redpill me on Anne Frank
Redpill me on Anne Frank
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Nazis got what they wanted, then what they deserved.
just read her dumb book.
Anne Frank did nothing wrong
She's a lesbian zombie in the latest wolfenstein game
why am I not surprised that Howard_Scott of all people is into this shit
I'm really more of a /his/ shit-poster at heart then I am a Holla Forums trip-fag, tbh fam.
He's an amazing artist and his video game is top notch.
listen the "in the aeroplane over the sea" ;^)
then get a time machine to save her from the nazis and marry her
He's too slow to put out, and he's an elusive faggot who keeps many pictures hidden from his loyal fans
this, but unironically
Bana Alabed of WW2
I'd have to separate her from everybody else she knows.
It'd be easy to make her think her friends and family don't really trust her.
They'd drift apart, slowly but surely.
She'd be too scared of being alone and isolated again to leave the only person left in her life, me.
I could do just about anything I wanted, and she'd put up with it.
After all, it can't be as bad as being alone again.
At first I'm sure she'd cry, maybe not in front of me, but privately, when she thinks nobody can hear her. She'd think about how happy we used to be, how nice everything was, and wish it could just go back to that.
Eventually she'd probably just feel so empty and dead inside that she wouldn't even react, she'd just lay there as I hit her, staring at the wall, wishing this time I'd go too far and finally kill her so she doesn't have to suffer any more.
She was a lesbian and the homosexual undertones of some entries in her diary were actually censored in the first editions of the published manuscript.
Women being lesbian or straight is a meme. They are all just bisxeual.
Cute. Cute!
That's… Actually kinda funny
I kek'd
men being not all bisexual is a meme also
you can't be serious
Wasn't she the girl who invented the ballpoint pen?
cute but also disturbing
If the pen wasn't yet made, you all got played.
no, the ballpoint pen was invented in the late 1800's and commercially available in the 1930's. Not that it matters much, as the diary is not written in ball point.
Her memoir is fake. It's not her handwriting.
It's typical for capitalism to showcase a petite bourgeois Jewish girl as the face of the suffering of the Holocaust, so is the narrative of the muh 6 million.
They don't give a fuck about the gypsies or every poor fag who was gassed because they don't have money or a lobby in the US.
if you mean the holocaust industry, as in rich jews making money off the suffering of mostly Ostjuden, then yeah its grotesque. But Hitler really did kill between 5.3-5.7 million Jews. All recent studies and estimates from contemporary historians range between 5-6 million. There's nothing remotely fake about it, the gas chambers were real too.
No, but Poles and Slovenes don't really care about Jews who died either and they're just a poorer less international ethnic group who don't have the resources to make money off muh holocaust. Russians are also the one's who played it up big time about the Jews. They're the ones who all the Neo-nazis accuse of fabricating the evidence. Which is ludicrous, but they did play it up.
why are jewish women such qts?
I want to hug all the jewish girls
proud fighter for imperialism
"Bana Alabed" will get a book deal too btw
Make sure to guard your shekels.
reee fugging liberals
I didn't deny it. But I don't give a fuck about how many Jews he killed. I give a fuck about how many humans he killed, and this estimate is about 9 millions. I think it's disguting how Jews are somehow counting more as victims as the other camp prisoners or the slav POW who got executed
I'm a dishwasher, I don't have any shekels
Bana Alabed's dad fought for ISIS.
You doooo? Awwwww hunnyyyyyy.
I don't know about ISIS, that ISIS symbol in the pic looks very photoshopped but I've heard about him fighting for the Al Safwa Islamic Battallion before. And this group is one of the known CIA collaborators.
Google "Al-Safwa Islamic Battalions" "cia"
>tfw you'll never burst down the door to the attic, with a necklace of nazi scalps around your neck and a red banner flying off your back
why live?
A fraud
A Factual Appraisal Of The 'Holocaust'
By The Red Cross
The Jews And The Concentration Camps: No Evidence Of Genocide
And the World Almanac's count for Jewish population shows an increase during the 1940s
okay jeff
I came to laugh, not to feel.
now I know this is fantasy
I dont give a shit about jews. Its the torture and executions of communists by nazi regime that gets to me.
who is this semen daemon
Jewish grill that was and is so qt that she's the secret waifu for many Neo-Nazis
Girl with autism that got caught in the whirlwind of historical events.
Not actually true. The "ballpoint pen" from 1888 was made to mark leather, not for writing.
The ballpoint pen we know was first made in Argentina in 1943 and onwards, and was not distributed widely until after WWII
"Bíró Pens of Argentina and filed a new patent in 1943."
Most likely she is a fictional character in a book written by a man confused man, who later claimed to write about his daughter.
Control question: If the whole family got taken to the deathcamps, why did the father survive to publish a book?
… Because he survived the camps? Duh.
Jesus Christ it reads like a Yuri manga
Hide and seek world champion
Distinguished author who story will be herd through out the ages
Also was a pritty good snooker player in her spare time
need i say more
who is this
threemilk T
she's /r9k/'s latest autismfu
honestly their objectification of her disgusts me even more than usual for some reason
She's not Rosa Luxemburg.
The diary proven forgery, the rest is up for debate.
what breasts? I've seen the pictures.
Imagine the Fan Fiction 14yo girls would wright, instead of modern BS!
Commie well, """commie""" societies have the most sexual liberation. I bet DDR women's diaries would make Anne Frank feel like she's alive again.
The originals literally still exist
Also, imagine the underground deep web fanfiction site that the nazi party only allows to exist so that they can fap and spot out pottential dangers.