Leftypol is back

You can come out of your bunkers now comrades, were back online. Feel free to shitpost or go to gulag, your choice.

Other urls found in this thread:


Thank you comrade, welcome back


Yeah boiiiii

thanks comrade, i was playing vidya and watching cool cocaine man videos while the site was down

how appropriate


It's home.

Good to be back bois!

post cock

i want this catgirl to give me a footjob



7th Bracket
Enjoy your board.

It's the only home we have comrade

and we are back!
welcome back mateys.

welcome back comrades!

I'm surprised just how much I missed this board.

The out-age forced me back to 4/pol/ and 4/lit/, both boards have just about become unusable at this point.
At-least I had 4/his/ to shitpost on.

Happy to be back?

I missed you all so much

Disappointed in you lad.

Tfw the tripfaggots are still here

I bet you reddit post too.

Perhaps we should use this opportunity to regroup, organize ourselves better and bunker the board more firmly against Holla Forums shitposting and raids in the future.
We could focus on making better, more informative threads, perhaps even organize in such a way that more of the things we do on this board can translate into concrete results in the real world, by brainstorming how to do it.

Or we can just shitpost all day and spout memes while the site owners themselves are clearly from Holla Forums think this board is a piece of shit and lumps us together with /furry/ and would love nothing more than for this board to be erased from the site.
Continue to be one of the weakest, least effective boards on the entire site that have no methods of defending themselves whatsoever from other boards, and the owners of the site themselves doing what they please with us.
I guess we'll just do that.

Is it because you like the taste of penis?

Lol is the BO of leftypol srsly a furfag & a leaf? GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY SHITSKIN

Isn't the BO of Holla Forums a nigger (and like 90% of the board composed of mulattos, at best)?
And the BO of Holla Forums a kike?
Seems to be a pattern around here.

I am excited. :DDD Tbh, I think this little break was useful to weed out some of the shitposters & redditors. We all are reminded how much we enjoy/value this place & how necessary it is for many of us.

Missed my Holla Forums & peers… Welcome back, everyone.


If the first thing that entered your minds after seeing that pic is furrydom, then the problem does not lie with anyone else, lmao.

I learned from this incident that leftypol was founded & is actively moderated by a small group of individuals from Reddit, and to be honest I kinda had these suspicions from the start. I won't be missing this board.

Alright go then, why the need to announce it to everyone?

Proofs? Are you saying they're reddit shills or just use reddit?

Fuck off back to reddit

I've never been on reddit in my life I haven't even got a clue how the website works



It's good to be back, boys.

It's good to be back, comrades. Have some based Seuss.

I know some of you don't want to here this but this hack most likely set us back in numbers by quite a bit. We should look for places that have somewhat similar beliefs and invite them to join us here.


We won't bite, fam. Not unless you want us to. ;D

i missed you sexy mother fuckers


new flags when?

How many flags do we need jebus

Ok, good.


Ironically you're only showing how new you are by saying this.

Somehow I'm not buying it.

Nobody was thinking about furries until you mentioned it, Cletus.

These are fucking great; saved.

Stay comfy, Stalin ^ ^

That's 'gone with the blastwave' you utter tard

And they're still so new that they think we're liberals or support Hillary/dems.

Good to be back comr8s didn't know what to do with myself the last couple of days.

alri, lads.

Bunkerchan was comfy but I'm still glad we're back.

They've been thinking that since the dawn of time


The bunker is great for times like these. Tbh, the bigger Holla Forums gets, the more time I'll start spending there. It was comfy af.



Also, Space_ if you're still here, one small critique. People in a thread on bunker wanted this webm, but I couldn't upload it for some reason. I don't think it was a glitch, because I could post other things fine. So it's likely the file was too big. Please make a way to upload bigger video files at once. If audio isn't able to upload, then please also do this. ^ ^ Humble request.


It's layout is fucking shite though

I still can't access my mod account

Its fine now

Don't fucking scare me like that, holy shit.

Jim Watkins is a pig fucking sex offender.

I'll take being an American patriot any day. I may die an artery clogged death, but I will ascend into Heaven, and take my rightful place on the side of justice and God.


I legitimately look forward to this. The shitposting will be glorious.

Do we not have a second page right now?

I can see the second page, but the links to the threads are dead. Maybe the database of the old threads was lost.

The new threads are down too.

Don't bull shit yourself, most of Holla Forums wanted to see Trump lose.

Well now I can click on the 2nd page threads. So I don't know what the fuck is going on.

Yeah, I did. That doesn't make me a Hillary supporter.



So with the boards being recovered, I suppose now is as good a time as any to ask again: can we get a Bookchin flag please?


Wew lad

So like what? A pint of Ben & Jerry's?

Well that didnt las tlong

Well, we have this one

You having trouble with the board or just cleaning the catalog?

all dead4me

gibs back cultural marxism thread

You're only continuing to embarrass yourself. Personally, I was downright shocked & giddy when Trump won. Or more like- when Hillary lost. We had a comfy cytube room where we all watched it happen in real time, even with a bunch of Holla Forums joining in. Everyone hates Hillary.

I basically had a rage-gasm knowing Hillary lost, because I was that angry about the DNC cheating Bernie, the subsequent Wikileaks DNC leaks & the absolutely insufferable CTR/Hillary supporters in general. Her supporters were the absolute worst & them losing was so fucking satisfying. We also had fun laughing at them losing their minds after it happened, in a salt-mining thread here.

There was no "winning" during this election, once Bernie was out, with Hillary or Trump. Even Zizek made an argument for accelerationism with Trump, to reinvigorate leftists & that's happening finally. Had Hillary won, the same shit would continue, or possibly be even worse, since she actually knows how to play the game. Although Trump is still fucking shit up, hard, at least leftists are fucking paying attention now. That doesn't mean I'm a Trump supporter, either, obviously. But this was all we could hope for out of this "election".

meant to share the gif

Underrated post.


We get so discriminated against, my dudes

Yeah, not sure why Jim decided to be such a massive cocksucker with that.

Send him some nasty emails complaining about it. I want to hear is retarded logic behind it.

…They were trolling us. I was pissed at first, but then got a little chuckle out of it. Had to admit, it was funny. It wasn't much longer after other boards were reinstated that we came back, anyway.
We are
after all :^)

Praise Kek for that.
Where did you all go? Bunkerchan and GETchan were both slow.

I stopped shitposting for a few days. It was awful.

Trump is fucked in the head and should have probably done some jail time for the scams he's ran over the years.

Hillary on the other hand personally profited from selling American artillery to places like Qatar and Saudi Arabia and had a massive part to play in setting Libya on fire after they nationalized their oil -and that's leaving out A LOT of other really greasy shit she's done over the years.

One is a greasy, spoiled conman and the other is a war criminal who was more than complicit in Obama's terror campaign and has oceans more blood on her hands than Osama Bin Laden or Gaddafi.

Bernie was the only sane choice in the election, and Hillary and her goons shit all over him at every possible opportunity. After he was out I was in full-acceleration mode, and still am.

I still think we should be trying to improve bunker chan enough that we can get rid of this fucking dumb.

I dont trust the mods and dedicated imageboards are comfy as fuck - just look at lainchan.

We have a good thing going here. A lot of people get into socialism through Holla Forums.


Im going to try to make 5 bunkerposts a day to keep the site going. The ONLY real problem I have with it is the lack of traffic.

fond memories.

Watch this for one minute. Wait for it; it's totally worth it. :^) Shit had me laughing my ass off & I still remember it whenever I hear that quote.

Also, good post.

Yeah buddy! I love me some DP and have been watching TJ for years. Their coverage of the results coming in on election night was definitely some of their best content.

Scotty is a bitch and deserved to pay.

OH, SHIMMY JIMMY! We love you too!


One of the best quotes, definitely from that night. Who would have thought it would come from Ben, too. He used to be a card carrying commie & voted Stein. He speaks little, but a smart guy.

I found a pic from the salt mining thread after the election. I'd requested someone make OC of Cenk's meltdown, before & after. Someone obliged & here it is.
Thank you, kind stranger. I think it was Muke, but not sure.

Dore is where it's at, though. At least he has some sense.

Dore is the only person in the TYT network that I've ever heard mention class consciousness and the dude is getting more woke every show.

I could just be missing it because I don't watch as much TYT or Secular Talk as I used to, but yeah, after another 3.5 years of Trump hopefully a lot more of the new-media YouTubers will swing to the left a bit and start talking about class warfare.

Unless this recent ad boycott really fucks the YouTube news ecosystem, which it kinda' seems like it might…

I've heard him mention his past communistic tendencies, but I don't know that I've ever heard why he changed opinions or what his ideology looks like now - like you said, guy doesn't talk too terribly often on the show. Hard to get a word in with TJ and Paul there I would imagine.


Kyle from Secular Talk just uploaded a video about his budget being cut by like 90%. I haven't watched it yet, but I may start donating to him or something because even though he's a liberal reformist, he's left & brings me a lot of news. I think in time he'll grow lefter, like Dore.

Fukken saved. Ben has more material than I realized. I dunno why he changed, either. But I think if he had the right bug in his ear he'd change back or at least be socialist(I'm guessing he's somewhere around that). I was really happy he voted Stein, because I was too & not many YTbers from that section were.

I know, I know.

Pick one.

I voted too, for Shillary. I just felt bad about it, and it didn't even end up mattering. Duverger's law and Citizens United v. FEC saw to that.

Yeah dood, a bunch of high-dollar advertisers (Pepsi, Starbucks, AT&T, shitshills like that) recently pulled out of YouTube as a platform after the WSJ ran a story about some of their ads being played on some offensive content.

It's basically old media trying to fuck people on Youtube by removing their revenue stream, and it might work to some degree. TJ Kirk and Kyle from Secular Talk both made videos showing the graphs of their revenue collected since the boycott and both of them are down 85% or more.

So over literally nothing, then. Are they really that retarded? Or is this just a pretext so they can bargain Google down to lower ad prices?

Yeah and Google has already started demonetizing videos that aren't "advertiser friendly."

Eh, you got me.
Well at least you know, now.
I assume that's an electoral college ruling? I'm too lazy to look it up atm, it's 3am here. But regardless of that law, it didn't matter because no one worth a damn was in the general election. But I guess that's the point; DNC made sure of that.

H3H3 did a decent analysis of the situation and tracked back a bit of the history of the guy who wrote the WSJ article.

I'm going to go with retarded.
This is the main WSJ fucker who ran/manufactured the story.

I knew before, too.

No, it's the principle that any voting system in which:
1) only one person can win, and
2) the person with the most votes wins
will always produce a two-party system, because voters are forced by the system to vote against those they least prefer, rather than for those they most prefer. The solution is the single transferable vote (STV), where each district has multiple seats and voters rank candidates in order of their preference.
This is designed more for legislatures, though, and wouldn't work for the Presidency, since there can be only one President. (Though that could still be made into a fair position by either removing the President's veto or by making the Presidency a position appointed by the legislature elected by STV.)


I'm seeing a worrying number of poeple who are happy that Youtube is getting more restrictive. Just because some soapboxing douchebags won't make as much money doesn't mean it's a good thing. For fuck's sake, I'm seeing "leftists" here and on twitter siding with porky over the common people using porky's platform to make media. Protip: if you side with a corporation over an individual you are not a fucking leftist.

Sup Brett.

I didn't say it was excellent, great, good, or funny. I said it was decent, in that it will suffice to give someone an understanding of the situation without further reading or watching.

being this pedantic…

Fine, have a mantee.

Just like with the TPP. Fucking liberals.

I haven't seen anyone celebrate it here.

I would love to see a Holla Forums e-celeb go on DPP and ask Ben about being a filthy red.

There are some shills & trolls lurking about but yeah, people here value free speech & recognize it's really bad, what's happening. 8ch is one of the only few places where we have as refuge to completely speak our mind. That was invaluable to me during the election, that's for sure; especially with CTR crawling everywhere like they were.


Where do I buy this?

I hear ya.
Man, seeing reddit flip from being strongly pro-Sanders to overwhelmingly pro-Hillary in the space of a single day is something I'll remember for the rest of my life. The shills were all bizarrely identifiable too, Hillary support aside. They used their own words but would harp on the same talking points. It was fucking shuddersome; I felt like I could see the monster pulling their strings.

Lmao, I didn't know that existed, either.

The reason STV countries come in at low party numbers in that graph is because there are only two countries that currently use STV for national elections: Ireland and Malta. The problem is that, in Ireland, most districts have only three seats, and no districts have had more than five since 1947. In order for STV to effectively create a multi-party system, you need more seats per district; the more seats, the more representative the system is. In practice, seven seats should probably be the norm in order to effectively produce a multi-party system. That way, in order to get a seat, a person only needs to get 12.5%+1 ([100%/{7+1}]+1) votes. If we assume that political affiliations can be arranged on a single axis, and that the distribution of affiliations isn't normal (i.e., isn't a bell curve), then the requirement of 12.5%+1 ensures that political outliers (in our quantitative sense, those who lie +/- 2 standard deviations from mean) won't be elected, but all other affiliated candidates will.

Addendum to my addendum: Apparently Maltese people only vote for the two major parties (presumably because they're retarded), and have a few other weird quirks in their electoral system that discourage proportional representation.
My dream is to be on the revolutionary electoral planning committee. That's enough autism from me for now.

It was fucking maddening. That artificial flip was insane. I lost count of how many times I was banned from r/politics. You got banned for even mentioning CTR. Clinton is such a slimy cunt.

Noteworthy that her subreddit only had a couple hundred or thousand subscribers, while r/S4P had over a quarter million. Bernie didn't have to pay people to support him. Still makes me so angry.

This is why a revolution is necessary for anything to meaningfully change.

What about this for a voting system:

The really fucked up part is that CTR did pay people to support him and to flip at the opportune time. Among the shills who came out in force on the same day were people who had been prominent on S4P. They recognized Sanders' ability to get the youth vote and thought they could just divert people to Clinton once the primary was effectively over.

Oh, yeah, I forgot about those
>As a former Sanders supporter, Hillary isn't so bad. We can't let Trump get into office. I'm voting dem no matter what.
Those were among the worst. I still have tons of screencaps from those times.
Check this shit out. Sorry for inducing the inevitable flashbacks.

You're right about those shills who infiltrated high ranks at r/S4P. r/OurRevolution(iirc) had those same shills & you were banned for mentioning Stein, iirc again. I tagged the shills when I found out, so I'd remember later.

The lengths they go to are quite frankly sickening.

why can't i open up some of the threads a few pages back in the catalogue without getting a 404?

I found one of the "former Bernie supporters", check pic named "hiding her power level".


First pic is buzzword salad.

Third pic I remember reading when it was posted.

Yeah it's 200% trash.

Is this a multi-winner system, or a single-winner one?
Either way, I don't think it would work. In any electoral system, you need to have a well-established victory criterion. That is, you need to know how many votes a candidate requires in order to win.
Suppose, as an extreme but useful example, that we ran your proposed system, and every single person who voted put a plus sign next to the same three candidates. How do we know which of them won? Did they all win? They got as many votes as it is possible to get. What if there are only two seats, though?
The actual ballot process is an important part of any electoral system, but the counting process is even more important. In STV, for example, if a candidate already has enough votes to win, then when it's time for your ballot to be counted, even if your first choice already won, they just count it as a vote for your second choice, so there are no "wasted" votes.

Join us!

i actually had a semi productive weekend, i washed my car, cleaned my house… thats a lie, i got really really stoned.

Yes but I was curious about both cases. Some liberal I talked to (Dunning-Kruger in full effect) opined about wanting to give someone a negative vote and I wanted to hear from someone who knows more than I do.

he sure is

No problem, fam.

hey brett

guess you're getting a little antsy that DP isn't covering your ass

I mean, they are 99.9999999999999999999% of the reason anyone you aren't married to knows you exist

Don't bring Dorn into this!!

I say to myself, "come orn, Gord"

Wow, look at that. Holla Forums is still just as full of reddit-tier liberals and idiots as it was before I left. It's like I'm really in /r/socialism.
Good job guys.


You mean "corm orn, Gord"

Also on the subject of flags, can we please get an Israeli one? I want to upset lmaoists with it.

We don't need a sticky about this.

Oh, and a Rhodesian one too. That'll really get the kaffers going.

Can someone take this sticky down?

It's pointless.

catgirr vely yummy sou fol my tummy mao rou hen hao chi

Your BO has ran off in tears over having to wait a little bit after the hack, it's absolutely pathetic from an outsiders view tbh, would never follow this cretin. archive.is/1buyv

Fucking shameful. BO, if you're reading this, you're overreacting. Bunkerchan should only be a backup. We have a good thing going here. Being put on the last batch isn't the end of the world. Also, I like shitposting on the other boards here, mostly Holla Forums. Whether you leave or not, I'm staying.