They literally have Quran-police there.
Very fucking modern
13d backgammon.
"Modern Islam" would be having a secular government so that prosperity is given equally to the non-religious and religious.
Lebanon and Turkey are good exam-
Well maybe not Turkey.
Indonesia were always USA cocksuckers. What's new?
When Pence says modern Islam, he mean, that's how he would like it to be back home too.
18d magic: the gathering
I think he just unironically means modern = no terrorism lol…
As a sciencefag it always triggers me when someone implies there's more than 11 dimensions :^(
Y u do dis
Central Asia and Azerbaijan?
Also, consider that you're getting wound up over a shitpost.
A christian governor in Indonesia just lost reelection because of an Islamist smear campaign.
Moderate Islam is just a codeword for Muslim fundamentalists that support US hegemony.
leftists flipping their stance on Islam because of one meme
something hilarious that is completely untestable and is nothing more than Vedic philosophy translated into esoteric mathematics
Massive protests in Jakarta recently to oust the ethnic Chinese governor because he made a flippant remark about the Qu'ran–the Islamists are trying to have him prosecuted under blasphemy laws lmao "modern Islam"
oh btw, it gets more fucked up:
Trump’s Indonesian Allies In Bed With ISIS-Backed Militia Seeking to Oust Elected President
Donald Trump's Indonesian business partner, someone who is building one his hotels there, is literally linked to ISIS and is backing the ouster of that governor
Wew, this dipshit clearly doesn't understand how scientific theories or falsifiability work! Get fucked, string theory is a natural step from the standard model.
But even that's not correct, those Southeast Asia countries have a problem with an Al-Queda linked group called Jemaah Islamiyah and now ISIS, too
If general relativity had somehow not been worked out until the 80s, string theorists would probably have Nobel prizes.
String theory is untestable, we don't have the technology to produce the energy levels necessary to observe anything to do with it. It would require the energy of a small star or something like that. Science fiction shit. And its not science and it isn't falsifiable. Its mathematical conjurings of bored, bright idiots. That's it. The standard model, modified works just fine for explaining the observable universe. I don't believe literally anything any physisist has said about the beginning of the universe or the non-observable parts (string theory). Its just not testable and not verifiable for anyone who isn't the .001% who understand the math and have access to particle accellerators and gigantic telescopes and even then its probably not true, and also not even useful for creating new technology. Quantum mechanics is already starting to be useful, the standard model is useful. Useful physics is worth my time, I believe useful shit. Useless, interesting, supposedly true shit is nonsense and nothing to do with reality or the state of existence. Its as worthwhile as theology. I hope you realize in 200 years when the standard model is abandoned and string theory is totally left behind that your nerd theology of how the universe is or came to be will be looked at as childish and quaint just as we look at late 18th century astronomer's understandings of the universe. All this shit is just mathematical posturing, its people with too much time on their hands getting too involved in things they can't demonstrate to others that have no utility or applicability to the waking, living world. That's basically theologian type faggotry. Useless eaters, all of them should have to do hard labor.
How did anthread about Indonesian Islam turn into highly eloquent scientific shitflinging
Wrong. If a version of string theory doesn't produce the results that you see in the universe then you can rule it out and refine your ideas. String theory is falsifiable.
That's because you're anti-science and don't understand string theory at all, even in a cursory sense.
I'd guess that the number of people who have a basic technical understanding of string theory is much higher than .001% tbh. Maybe only .001% of people have an excellent understanding, but string theory isn't really relevant to most people's life, so that's understandable.
Basically you're making the claim that string theory is theology because it says stuff about reality and you don't understand it.
Isn't string theory just a meme from Rick and Morty-watching redditors who believe in time travel?
I'll stick with Einsten's Kabbalah until you get anything concrete.
No? String theory is taught in almost every college physics department and is one of the most promising areas of active research. Why would you have opinions on things you don't know about or understand? It seems like you're trying a little too hard to be a contrarian. (but then again you did use the tankie flag, so it's not out of character tbh)
From what little I know from string theory, it's not even a theory, but a hypothesis, there are no predictions to test, and it's so ridiculously convoluted (dude there's like 11 dimensions but 7 of them are super tiny and unobservable) that it reeks of someone trying to manipulate the math for it to work. Quantum mechanics is convoluted nonsense also, but at least it's actually based upon observations and it's the observations that are incomprehensible, not the theories created to explain them.
Here's a fairly pop-sciencey video explaining and justifying string theory in its historical context:
Well it's hardly fair to compare string theory with quantum mechanics. If you compared string theory with other theories of quantum gravity (like LQG) you'd find that they all suffer from similar issues.
It's almost as if liberals aren't leftist.
Nice meme. String theory is a theory of nothing. Its just a huge conglomerate of selfconsistent math. The real physics is done by experimentalists. Strimg theory is what happens when an entire generation of physicists are raised on pop science.
You only think that because you don't understand the problem that string theory is trying to solve tbh
Didn't the US help Indonesia commit genocide in like the 80s or something? Not too surprising he would say that. Human rights abuses are okay by the United States as long as they serve the government's interests.
mfw the Islam defence force among modern leftists
mfw the physical agony of listening to a Trot friend try to defend it
can anyone refute that first pic O.o I think I've been convinced