So, what's the deal with these guys? Are they another wannabe Plato-nerds ascending-to-godhood edgy liberals or can they be reconciled with sane socialists/anarchists?
So, what's the deal with these guys? Are they another wannabe Plato-nerds ascending-to-godhood edgy liberals or can they be reconciled with sane socialists/anarchists?
Other urls found in this thread:
If they are against capitalism and fascists they are my comrades.
who the fuck knows.
I thought they where an-caps that want to be turned in to computers, but the anarchist-trans-humanist that posted here before got really pissy, and said I was wrong. But I never understood what he actually believed.
Could be they are really nice guys, but I'm highly skeptical of all trans-humanism.
from the blog OP posted
no wait, I messed up.
that's not his opinion, but his parody of a ancap's opinions.
In my defense, it's kind of a messy blogpost.
can range from anything from gay luxury space communism to neo-reactionary. It's funny that you commie nerds get so mad at the Greeks like Plato and Aristotle, when without them you wouldn't even have the basis for dialectics lmao
okey.. seems like a pretty bad sign for the movement if it's extremely esoteric and still manages to be that divided. How do you see it evolving into something that is capable of making social change?
Are there any theoretical works that are of special significance to the an-trans?
a lot of idiots using this flag on reddit are bloated no-nothings who want to inject libertarian/ancap ideas into the dialogue.
they're a lot like ancoms, unwilling to do anything but wait for tech messiahs to free them from race, class, and ideas.
LOL! Good one m8!
Dialectics, rational debate with the intention of discovering Truth, was not invented by Greek philosophers. It is a prehistoric practice that humans naturally engage in in order to form a consensus reality among the group.
Transhumanists are completely bamboozled with narcissism. I can't take anyone who uses the flag seriously. The whole idea is an infantile fantasy, and the whole thesis behind it is "wouldn't it be SO COOL TO BE A GOD!?"
It's not an ideology of any kind, it's just the fantasy of manchildren who never outgrew their edgy power phases.
The whole flag should just be removed because it just makes us look retarded.
Honestly if they get past the capitalist/libertarian fallacy straight to stirnerism/socialism it might even work as intended.
What even IS the intention? It's just anarchism but with "I want to be uploaded to a computer network so I can live with my waifu Rainbow Dash BUT before that I want a huge robot cock because I'm a massive beta" sewed onto it.
Now that would be fun to watch.
I think the idea is that with technology we could end human suffering/be in a post-scarcity world by living in a computer where we can live whatever life we want instead of being limited by material reality.
pic related is what this would look like
what a time to be in artificial induced hibernation trapped between life and death.
Dialectics equates to language. It is a tool for crafting matrix(es)/maps of meanings in group setting. Greeks didn't invent it. They had absolutely no fucking clue what they were even talking about.
Plato's Republic is extremely well written and thought provoking. The Greek philosophers were certainly intelligent.
Is it just me who thinks VR headsets are creepy as fuck?
I don't trust transhumanists.
get fucked.
True, doesn't change the fact they confused perception with reality. Language/culture induced blindspot.
I'll take it over reality right this instant. All socialism is escapist hype train anyway.
What would your virtual reality paradise be like?
Aristotle is pretty based. Plato is trash.
Internet chat collective bantz, simulated drug highs, VR vidya and cinema. That sort of stuff. Lessening demand on material goods is certainly beneficial to socialist economy.
Sounds good to me, comrade!
Wow. Dank!
Follow thy Gnosis!
Let's do it right this time, comrade!
Since when did /fringe/ start posting on Holla Forums?
"we" the individuals including our ego are material beings, the Demiurge created the material world, us included.
It is true that the Demiurge is uncaring, it feels no empathy and does not want or care for your worship. But we can study him as he appears in the revolutionary science of dialectical materialism.
As creations of the Demiurge, we can not exist in the astral plane except as will less energy, destroying him serves no purpose.
Fuck off
Yours should be removed too. :^)
make a reading list. Prove that you aren't a joke.
TBH Antrans is bretty cool, and I see it as necessary with humanity moving forward. Humanity has some unsavory problems in its gene pool not in a social way, I mean in terms of accumulated disorders and I see it in our long term interest as a species to work them out and improve where nature left off. Eugenics is inefficient and cruel, An trans and cyborgs not hitler and death!
OK praise CRISPR
already forgotten about the kabalists that tried to put a death curse on jason unruhe?
Bunch of assholes who saw Terminator and thought it'd be cool to have that irl
you will end up like a mouse that keeps pushing that button to inject dopamine into its brain
If you reject transhumanism based on your immediate kneejerk reaction toward the idea, you are an idiot because transhumanism is not an ideology but a conceptualized state of being between human and post-human. It's pretty much just a logical next step as opposed to some escapist fantasy as one retard in this thread insinuated.
There is little purpose in debating this unless you're talking about how it would develop in a given economic model so just calm the fuck down.
so how is post-human different from human?
implants do not alter human nature
Trans-humanism really just works under any form of politics as long as technological progress isn't being suppressed or else they'll radicalize if they can't have life couching waifus or alter they're psychology to rid of depression so they may have more motivation.
Seize the means of technology, emancipate from the flesh. Remove Intellectual Property and vaporize Luddites.
Post-humans imply that the psychology differ immensely that they would no longer think as a human would. Human nature wouldn't even apply anymore.
I don't know, I haven't seen one, but one definition I've heard is that a post-human's abilities and intelligence would be so advanced that they would not be recognizable as human because we cannot possible comprehend it in our current condition.
Where did I even say that?
you're just religious nuts
only chiristians shilled how God is incomprehensible and you shill how Übermensch is incomprehensible
if you think humanity can severe ties with its animal roots, you're delusional
I like Posadism more, as a meme ideology.
Trans-humanist don't praise post-humans, they want to become one.
Explain why human beings have been building civilization as appose to being stuck in the plains chasing deer, Luddite?
You're almost certainly baiting, but I run across "arguments" like this disturbingly frequently.
Now THIS is some delusion.
christians too want to be closer to God
what is revelation and all that shit
false equivalences dumbfuck
civilization is not antagonistic to nature
it is a further extension of nature
also, I'm not against technological progress, I'm against delusional faggots who live in their sky castles and make unbased claims
delusion is to think that one can break the Cause-Consequence principle
humanity does not exist in some vacuum
how you think today is determined by how you were thinking yesterday
You're talking animal roots faggot, in what way are humans trying to stay within the boundary of nature? Civilization is literally escapism of nature.
It really doesn't, but it did evolve from less evolved animals of the Earth which would not be able to comprehend our human condition. Transhumanism is a condition between that of a natural base human and a post-human, a being with a condition beyond what a human can experience.
The only difference is that transhumanIST supports human intervention in this process of changing conditions. It's not unthinkable because it's already happened to a slight degree (development of clothing to survive in certain environments we would ordinarily not be able to) and is likely to only accelerate with developments of prosthesis and gene editing. Denying this requires one to passively ignore evidence of this.
you fucking idiot
nature is not naked ass baboons running around throwing shit
nature is a self-organized matter that transforms matter around itself for its expanded self-reproduction
Literally not possible unless everyone's consciousness is uploaded onto a giant autismblox server with creative mode enabled.
How many liters of LSD were involved in the writing of this paragraph?
Also, at what point does "human" become "transhuman?" And how do transhumanists plan to achieve their goals?
but it is possible to interpolate from those less evolved forms of consciousness to our own current form of consciousness
you can't even define where human ends and post-human begins
I'm not some trans
and I'm wholly support conscious intervention in all areas
why else do you think I would shill for a consciously planned economy?
nobody denies this you delusional faggot
I'm all for experiments on humans, even
but your trans ideology has nothing to do with technological progress whatsoever
It's already defined in two earlier posts.
Hmmm. It kind of just sounds like you don't want to use the term but like the ideas, already.
Literally, what
because your transhumanism is unnecessary
conscious intervention was inseparable from scientific progress from the beginning
you're just some weird Übermensch cultists
So we actually agree 99% on this issue but you call me a cultist because I use a different name than you prefer I would. Gotcha. Goodbye then.
fuck you too buddy
Satanic trips and talking about woo-woo occult bullshit?
Checked. Noice.
It's not idealism, it's materialism taken to a very reasonable conclusion. If ideas do not have any other basis than our material existence, then it stands to reason that a significant enough modification of our bodies would in turn have an effect on the ideas we held, or indeed, were capable of holding.
It's Phineas Gage as political philosophy.
In any case, yeah transhumanism isn't really deserving of a distinct political tendency. Maybe at a stretch transhumanists should be out there campaigning for increased funding for research on curing aging? Beyond that, you can't really point to any current, relevant political position and say "That's something only the transhumanists are fighting for", like you can with Stalinists and the subjugation of the working class to the dictates of an unaccountable bureaucracy.
until you start talking in concrete terms, you're just a blabbermouth
you forgot about slave camps
fucking big time. If there was a modern spiritualist, idealist theist (apotheosis) movement its in the Hard AI and Transhumanist movements. The levels of autism and religious, magical thinking and life-after-death obsession are beyond anything that the Church or Hindus ever aspired to. Fucking madness. They are compatible with Socialism because you guys are gonna need AI to run your giant bug hives. But my god these fuckers are lunatics and probably going to cause serious social and political crises in the next 100 years. Julian Huxley is a fag and should have been aborted in his mother's womb.
Transhumanism and Hard AI are not movements that can cause damage, they're just a talking point.
no you're wrong and that's also stupid
Read the entire fucking post, I literally mentioned Phineas Gage as a perfect example of what I'm talking about in the very next line you tankie fuck.
If transhumanism is having any impact on the broader culture, it's because people are already becoming conscious of the impact technology is having on our society. Also transhumanism isn't that popular anyway.
wew, this totally explains how you will ascend to godhood
kek, cry me a fucking river
this is a really clumsy attempt at repackaging what I said as something I didn't say and then restating to me, hoping that I won't notice. Yes the ideas of transhumanism, which are spread by legions of organizations and theorists and academics affect the minds of non-academics and theorists and lead them to become transhumanists. All of the pioneers of transhumanism are in computer science and cybernetics and philosophy and they are also conveniently the biggest advocates of it and the reason people like Elon Musk are advocates of it. This isn't some purely environmental phenomena where people watch smart phones and go "wow we'll be computer gods some day", this is a careful and concerted effort by a large group of people from defense and intelligence and tech and academia and philosophy who are pushing for this and pouring hundreds of billions into R&D for it. I'm not fucking stupid, this is the future of warfare and the species. Its extremely popular and its going to become a new religon. Complete failure on your part to prove this wrong.
"technology has an impact on people"
"life has an impact on people"
wow now nothing has any cause and you can just claim that everything happens spontaneously like a lunatic nihlist.
people are becoming conscious from the beginning of industrial revolution
that's my point, its a nonsensical rebuttal. It means nothing. Of course the invention of iron-working and steel metallurgy had an impact on people. So did the ideology of Bronze Age God-Kings which compelled them to engage in perpetual warfare and conquest to claim dominion over the Earth. I mean there is definitely an ideological basis for it. Its idealism
wtf are you talking about?
do these transhumanists have any manifesto?
what are research programs specific to transhumanism?
This is the one from WTA. It's the one I see cited the most.
Holy fuck you're thick, do I have to spell the entire thing out for you?
The original claim was that extensive modifications to the human mind would hypothetically be capable of making the psychology of the modified person unrecognisable as human.
You, in big retarded red text, decried that as pure idealism.
I challenged your retardation by pointing out that the claim wasn't remotely idealist, and was a reasonable conjecture for a materialist to make. I used the example of Gage as a shorthand for the first step of an informal proof by induction, hoping against hope that the rest of the argument would be obvious enough to you.
I now see that I'll have to spell out the whole argument for you since you're the special kind of stupid that thinks the USSR under the thumb of the bureaucracy was a laudable example for socialists to follow.
Right. So we start from the assumption that every part of a person's existence, identity, psychology, etc, is determined solely by the material reality in which they find themselves - ie, we begin with a materialist philosophical framework. We further note that the structure and operation of a person's brain is the single largest determinant of a their psychology - an uncontroversial supposition, I trust. Enter Phineas Gage, a man whose psychological state was altered by a modification to his brain. You could cite a bunch of similar examples in his place, but he's the most famous.
Given that a modification to a person's brain can influence their psychology, it is reasonable to suggest that an extensive modification to a person's brain would in turn extensively modify their psychology. From there, it's not unreasonable to suggest that a) the person so modified is not thinking 'as a human would' (which assumes a normative definition of human.
Feel free to continue dumping on the nerd Rapture, but that isn't what I was arguing with you about. You dumb fucker.
the ideology
it's not
it is not reasonable to suggest that modification of the brain can lead to reasoning without language, for example
or telekinetic powers
it is just pure speculation
define human thinking
666 Get!
Hail Satan!
this is a disturbing series of digits, and the LHP isn't esoteric religion/spirituality its spirituality or religion dedicated to the Ego, The Self and Destruction. Sufism is esoteric spirituality and its not LHP at all, its actually RHP
trans humanism is a meme fantasy that lacks philosophical rigor
They mistake liberal prediction as fact and design an eschatological framework around this prediction
If you don't think I'd take up wire-heading in an instant you're dumber than your anime avatar suggests.
Antrans fags are all about surpassing humanity for nothing but recreational reasons, however you'd define humanity, not bettering the well-being of it as a whole. Diseases and other ills can be eradicated without speciation/extinction or eugenics.
Dunno. Transhumanists, like Pirate Parties, always struck me as bougie tech fetishists. What libertarian policies they support seem to stem more from a distinctly American tradition of "I want gubmint out of muh property" libertarianism rather than any leftist theory.
To say nothing of the more radical ones, the ones who effectively use transhumanism as a secular religion and technology as immanence. I mean, don't get me wrong, technological progress is a building block of civilization, and the industrial revolution was a watershed event in human history, and it's perfectly possible that some replicator technology is what will one day end scarcity for good. The problem is when they treat a future technology as the salvation, the redemption of mankind.
However, if they're up on their leftist theory and know the whos, whys and hows of the "anarcho" part, I see no problem with them worshipping the Coming of the Replicator on the side.