojava due to the whole Saudi Arabia thing?


pick one

It doesn't, and there's no evidence to indicate that there's more to it then that. Seriously, people who are anti-rojava have been from the beginning and will continue to be even if they were to establish democratic confederalism throughout the world. Nothing has changed regarding the social aspects of the revolution, or the political parties in power.


Alright lads, false alarm. The US and YPG did NOT sign a deal. We can relax.

This source is just as questionable as any other.


USAF shot down a regime warplane (SU-22) as it was assaulting SDF positions. And people wonder about the alliance with the U.S…
They're downing aircraft belonging to another sovreign nations in favour of socialists, why is the discussion about ideological purity even ongoing?
Shit, the saudis can help too

Another brilliant take from Partisan Girl.

I understand it from a realpolitik angle but the PYD's willingness to ally with Saudi Arabia does kind of lend credence to the tankies who say they're just US lapdogs. Hope they don't rely too much on them tbh.


really tells how far capitalist imperialists are willing to go to take control of the region