What does leftypol think of white people? Are they superior for having the best civilizations or are they evil for oppressing minorities and exploiting the third world?
What does leftypol think of white people...
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it doesn't exist
Spooky shit
Real spooky ghost story you're telling me.
an inconveniantly popular myth like all races
the entire idea of whiteness is an inconsistent, arbitrary grouping of different peoples
idpol at its worst
What do you mean by this?
I met a White People once, but only for a few seconds.
fuck off pol
Enjoy your anchor faggot.
You ever watch the 6th sense?
No but I've read Stirner and he doesn't deny that colours exist.
fulse duhcotomy
"white people" isnt in reference to any color in particular. dark italians are considered white and light arabs/cubans arent, according to western racists and SJWs
but i feel like you know this and are baiting
racial categories are a product of economic factors. America's racial system is a product of an economy based on slave labor, later developments such as the Jim Crow laws were designed to protect the southern bourgeoisie from an multiracial black white worker's front. Nazism in occupied poland went through a similar process, though in a matter of years, not centuries. Millions of previously 'free' people where stripped of rights and declared racial inferiors fit only for slavery and extermination. Many of them looked no different from germans.
When you deny science this fucking hard to prop up your illusions and cognitive dissonance.
yes "science" is known for its strong support of racism
You didn't invent shit, stop pretending you're this amazing scientist.
You're just another filthy NEET shitposting on a fucking picture plate.
You're a fucking failure. You being white does not change that.
Race is bourgeois.
A mistake
What do you mean? Tribesmen in ancient times recognized race, were they bourgeois?
We're not taking the accomplishments of others
We're stating that we're similar to those great people genetically and are more likely to move civilization forward
Do we really have to do this every time? The Chinese and Arabs were way ahead of European technology for a long time, apart from late middle ages and early industrial period. Almost as if it's due to the base structure and superstructure of the society rather than being baked into your genes.
And does it not seem odd to you that your beloved "nigger" culture only exists in some places and not others? In the UK our excellent races are Asians and Eastern Europeans, whereas most black people who are either past second generation or are from an ex-colony integrate smoothly.
TL;DR Genetic determinism is retarded and so are you if you can't see why.
The real answer is that ethnicity exists, but race isn't the only factor accounting for intelligence. Those who are saying that it's race and just the race are equally ignorant.
The master race are probably the whites but jews might've surpassed them with eugenics, or maybe asians are smarter? Anyways there should be a racial leader in anyfields (if not all fields)
The only thing uniting humans of different species is that we can have offspring together, is that enough to claim that all the humans are same intellectually? With all the evidence to the contrary?
Wow you be smart and still be full of racist spooks, smart people can have irrational emotions too, leftypol btfo
nobody is claiming this, we just try to tell you that Intelligence variation is relativley the same among all ethnicities and "races" and that socio-economic factors are by far the most important factors.
The romans thought that the barbaric germanics are mentally inferior to them because they were not as civilized as them, the british thought that the irish are "white niggers" and often drew them as apes.
While the brownskinned mesopotamians created the first known civilization in history white europeans were living in mudhuts.
We see this same pattern all throughout human history, the material condition (the base) is the most important factor in human development
Also regarding your "race realism", read this:
You have to thank me that I've read your post despite seeing the link. I agree with your historical examples, but genetics still play a giant role, like Isaid, I agree that there are many different factors contributing to intelligence.
Also "relatively the same" is vague, lets be clear, it's different to a degree that if we don't count insane cultural appropriation and history subversion like "hidden figures" then the greatest black invention would be the modern peanut butter