interesting has Holla Forums finally turned for good?
Interesting has Holla Forums finally turned for good?
Holla Forums has always been shit
Holla Forums was never good and never will be
Holla Forums hates discussion of any politics, this is hardly new.
You fucking lazy faggot redditors should be going there a lot more to Holla Forums the autistic screeching from Holla Forumstards is glorious there.
I think that to stop Holla Forums 4chan really need a Holla Forums board to counterbalance the right wing presence. And i am sure that it will have many people from /lit/, /sci/, /mu/, Holla Forums and yes even /mlp/ that will join.
By the way before Holla Forums 4chan was more on the left side than the right side.
That's a shitty and pointless idea and I don't know why people keep pushing it. /lit/ already acts as it, since no Holla Forumstard reads.
This is something people forget though. I remember "chrsitfag" was a thing and then years later fedora started popping up.
but /lit/ is not politics.
I'd disagree on that.
Everything is politics, especially talks about philosohy. /his/ is pretty left wing too as long as you stay away from the pic related threads
then why do you guys try and get it anti Holla Forums
/his/ is shit, /lit/ is our only bastion on halfchan
I don't.
so basically you are saying that 4chan has more left wingers than people think?
So why don't we keep them together?!
lurk moar newfriend
Let's make this thread more productive.
>>>Holla Forums6913694
trips of vocation
/lit/ has a Holla Forums infestation as well.
Kill yourself, fag. That shit was old in 2008.
Wait does this men the global mods are taking sides in the leftypol v pol war?
ring a bell?
Not leftists, but a considerable amount of anti-Holla Forums. Lolbergs are still strong on 4chan. Recently discussed with someone in a /his/ thread and thought he was a leftist but then he started going on about "statism" and "why didn't people rose up for their private property rights in the middle ages". Then I knew I was discussing with a fucking memeball
everything has a Holla Forums infestation nowadays. it's called metastasis. That is why they need a chemio.
apparently thread-specific cross-board posting is "raiding" according to poopoo-hole hurt polacks:
>>>Holla Forums6913708
It seems that /polyps/ lurking Holla Forums are more triggered than usual by our presence there. Probably because the 1 day headstart they got due to the batch-based recovery of the site is messing with their fee-fees.
>>>Holla Forums6913818
>>>Holla Forums6913859
>>>Holla Forums6913883
they don't want to talk about politics user, you're the imageboard equivalent of the obnoxious christfag uncle who won't stop blathering about jesus on the holidays.
A more precise wording would be that: they don't
1) do politics as such,
for Holla Forums to be efficient they need to hinge on a pseudo-politics that first and foremost looks for scapegoats, obfuscating the very social mechanisms whose origins are systematic (i.e. capitalism). They take aspects of capitalism (out-sourcing, bankers, pay deterioration) and project the ills as causation on minorities: mooslams, jooz, etc.
2) want to talk about politics,
because it would hurt their already established sense of "what is wrong with the world."
If you understand what "pol is" then you understand what they can not ever be: counter-hegemonic, revolutionary, productive, forward-looking, etc…
From these you can deduct easily why they deny scientific facts.
For a polyp global warming (quoting Mr. Trump:) "is a Chinsese conspiracy," and so on…
prz contriboot, gumrags!
Still, comrade, plz contribute here: >>>Holla Forums6913694
>>>Holla Forums6913694
Fuck, I miss the time back when /lit/ was predominantly Marxists and Stirnerfags, now it's crowded with Holla Forumsyps
/lit/ is not left wing lol every fifth post is something tangentially related to literature about how women and black ppl are retarded
B is shit
anonymous was literally formed on Holla Forums
4chan Holla Forums is actually a good place to recruit. I posted a "anti capitalist thread with a few leftypol pictures and came back to find it still going an hour later and with 300+ replies.
How the fuck did he get banned on Holla Forums for a political opinion?
It used to be apolitical but the altright got to it before the left fucking did anything.
Is that John Green's forehead?
God fuck no.
this is why you'll never be taken seriously. Even Holla Forums jews better than you, and they hate em.
/n/ is much, much more leftist than /lit/, because of its very nature of being the board of people who ride in mass transit. There are some lolberts on there but the tone of the discourse is consistently oriented towards a socialistic society, and lamenting how business interests are ruining the planet via automobile transport.