How do we destroy the democratic party?

How do we destroy the democratic party?

Crack open a bear and just watch it burn.



We don't. They're doing a fine of job of destroying their party on their own.

Motivate Bernie Sanders to create a third-party. Not going to happen but he has a large following and could create the socialist party of ameriga.

You do realize that would only lead to more republicans in office right? You have to effect both equally.

Democrats now aren't very different from Republicans, so it's not like that matters.

let them contiune to ride the anti succ dem train

What do you mean by more? They control all branches of government and are just one state legislature away from calling a constitutional convention.

Then it would be pointless. You have to influence both not just one of two major parties.

More as in the future.

Why do you guys seem to hate the democrats more than the republicans? Aren't they the lesser evil between the two?

They're literally the same shit at this point.



Because the republicans barely even pretend to be "the good guys"

So I get that both are bad. That's not really answering the question though. Would you guys really prefer a fake religious Ayn Rand-tier establishment than a pandering corrupt do-nothing establishment? I mean if you had to choose.

And obviously both sides are war hawks.

Are you factoring in that one leads to more complacency than the other?

Entryism. Don't destroy it, seize it.

Is this that accelerationism meme I keep hearing about?

Where were you during the last election, especially the primary? Did you notice how even a barely SocDem candidate was continuously undermined and had his positions co-opted after he was deemed to not be a threat? That's been going on for almost a century.

Before an American Left can even compete with the GoP, it has to get out from under the thumb of the so called liberal-left Democrats. I'm not even solely talking about electoral politics, literally any attempt by the American Left to set up any kind of party or alternate power structure is at risk of being infiltrated by democrat affiliates, professional activists, or moneyed NGO types. These sorts will ceaselessly try to infiltrate and co-opt our efforts the second we achieve any appreciable size or power.

Related but not really. It's more about the fact that allowing a pseudo-left to co-opt your messaging is incredibly dangerous because it narrows the scope of solutions visible to the public. The fact that Obama got to walk around being called a commie dictator in some circles unchallenged is not a good thing for us

if every left-winger in the US who wanted a party more left then the democrats (which any average socdem would agree, not even a radical) agreed to not vote for corporatists, we would get one republican government for one election cycle. After that we'd actually have a left-wing party capable achieving something great and reverse the damage done by the repubs in the meantime. If anything, letting the welfare state die and letting the military budget get overgrown, and letting massive debt bubbles build up and letting unemployment skyrocket would be fertile ground for an american socialist society
obviously the police state expanding wouldn't be good for insurrection (not that I'm directly advocating that anyway. this is about party politics), but that happened under corp-dems as well.

I remember what happened to Bernie being similar to what happened to Ron Paul four or eight years ago.

Keep in mind the Republicans did not want Trump. They just failed to stop him while the Dems succeeded in stopping theirs. Of course the Republicans have since swallowed him from the inside out but that's a different story.

I wonder if Trump had actual balls he would have just been assassinated? Same if Bernie had won the primaries?

Isn't that more a problem with classic anti-communism propaganda? Your average working class republican voter thinks welfare=communist.

Isn't that close to what happened this last time? And the Dems are still holding on for dear life? I don't want ANOTHER four years of Trump just because it might wake the left up.

Also you guys realize any real left party would get mowed down instantly?

To some degree yes, but on the other hand plenty of centrist liberals started to think themselves radicals, progressives, and even socialists while continuing to worship the ground Obama walks on.

Well I think that's because left leaning people got intoxicated by civil rights movements. Imagine you don't really know anything about communism or economics or class etc but you DO know that right=hates minorities and left=doesn't hate minorities? Now there was also a time that you were enacting pretty radical social change just for wanting blacks or women to be treated equally. In retrospect those were pretty "safe" things to fight for compared to fighting economic inequality. I think if you look at it like this it's pretty obvious that moderns leftists simply don't know what else to fight for imo.

I'm not really sure what I'm arguing but does that sound about right?


Based Huey Long

you gotta admit the room stinks by now
would you like to be called a democrat?

Would revolutionaries in 1917 want to be called Tsarists? No. But they seized the Tsarists state by force.

The Bolsheviks would have been crushed by counter-revolution had they not seized the existing power structure quickly and used it's strength to destroy the whites.

The difference here is that it's a political revolution. You have to seize the mechanisms of the Democratic Party in order to drive the capitalists who control it out. Any political means to fight it from outside are doomed to irrelevance, and all physical means of revolution will be quickly coopted or crushed by the capitalist state's mechanisms.

So they would go from control of House, Senate and White House and almost all State governments to …

Oh look at that, they already have all the power.