Any fellow Canucks posting/lurking/shitting up Holla Forums?
Canuck Comrades
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Your kind aren't welcome here leaf
Why tho?
You left us :(
We left you? I'm not exactly sure what other Canadian posters did, some stupid shit happen?
I am a leaf.
It's snowing in spring and all people talk about here is how much they hate the NDP.
So business as usual then.
No user you left US we miss you
Godamn it, I dont know what I expected.
Well seems like Canada's left is only neo-libs and alt-right in the making (All those refugee's). At least we got weed, dude lmao.
actually they still dont get legalized weed till mid-2018
Fug, then we have nothing then. Really though the left here are pretty much non-existent, especially where I am. There's pretty much no work for anyone. Pretty much everyone here has a huge apathy for politics.
Calgary, AB here
New Brunswick or Nova Scotia?
I'm at uni in the latter and I've seen more confederate license plates here than in the American South.
Sweet digits. Is the NDP really getting trashed as hard as I've heard?
New Brunswick, and fucking same. Except with people flying confederate flags. When ever someone asks what our little shitball provinces are like I just tell them we are the South/bible belt of Canada
Where my southern Ontario family at?
Uhhh, I just moved here so I don't really have a great understanding of the political situation. AFAIK, Notley took a lot of shit for her plan to diversify the economy and move away from an over reliance on oil and gas (which I think makes sense). But she has since softened her position and has pushed for a new pipeline, or something like that. Conservative, NDP, Liberal–none of them have plans for any radical change. Most of the time it's just business as usual.
Stuck in Manitoba myself fam.
A buddy of mine once mentioned seeing a beautiful facebook comment by a guy he knew in high school complaining how unfair it was that his mom wouldn't let him take his confederate flag to uni.
Fair, I'm the same way with where I'm at. I kinda get Notley - you have to do pipelines in order to stay in power, and given the level of classcuckery from my relatives out there not trying to look like you're building one is basically a one-way ticket to death.
Hey by the way. I remember a while ago a bunch of Nova Scotia's teachers went on a strike, it sorta dropped out of the news and I never heard how it's been going/how it ended.
Edmonton, Alberta here
I only got here last year, but from what I can tell from my NDP buddies and the raw shit coming out of my uni it's gotten bizarre. It's not a full strike, they're just learning the ways of the Ontario teachers and pushing work to rule increasingly hard. They did a rally in front of the legislature a bit back and got people worried, but now all the universities are suing the teacher's union because work-to-rule is disrupting their student teacher programs. I think the teachers have broad public sympathy - the Lib austerity program is pretty hated - but beyond that I can't say.
The Chronicle Herald newspaper's also on strike and the Libs scabbed to push a propaganda piece through, which goes to show what a bunch of trash people they are.
At least over in the maritimes people try to stand up to bullshit. Here in Nb there was a strike by a few of the Nursing home employee's against the province trying to let a private company take over the nursing homes (A company that had just allowed a patient die because they carelessly mixed up their medications.)
Pretty much only thing that's happened recently to my knowledge.
No real far-left activity though, I don't really think there is any organizations around here that are not reddit-tier
Halifax is apparently crawling with Maoists, if that actually counts for anything.
Strangely enough, despite rural Nova Scotia being pretty right-wing I get some really good Marxian discourse. I also know there are a few areas that are basically 100% union dudes out here which are still bastions of actual leftism. And I know the current provincial NDP head was born in a pretty small NB town and does his work from a non-urban riding. I've chatted with him, and he's an actual socialist. It's all there, but not completely obvious. :-(
Honestly the disorganization of the left is prevalent everywhere, I guess the potential is there but the aura of Apathy is also everywhere. Defiantly some smart nigs around they're just too busy being unemployed / being neets / or really deep into Idpol. I guess I embody apathy as I just cant be bothered to look for a community to be a apart of without fearing looking like a islamig gommunist who just does not understand economics.
New Brunswick is ass. I'm NS though so I can't really judge.
Are there really many leftists around Halifax? Everyone I know is either completely apathetic, liberal or "ironic" fascist. Maybe I just know shitty people.
Does anyone have scoops on Manitoba?
Montreal here, from Vancouver originally.
Leftist organization out in BC is pretty much non existent as far as I could tell living there for 20 years. Montreal on the other hand is a much more political engaged city (Quebec in general i think is) and there is actually a decent leftist community out here, with a big protest culture, socialist/anarchist bookstores, and a lot of leftist events every few weeks or so. I've been exposed to more leftist organization in Montreal in the last year than my whole life in Vancouver. If there's any leftypol posters tryna get involved in MTL but don't know how hit me up.
Side note, I really hope weedman succumbs to pressure and implements proportional voting, it's fucking annoying that no left wing parties are able to gain any traction in this fucking country. all of our party's are neo-lib af.
Instead of just shooting the shit can we talk about a path to power for the left in Canada. Who do you guys vote for, if anyone? Are any of the mainstream parties salvageable? Who are the best politician/public figures in Canada? How do we change the political culture here?
nah he already bailed on it completely, stating that "it was my decision to make"
cuz we elect dictators
step 1: nuke Toronto
step 2: nuke Alberta
step 3: nuke Vancouver
step 4: assassinate the Irvings
step 5: fuk idk
Personally, I don't see any of the mainstream parties as salvageable, even the Greens. Maybe I'm just being cynical I have a hard time seeing a real future for the left here. We don't have a real Trump threat to mobilise people (O'Leary doesn't count, at least not yet) and we don't have (as far as I can see) any public figure who is decidedly left-of-centre.
I think the lack of left figures in the public and people just not going that far left is probably because of it being ingrained from childhood that "Muh gommies gonna take away out freedom!" I remember when I was younger seeing a book at my church that was about how Karl Marx was a evil satanist who wanted to destroy Christianity with communism (I may be paraphrasing a bit but that was the gist of it.)
Canada is America's chemically castrated little brother
There was even an article on TPP that had people saying we have rich farmers as a result of gommunism. It's like people literally have to suffer neoliberalism to it's full extent before thinking of an alternative. Not reading is going to kill us all.
The NDP has a (pretty insignificant) socialist caucaus and they do have socialist roots and association with the labour movement. Maybe if we had some kind of reasonably sized movement outside of them entryism would be possible.
That, and where I live the "muh bootsraps" meme is in full swing. Anyone who is lucky enough to have a job immediately hates everyone who doesn't ("they're lazy!"). Maybe it's just the people I know, but these are some of the most class-cucked people I've ever met.
Part of me thinks that's true. It almost makes me wish we got hit harder in 2007/2008. Maybe people would be actively looking for other solutions.
Maple Syrup boy
bring back pre '56 CCF imo
Saskfag reporting in. fuck the NDP because they are orange libs at best
Sudbury reporting.
Its better this way. The global capitalist crisis will catch up with Canada sooner or later. We have more time to organize and we can learn from OWS's mistakes.
When the crisis comes to Canada (which well be during the next Marcro economic shock judging by our real-estate bubbles and level of consumer debt) we need to have an infrastructure in place to respond to it and be ready to make coherent demands and disrupt the economy until they are met.
Seems like a chicken and egg situation to me. we don't have the infastructure in place to challenge capitalism because we haven't had a massive shock like europe or america. however unlike america we do have a social democrat party that is and will be vunerable to entryism and our unions aren't completely dead just mostly dead.
is he /ourguy/??
who CPC-ML here ?
Leafs should be rangebanned from the Internet.
damn, i am proud of my fellow canuckleheads.
*wipes tear from eye*
Samefag, A better board for you may be >>>Holla Forums
speaking of, what's everyone's views on the NDP leadership election? Literally the only other person I've heard anything about is Jagmeet Singh who has been getting a lot of coverage but he seems to have a focus on social issues rather than class/labour issues.
There's been Bernie, Corbyn, now Melonchon.. where's Canada's "leftist" leader?
dig up and stitch Tommy Douglas and J.S. Woodsworth into some frankenstein monster
Wew, I only just heard about this guy, he's making a bid to be the candidate for NDP right?
Niki Ashton I'm guessing. Hardly inspiring.
Canada needs about a billion more of these people.
lmao niki ashton.. only thing I've heard about her is the time she was accused of "cultural appropriation" for citing Beyonce lyrics on twitter and then actually made a formal apology for it.
niki ashton is liberal idpol the person. i can't wait until she has to explain what "intersectional eco-feminist" is to union members and why they should care.
Everyone was having a grand old time during /spa/, I didn't see all that much leaf shitposting unless it was in some of the other threads. I mean there was the canuck threads but it was just some light bantz, nothing bad. There was a lot of what i assume was Holla Forumslacks complain afterwards about Holla Forums camplaining, I think i saw more complaining about Holla Forums complaining then actual people shit talking Holla Forums. Also I'm sure plenty of people who where using vpns to shitpost.
I wish my BC NDP candidate wasn't such a dumbass. He was the federal candidate two elections ago, but then ridings were merged so that a candidate with actual political experience took over, but he won't go away.
His credentials are that he's an actor in a district that gets some revenue from film companies. If you Google his name you get his imdb page before his political page. Everything written on his policy profile is boilerplate, apart from when he was a federal candidate and there was a "write something interesting about yourself", section where he wrote that he believes that Shakespeare wasn't the real writer of his plays, a theory rooted in classism from it's inception.
He's moved up a little, there's an actual campaign office that he runs out of this time, you used to have to meet him at a bus loop at a specific time if you wanted to help the campaign.
I get that there's always going to be candidates who just work as backbenchers, but Christ, you could at least try to make a bit of an attempt.
Seems to be a running theme in north American politics to elect a celebrity to office, I guess it's because people just like to point and say "I KNOW THAT GUY AND I LIKE HIS STUFF" and vote for him for no other reason.
You seem to misunderstand. He's an actor but a celebrity he aint.
Most of his roles are named things like "FBI agent #1" and "picky guest"
Oh, my bad.
And yet I can already buy weed from a store without a medical license, the police don't give a shit
Can walk down the street smoking a joint and the police don't do shit. We're effectively already there.
Thank god, what would we do without capitalism and weedman :^)
Southern Ontario I'm guessing?
Niki ashton is a dumb idpol cunt. She also accuesd JT of normalizing violence against women during that whole elbowgate debacle. Idk wtf the NDPs problem is, but they are spooked as fuck.
trying to escape
Post your guns lads.
thanks for liberating us
ur welcome nederbro
I wish they weren't so expensive or I would've bought one already.
Are there enough of us going to May Day rallies to form a Holla Forums contingent within a given march?
my NDP candidate for BC sent me this total scammy ass email the other day, has anyone received this bs? It's this sob story asking you to donate money to some guy who lives in the candidate's storage closet and needs money for printer ink, it's fucking bizarre especially considering it came from the actual campaign email address. after Receiving this I'm pretty reluctant to throw my NDP candidate a vote..
Someone got a hold of it?
Call your NDP office
This is the political equivalent of spoonyexperiment's dog's Twitter account.
Sounds like an attempt to be "cutesy" about asking for donations for office supplies. Doesn't exactly instil confidence but I wouldn't be overly worried about it.
So… what policies does the NDP stand for?
I just realized we prob live near each other, if that's an email from Bowinn Ma. The actor guy I've been complaining about is Michael Charrois.
Canada's relationship with the netherlands is a beautiful thing.
Liberalism with labour characteristic. Former socialists who have sold out, a lot like Europe's third way center-left parties.
God this is pathetic.
SocDems with a genuine demsoc left wing that was purged in the 80s and 90s as they sold out to neoliberalism.
Idk if NDP can even be describe as soc-dems after the centrist platform they put forward last election. They were being led by someone who was admired Margaret Thatcher ffs. They are just basic bitch liberals now.
Which is why the coming leadership election is so important. Need to get a bernie/corbyn/melenchon voted in.
Ottawafag here
Tu quoi?
Except it's not. If it were being legalized then my cannabis convictions from 20 years ago would be voided. What they're proposing is basic decriminalization Weedman could do that today unilaterally if he wanted, outright legalization should not look like the shit that's been proposed…
yeah I used to live in Vancouver but moved out the Montreal. I still get emails from Bowinn since I worked with her on organizing some protests a few years back.
they've been like that in sask for 20 years now
Depends if you consider Québec to be part of Canada
Where my Toronto comrades at?
how is it in gentrificationville ?
barrie anyone ?
Toronto based.
Every last Communist party/group has essentially decided "Naw, we'll just support social justice movements as they pop up, who cares about anything else" it seems.