How do I get muh anime under socialism/communism?

How do I get muh anime under socialism/communism?

I can't see big budget productions getting made without some flow of capital/profit, but maybe that's my ignorance speaking.

I could see fan made stuff like Touhou surviving, but for real though, how does non state-sponsored art survive?

Am I projecting MLism onto every leftist philosophy?

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You would get anime but there might be less of it, as they wouldn't treat the animators like they are slaves, and you will get less trashy and pandering anime, and more artsy and experimental shit, as the profit motive won't be there to crank out crap.



Well, after the revolution we'll set up a toll-free number for you to call. You'll tell one of our operators about the anime you want - we'll have many metrics available for customisation, so you can tailor your anime on 1-10 scales of kawaii, moe, sugoi, konnichiwa, and ecchi. You'll leave your home address and wait 1-3 days for pickup. At pickup time, you'll hop on a complimentary bus and taken to a tastefully-appointed building. The ushers will direct you to a small but comfortable room with a full-size screen on one wall. The anime you ordered over the phone will begin to play, and you will begin to understand the heights of expression possible when humanity exists in the realm of freedom. As you contemplate this, small ducts set near the ceiling will begin to vent carbon monoxide gas into your viewing room. You will peacefully drift off to your eternal slumber, and humanity as a whole will be improved with the subtraction of a defective anime-liking member. Later, your corpse will be rendered into fertiliser.

"A true utopia reuqires only that society recognise a simple fact: that Japanese cartoons are bad, and not good." -K. Marx

It won't. That's why we need social democratic nazism to make sure anime lives on.

Depends on what form of socialism/communism you're living in. People would still create anime, but it mostly be for creative purposes rather than commercial ones. Unless you are living in mutualism in which case there'd definitely be a shitload of anime, trust me.

Actually this is a common misconception. The first task of successful revolutionaries will be a comprehensive and permanent trade embargo on Japan, aimed at enforcing a complete import ban on any artistic implement, many flat surfaces, and most computer software that enables, either deliberately or via neglect, the creation of images that can be stored in permanent memory or transmitted to a screen larger than a postage stamp. Export restrictions will essentially set up a gigantic 'quarantine zone' around the islands of Japan. The world's navies, freed from the task of national defense by the reality of global socialist revolution, will be retasked to the interception and complete destruction of any image being transmitted or conveyed outside the quarantine zone.

Elsewhere, police forces - no longer tasked with the suppression of labour - will be retasked to the comprehensive inspection of any and all artistic representations of the human form. Standards will be established for maximum tolerable hair spikiness, eye-to-nose size ratio, etc. If an artistic work is found to violate these obscenity standards, the offending image creator (we will reserve the term 'artist' for those who abide by our simple laws in the pursuit of their passion) will be packed into a crate and shipped into the Anime Quarantine Zone established around Japan. A recent UN estimate suggests that, following this procedure, the complete sequester of every anime creator on the islands could be achieved in as little as 5 years from project start. Once the authorities in charge of co-ordinating the sequester have reached six-sigma certainty of complete anime containment, the world's entire stockpile of nuclear weapons will be launched on Japan, liberating the new socialist society from the scourge of anime once and for all.

"We have fought long and hard, and many have died. But I stand here before the assembled delegates, proud to declare that with the inauguration of this new Communist International, we make a concrete step toward the total expurgation of Japanese cartoons from the human experience!" - V. I. Lenin, at the inaugural meeting of the Third Communist International

People would just make it. What would stop them? Anime production now days doesn't require any expensive materials these days. All it requires is people. And there would be plenty of people with all the time in the world to spend making anime, if that's what they want to.


It will become a form of art that is done for the joy of making it unlike in capitalism where its a consumer product that is only made for money.

We won't be seeing communism any time soon. When we do I expect we will have already developed highly automated AI animation tools which reduce the time and effort required to produce good animation by a couple of orders of magnitude. It will be a situation where a team of 3 people can make in a month what would have taken a studio of 30 a year to make.

kys you dumb nigger

Communism will destroy Kadokawa and unleash the golden age of doujin groups.

Actually, this is a good point. We've already reached the pinnacle of animation with Nichijou, Lucky Star, and Yuru Yuri. Communism would decrease the future production of animation, but massively increase the production of ecchi doujins.

Yea, losing those 10 moe shows every season sure would be a loss.

Oh wait, no it won't be a loss.

The people who want to be animators etc and have talent will work in centrally planned studios, the people with the best ideas and skill will rise to the top and lead development of new ideas about what anime to make (combined with market forces and demand based on how many people watched types of show previously).

Yes, your ignorance is speaking, watch some Soviet animation :

Does communism mean we can get another season of Nichijou?

Anime is shit and all weebs will go to gulag.


Wouldn't the simple answer be leaving Japan out of our affairs? We get our leftist country and anime production remains largely the same.
