Saying anything even remotely negative about Gamergate, Trump, white people or Holla Forums will get you an instant 2-day ban.
Shit like this makes me glad to pirate video games.
Saying anything even remotely negative about Gamergate, Trump, white people or Holla Forums will get you an instant 2-day ban.
Shit like this makes me glad to pirate video games.
Other urls found in this thread:
Holla Forums pirates video games too.
What's your point?
Why would you say anything negative about an entire race of people? Isn't that racism? :🍀🍀🍀
Please go back and shitpost there instead, you seem like a giant faggot.
When will you cucks ever stop classifying large groups of people by even the most mundane things.
Also nice fucking source faggot.
the real question is why you mention drumpf or my people on a board about VIDEOGAMES
Thats right, youre trying to subvert it
back into your echochamber, commie rat
This entire site is run by Holla Forums, that's common knowledge.
Go to endchan or 420chan.
Of course they get pissed off.
user you do realize that SJW's for some people are their introduction into the political sphere?
We are talking about late teen gamers that never really cared one way or the other, until people started fucking with their shit. With that contextual in mind, you're going to be spooked AF when it comes to political understanding; user there are people that literally believe that the entire "left" is racial/gender/otherkin identity politics incarnate. Holla Forums neets didn't give a shit about politics until radical feminists started journalistically threatening video game developers to change aspects of their games to suit their feminist fat positivity agenda, even if people like Anita Sarkeesian DON'T EVEN PLAY VIDEO GAMES, and are actually powerful enough to get a United Nations hearing on orwellian internet censorship and #plsnobully narrative.
Where you that ip hopping faggot which was shitposting today on GG thread ?
What's the news? Of course generic dumb turds that enjoy engaging in silly capitalist escapism better known as "video games" would have to be corruption loving faggots.
May they keep sucking Nintendo and EA cock. Video games offer nothing to people…pure alienation.
Holla Forums presence in endchan is pretty huge too, but 420chan is a neutral and chill place though.
/deli/ is the best board, prove me wrong
Because you retards bring it up first; "muh karltural marxism is ruining muh games, totally not self-interested capitalists trying to make a profit, we better stage a mass boycott and not buy their games so that they'll continue to sell to their new majority audience of normalfags, yeah, that'll make my games go back to the glory of circa 2006!" you guys are retarded.
Back to your ocean of piss with vidya >>>Holla Forums
Why exactly are you posting that on a videogame imageboard, fam? We have two extremely active politics boards here that are filled with anons who want to discuss those things.
You shouldn't be surprised when the hotpockets hit you with a ban for derailing threads with spergy, non-vidya related political rants. I guarantee the only reason you got banned was because your entire post history was shitposting/baiting. One off-hand comment about politics here or there, regardless of affiliation, is never going to result in a ban if the rest of your post history is vidya related.
You can post about why minorities ruin vidya and unrelated pictures of Bernie being cucked images yet anything bad about white people or Trump the biased mods will ban you. Plus Mark is a HWNDU autist. Plus discussing why cultural Marxism is allowed but dare criticize neoliberal capitalism fucking the industry over and half of those retards won't even articulate it correctly.
why would you say anything negative about white people reddit?
Gamergate is the desert of the real, pure simulation.On one side you have trust fund fuckups pretending to be 'game developers', participating in the spectacle of 'meaningful' 'socially relevant' 'game developing'. All 'videogames' brought into existence by this system are but irrelevant by products of their own hype. on the other side, you have a curious tribe of people who seem absolutely convinced the consumer spectacle of 'the gaming world' is totally real but has been hijacked by evil outside forces It's ridiculous just how many people are still making a career on the back of the imaginary videogame culture war that never actually took place. Milo, Sargon, Cernovich, even actual neo fascist… Brianna Wu is even running for congress as the woman who 'took on the alt right and won', completely surreal.
Are you talking about 4/v/ or 8/v/ ?
If it's 8/v/, well of course it's run by Holla Forums, this whole website is an 🍀🍀🍀alt-right🍀🍀🍀 safe space.
4/v/ is cancerous and only populated by short-tempered teenagers on Adderall, you should be ashamed of yourself
For what purpose?
Actually they frequently hand out bans for derailing threads with that shit. If you weren't just there for drive-by shitposting, and instead contributed to threads in a meaningful manner and paid attention to the board logs, you'd see that all the time. Like Holla Forums hotpockets, they're lazy as fuck and don't attach public ban messages unless they're memeing it up, but unlike Holla Forums mods they rarely mass delete, so the dude who just jumped into a thread and started cuckposting or complaining about niggers may have already been banned by the time you angrily type out a response.
If your response to people saying "bad things" about non-whites is to throw a temper tantrum and say "bad things" about whites, instead of just ignoring it or going to a different thread, you really are a piece of shit.
I do this all the time, except I'm eloquent and non-combative. Know what happens to me? I get a bunch of (You)s agreeing, and posts like "shit, I never looked at it that way".
As always, if there is someone disrupting a thread (like the aforementioned cuckposting/niggerspam), report it with something generic that isn't going to instantly tag you as a liberal there to stir shit (just say 'politics derail'). Don't feed them (You)s and contribute to the derail.
This. There was no need to bump this thread though. But nice dubs
t. Holla Forumsyp
Spot the cactus.
Yes? Vidya was always sold for a profit you retard. Even when the company owner was the programmer, he sold it for profit. And vidya wasn't shit. It's only now that companies have been subverted by the SJWs that it all turned to complete shit.
Holla Forums has been doing that shit continuously since early 2015, you couldn't even talk about fucking wolfestein 3D.
There is a reason why 8/v/ declined so hard on 2015, and is not all because of Josh's fuckery.
ftfy faggot
What game is this? Looks nice.
t. underage
I mostly play games from before 2005, my good sir.
Name three companies that were subverted that way.
Please fuck off back to your h.ugbox. There are good modern games, RTS isn't dead and EA isn't the devil.
AA/AAA vidya is being subverted by old men in suits chasing profits, not SJWs. The indie scene is full of SJWs, and that's specifically because they're took "If you don't like these games, make your own!" to heart, which is actually a good thing.
Everyone has been doing that shit since at least late 2014 which is when I came over. Report it and move on.
Sure you can. I've been in several Wolfenstein threads. You really need to learn to ignore the (1) and done shitposts and stop letting them bother you.
This is a myth. There's caps floating around of the catalog from the beginning of the second exodus, and it's just as bad as it is now. 8/v/ has always been 4/v/ with slightly more freeze peach.
RTS is pretty dead. The last good game was what, Generals?
I dunno why but this thing here is what always amused me the most about this cartoon.
since when is Holla Forums game devs
Why is it so important you get to say bad things about white people? fuck off back to reddit
American 'Indie games' are a product of their own cliches and usually made by trustfund retards, though. The game as abstract commodity is more important than the game as 'game'. The problem with Holla Forums is how they take consumer identities completely seriously, anyone who attempts to do this in our current system will inevitably go insane and maybe turn into a fascist as well.
jeez you are so dense.
Your skull would make ideal bunker material.
Why should whites deserve special treatment? Fucking snowflake generation.
Don't post on Holla Forums outside of Holla Forums. Don't post on 4/v/ either. Stop playing video games.
Suck dick and die.
SJWs were my introduction into the political sphere when I was a late teen white male, but I ended up siding with them. In fact, I got into socialism through social justice.
This also applies to multiple people I know.
did you notice that literally nobody in that meaning took them seriously? you could almost touch the awkwardness in the room with your hands.
after that a lot of people started coming out of the closet and saying that they were fed up with sjws, too.
I know the board already sucks, but why try to shit it up further with more political shitflinging?
Don't be that guy, user.
Outside of Early Access Open-World Sandbox Survival #4104932, I don't think indieshit really has that problem. SJWs focus on creating "experiences", regardless of how they're going to sell or how much mass appeal they have, autists produce highly niche games that they want to play, normalfags be damned, and then there's developers creating everything in between.
I agree.
A highly flawed/mediocre RTS. Better than post-generals C&C, but still pretty terrible compared to the actual standout good/great games in the genre.
A mod for Generals, which actually reinforces my point.
>implying the mods on Holla Forums lately haven't been actively cracking down on all political derails whether shitlibleft or right
Butthurt Holla Forumsyp, amateurish Holla Forumsirgin shitposter, or unironic ledditor/tumblrina?
Not entirely true. There was an independent gaming community before the coinage of "indie" when they came in, it made shareware, freeware, Euro "bedroom coder", demoscene, mid-market sub-AAA retail games, and so on. The Japanese doujinsoft market is its only living remnant.
The SJWs didn't just make their own games, though, they assumed control over all the online portals and pre-iOS/Android walled gardens then burgeoning on consoles, over all the IRL events like developer conferences and demoscene conventions, over all the AAA publisher dispensations (Sony, MS, Ubisoft, EA) to small devs, and over all the nonprofit/taxpayer-funded culture outlets and formal education.
Much like what happened in far leftist activism since the 1970s, or more relevantly the fine arts (painting, literature, film, music) since the 1920s, their clique has seized absolute social control of independent gamedevs vastly out of proportion from their minuscule numbers.