Why do you guys hate Leninism so much?

Why do you guys hate Leninism so much?

1. "infantile leftists"
2. Blanquism 2.0 electric boogaloo
3. It's literally state capitalism.

I'm tremendously distrustful of anyone who calls themselves a "Leninist" as it's usually just a euphemism for Stalinist or Trotskyist, both of which are terrible garbage. Nevertheless, I have nothing against using Lenin's theory in a constructive fashion and learning from his attempt to end capitalism. Take what was useful and insightful whilst leaving behind that which proved to be fallacious. In doing so, it is important to realize that Lenin neither represents a paradise lost nor an earlier version of Stalin, but was a flawed yet intelligent Marxist whose contributions should be salvaged from the misrepresentations heaped upon them by both tankies and anti-tankies.

what bits of Leninism would you take and which would you leave behind?

I'm trying to get into some Leninism myself

Lenin did nothing wrong

When will you people actually read Marx and stop attributing to any Marxist philosophy a fixed set of policies?

Because lenin was an autist who would be an /r/socialism mod were he alive todayt.

Autism and political organization seem to go well together

Lenin was good.
Leninism is cancer.

What you eventually get is an organisation were nobody even believes in the line from which any step means being purged, but one in which the fear of this creates a fear culture in which hierarchy and power plays dominate.

Debate and divergence of opinions were welcome in the Bolshevik party, even leading up to the revolution there were people disagreeing with Lenin even about the necessity of an uprising itself, and they all were allowed to express their opinions and allowed to stay when the revolution was happening. Lenin also lost several debates and was often criticized.

Purges are also a mostly post-October invention, which makes sense because you have a group that, before, had a few thousand people at best, and now with dozens of thousands joining every year, the original group had to enforce its hegemony somehow.

What you're describing is just a caricature of Leninism, history doesn't back up any of those accusations.

I see, leaving people on board made sense as long as they were useful, when lenin came into power, their use rang out.

First, you seem to have the chronology a bit mixed up there. Mass purges never happened against members who joined before Lenin came into power, it was always aimed at the careerists who joined after the victory of the Bolsheviks.

Second, parties of all type have mechanism to enforce cohesion and expel undesirable people, it's hardly his invention.

Third, stop attacking the cartoon in your what of what Bolshevism is. Even the way you phrase things ("they no longer had use") sounds like you're talking about a super-villain.

Just imagine what could have been of the USSR if Lenin hadn't died so early.

I don't want to because I might cry

prolly woulda been bretty based

It maybe had is role and possibility to succeed a hundred years ago, or maybe it didn't, I don't know. But if I were to command a army, I wouldn't use the roman tortoises formation either.

Do you guys ever think ayylmaos are fucking with us and inhibiting human progress for their entertainment?

I don't think anyone here really dislikes Lenin. It's what Trotsky and Stalin did with his legacy that we don't like.



Yeah no, he can get fucked


Holla Forums, we know it's you

Except I am not pol you autist

exactly what /po/ would say.

And yet you have the audacity to claim no one could dislike leninism

Leninism is bourgeois

exactly what Holla Forums would say.


exactly what Holla Forums would say.

Just for the record I reported your posts for being this undialectical

Ok, Holla Forums wouldn't say that.

read a book

read a book

Could say the same about Stalin.

That's what you get when you rely so much on the goodwill on the few men who hold all power, all it takes to completely change the country is one of them dying or becoming corrupt. You need a proper democratic framework (not like bourgeois democracy, more like the soviets and bookchin's ideas) to prevent this

does stalin have any actual contributions to socialist theory that isn't bullshit to justify his actions?

My extensive lurking from the past two years or so tells me that Holla Forums doesn't hate Leninism outside of memes and kneejerk reactions to redditards tankies(which unsurprisingly brought an anti-takie atmosphere when the usual reaction used to be more of an indifference).
As with everything disliked at Imageboards you can always blame on Reddit to fuck everything up and sour everyone's taste on something.

It took a civil war, famine, and foreign intervention to completely change the country. Lenin prevented a complete disaster, and it killed him.