All things considered that is much higher than I thought it would be
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Holla Forums has lost 1/3rd of it's users.
We on the other hand have about the same numbers for a weekday.
Jim really dun goofed with Sunshine, and the BO of Holla Forums isn't making it any better with all these bans and obligatory Trump worship.
We get a bonus of being the only place like leftypol, Holla Forums have serious longstanding grievances against their BO and quite a few end up coming here just to escape them.
Magnificent. Simply magnificent. The operation was a complete success. Good job comrades!
I can't believe the BO is talking about leaving, we are slowly but surely taking over this site.
Holla Forums is a thriving and passionate community of leftists and mateys.
I wasn't expecting anything else.
we all had an urgent need to shitpost.
seriously though, wait for the next economic crisis, we can and will surpass Holla Forums
Because we have no control over the actual site itself. Its not about the numbers we have, but about the hostile actions of the Holla Forums admins in their restoring of the site. It shows us they hate our board and theres no guarantee the light will stay or forever.
We on the other hand have about the same numbers for a weekday.
I give you that. But after a while (even now, imo) it would be against their self-interest to mess with the largest board.
What's hilarious about the restore-batches is that they are messing with their own moneys.
I doubt this piece a shit site makes a lot of money. They cant be find through google and google wont serve ads for them. They rely solely on obscure injoke ads mostly made by members of the community or other chans that want to shill.
Who cares if they hate the board they've done jack shit about it and no making us wait 12 extra hours doesn't count as real damage.
tfw you kill your most popular board for an April fool's prank.
/sudo/ is going to fall as the boards come back
No, but it does show unprofessionalism and bias in the moderation.
That sets a bad precedence.
when has Holla Forums's staff every been "professional"?
The admins here have been setting a bad precedent since hotwheels left. Hell, even hotwheels wasn't perfect.
If anything project sunshine is a far better reason to leave than a bit of admin bias.
Those tards were never professional
It's was a cross between banter and trolling, a pretty successful one, seeing how BO and other autists with sticks in their ass got triggered.
Feels good man
what's project sunshine?
Holla Forums has been actively shilling against Holla Forums in /sudo/ triggering Holla Forums's classic paranoia those fucking Nazis are a bunch of pussies and maybe they are hiding in reddit.
If ##BO didnt Trigger panic yesterday we would be back to 880 - 930 regular posters.
It couldn't possibly have been a prank. Not a prank by admins against us anyway, because they have gotten nothing but headaches out of it.
Quoting from the thread here:
And from sudo:
Basically the admins were keeping a permanent log of everyone's IP addresses and posts. The supposed justification was to prevent school shootings. "THINK OF THE CHILDREN"-style arguments are always a sign that something terrible is going on.
A ton of Holla Forumsyps fled to endchan and feech. Now we just need to get Holla Forums to splinter into pieces and not split ourselves and we can dominate the board.
Most hated board bitches!
Feels good man
What the fuck is anyway? I thought it was a honeypot made by one of our resident persona non grata like Bui.
Ah, things really are back to normal. I'd be worried if they weren't triggered.
we lost about as much.
we were averaging 700 users, sometimes over 1000.
It was created so that retards from halfchan would go there when they tried to "raid" us, since shows up on Google search but doesn't. That way all their "raiding" efforts go to some shithole that nobody uses, rather than here.
Well, who controls it then?
I don't know.
Since we bring traffic, and they are capitalists.. Why would they want to lose profit?
Even if that means giving guns to those that are gonna kill them.
this is pure schizoid paranoia.
go check yourself matey.
Can someone explain all this to me?
Did we figure who haxxed Holla Forums? Are 8channers paranoid about it?
We did, didn't we? I mean.. we are all powerfull and stuff! Pol should fear us now!
Was it Russia? I bet it was Russia.
As if I needed more proof about this place being a honeypot.
I for one don't care cause noone cares about me.
Then again, am not burger.
Idek what that is.
imagine actually believing this