How do we purge people like this from the left?
How do we purge people like this from the left?
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With 5'3" manlets.
why would I want to?
Seems like a self-correcting problem
Your time has come.
Because they're awful for PR purposes.
2 cute 2 purge
Did you take that pic off Holla Forums? Why would they leave the part where the guy ran off like a wuss after punching her?
Actually I got it off Know Your Meme
as long as she's not going full idpol it's fine. the moment she starts lecturing 'brocialists' for sexism or insisting that whites/jews/anygroup is responsible for societies ills she's scum.
are you upset that she sucks at fighting? it doesn't matter until she's holding a rifle.
this tbh
It is a problem when a person who can't fight for shit decides to go into a brawl.
If she's who the alt-right websites claim she is, then I know her and she's already gone full idpol.
Well, she got what she deserved
Lets just let antifa and alt right punch each other
She's a white girl with dread locks and does weird hairy alt porn, take a fucking guess.
not my personal problem though, nor yours
Fuck this world for not having amazonian 8 ft tall women tbh
Dreadlocks are a sign of not being completely taken over by idpol nowadays. Appropriation and stuff.
white idpolers think having dread locks is racist, and the porn wasn't her it was just some lookalike
Purge her from where?
What the fuck has the world gone insane?
from the realm of the living
retarded commie, you scum pick and choose any type of discipline for the oppression olympics you want to anyway, whatever suits your ideology
We could say it is a problem of the left, or at least of the antifags who let in such people into their ranks.
She was literally just standing there when the midget ran at her.
That's not here in the porn.
Maybe you should ask the leader of the left or antifa to purge her? I'm sure they will do it if you ask nicely!
Finally! Manlet pride worldwide!
This right here is why neonazis can never gain considerable power. They just get too mad too fast. Same reason all their comedy sucks, they start off trying to do satire and start ranting about how much they hate you a few seconds in.
Armput hair is considered pretty abnormal in most of the developed world.
No it isn't. Normal shit outside of Burgerstan.
I'm not American you retard, women in western europe, contrary to what the memes say, rarely grow out their armpit hair.
It's uncommon but not weird at all.
a personal problem, who cares
are you made that manlets scored a point? she was a zergling, we're hydralisks
You are going about this the wrong way, if we just stop calling ourselves lefties we dont have to defend them.
shes a fine comrade not afraid to take a punch
purge urself retard
why the fuck would I want to purge her, she's obviously based
I doubt it. The ebegging she's doing right now for her hospital bills alludes to "revealing place of work".
with brocialism
Misguided for sure, but she has more balls than your average lefty nu-male.
You think a part time porn actress has a "place of work"?
They don't even look alike aside from the dreads. This is as bad as the dead guy y'all claimed punched Spencer.
link to the ebegging?
Depends on what you call weird. If a woman in her 20's had fully grown armpit hair you'd get stares at.
and this is why we need to teach people how to properly fight nazis.
Most people here would be twice the size of that guy. The midget just picked out a weak little girl to punch.
when you call trumpdrones pussies IRL they talk a lot of shit but never, ever do anything other than threaten you.
Not your best choice for a pro-Holla Forumstard image tbh
Now that I look at them, their noses are completely different, but you know how Holla Forums is. They still think slave Ray is alive.
where's the porn
Ah, so that's why Holla Forums falls for this shit every time
Dude, don't lie.
There are stills and pics of her throwing firecrackers and bottles.
Hell, there's a picture of her getting clocked from a different angle that shows her with a wine bottle still in her hand.
The liberal media wants to portray her as a victim, and I fully anticipate rags like Breitbart to do a story or two showcasing just the opposite.
I have no sympathy for the aut-lite, but this tart doesn't deserve any either.
She waded hip deep into a riot, and got punched for her trouble.
is there supposed to be a problem here?
If you still think that these are two different girls then take the test yourself.
Nope, hairy snatch is the best snatch.
I'm just saying, if you need to look at people's arms to identify them you might have a problem
This test is bullshit, how are you supposed to tell what someone's feeling just from the eyes?
I don't need to, but these guys are clearly on the spectrum:
and my point was that Holla Forums was correct this time.
Totally the same person lol
We don't, and we punch the manlet ourselves
For some reason I think the person who just repeats what they heard from someone else is less likely to be autistic than the person who makes arm marking inforgraphics because facial recognition is too hard