I found this on a Holla Forums twitter account. Is it accurate?
I found this on a Holla Forums twitter account. Is it accurate?
Russa/Rojava needs a blue line but I think that's right.
Do you listen to the news or are you just retarded?
It's accurate unless you believe there are secret deep state agendas moving the pieces that hold seperate public/private positions
pretty much though omitting israel is a big oversight. also it should have a legend even if it's pretty obvious.
actually there should be a blue line between turkey and ISIS and syrian rebels and ISIS
Need a blue line between US and ISIS.
Woner who made this chart…
Is something wrong with me?
The lines are green not blue.
Rojava needs a link to Russia and the Syrian Opposition too.
your probably colorblind. Better go see a doctor before it spreads.
You are slightly colorblind.
To be fair the line is kind of blue-green.
It's teal, edging towards blue. There's a range of colorblindness for that but it could also just be their monitor.
Someone explain a pleb who should read the news more what the blue/green line between Rojava and the Syrian government entails.
They're allies, Rojava's military force is a former professional militia for an autonomous region but they've made the most gains and are on friendly terms with the regime.
He's right tho. You bitches go to the doctor.
"Syrian Opposition" is not a monad and besides their opposition to Assad you can't make any sweeping statements about them or their relationships to the other powers.
That's the only big complaint I would make about this chart.
I demand to see more results, from the center of the line.
No, you're fine. Everyone else has badly calibrated monitors. I have an ISP panel with correct colors and it is definitely more on the green side of teal.
Rojava is neutral to Assad, they've had occasional clashes, but largely ignore each other.
How autistic can one person be?
Does the US actually directly fund ISIS? I know a lot of American weapons have ended up in ISIS hands but I thought that was more just American incompetence and recklessness about who they arm. I think America is genuinely hostile to ISIS they do bomb them a lot. Of course they fund other groups which are equally abhorrent.
This is how many attempts it took me to find one that counts as blue. And it comes form the darker parts when two lines overlap, therefore not representative of the overall color scheme.
I'm more idle than autistic
The US has rained tens of thousands of airstrikes down on ISIS. ISIS have a lot of US made arms, but that's down to the Iraqi Army's incompetence and habit of running away
Directly? Probably not, but they facilitate their existence by allowing them to pump and sell oil