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It's "the hacker Anonymous" all over again.

twitter.com/JulianAssange/status/855663837533671424 deleted lol


the tweet in OP's screenshot was deleted

https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */-e2efd75a50ab

This article made me cringe.

What the fuck.

medium.com/ @caityjohnstone/by-going-after-assange-trump-will-alienate-the-alt-right-forever-e2efd75a50ab

The alt-right is tiny as fuck. The most powerful elements are basically just edgy republicans as r/T_D has shown.



37% is 37%

that's still many, many votes.

Remember 46% of the total votes (60% of all eligible voters) were for Trump.

I meant only 60% of all eligible voters actually voted, by the way.

For such an important leaker, Assange really is a fucking retard.

you have to remember that young people don't vote, or else Hilldog would've won.
And even among the few young people that voted, Hillary is still in the clear majority (even though she's a shitty, corrupt and incredibly unrelatable politician), that means that either the Alt-Right were too lazy and too confident to go out and vote, all underage b&, 100% ironic memers who turned out for Ron Paul instead, or just a really loud obnoxious minority on the internet.


Did Assange do much besides forming Wikileaks and being its face? There's a lot of people involved in Wikileaks and the leaks are done by third-parties, they just make sure the leaks are legit.


This guy is a fucking moron if he honestly expected anything else when Trump had already called leakers "traitors that deserve to be executed" even before getting elected.

Has Trump ever given any sign that he actually gives a fuck about the alt-right? The idea that these autists make up the majority of Trump's base is completely delusional imo. I don't think Trump even knows who they are tbh. Just because he occasionally tweets Pepes or whatever doesn't make him one of them or prove that he has any allegiance to the alt-right whatsoever. As far as I can tell, the majority of Trump's support comes from typical republican voters, his business partners and the state itself.

That's all for the symbol

que exploding van

i'v been ejoying Donnie's work lately, not because he became a good potus but be cause his driving Holla Forumsypes to suicide.
thats probably the only thing that made me happy the past weeks.
also looking forward to the coming months/years when he'll turn 100% neocon, i'm genuinely enjoying this shit.

I'll go for the last option

I think he retweeted a pepe or two at one time

Kind of this tbh. Which is the alt-right group or authority that said this?

Assange is retarded ideologically, but he is somewhat aware of what power today is, despite being a conspiracy nut

Yeah, kind of.

I hope it's not like in the movies where the government catches a young hacker and then forces them to work for them to escape prosecution.

I think he's probably fringe-aware, as in he knows that they exist. There was a Super PAC dedicated to memeing for him, he did a Reddit AMA, and he did retweet the "deplorables" meme probably knowing full well who most of the people were. Plus there was the Alex Jones skype call. He might have just been fishing for ultra-right republican nutjobs and gotten them instead, but I wouldn't discount the idea that he knew at least a bit.

That being said, the aut-right is basically done as anything but a bunch of guys who fight antifa because they think daddy approves.

I do expect he will be a 1 term president unless something akin to 9/11 and Iraq happens. Then he will be replaced by some rando democrat or Bernie and they will proceed to have the highest approval ratings regardless of what they actually do because they aren't Trump levels of retarded.

Marine is gonna win the first round with over 30%


Nah. It's going to be Melenchon vs Marcon, calling it now.

I love Assange, but he's an idiot if he thinks conservatives and the alt right won't slavishly support whatever Trump and porky wants as soon as Trump produces even the slightest material support for white supremacy.

The whole fucking GOP, a national party, is built on those racist white useful idiot.


thats some severe delusion right there.
if Melonchon makes it i swear i'll wear my gf thong and heels and go to work with.

Is Assange really moving to the right or is he just a liberal opportunist?

Do not underestimate the incompetence of the Democratic party. Trump will likely be re-elected in 2020 despite his unpopularity. It will take until 2024 for Dems to pull their heads out of their asses and form a coherent counter-narrative to Trumpism.

The best option would be Mélenchon vs Le Pen. The sheer butthurt of libtards would be enough to power the Champs Elysées for 10 years.

LePen 30%
second: Fillon with 21%

Is this some kind of traditional French celebration?