On one hand he's the only man I know is capable of keeping Syria reasonably stable. On the other he's about as socialist as a coffee mug. Are there any actual socialist alternatives in Syria that aren't complete shit?
I'm torn on Assad
Other urls found in this thread:
So what if he's not a socialist? When the USSR got attacked leftists still supported it even though it wasn't soicalist
Are we in bizzarro world?
Have you been living under a rock?
By support I mean casually shitpost in favour of.
fucking shitpost flag
fuck off kurdshit
Yeah, Rojava doesn't meet either of those criteria.
google rojava
Are you following Turkish or Jihadi propaganda?
Right I suppose you guys think Assad and Putin will usher in socialism.
Meanwhile Kurds are collectivizing industry and implementing direct democracy.
Ok buddy
They aren't supported by israel though…
And 6 months ago, the US was going to sell them to Turkey, funnily enough there is this thing called
The USSR and Viet Minh were also supported by the USA you twat. Stalin supported the march to Berlin using American logistics equipment.
As for being US proxies, refer to>>1544922
Yeah, some US payroll considering the US started "supporting them" 6 months ago. Also le ebin gurdish nationalists, yeah, because nationalists can't be socialists.
Fine, the PKK doss around in Syria, I guess.
They are retarded nationalists tho. They are a purely Kurdish ethnic movement that doesn't even claim to represent all of Syria Arabs, Assyrians etc just Kurds they just want a slice of Syria
Russia is supporting them as well.
Yeah, it's a bourgeois movement alright.
Since when do socialists give a shit about deeply reactionary capitalist states intact or keeping their unreformable structure intact. If you just want securalism and anti-islamism then SDF is the better bet.
come on… they are fucking US proxies and tools, are you really expecting us to take you serious? with such an idiotic ethno nationalist suggestion.
No they are.
lol kurdcucks are this delusional.
How is having a fucking civil war "reasonably stable"???
Are you really this dense?
I never claimed he did, I only pointed out that he couldn't keep Syria reasonably stable.
If you support him you will get accused of lesser evilism. Fuck that, reducing evil is always a sensible thing to do and there is nothing wrong with it. Right now he is the least evil thing and once his position is more secure you can support someone even less evil.
And yet almost half their population is non-kurdish, they take in tons of arab refugees, guarantee everyone equal rights and support the liberation of the entire middle east. That's some weak "nationalism".
Buttmad tankies don't care about facts.
They started getting US air support three years ago.
they just continue fighting a nationalist issue that has been going on since forever.
oh but they are pretending to be socialist so it's ok to ignore their hatred to Turkish people.
Most of all
Something nationalists are always in favour of, since nationalism is never related to states.
You're just a Turkish plant aren't you?
Maybe if Turks weren't trying to wipe them off the map they wouldn't hate them so much. Oh and they are allied with the MLKP which is made up of mostly Turks.
Syrian parliamentary elections (yes those were a thing) regularly returned a majority of socialist/communist parties and MPs. You're never going to get full communist or real socialism from election but as it goes they made a good showing in Syria.
Just in case you're serious.
how original
What is cute is that SAA tries to copy them. At least YPJ has the decency to fight and die and are not just decorative fap material for some SAA colonel
I support Syrian Social National Party aka only true Leninists party left in middle east
Kurds don't have the means nor the will to govern Syria, and even if they did, Arabs and Islamists would throw a tantrum so hard it makes this civil war look like a scout jamboree.
I suppose there might one a couple of socialist or anarchist groups among the million rebel groups, but even then they're beyond insignificant. For all practical purposes, Syrian rebel == Islamist.
So yeah, Assad is the lesser evil. And a reactionary post-Soviet Russia has the moral higher ground over America. What a wonderful world.
Fucking disgusting, wtf is this shit
He's undoubtedly far more socialist than any politician in your country.
How about trying to win universal healthcare, free education or a communist party in mainstream politics in your country, before supporting the destruction of another country which enjoys such things
Fuck off Putin, go and whine about MUH warm water ports elsewhere.
Where the fuck did all these anti-Kurd shills crawl from?
Assad is /ourguy/ western terrorists get out.
People just seen trough the facade of lies true nature of k*rds
he couldnt keep the country stable for shit.
He is doing a splendid job for now considering that he is only arab leader that menages to survive "arab spring"
pretty sure the ppg has an egalitarian military democracy and production for use
There is nothing to be torn about. There are Syrians that absolutely hate his guts yet they support him. They support him because the alternative for the Alawites, the Shia, the Christians, the Druze and the non whahabi Sunni's is wahabi Islam. They have no choice. Either they band together as Syrians around Assad, the Syrian army and Hezbollah or they die.
This shit is atrocious dude
Lol, who is Bouteflika? He even prevented Algeria from descending into total chaos unlike Assad
Rojava is confirmed for stealing land from Assyrians and driving them off from it though.
Assad is a war criminal garbage, I would be in favor of someone taking his place in power, BUT NOT IF IT INVOLVES AMERICAN IMPERIAL BOMBS LIKE WE'VE DONE SO MANY TIMES BEFORE.
Am Bretty sure Obama tried hard to find someone to replace him with.. And we've all seen how good it worked out…
Not like ISIS is filling a void or anything…
Those are some wack ass looking girls
If we topple Assad, we get Gaddafi Part 2: Electric Boogaloo, if we leave him alone he keeps killing people, I guess we're fucked either way.
Says who? half of them sides with YPG (MFS, Sutoro, Natorreh d'Khabour) while half of them sides with government (GPF, Sootoro)
In fact, pro-YPG Assyrians are flying their flags in areas where they live (pic related)
Look at those blue eyes and charming moustache. How can you not support him?
If you're against Assad, you're for anuddah shoah.
Rojava isn't officially called Rojava anymore btw, because they felt like the name didn't adequately represent the other ethnicities so they changed. it to 'Northern Syria'.
Thank mods.
t. Mehmet the Turanist
lmao lets have a Alawite Kleptocracy rather than a poly-ethnic confederation. What could go wrong?
Yep, you fit right in with the retarded bunch of anarkiddies of this board. Even got a retardflag on, good job.
Insofar as more leftist sections of the Ba'ath party exist, I'd take it. Hell, even just having a free election following the restoration of order would be good.
Unlikely tho - the pro-government militias will likely be running the show and they're all gangsters.
But tankie twitter told me they're US proxies so it must be true. Besides, they support the recent US bombing which has nothing to do with it targeting their enemies. :^)
Not even a leftcom, but pretty much every side in this clusterfuck is reactionary opportunists.
Fuck US imperialism, obviously.
Fuck Assad and his """""stable""""" repressive autocratic regime.
Fuck Putin and his fascist power-grabbing betrayal of the ideals of the October Revolution.
Fuck the opposition/rebels, who are basically puppets of any of the above at this point.
And of course fuck ISIS but that goes without saying.
I bet you're the kind of retard who also thinks Not Socialism = socialist
So you are getting banned now for not supporting the Kurds, huh
And they call us tankies
Leftist supporting Assad despite Rojava existing because of muh American aid. Alright, Holla Forums has gone off the deep end.
Why not both? Assad and Rojava seem to get along and the Kurdish region in the north has always been allowed to be quite autonomous
They can't coexist forever
Tankies are just buttmad that they can't control the discourse by constantly sperging out from their basements all day long. Reminder that they've been a minority in every single poll.
Assyrian Christians being ethnically cleansed from 58+ villages by Kurds: liveleak.com
Yup. I'm a minority from Iraq as well. I woud really love to support Kurds, but it seems even them can't tolerate the presence of minority groups.
I honestly sort of prefer Rojava myself, its just that if you actually believe the MSM narrative about Assad gassing kids or whatever cartoon villain shit they'd have us believe you're pretty retarded. Its also kind of funny how you bring up controlling the discourse when someone ITT was banned for not supporting Rojava.
>>>Holla Forums
Its nice to know in these troubled times leftypol's retarded behaviour stays consistent. You are like a rock of shit to cling onto in a storm.
Assad is shit
At the same time the United States is shit.
Both will be shitty, but the United States being shit has massive long term irreversible consquences for all of us, even if it seems on the surface a bombing campaign is nothing to worry about nationally or geopolitically. It means an enormous amount of long term effects that will shift history. It always has.
At the same time, Assad is shit, and wants to fuck over the YPK, as will Turkey take advantage of this situation.
The answer is once again nothing good happens and nobody wins, and things will continue to get progressively worse, and this will all but justify Trump's budget that will shift money from everything to dog shelters to the elderly to the gigantic defense budget we have, as will increases in national security type shit and espionage.
It will justifty everything, and Democrats, as they are, will clap in unison for it screaming "Go Trump WOOOOOOOOOO! AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!" At the top of their lungs to get relected again by a populace of scared and confused trigger happy morons and to cover what they are actually up to in this situation. Taking advantage of it. This can only mean a large boom in markets; even if temporarily it will certainly last.
Assad is shit, and so is everything.
Nothing is salvageable from this situation for Americans or Syrians, or anybody really, since Europe is also cheering Trump on to go to war with Syria.
No you triple nigger, it's referencing Holla Forums's habit of calling absolutely everything Jewish/Zionist
Hell even Japan is cheering Trump on for this. If the global community is for something, it's usually bad.
Which doesn't make Assad any less shit of course.
He is. It's just as well that everything is just extremely shit.
Except you
Thank you.
Nice trips. Some examples are?
Go to their board, browse the catalog and some threads and you will quickly see what I means.
Thanks I think Ill be a going back there soon.
You know that there YPG and KRG are different entities right despite being both Kurdish? Nobody gives a shit about KRG, it's a tribal bourgie shitpit.
By your logic, RAF and NSDAP is the same after all they are both German.
Ba'athism is some weird form of NazBol. Saddam and Ghaddafi were Ba'athists too. So conflict with USA is inevitable, and your support is not mandatory.
YPG is also part of the invasive takeover, it was they who assassinated the Assyrian Khabour Guards leader David Jendo who defended those lands from the land grabs.
As the old anti-capitalists used to say, the one hand knows what the other is doing.
It's Dawoud Gendo. The assassin who killed him and wounded Elias Nasser was tried and convicted by cantonal authorities.
Hell, Natorreh d'Khabour (Khabour Guards) eventually joined the federal project
[please don't return
So with this evidence
Is there any actual proof that YPG is land-grabbing and are doing anything detrimental to Assyrian interests apart from that one rogue YPG soldier who was tried and convicted for his crimes?
Holy shit this place is great! Thanks guys. 1488.
Ba'athism is Third-Positionist ( A societal model that rejects both Classical Liberal (Capitalist )Democracy (individual rights, rule of law, private property, religious freedom etc…) and Marxist Socialism (historical materialism, class struggle, irreligiosity, economic planning etc…)
What makes NazBol different from other Third-Positionism is that it seeks to retain a Marxist Economic model while also promoting anachronistic values of nationalism, traditionalism and so on.
Aren't you you supposed to have Assad dick-sucking competitions with your alt right comrades?
Qamishli where 13 Assyrians were murdered by terrorists and the YPG's response was to take advantage and attack the local Sootooro defence force.
YPG are not attacking Sootoro because they are Assyrians, they are attacking them as part of the perennial clashes that the Asayish and NDF often have in Qamishli and Hasakah.
If YPG is really attacking Assyrians as a group why would some Assyrian groups ally with YPG?
Ba'athism doesn't reject all of Marxism or historical materialism, and is into Vanguardism. It's also into pan-arab nationalism. At first, it was opposed to communists, then its relationship with USSR improved. While it's not actively atheist, its governments are consistently secular.
Even as a turd position, it's weird. Like a qubit.
Well Saddam either became more religious with age or he began to pander to the religious after the Iraq-Iran war.
The Baaths in Iraq also consistently killed Communists so I'm not sure fam, also remember that the USSR of the 60's was already highly revisionist and supported all kinds of bourgeois nationalists for geopolitical purposes.
Nasser was based but his and other Ba'ath parties shifted a lot from his line.
Middle Eastern realpolitik. That shit will fuck you up real good.
Support Assad is optional. Condemning US imperialism is mandatory.
user they're Rojava not Iraqi.
Obviously they're not a despooked egoistic union of final-form socialism, but they are the best bet we've got. Better to change what's moving in the right direction than to push for stability with someone who will only continue the root cause of instability: capitalism.
He didn't stop it.
Syrian Kurds are opposed to Iraqi Kurds.
There is no Ba'athism, it's simply a few incoherent points made because the party structure of rulership that was imposed on the middle east needs such. In reality, it is clan rule.
Obviously not, or there wouldn't be a civil war to start with. He ran, and to his credit tried unsuccessfully to reform, a cronyist, nepotist oligarchy held together by patronage and terror. And right now, he's nominally in charge of the faction in a multi-sided civil war that controls most of the population and armed power.
On the other hand, the most socialist alternative (Rojava) is limited in it's appeal because of it's Kurdish nationalist links, and generally doesn't have enough fighting men and women to control much more of the territory than they already do.
All that's left to hope for is a negotiated ceasefire and political settlement to be decided by the Syrians themselves, or rather, the various armed factions. And foreign military intervention has no part to play in that.
jk, I hope the Lion of Damascus kills all the takfiri scum